84 births and 5000 years

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84 births and 5000 years

Post27 Oct 2013

Following is from a latest Murli.
It takes you children 5000 years to go from the land of happiness to the land of sorrow and, while doing that, you take 84 births. Only you children take 84 births. Not everyone can take 84 births.

(Murli is attached.)

Any relevance to the 84 number? Where did it pop from?

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Re: 84 births and 5000 years

Post27 Oct 2013

In some traditional schools of Hinduism, there is the idea that one lives for 84,000 lifetimes - as different species - before one becomes a human being; and only once someone becomes a human being can they have the chance of spiritual liberation or "moksha".

My guess is that it came from there only Lekhraj Kirpalani was so fixated at being the incarnation of Krishna, Krishna last came 5,000 years, that 84,000 lives appear too long ... so he just chopped the *,000 off. He was pure, god and therefore right; Hinduism was impure and wrong. Why? Because he said so. How? Because he was God Prajapati Brahma.

What we know for sure was that there was no God Shiva in the Om Mandli until after 1955 telling them what to do. It's a number. Any number will do. Just don't think and don't question ... if it all goes wrong, "it was just Baba testing our faith in him (by making plain and simple errors and mistakes)".

It's said the Hindu religious goal of moksha or liberation is not salvation and does not require forgiveness or even charity but instead focuses on detachment from this material world. That's something else the BKs borrowed strongly and, until it become serious bad PR for them, were utterly against charity as binding one to the wheel of existence and wasting the opportunity to give money and free labor to them.
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Re: 84 births and 5000 years

Post28 Oct 2013

Once again, the numbers don't fit the facts anyway.

Life expectancy has generally increased in the last thousand years compared to the thousand years before that, not decreased.
    BK Dwapur Yuga of 1250 years (500 BC - 750 AD) is meant to be 21 births.
    BK Kali Yuga - includes Sangam - another 1250 years (751AD-> coronation of Lakshmi and Narayan) is meant to be 42 births
Twice as many in the same number of years; meaning average life span should be half of what it was earlier. This does not match the evidence.

And here we are at the fag end of the fag end - already 1,262 years after Kali Yuga began, 12 years beyond its supposed end (yes folks, millenarianism literally part of the Gyan, until the millenium came and went - see Godly posters in library) was meant to end and supposed to be at the lowest of the low stage, we are still defying all predictions of destruction and (BK theoretically) supposed to be the shortest of all lives.

But a major "problem" facing most societies today is that the people are living longer and longer ... more diseases are being cured or rendered non-life threatening, even cancer is far more treatable and appears to be close to being understood even defeated, genetic biology and medicine is proceeding in leaps and bounds ...

When the old age pension was introduced in the early part of the 20th C, for those over 65 years of age, the average life span was 67 years! it therefore did not cost so much to support for a few years.

Where a BK Kali yuga lifespan should be 29 years*, in fact the average is well over 75 in developed societies, with many living into their 80s and 90s, and never before so many centenarians!

(*The numbers are meant to be for "84 birth souls" - but even BKs, the ones who are the "84 birthers" have long lifespans at this time, way beyond the Godly deigned 29 years. It is understandable that during the 1930s and 1940s this short lifespan idea might have credibility - there was the great depression, WW2 and it's aftermath, many were dying in famines and other man-made disasters, but - God knows how many children he has and what their fate is, as per last Kalpa).

When you bless someone with "May you live long and prosper" - in the "Confluence Age", is that a curse to a BK waiting for perfection and "going home"?

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Re: 84 births and 5000 years

Post30 Oct 2013

it really is all a sad joke, suckered by suckers

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