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Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:17 pm    Post subject: Journaling

In the "Please help" topic in this private forum, quoting Tete
gyaniwasi wrote:
some one close to me spoke to a member (whom this person knew, respected and saw as BK family ) of the Chat, that this person was able to read unabated for hours as if given permission from a higher source. All I understand is that for what ever reason you (XBKs) can release others of this programming.

Tete: Please clarify this. Are you saying that this "respected person" recognizes that xBK (chat) can release others from BK programming? I know talking here helps but can it really have that much significance? ...


It's funny (as in 'strange') that gyaniwasi's question (which I have bolded) is being raised now. It must be synchronicity or serendipity, but only two days ago I was listening to a program on the "Coast to Coast" radio / internet show which is somewhat relevant to this issue. It's the program of Thursday March 9th. The topic was "Psychology, Neuroscience & Positive Thinking". The host / interviewer was George Noory and the guest / interviewee was science writer David Weiner. The discussion was about neuroscience, psychology, and positive thinking, and also the psychopathic mind.

Anyway, at one point in their conversation, David Weiner mentioned the practice of journaling, and its psychological effectiveness. Here is a quote from the Coast website's description of the show:

Healthy serotonin levels are associated with confidence and optimism, said Weiner. Beyond that, he shared that one can work towards a positive attitude by practicing mental exercises such as affirmations as well as through "journaling." The practice of journaling is especially helpful to do after one feels slighted or defeated, and involves writing your response to four columns: 1) what happened? 2) how do you feel? 3) how should you feel? and, 4) how do you feel now?

Here is the link to the "Coast" page:


I guess this shows how ignorant I am. Prior that this, I had never given much thought to journaling. I didn't really know what it meant. I probably felt it was more along the lines of keeping a daily diary, in a solitary fashion. Just goes to show...

How does journaling relate to gy's question? Well, it doesn't. Not directly anyway. However, on reflection, given Weiner's take on journaling, it did strike me that a lot of what takes place on XBKchat is akin to journaling. It's different here in that it is not solitary. Here, people are interacting with each other and benefiting from the sharing of experiences, thoughts etc. In that sense, it may be an improvement on solitary journaling. It may also be that writing about their experiences - including the negative aspects and hurts - helps XBKs to 'work it through', process it and get the negativity out of their systems.

These are just some thoughts I had. It would be good to hear others. Please feel free to share your knowledge, views and experiences of journaling. Every bit helps...

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:59 am    Post subject: Re: Journaling

Atma wrote:
it did strike me that a lot of what takes place on XBKchat is akin to journaling. It's different here in that it is not solitary. Here, people are interacting with each other and benefiting from the sharing of experiences, thoughts etc. In that sense, it may be an improvement on solitary journaling. It may also be that writing about their experiences - including the negative aspects and hurts - helps XBKs to 'work it through', process it and get the negativity out of their systems.

I have found this to be the case for me - very helpful indeed to be able to air your grievances, and discuss them with others, and the very act of doing so often throws up the solutions that had eluded you before. The stifling of free speech within the BKs, combined with the great intensity of gyan and yoga, is a heady brew that can go off very easily. A destabilised ex BK has nowhere to go other than here - it seems - i suspect the medical profession would happily certify almost all of us as having one psychological malfunction or another, and would attempt to sedate us, but what is actually required is just what XBKchat provides - a forum to vent your frustrations and issues, and as you say
'work it through', process it and get the negativity out of their systems

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:53 am    Post subject: journalling

Hi Howiemac,
You say,

"A destabilised ex BK has nowhere to go other than here - it seems "

Yes, it does seem to be so. Anyway I have not found anywhere else to go, either on the internet or in person.

Should the BKs themselves be running a service like this for XBKs?
Maybe they are, I don't know. Maybe this is a BK spin off site run by Mike George? I hope that is funny, but I know that the scientologists for example do the same thing - re-package their system under a different name. John Travolta's wife, I don't remember her name, is doing this. Isn't journalling a core BK practice?

Another question. How many of us XBKs are really XBKs in the full sense? I know some are, it is obvious from their posts. But how many are there who have just left the BKWSU as an institution but still in their hearts are BKs in their beliefs and practices. ie they don't go to a center but they still meditate, or when they meet a BK they still feel a sense of family, or they still feel at home in India?
I seem to remember a questionaire somewhere on this site that addressed this question. A sort of form to fill in with questions like "do you still believe SB is god" etc.


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:03 pm    Post subject: Journaling


I think synchronicity is going on here. I do positive affirmations, journal and do a yearly goal plan that is synched into a five year plan. The positive affirmations are also in written form, then I just put them into place. When I do the next one I review what goals I have met, which didn’t get done and why. Then I proceed with my new goals. Many of these goals are financial, personal growth, spiritual and some are just plain fun. My friend is coming over this morning to do her first yearly plan and to look at setting some long term goals.

With illness, positive affirmations and journaling can be the difference between life and death. One can believe what some one tells you or you can choose the optimist route and direct your destiny. Smile Finding the will to live is the ultimate challenge with illness or just life. Learning to breathe life in can be the most beautiful thing, seeing the joy in sharing a cup of tea, sharing a poem, seeing the sun set or just smiling at some one dear. Smile

Sam wrote:

Should the BKs themselves be running a service like this for XBKs?

Well, in my opinion they would first have to admit that some of the beliefs are “WRONG” which seems unlikely. As many have written here under many threads questioning them. The current method is to discard anyone that doesn’t seem to fit the square box.

As Howiemac states:

I suspect the medical profession would happily certify almost all of us as having one psychological malfunction or another

This is so true…imagine you walk in and tell the doc that destruction is upon us and how this troubles you! Shocked Hem, tell me more……You have just met one criteria for admission….yikes! Embarassed When you seek help one has to give it to them slowly, and gradually they will come up to speed. Wink I think it was Joel that said in a post "Who would believe us" Shocked under the relationship thread.

I know I have found this site to be a most helpful source and many of the posts to be inspiring and uplifting.



P.S. As to Mike George, I think he is off making money some place....this site doesn't make money it is based on the True sevice model....Helping others to help each other.............. Smile

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:05 pm    Post subject: Plant GABVorFF

Tete wrote:

All I understand is that for what ever reason you (XBKs) can release others of this programming

Yah, we are all Wounded Healers, creating a Global Anti-B.K. Vortex Force Field called through the power of our joint consciousnesses that is strong enough to draw the questioning souls out of the B.K. / Bapdadic gravitational orbit and propel them out of it far enough to make their way back onto their own self-individualising path to realisation - and chasing younger women again. It even works on sisters.

Have supped of the poisoned chalice and survived, you see, we are immune to effects of Raja Yoga and embody a Mercurial power to enter into and out ofthat realm at will with little damage. There are many stories, and funky blue pictures, within classical Hinduism of powerful yogis that drank the poisoned ocean dry which, obviously, thereby proves that we exist.

Or something ...

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 9
Location: Bronx, New York

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:54 pm    Post subject: Re: Journaling

As Howiemac states:

I suspect the medical profession would happily certify almost all of us as having one psychological malfunction or another

tete wrote:

This is so true…imagine you walk in and tell the doc that destruction is upon us and how this troubles you! Shocked Hem, tell me more……You have just met one criteria for admission….yikes! Embarassed When you seek help one has to give it to them slowly, and gradually they will come up to speed. Wink I think it was Joel that said in a post "Who would believe us" Shocked under the relationship thread.

tete this scenario you described is actually an experience i went through. i went to a psychiatrist and the doctor asked me why i wouldn't eat foods that my relatives would cook even though the foods were vegetarian? and i replied that thoughts affected the purity of foods while being cooked and for that reason i only ate foods cooked in the remembrance of God, for that was the only way to become pure. by the time i left the doctor's office i had earned a new sobriquet: " paranoid schezophenic Very Happy

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:16 am    Post subject: schizophrenic?

Maybe we are all a bit schizophrenic in a sense.
My late pal Ronnie Laing, the psychiatrist, gave me this definition of “madness”, he said, “If you annoy twenty people then you are called Neurotic, but if you annoy two hundred people then you are called Psychotic”. Ronnie had a great sense of humour, and he was more than a little under the influence of alcohol when he said this. But I think there is a large element of truth in it,
We each have our own reality that we live in. We also have several shared realities which we live in together with other people. If we don’t play the game of pretending to believe in whatever reality we are sharing with whoever we are with at the time then we are called insane.
The BKs have their own “reality”. While you are with them you can share it, but if you are not with BKs, or maybe XBKs etc, then don’t share it too freely if you want to stay out of an insane asylum.
I would say there is a spectrum here. I have my own reality. If I feel someone may want to hear about it, then I may share it. If they look like they are getting bored then I stop and change the subject. So I am seen as sane. If I carried on regardless of any reaction I was getting then I would start to first annoy them, then alarm them, then they would call the psychiatrist in. The key is to be able to play the game you are in at any time. If you can play the game you are sane. So if you need any help with post BK trauma talk with someone who is an XBK, a sympathetic BK (hard to find) or a sympathetic non-BK (there are some on this site). Personally I would stay away from PBKs as they seem to have yet another level of “madness” that fits on top of the BK “madness”. But that is just my opinion, I have never met a PBK.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:57 am    Post subject: Wounded Healers[/

Mr. Ex-London,

Yah, we are all Wounded Healers, creating a Global Anti-B.K. Vortex Force Field called through the power of our joint consciousnesses that is strong enough to draw the questioning souls out of the B.K. / Bapdadic gravitational orbit and propel them out of it far enough to make their way back onto their own self-individualising path to realisation - and chasing younger women again. It even works on sisters.


As to the wounded healers I would ask you the following:

1. Who better to guide one than one that has overcome a particular aspect/programming than one who has not?
2. In modeling are we not implementing positive behavior support/replacement?
3. In search of answers do we not seek those that know the subject?
4. Would an XBK be more prone to believe anything a worldly (one never having any knowledge of BKs) person would say?
5. As to the younger woman comment…is it not a given that individuals that haven’t become melancholy and set in their ways are more likely to be open minded than those that have formulated their ideas in being much older?
6. I wouldn’t go so far as to say don’t date older women, would you?
7. If older (age shouldn’t matter in any case in my opinion) woman suits your fancy than go for it as time is constantly marching on is it not? Embarassed
8. Friendship known to be genuine is always remembered with fond memories is it not?
9. Touching another mind is a wonderful thing is it not?
10. Would you not help some one in need? Confused
11. Finally, I would ask this of you to ponder. Help that is offered in a sincere way is more likely to be taken, applied, understood, welcomed, and regarded as of value is it not?

Regards & PEACE, Idea

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