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Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:53 pm    Post subject: Aidan

Tete wrote in BK / XBK Dialogue:


After Stephan Nagel then came John Kane (English), Joy (English), Madaline (English), Nik C. (Italian), 8/2/75 Charlie (OZ), Simon(OZ, Ken(OZ), Michael Timmins(OZ), Maureen & David (English), Waddy (Irish) and then a group of about thrity (1976-1977) in England (Julian was in this group).

There was a couple of Westerners that met Brahma Baba in Mt. Abu in the sixties, but never became BKs.

This I have been told.



Tete's post made me think about something. Usually, I am reluctant to name individuals and discuss them on this forum. However, I am making an exception in this case, as I think it's important. I have chosen this hidden forum to discuss this, as a way of being more discreet.

Tete has given names, and even dates, of some individuals who "came into the knowledge" very early in the history of the BKs in the west. However, one name is missing and I wonder why?

During my time in the BKs, a looooong time ago, I heard quite a bit about a western BK. I never met this brother but here is the essence of what I heard:

* He is British and his name is Aidan.

* He is brilliant, very well educated - a double MSc - and is a talented scientist. During my first visit to Abu, in the season of 79 / 80, I read, and was very impressed with a paper which (I heard) was co-written by him.

* He was one of the first (if not the first) Westerners (European) to come in contact with the BKs. He was travelling through India and literally stumbled on Madhuban.

* He became a very prominent Brahma Kumar, and was frequently on stage at BK functions and programs. He had several personal meetings with Baapdada and was mentioned by name by BD sometimes.

* He learnt Hindi and was nearly fluent in it.

* He followed Shrimath completely - down to the finer aspects of Baapdada's mariadas.

* After several years with the BKs - to the shock of many - he abruptly left the path. He hinted at a "need to balance self and service" (ie maybe he felt he was being used)

* He got married to a beautiful woman.

* Dadi Janki told a gathering of British BKs words to this effect: "I know that, even though you have not asked me, you all want to know why Aidan left. Well, I'll tell you. It's his ego". (A typical and predictable reaction, I suppose).

I have written this - not out of a mischievous desire to "out" this distinguished brother - but because of Aidan's significance and his very early involvement with the BKs. I am sure that XBKs based in the UK would know of Aidan. Can any of you shed some light? I heard that even after leaving, he was invited to and attended BK functions and - on the surface at least - his relations with them was cordial.

Where is he now? What is he doing? Does he still have contact with the BKs? Is he in contact with fellow XBKs? Does he know about this site?

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:24 pm    Post subject: Aidan


If Aidan was left out it was not intentional, I never knew of Aidan and I was simply being told this before rushing to work, with the one that told me. As you know I don't know much about the religious aspects and therefore would know even less about those that followed. Please feel free to amend the post.

The ones I have met are still in contact although not as frequent as before. It must seem like a surprise to you that I don't know many things, but it is the truth. It would seem I have an encyclopedia in the house and yet find myself here asking questions.

I will put it in its simpler terms; last year when we went to see Dadi Janki I had no idea I was suppose to get in line and didn't! I read today's post by Howiemac and thought Oh BOY! Don't even know the protocol.

I am not a dumb woman by any means I just didn't know any of this. I am gradually coming back to where I was before everything blew up in my face.

I somehow just don’t feel the love in how you phrase things to me here. SadI would hope you would see I am just trying to get my life back. I worked very hard to make a better world. Naive perhaps! This is who I am, someone healing her wounds and trying to make the best of it while struggling to make sense of it.



Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:08 pm    Post subject:

Tete wrote:

I somehow just don’t feel the love in how you phrase things to me here. I would hope you would see I am just trying to get my life back....I am, someone healing her wounds and trying to make the best of it while struggling to make sense of it.

My dearest Tete,

Please know that in no way was I implying that the omission of Aidan was deliberate, or that you are at fault in any way. NO!!! Not at all. It is as you say, you are getting your information from other sources and, having never been on the inside, you rely on those sources. I understand the limitations of that.

Actually, I value your posts very much and have the highest regard for your integrity and intelligence. Anyway, I still apologise.

With love


Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:25 pm    Post subject:

Hi Atma,
I recall some mention of Aidan being somewhere in South America. Like you, I'm curious about his experience. I remember him, and most of those early brothers and sisters from the London and Australian centres, as being very warm people - just as I experienced the Indian brothers and sisters as being very warm and hospitable.
Aidan struck me as very versatile and of course very serviceable in those days. I recall him singing the early gyan songs in one of the sub-dialects of Hindi - something sounding like "canada". That was in 1978 in New Dehli. A few years later he and some other talented brothers - including Eugene - made a beautiful album called "Diamond Harbour". The lyrics and arrangements were superb for that time of the century, to say the least. Ken O'Donnel from Australia - who later migrated to Brazil - also wrote a beautiful book of poems much of which was later put to music. I think I might still have a copy of that cassette somewhere. You should be familiar with some of this judging from the length of your association.
But back to Aidan: I remember a short story by him published in one of the World Renewal magazines. I think it was about a king who fell from grace but then through (BK) 'self knowledge' realised his mistakes and so turned around to face their consequences with that strength. That story was based on the power of recognizing one's 'karma' and left a lasting impression on me. I have no recollection of Aidan being egoistic, but then I didn't know him well. Like you, I can understand Dadi Janki's style of BK 'summary judgement.' I also have fond memories of Simon (who I learnt later migrated to the US), and Terry from Australia, and Julian and Wadi and Joy. Does anyone remember Wesley from Jamaica and Garfield from Trinidad? They were both in London at that time. Wesley had a soft and silky voice and sang beautifully. That London group was truly talented. Ah, those were short but memorable days!
One person whose story I'd love to hear directly is Heidi, who walked aside and formed her own group then almost led them to a 'mass suicide'... I hope one day they can find this site and share their reflections with us.

Warm regards,
"Those were the days my friend ..."

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:06 pm    Post subject: Old Ones

Aidan Walker has a wife and couple of kids, studied English at Cambridge Uni, very hard working (works as an Editor), hard working in life and play, very talented, about 53, latest photo of new baby (a spanking new motorcycle) Shocked , studied Hindi, multi-talented, great person/friend. (Lived with Aidan and Charlie in early days in England)

Ken: Talented beyond measure, High IQ (one of the brightest I have met), in Brazil last 25 years, well known in So. America. Has made many music CDs (some here at our house), Senior BK in So. America, written many books, often on Brazilian TV, about 53 years old. Originally from Sydney.

Eugene: Talented as a child always talking about the scientific method Smile and other wonders of the world at an early age and even more impressive as an adult. He is a great father, husband and educator. Good memories of him and his family. Very

Michael Timmins: Still with BKs, Joe (brother), and Margaret still in Sydney.

Waddy: Still in Florida with BKs.

Charlie: Still in Sydney.

Rob: In Costa Rica being Rob. Wink

Pat: In love, living life with a wonderful woman. Very Happy


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:13 pm    Post subject: Thank You


Thank you and have a happy Holiday Season. Sorry for the delay, it is often hard to be chatty about these matters. I understand that Atma means soul. Still learning..........



Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:12 pm    Post subject: Humble Pie


I have given some thought about why I responded in such a raw (transparent way) to your question about Aidan. I have become so fragile. I kid you not when I say I didn't know. That is why I realize I saw many things and didn't even know what I was seeing (I was never told).

Hope you understand and that we are good. Very Happy



Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:34 pm    Post subject:


We are definitely good.Smile

Enjoy the holidays.

Joined: 23 Dec 2005
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:38 am    Post subject:


She thinks I'm her mother in a previous life.

Allow me to explain..

When I started out on my BK path I contacted the US site [pre-UK site days] and offered my skills.

From then we developed into email buddies.

Once she noted that she always contacted me to tell me about where she was going on her travels. "It's like you're my mother" she said.

And I divined a bit and said "Yes, do you remember the valley we lived in and the horses?"

She was quite shaken, "Yes.. actually we DID live in a valley with horses"

I think we both laughed that spiritual knowing laugh to ourselves.

One day I'm down at GRC and there is this Irish sister giving Murli lessons and drishti. And it was during drishti that we both felt each other. That was quite something. We'd neve seen each other before, but both recognised each other at that moment.

Years later, subsequent to my drifting away, I took a girlfriend [victoria] at the time to GRC and Waddy was there [again]. We had a lovely time and ate lunch with Waddy. She said things about Victoria's relationship with her father [who was very overpowering] that victoria had never realised without knowing anything about it.

A very lovely and perceptive and powerful soul. I miss her.

I had no idea she was 'one of the first westerners' till now.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:16 pm    Post subject:

tween should not have posted here, as he did not have permission as required for this exclusive forum. However, in view of his apparent xBK status, we extend the invitation retrospectively and hence his infraction is cured.

tween may post here and in all other forums of XBKchat.


Joined: 23 Dec 2005
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:59 am    Post subject:

administrator wrote:
tween should not have posted here, as he did not have permission as required for this exclusive forum. However, in view of his apparent xBK status, we extend the invitation retrospectively and hence his infraction is cured.

Apologies, I hadn't realised I was in the closed forum. Thanks though Smile
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