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When did we stop questioning?
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Joined: 07 Jul 2005
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Location: portuguese living in Sweden

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:25 pm    Post subject: When did we stop questioning?

In my case one of the things that lead me to BK was the surching for answers. Surching for answers to all existential questions, to all questions that seem to don't have answer. Finding BK means for many finding answers. Suddenly everything starts to make sense, all questions and misterious are solved. It's time for peace and rest.

I see myself as a curious person, and that for me means that my curiosity keeps me searching, learning, growing.

There was relief in finding answers within BK, but suddenly there was no more space for curiosity, for being inventive, for dreaming away... That somehow started to frustrate me. To be forced to believe everything. To be told that everything I didn't understand was just lack of spiritual maturity and that one day would come.

Nowadays I accept the fact that there is no answer for everything. It's probably part of what keep us growing, to keep the curiosity with flame. And I believe aswell that it's healthy to accept that there will always be more questions than answers. Because than we can stay in the present moment, feel happy for what we have accompliched till now, enjoy the beauty of the moment that is.

To stop questioning means to stop thinking with our own mind. To let someone tell us how to live our life means that we will never find OUR own life and way to be happy.

I work with small children presently and that's something I try to transmite them daily, that there is more than one truth, more than one way of thinking, that there can be as many answers as people, several solutions to a problem. That every single one has its own value. That's my greatest wish for them, that they have self-confidence enough don't stop to think by themselves!
XBK, happy with the present moment
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:43 am    Post subject:

Too many questions stop happiness inside.

May be question on self gets some interesting end.

Joined: 07 Jul 2005
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Location: portuguese living in Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:22 pm    Post subject:

Hi Satish!
[/quote]Too many questions stop happiness inside.

How do you know it is like that? Maybe it is like that for you, but not for everyone... I'm talking here about feeling free to question, something that BK takes away completely. No indoctrinating here please, this is after all an XBK chat!
XBK, happy with the present moment
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:48 pm    Post subject:

Hi Double light

Well it was my opinion I have put on there as it is like that for me.

You said:
And I believe aswell that it's healthy to accept that there will always be more questions than answers. Because than we can stay in the present moment, feel happy for what we have accompliched till now, enjoy the beauty of the moment that is

I thought u said in more general rather than relating to your BK dissatisfaction. Well my answer (opinion) was also to ur topic.

Did I mean any bad to you? Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:09 pm    Post subject:

double_light wrote:
To be told that everything I didn't understand was just lack of spiritual maturity and that one day would come.

Yeah how convenient. No need to examine inconsistencies when its always all your own weaknesses which cause you to question at all.

Questioning will only "limit your stage" after all...and you'll never get the the Golden Age with an attitude like that!

I must admit I was never searching for spirituality of any kind in the first place when I came into contact with the BKs - all I wanted was to stop hating myself so I might not commit suicide and because my chronic back injury was misdiagnosed as a being due to a "mental cause" Laughing

- So then I was "instructed" by the BKs that the ONLY way to be happy was to accept all this dogma/belief system that made no logical sense to me whatsoever. I've really been an atheist all my life anyway so no wonder I found it impossible to 'brainwash' myself into BK beliefs...but according to them that was my fault Razz

NOT that I couldn't force myself to unconditionally accept something that made no sense lol. There is more than 1 way to be happy. The Brahama Kumaris do not have a monopoly on happiness Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:38 pm    Post subject:

satish wrote:
Too many questions stop happiness inside.

It means being dumb and ignorant is an easier way to live.

Actually, if one observes modern American lifestyles this seems to be true ... until the shit hits the fan.

[ Another mental cork to block your mind ].

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:11 pm    Post subject:

Too many questions stop happiness inside.

May be question on self gets some interesting end.

Well Ex-london lets leave Americans and know what I mean above. What I mean up there is we should not disturb ourselves in our way with too many questions or the questions that are not easily answered. Well one might do that way if one have nothing to do and all time in world is there just for questions and can prove more intelligent.

My point is,
Our happiness should not be based on questions. Intelligent thing is one who live happily and find(but not struggle) for the answers..

One will be more dumb, if one is disturbed but not if he is happy.


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Posts: 86

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:19 pm    Post subject:

^^ I think i'd rather take the risk of being unsettled than turn off all my logical questioning faculties Rolling Eyes

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:51 am    Post subject:

zhukov wrote:
The Brahama Kumaris do not have a monopoly on happiness Rolling Eyes

Or on anything good, or anything bad. Or on anything at all, except their sense of identity within their own subculture.

Well, Baba coming down can seem to be rather unique.

I think a person can be happy without any specific spiritual practice. Meeting such people was one of the indications to me that BKs were not the only source and solution.

The justification that such people were "new souls" and we BKs were "old souls" doesn't really ring true, especially once I found that I was unable to find the happiness I wanted by sustaining religious ecstasy of a relation with a being not physically present. I think I'd rather be fulfilled through satisfying relations with myself and other living beings who can eat together, share conversation, dance, interests and intimacy.

I don't see that vegetarians have a monopoly on mental or physical health, either. Or left-handed butt-washers on communion with god, for that matter. Or god-communers (of any stripe) on happiness, health or attainment.

What arrogance to think oneself more "pure" than a wise and loving person, who happens to eat oysters.

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:25 pm    Post subject:

Joel wrote:
I don't see that vegetarians have a monopoly on mental or physical health, either.

What arrogance to think oneself more "pure" than a wise and loving person, who happens to eat oysters.

Nope, it is not arrogance at all Joel. Eat bottom feeders and kill fish yourself do you?

Objectively, it is purer from any number of points of view and *anyone* would be morally and ethically improved by turning vegetarian or vegan.

Certainly, across the entirely developed nations - and as practised in much of the developing world - there is no excuse whatsoever *not* to be vegetarian.

Putting aside the environmental benefits, it is a natural extension of one compassion not to take life for the sake of personal indulgence.

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:23 pm    Post subject:

Vegies rule! lol

I haven't eaten meat for 22 years and can't say I have ever regretted the decision Wink

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:29 am    Post subject:

there is no excuse whatsoever *not* to be vegetarian.

I agree with you 100% ex-london.

The arrogance is in the soul that thinks that there can ever be an adequate excuse to justify ending the life of another sentient being in exchange for 10 to 15 minutes of pleasure. Quite an imbalance karmicly speaking, I think.

There are some meat eaters I know that are, at least, honest about their vice, ie they try not to think about the connection between eating meat and murder. If they had to kill in order to eat, then they would be vegetarians. Still not an excuse though, is it?

One of the worst excuses that I hear, on a regular basis, is that we (human beings) are top of the food chain and therefore we are allowed to kill for food! Shocked Who says?

A very devout Christian recently told me that it is ok to eat meat because God asked for us to sacrifice the animals........"it say so in the Bible." When I asked her, "Which sentient being is actually doing the sacrificing, the human or the animal?" I was told not to be silly. Confused
This 'excuse' is not based on arrogance, just outright stupidity, (or maybe blind faith would be a more polite way of putting it). It also makes me feel a little bit uneasy because she is trying to make God responsible, shifting the blame.............I'm sure He will cope though. Wink

with love
the prisoner

Joined: 18 Aug 2004
Posts: 23

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:23 pm    Post subject:

Before we overdose on those warm feelings of our own righteousness, perhaps we should ponder the case of the most famous vegetarian in history.

Amongst other things, he was :

an artist
a lover of music and opera
a student of architecture
a writer
a non-drinker
a renouncer of sexual relations from an early age
an animal lover
a war hero
a statesman

His name?

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:28 am    Post subject: Fuehrer Baba

the prisoner wrote:
Before we overdose on those warm feelings of our own righteousness, perhaps we should ponder the case of the most famous vegetarian in history.

His name?


God, how many generations does this hoary old myth have to go the rounds to the sniggers of the meat eaters as they tuck into their Sunday Roast.

Hitler was not a vegetarian.

Not unless being vegetarianism includes ; sausages, ham, caviar, liver dumplings, four week-old fledgling pigeon, marrow or injections of cardiac muscle, suprarenal gland, liver, pancreas, placenta, bovine testosterone and extracts containing seminal vesicles and prostate.

For once and for all, get it out of your mind and stop recycling the myth.

As far as I can see, it was written at a time in the 30s by non-vegetarians when perhaps what a vegetarian is was not well defined - or something was lost in translation.

What do you think of those folk that say, " I am a vegetarian but I eat fish and chicken ... ". Well, they are not vegetarians at all, so why do they say it?

Ditto the Fuehrer.

Do your homework before you post.

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:14 am    Post subject:

Defining "vegetarian"....a google search would get you in circles.
I travel a lot and you can order a lot of different so-called "vegetarian meal" in flights now, but what's in them is a guess, it's a marketing tag to woo "health conscious" customers.

Simply put, how vegetarian you are is how much vegetables you eat. So most of us on this planet are all vegetarians to some degree, even if some people are more carnivorous than others. Otherwise be a rabbit and you're more or less safe.

Be happy with what you eat and have a clear conscience.
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