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Still a BK

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Joined: 05 Aug 2005
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:59 am    Post subject: Still a BK

Hi All,

Am new here. Here's what i mentioned in response to admin's question about myself...

i enjoy BK life and i find that it appeals to me both intellectually and emotionally. i liked this site and its contents and found that most of it seems to be authored by a group of nice people who had differing understandings, or differences with people which they could not adjust with or who had nobler ideals than the group of BKs they were encountering. Most of the posts are quite sensible and am aware of most of the problems that have been highlighted.

Nevertheless, i am still a happy BK. i find that i am idealistic when it comes to my goals and aspirations and "realistic" when it comes to expectations on others...

Anyway, i liked the idea of this group and thought i'd hang out and say hi and have a chat with a group of like minded folks - who share noble thoughts, if not the principles.

Best Wishes,
Wonder what that point is all about...

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:24 pm    Post subject:

Nice meeting you onepoint. Welcome Smile

"Those were the days my friend ...."

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:09 pm    Post subject:

Om Shanti Onepoint,

Welcome to the site. certainly alot of interesting points are opened up for discussion here. It is good to be able to ask questions about any point of knowledge and many other things relating to Brahmin life.

What did you mean when you said "if not the principles"

What principles do you think are not shared?

Anyway, i liked the idea of this group and thought i'd hang out and say hi and have a chat with a group of like minded folks - who share noble thoughts, if not the principles

It would be good to share your views if that is OK with you,

Good Wishes


Joined: 05 Aug 2005
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:30 am    Post subject:

Thanks for the welcome Gy, Clay.


What principles do you think are not shared?

Well i think that not all principles/'code of conduct'/maryadas of brahmin life are equally appreciated by BKs. So its unlikely that souls who discontinue this school of thought would all continue to follow the principles that are prescribed/recommended/imposed here.

Purity or even celibacy is a big one. Focus on pure food is another.

Wonder what that point is all about...

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:10 am    Post subject: Still a BK


Welcome aboard.
I would respect your ideal of remaining a BK. You have set that for yourself and that is OK: i.e., Om Shanti, I am a soul and K is for kingdom Laughing .

The BK concept of Satvic food is, however, inconsistent with the concepts of healthy organic nutrition.

Some one may be able to test the following hypothesis or answer the following question by experimentation Smile : Does remembrance, even the seed form stage, neutralize the sub lethal doses of toxic contaminants in non-organic vegetables?
Brahmacharya has its place in the spiritual life of any soul on the path.
I have asked the following question and received many great answers:
Was brahmacharya make for humankind or humankind for made for brahmacharya?
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 05 Aug 2005
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:35 am    Post subject: Organic Food vs Satwik food?

Thanks Hanuman.


The BK concept of Satvic food is, however, inconsistent with the concepts of healthy organic nutrition.

Some one may be able to test the following hypothesis or answer the following question by experimentation : Does remembrance, even the seed form stage, neutralize the sub lethal doses of toxic contaminants in non-organic vegetables?

Does Satwic food need to be non-organic in nature? i don't think so.
Food that is nutritious, calming, cooked in remembrance is unique... i would not want to eat low-grade food and then sublimate it through the power of yoga...(and my yoga stage is not quite there anyway).

That the majority (BKs or otherwise) do not bother much about the nutrition value or the quality etc is their choice or more likely a lack of interest.


Was brahmacharya make for humankind or humankind for made for brahmacharya?

Interesting question this... Here is another question that maybe an attempted answer too...
Was anything ever really made?
(As in doing something brand new and original?)

Oh well. That's BK lingo. Very Happy
Wonder what that point is all about...

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:08 am    Post subject: Still a BK

Dear onepoint,

Welcome! Does your name mean we can ask you questions and we will get the one point as a BK? Honest and forth coming for those of us that do not know many of the workings of BK’s and we are only now learning?

Q #1. Curious me….how long have you been a BK? Idea

Q #2. This drishti gaze, is it done with a smile at times and if so, why? Confused

Q #3. As to question #2 are senior BK’s trained to do this as a control method? Question

Further questions to follow as I will await your answers to these three.



Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:32 pm    Post subject:

Welcom one-point,

Was anything ever really made?

I love this question. I love the answers that come to me.
No 'thing', in it's essence was ever created or is ever destroyed...........all energy..........just constantly and inevitably changing! I always find this understanding so liberating and exciting. Exclamation Very Happy

with love

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:26 pm    Post subject: " Food Bhakti "

onepoint wrote:
Purity or even celibacy is a big one. Focus on pure food is another.

Just as an aside, one of the things that pee-d me off was because the food was *not* as pure as I wanted / preferred / aspired to and I was, essentially, being force fed stuff I did not want to eat or was physically allergic to!

You should have been there in the early days when wholefoods were considered " Body-conscious " and " Food Bhakti " [ the ultimate put down ] and it was " Brahmin " to eat, sorry, make that get fat and constipated on, the same syrupy, greasy, over-cooked, dairy-rich, salad-free curry dinners and not complain.

I wanted to go vegan, it was against the rules to go one better and at the same time heretical challenge the supreme Indian-ness of it all. Even though dairy makes me sick.

In a culture in which fat or even obese is an attribute of wealth, and hence attractive, Indians in the West go mad on a glut of cheap dairy without asking anything about the spiritual ethics - or health implications - behind it. [ There is nothing attractive about skinny when that is what beggars are ... ]

God, I remember my guts being like hot swamps on that stuff and being coerced into eating the stuff [ e.g. Janki stopping to give Dhristi and instead give Dhristi to the holy sweeties instead so if I wanted " the vibes " , I would have to eat it! ].

Does Satwic food need to be non-organic in nature? i don't think so.
Food that is nutritious, calming, cooked in remembrance is unique...

Is there a crossed wire here.

Do you mean, " Does Satwic food need to be organic ?"

And by organic, you mean organically grown?

Hanuman's point was basically a scientific " put up or shut up " regarding the claims of Brahma Kumari yogic powers to change or " neutralize " toxic chemicals in non-organic foods.

I agree with him. Forget the notional " most peaceful mind in the world, love, wisdom stuff etc ... let's see their claims apply to quantifiable material goods.

Q #3. As to question #2 are senior BK’s trained to do this as a control method?

In my opinion, on one hand file under urbane myth - there are no specialist or secret occult training sessions going on - on the other hand, that " yogic vibes " things is not meant to apply to the physical side of matter but the " psychic " side of it, i.e. the mental vibes inbued into it by whoever [ especially non-Raj Yogi ] that handled it.

Apparently Jayanti had a special method though of being able to neutralise gallons of airport coffee which her globe trotting lifestyle introduced her to out of necessity. Funny, I would have called instant coffee Tamasic.

That the majority (BKs or otherwise) do not bother much about the nutrition value or the quality etc is their choice or more likely a lack of interest.
... Education, appreciation, application of given knowledge, lazy and habit?

Again, I always thought this was a bit of an anomaly. All that effort to incalcate Golden Aged sanskars / personality traits ... except immediately practical ones like health, dietary behaviour and professional skills. Those were to come about magically!

I am sorry but as much as I liked being cooked for, when I was in those Indians beat the life out of most of the food they ate and give them anything with a bit of a challenge, e.g. chewy, wholegrains, sugar free, naturally bitter [ e.g. greens ] and you would have had a riot on your hands.

Change their diet to wholefoood and they would have left gyan! I have seen brown rice subtly " disappeared " from out of food selection so it was not served. I think that was pretty close to when I finally hiked.

Joined: 07 Jul 2005
Posts: 23
Location: portuguese living in Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:12 am    Post subject:


I know preciselly what you mean when it comes to the food. Even if I think that there was probably big difference when it comes to the centres. I am portuguese and in the centre of Lisbon everyone was actually quite carefull in eating healthy, whole grain, organic, etc... Once visiting the centre here in Sweden I saw the same care. These centres were probably not that influenced by the Indian culture as in London.

In the other hand I named once the treatments I was doing for astma and alergies, that I changed for homeopaty and naturopaty instead of the tradicional wetern medicine that use cortizone. The reaction was just that this kind of medicines, homeopaty and naturopaty are diluted in alcoholl and therefore they were not proper for a brhamin... Surprised These was one of the most silly things I ever heard and one of the times that I really questioned how much those persons (that I always considered intelligent) were still able to think for their own heads. I always hated fanatism, specially in religion. I never felt there was fanatism in BKs in the beggining. Actually everyone seemed very open minded and non-judgemental... But once more, that was only a fasade that would fall with the time aswell, as more envolved I got in the centre...
XBK, happy with the present moment
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