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Grim faced draconian women

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Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:49 am    Post subject: Grim faced draconian women

I just stumbled upon this page entitled 'God is a red light' describing a non-BKs visit to Mount Abu:


..stumbled upon the world Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris...
Seeing us a white haired, middle aged man looking much friendlier then the grim faced draconian women hanging around, approached us.....

I found this narrative entertaining, and the 'grim faced draconian women' bit struck a real chord with me, and reminded me of my last visit there (April 2004), when I was surprised at finding massed ranks of grim-faced women (and some men too) - the great majority of those staying at Mount Abu seemed hard faced and miserable most of the time, including some i knew already who were not normally like this. This included several seniors and Dadis. This was at Pandav Bhavan and Gyan Sarovar, mainly 'double foreigners (the many thousands of Indian BKs staying at Shantivan at Abu Road seemed very light and happy by comparison).

This massed misery was so far from the teachings of the murli, and indeed from my own experiences of Raja Yoga and BK Gyan, that I was quite astonished by it - what was going on? This was no advert for God and his teachings! I asked some fellow 'brothers' who had been BKs for much longer than me to explain what was going on - they said that i wasn't seeing things and that a great many BKs seemed to become heavy and very serious when at Madhuban, and appeared to be punishing themselves in some way. They told me to 'be true to yourself' and stay detached from the heavy vibe of the others. Good advice.
I enjoyed my stay there, and there were some happy people around, but the 'grim faced draconian women' have certainly played their part in persuading me that the Brahma Kumaris is not practicing what it preaches.

There are 'grim faced draconian women' running centres here in the UK too, and I have seen light-hearted people become heavy, jumpy, and fear-filled over time under their influence.

During that Madhuban visit i realised that the BK organisation was becoming more of a hindrance than a help in my spiritual journey. I felt i could do little to help them, as any form of criticism, however constructive, is simply not allowed or listened to by those that run the show. So, it was time for me to move on along the path, leave the school gates (it is never a university - more of a primary school), and make my own may in the world.

In my experience Raja Yoga and the spiritual knowledge which the BKs have clued me into, have transformed my life, bringing joy and light where before there was a dark void. It seems sad that, when they have so much to offer, and so much real spiritual energy supporting them, so many BKs should be failing to follow their own teachings. True spirituality brings freedom, love and joy, not misery and coldness.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:51 pm    Post subject: grim faced draconian women


Gee I am glad some one else noticed. Last year I told my husband that the seniors looked mean for lack of a better word. He said I was not looking at them as spiritual beings and interjecting my own stuff. Well, when I saw how the one sister just about jumped out of her seat I knew I was seeing just fine. If their own folks were having these reactions, love and purity are in trouble.


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