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PBK issues
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Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:14 pm    Post subject: PBK issues

We have invited two PBKs to rejoin the forum, on a trial basis. They are arjun and omshanti. They can only post in this PBK forum. Further, they can only initiate posts under this "PBK issues" topic. They cannot start new topics. However, other members of XBKchat can start PBK related topics in this forum and, if they do, then Arjuna and OmShanti can give responses under those topics as well. Do not abuse this invitation and do not attempt to circumvent the guidelines.

Apart from responding to new topics opened by other members in this PBK forum, Arjun and omshanti are free to initiate their own posts under this "PBK issues" thread. They do not necessarily have to wait for someone to post under this "PBK issues" thread before writing there and expressing their views. We prefer PBK issues to be discussed under this "PBK issues" topic, rather than having a proliferation of new PBK topics in this forum. Of course, if members (other than Arjun and omshanti) feel that opening a new topic in this forum is really necessary, they may do so. Murli quotations are strongly discouraged. If given in response to queries, those quotations should be very brief and to the point.


Joined: 15 Feb 2006
Posts: 29

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject:


All the past and present BKs must be aware that Baba has directed his children through the murlis to write letters to him.