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Banned by BKs
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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:23 am    Post subject:

wahl wrote:
I seem to remember a very good saying, (from the Bible I think)
which has strong karmic implications. We had all better watch out Laughing

Judge not, lest you be judged

with love

You are right.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:45 pm    Post subject:

I was instructed to never come back after I explained that I felt like I was just 'brainwashing' myself Rolling Eyes

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:18 am    Post subject:

In my view, there is nothing wrong in brainwashing ourselves so long as it is done for the good and not for any bad. When I was a little girl, I was told to think that I was a very lucky and that if I held this thought I would become a very lucky person. I have practiced that to this day and many people have said that I was lucky. When I helped in the business that my lokik brothers were involved with, their business improved and one of my lokik brothers commented on this luck. After I got married, the financial status of my in-laws improved and everyone said that I had brought good luck. I was even lucky in my effort-making and in my relationship with God. Non-BKs are motivated to think that they can do something which they want to do. They are told that if they constantly hold this thought, then they would experience it in reallity and they would be able to do it and they would be successful. So long as we hold thoughts that are only going to help us, there is nothing wrong in being brainwashed. But if we prefer the idea of doing evil things and we give good reasons for thinking that this line of thought is good, then we are brainwashing ourselves into the wrong direction. It is my view that terrorists have brainwashed themselves into the wrong line of thinking. Ultimately, in my view, the question is whether our actions/thoughts are humane, i.e is it in the interest of the mankind. If the benefit is only for a specific group of people, then, the line of brainwashing is not good. This is my view.
But off course not everyone would be interested in the very same religion and this has to be considered where spiritual theoies are concerned. But then, if these spiritual theories are not aimed at doing harm to anyone but only in doing good, how can it be wrong to follow or brainwash ourslves with those spiritual theories through which we can only receive benefit.

Anyway, we are not perfect and neither are others. If others (BKs) are not broadminded enough and are not able to adopt and adjust to various kinds of situations, then we should have mercy for those who lack these powers. The spiritual path is a learning process, one can wonder about so many things while one is on this path but ultimately, the most important issue is, "How much have I understood and experienced".
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:50 am    Post subject: Banned By The BKs

My Dear Sisters & Brothers,

Please accept my apologies for my delayed response to your request made almost a week ago. The past 3-4 weeks were extremely busy for me. I had returned from presenting a paper at a conference. This week I was busy preparing to conduct a science workshop.

The four pillars of RJY according to the BKWSU are: Satvic Food, Brahmacharya, Seva and Dharna.
For satvic food means as close to a vegan diet as possible and all organic.
There is no gluten nor wheaten products. I only consume milk products from the goat. Goat's milk is about one of the few varieties of animal milk with health benefits to humans. What are some of the problems with cow's milk? One major problem is the contamination with Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH). Most of the cow's milk contain diluted quantities of pus and other inflammatory debris. BGH has been demonstrated to be one of the causes of diabetes in children.
Why is organic fruits and vegetables safer than non-organic fruits and vegetables? A variety of chronic illnesses have been shown to be caused by or resulted from environmental contaminants. These contaminants include heavy metals such as mercury, dioxins, the PCBs and the organochlorines. There are also the xenoestrogens, environmental toxins which biochemically behave like the estrogen hormones. From a risk assessment point of view chronic exposure to low doses of environmental contaminants can induce chronic illnesses such as cancers, reproductive abnormalities and neuropsychological abnormalities. For more than a decade I have held on to the hypothesis that psychogenic stress + exposure to sub-lethal doses of environmental contaminants exacerbates the disease formation processes in many chronic illnesses, including cancers. The consumption of non-organic fruits and vegetables constitutes chronic low dose exposure to many environmental contaminats by the gastrointestinal routes. I will check the scientific literature for any studies adressing the problem of low dose gastrointestinal exposure in combination with exposure through the skin and lungs to contaminants in the water and air. These are my reasons for observing an organic food diet.

What about Brahmacharya? The practice has its value. For men who are sexually active, love making the Taoist way is the best approach. It preserves chi or vital essence and has anti-aging attributes. On psychological and spiritual levels the relationship with the wife or companion will be more harmonious if the partners practice the Tao of Lovemaking. Lovemaking can last for an hour or more instead of five or ten minutes. A non-celebate life has not hindered my spiritual quest.

In terms of service, I do not go out and preach. If some one who feels the peacefullness from me wants to understand why I am peaceful, I'll explain to that person. Service can also be done by example and through thoughts.

My approach to dharna is a zen approach or Tao approach. The idea is to make the virtues a part of yourself in a natural way. It means an effort to be at one with a specific virtue. The Bks may say that is exactly what they do. I will not debate them. However, the Tao approach is the basis of Miyomoto Mushashi's Book of Five Rings. Astrology is also part of my dharna.

These are the changes I have made to THE FOUR PILLARS OF RAJ YOG as since I was banished from BKWSU. Smile
In addition to SB or BD, my soulmates have been some of my greatest companions and teachers. They have been my partners in crime in modifying the four pillars Smile Wink
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
Posts: 157
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:07 am    Post subject:

Thanks for posting that Hanuman.

I really like your ideas on Satvic food Very Happy

At the moment I drink some cows milk and some soy milk. I think the image of cows milk you gave has put me more into the latter. I've never tried goats milk might give it a go.

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:01 am    Post subject: Banned By The BKs


You are welcomed Smile
I forgot to mention aerobic exercises. Exercise burn off the stress hormones and by products in the body. Simply sitting in meditation and producing endorphins is not good enough to counter the stress hormones generated in fight -or- flight situations.
Infact, corticosteroids generated in the body from stress have been demonstrated to cause the destruction of neuronal cells in the brain.
Rober Salposky at Stanford, conducted studies on baboons in the wild.
The stress of psycho-social dynamics in colonies of these primates can generate enough stress to impair cerebral function.
The pyramid organizational chart of a Rjy center and the psycho-social dynamics of BKs has the potential for generating excessive psychogenic stress. Meditation alone is not enough as an antagonist against the stresses of center life. One source of stress is the male/female interaction at centers Exclamation Smile
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:14 am    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

hanuman wrote:
One source of stress is the male/female interaction at centers Exclamation Smile

you are not kidding!Very Happy

ah, the body consciousness of it all Wink

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:21 am    Post subject: Banned By The BKs


I hope that situation has improved at the centers and other parts of the BK world.

There was an invisible and sometimes visible wall between brothers and sisters. I found the situation to be unhealthy, even at a spiritual level Exclamation
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:04 am    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

hanuman wrote:

There was an invisible and sometimes visible wall between brothers and sisters. I found the situation to be unhealthy, even at a spiritual level Exclamation
From what I have seen, in the twenty-first century nothing has changed. They teach that we should be soul conscious and free, whilst operating segregation policies based on body consciousness and fear. You put it beautifully 'invisible and sometimes visible wall'. I too found it unheathy, and not the least bit angelic or golden aged.

The idea seemed to be to avoid opportunity for lust or attachment to do damage. Surely they should be facing this issue and dealing with it by focusing on God and love and other divine virtues, rather than creating barriers and chains?

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:54 pm    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

howiemac wrote:
You put it beautifully 'invisible and sometimes visible wall'.

The idea seemed to be to avoid opportunity for lust or attachment to do damage.

Yes, you are right. I remember some sisters that sharing a house with would have turned me gay never mind made me celibate for life.

May be what we ought do is propose a B.K. Reality TV show where we still themall in a centre, male, female and senior sister, what them via hidden CCTVs and see how they get on for a few weeks.

Are there no AbuWebcams?

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:09 pm    Post subject:

They may not ask some people to leave specifically, but they will close the door on you by avoiding you and when you see them, treat you like you are not there, so in the end you leave anyway. They are users.

BK reality show, thats a hoot, I've seen a lot of them away from the centre, you bet they are digging into a steak and sipping some wine before a night of dancing.

Hah! It would be funny though to see, there are so many clashes of personalities within the centres, all with those fake smiles of serenity.

Looking back now, it's so silly and I feel really sad for them because they really believe in what they are doing.

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

howiemac wrote:

May be what we ought do is propose a B.K. Reality TV show where we still themall in a centre, male, female and senior sister, what them via hidden CCTVs and see how they get on for a few weeks.

Are there no AbuWebcams?

Uhmm, at one point in my BK life, I remember hearing and telling others (and most important, telling myself) that my goal is to lead a life that would be exemplary if videotaped for 24 hours.

Some of the Dadis (particularly Dadi K.) were held up as examples of such, serving others from first thing in the morning to late a night.

Boy am I glad I gave up that burden! A private life is the right of a mature adult.

Incidentally, when I use the word adult in a posting as in this XBK thread http://tinyurl.com/a3vh6 , I am implicitly referring to the concept in The Guru Papers that cults effectively deny adulthood and the associated independent decisionmaking and potential partnerships of its members through conditioning them to consider themselves as children.

The BKs are not alone in doing so, nor are their members immune to the personal costs of making themselves into children, even if the advice were from God Himself (which it claims to be!)Shocked

The Guru Papers; Masks of Authoritarian Power should be on the reading list of any recovering BK, PBK, XBK or NBK (okay I made up the last one.)

Speaking of the visible and invisible wall, during my first visit to Madhuban Baba was scheduled to come to the Meditation Hall, and the headphones for the foreigners were in front--and limited in number. I was only a month in gyan. Seeing an open spot I walked right into the middle of the sisters' side and sat down in innocent intoxication. After all, I was an incipient deity, soul conscious, and such rules didn't apply to me, I reflected amidst the sea of rustling saris. If they were stuck in those rules, it was because they were bhagats anyway--which I concluded was pretty much everyone except me: they were acting like the world would continue more than another month or two, whereas I was certain there are only a few days left!!

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
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Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

hanuman wrote:
Brothers and Sisters,


I will not go into the details, unless I am asked to do so.

Dear hanuman,

Go on then, give us the details... Wink

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:32 am    Post subject: Banned By The BKs

Here are some details.

It was an Tuesday early morning in October 1990.
I was visiting the Raj Yoja Center in San Antonio, Texas. I had been there for close to a week. Classes were over and Hansa bhen was about to leave for her lokik job. Helmar was also leaving. Hansa bhen told me that Janki Dadi had asked that I leave the center. I was told by Hansa that one week was the max I was allowed to remain at the center.

Hansa then informed me that reports were made indicating that during my four years in Guyana (1986-1990), I had only visited the Guyana Center once. The reports stated that whenever I attended the center in Georgetown, I would only go for selfish reasons. Hansa also related that the report stated that I had not given any moral and material support to the centers in Guyana. Due to the reports, Dadi Janki had ordered that I should no longer stay at the center in San Antonio. Dadi had also made to me, through Hansa bhen, the follwing statement: Make up your mind whether or not you want to remain a Brahman.

Hansa bhen who was a role model for me and had supported me during my veterinary studies, had invited me to San Antonio, to remain at the center and while there do service and find a permanent job.

It takes time to find permanent jobs for a scientist. A week was not enough, even though I had lokik contacts in San Antonio. I had done my externship in veterinary medicine in San Antonio and had visited the center almost every summer during my seven years of undergrad and veterinary studies. Simon and Hansa bhen were very close to me as raj yogis and we had a great relationship. In fact when, there was the unsuccessful assassination against me by poisoning in Guyana, Hansa had offered me expert advice and assisted in initiating arrangement for me to travel to the US for treatment.

In terms of BK geo-politics, San Antonio was a radical center and Simon and I were two dessidents in the US arena who could not be manipulated by the BK sisters in charge in the US. Simon had made his exit. I was returning to the US. San Antonio was the only center that appreciated and utilized my unique talents. There much was done by me in the special service which a biomedical scientist and raj yogi could do.

The factionalizing of my connections with San Antonio was a tactical move by BKSU in limiting my ability to implement plans for service of which only I and BD knew.

In another post I will describe my subjective and objective responses to the slamder. Cool

The reports from Guyana were false. Kamude Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad was one of the sisters who was the source for the false reports designed to destroy my character as a raj yogi!
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:52 am    Post subject: Banned By The BKs

I must add that I could have allowed the anger and sadness at that moment to finish me off. I have faith in God or BD and the principles and philosophies of raj yog. I also have love for God and GOD LOVES US ALL, INCLUDING YOURS TRUELY. Very Happy Cool

Have I allowed the LIES Twisted Evil to put me in the gutter?

NO Exclamation

With the help of BD AND COMPANY, lokiks, friends and loved ones, I picked myself up, picked up the pieces and kept on walking ALONG THE PATH. Cool Wink

The LIES made me grow in many ways I could never experience confined by four static pillars which on a practical level are inconsistent with even God's Principles.

I have learned to forgive my self and to forgive those who tried to hurt me. Through my soul mates Laughing I have become stronger in the art of self love; i.e. loving the inner mate.

I also love those BKs who tried to hurt me Exclamation My love for them is not as a result of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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