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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:57 am    Post subject: Equality

What is Equality?---Are men and women really created equal ???????????

Please read on to find out!

Anatomically-(physically)-------both are different.

Physiologically(relating to sex-hormones)--------both are different.

Genetically ---------both are different and have different reproductive systems------(xx=female)------(xy=male)

Biologically-(sexually)-------both have different needs.

Emotionally-------both react differently to situations in day-to-day life.

Mentally------both think differently about values of life or otherwise.

Socially and Traditionally------both have different roles and duties to perform in society----Man is basically the Bread-winner and Provider-----Woman is basically a care-taker(nurse).

From the family view-point---a man(father) is considered as the head(intellect) of the family and the woman(mother) is the heart of the family.

In chinese mythology---- The female force is represented by Yin(negative force of the universe) & the male force is represented by Yang(positive force)

Everything about a man and a woman is different----right from their physical appearence, their needs, the duties they perform, the roles they play in society, and even the way they procreate ---- in the act of creation (sexual act)---man is the active partner--the sexual act being initiated, maintained, completed and dominated by the male---while the female is most times the passive recepient---and conceptually too man being the 'seed' and the woman being the 'soil'.

In Hindu mythology---Man generally represents Aasman (the sky)---while the woman is Dharti (earth)------man(purush) is known as the Creator(rachieta) and the woman(prakriti) is his creation(rachna)---Can the creator be equal to his creation???????------Man is the possessor----woman is his possession---Can the possessor be equal to his possession?????????

From the godly knowledge view-point also---Rudramala(purush quality souls)--are all different from vijaymala(stree quality souls) in all respects--their purusharth--sanskars---man buddhi--inculcation of divine virtues---are all different from each other. God and Mother nature have created and endowed man and woman with absolutely different qualities, attributes and functions----
--So can anyone please throw some light on " Any aspect in which man and woman are created equal" and should be treated as equals?????????

Readers thoughts please.
ok om shanti---pbk dr anil.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:02 am    Post subject:

Dear brother,
Omshanti. Your views regarding man and woman seem to be interesting but only from the physical or worldly point of view. In the path of knowledge, we have been taught to be soul conscious and as far as the aspect of soul consciouness is concerned, I think both man and woman can be equal. As far as undestanding, churning and dissiminating of knowledge is concerned both man and woman can be equal and in fact women can be more successful in imbibing this knowledge due to their resolves or sanskars of purity, which even you have acknowledged in your post.
Whenever a soul present in a female body becomes body conscious, it feels inferior, weaker than the souls present in the male bodies. But if the souls present in female bodies become soul conscious then they can overtake the souls present in the male bodies in many aspects and in fact they have done so in many fields of life, where even normal men would not dare to venture. Take the example of adventure sports (bungee jumping), defence services etc.

With regards,

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:12 pm    Post subject:

Are man and woman equal?

Good answer from your part, arjuna.

I find this a very strange and limited reasoning you've given here, "dr. pbk anil" -- waw: two titles you have! I have none. But maybe I can give some kind of an opinion without having those, using the ordinary and boring standard colour, size and letter type of this interface.

So far you have given (1) physcial differences of which we are all aware of (2) cultural differences of which we are all, again,l aware of.

The title is an eye catcher: "What is Equality?---Are men and women really created equal? Please read on to find out! " --- but the content that follows is no fulfillment at all. I did not find out what "Equality" means. I only found out that you have given an accurate picture of cultural and social clichés, such as the woman is the "care-taker", the male the "Bread-winner and Provider". And yes, according to you, all women react in a certain way and all males do.

Look, there are differences and the famous book "Man are from Mars, Woman from Venus" has made a point. But I may suspect from you that (1) you believe in the soul, which has no sexe (2) believe in reincarnation and the eternal world drama. Such is my amazemend that you question equality and are focussing on the differences! Who has ever found meaning in differences? What about the content? You point out to differences, which are even more over-generalisations (the woman is just the receiver in the act of sex: I suspect you are not aware of emancipated women who are not at all passive ...), without realising that these DIFFERENCES are a "raison-d'être"!! This is a cliché reasoning.

I think equality in this case basically means: you can't have one without the other. The symbol of yin and yang does not find its essence in the positive and the negative. The meaning of these labels is totally relative. The essence is that they wouldn't exist without each other. The contrast makes the very existence possible. That's why they are equal -- their weight is the same in the balance of existance. If you have disrespect for the other part, you are having disrespect for your own part as well. The soul as well has 2 worlds, a yin and a yang. This is reflected in all aspects you can imagine (physical-metaphyscial / woman - man / bad - good / to be or not to be Wink / night and day / happiness - sorrow .... etc.
Without an electron, there would be NO universe at all. Nothing would be able to build. The electron is perfect in every way, change its charge just a bit, and we all explode immediately.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:16 pm    Post subject:

I forgot my conclusion:

Take women away, and we'll be doomed to disappear. So you would be damn good threating them equally!

btw, sorry for my typos all the time, of course, it's womEN and mEn in the plural form ... pfff hehe Wink

Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:57 pm    Post subject:

Why should an apple and a banana be equal?
Both have diferent taste, both come from different trees, both give diferent seeds, one you can eat the peel and the other don't, both are fruits, one is round the other is slender (long) --So can anyone please throw some light on " Any aspect in which banana and apple are created equal" and should be treated as equals?????????

With all those diferences how come should these fruits be treated equally??? Oh my God i don't understand. One should be less than the other... cause one is good the other less good.
Like everything always is a superior and an inferior, both are dependent, superior to whom if there is no inferior, hã?

Rolling Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:50 am    Post subject:

Kevin, I admire your stamina in responding to these #$%$#
I just shake my head in disbelief most of the time.
Keep up the good fight mate.
Sue Rolling Eyes
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