Sakar Murli 2003/09/04 Revised

  • Essence: Sweet children, the Father has come into the gathering of the Iron Age. This is a huge gathering. In this gathering, you moths sacrifice yourselves to the Flame and become pure.
  • Question: What is the reason why even now the efforts of some children are as slow as an ant?
  • Answer: Some children have the habit of sulking. They sulk with the Father and stop studying. Then Maya catches hold of them by their nose or ears. This is why there is no progress in their efforts. It remains at the pace of an ant. You children should have an interest in becoming a Murlidhar. You have to listen to it and relate it to others. You have to produce results. The children who miss the Murli and have no value for this study can never become fortunate.
  • Song: The Fame has ignited in the gathering.

Om Shanti. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, is also called the Flame. Many names have been given to Him, and so people have thereby become confused. Souls too are images of light. You are now becoming constantly ignited lights. The Flame has come into this huge gathering. This gathering is very large. Some come and belong to the Father. They belong to the Father and sacrifice themselves whilst alive. Once you renounce body consciousness you are dead to the world and the world is dead for you. Who are you? A soul. When a soul leaves his body, it is as though the whole world is dead for the soul. The Father now tells you: Consider yourself to be a soul. We belong to the Father. You have to end the awareness of the body.

When people die, they forget everything including their body. If they have left their body, all their connections are broken. The connections only exist whilst having a body. You remain bodiless even whilst in a body, because your connection is now with the Father. The Father has also adopted a body in order to teach you Raja Yoga. He has come into the gathering. Amongst you, a few understand this fully, some partially, and some Do not understand anything at all. The fathersays: I have come in this creation. Only human beings will understand these things. The people of Bharat do know about the birthday of Shiva.

Shiva is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the Father of all souls. He definitely comes for there are also temples to Shiva. Many temples have been built to Him. Just as there was only one Christ, and countless physical images of him have been created as his memorial, so too these are the temples of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the One called the Purifier. This is now the gathering of the impure world and then there will be the gathering of the pure world. He does not come into the pure world. The gathering in the pure world will be a very small and happy one. This is why there is no need for Him to come there. He has to come into a large gathering.

He is called the Purifier. This is the impure world, and then there is also the pure world. There would surely be fewer people in that new world. You children also do true service number-wise according to the effort you make. The proof of true service also becomes apparent. And so the Father has come into the gathering. He is the Purifier of the impure. It is said: " Charity begins at home". Bharat is the eternal birthplace of the eternal Father. People have forgotten when Shiv Baba came. He is called the Purifier and He enters an impure body. His praise is so great: Salutations to Shiva. Your praise is also limitless. How does He establish Heaven, the Heaven that is given limitless praise?

Only you children know this, and are making effort to go to such a Heaven. However, your efforts seem to be very cold, and at the pace of an ant. Maya continues to catch hold of some by their nose or some by their ears. She does not leave anyone. You do realise that you should remember Shiv Baba constantly, just as a wife remembers her husband. This Baba is the Husband of all husbands. So, how much you should remember such a Baba! How much you should praise such a Baba! People sing so much praise of Shiv Baba in songs etc: Your praise is limitless. Why is so much praise sung of Him? There must be a reason for this. You know that the Father alone is the one who makes Bharat into Heaven. He makes Bharat so elevated. Ravan then makes it degraded. The Father comes and makes you happy. He makes Hell into Heaven. No one knows this Father.

The whole world is impure. Although there is happiness etc. In the Ashoka Hotel (without sorrow) all of that is temporary. This kingdom is like a mirage; the happiness here is not even worth a penny; there is nothing but sorrow. In the Golden Age, the king, queen and subjects all remain very happy. Now they are all very unhappy. There is so much bribery and people commit so much sin. Bharat was the community of deities. You now know that the praise of Bharat was very great. People also sing praise of God. They remember Him but they do not know Him. Oh, but since you speak of God, you should know His full name. His name is Shiva. All the praise belongs to Him.

People do not know His name, form, land or time. They say that he does not have a name or form. They say that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, lives in Paramdham (the Supreme Abode). They even speak of His name, form and land, but because of being body conscious, They do not remember Him. Even if they remember Him, it is without any understanding. They sing: You are the Mother and Father. you can explain that they have a physical mother and father. So which Mother and Father are they referring to in this song? Only you understand how the Father creates the world, how He creates the mouth-born children and how He gives them their fortune of the kingdom. "Only you know this, no one else knows it". However, you are also number-wise in this.

You understand that Shiv Baba comes and teaches you through the body of Brahma. There is such great praise of Shiv Baba alone. He teaches us Raja Yoga through Brahma and makes us into the masters of Heaven. It is surely Sarawati and Brahma who will first become Lakshmi and Narayan. The World Mother and the World Father are sitting here; it is they who will become the Wasters of the World. There are al so kumars and Kumaris with them. This Dilwala Temple has been built so beautifully. Those temples etc. Were built earlier. We are now able to compare ourselves with them because those temples are our complete memorials. You should definitely keep the song: Salutations to Shiva. You should keep two or four first-class songs.

This Baba tells you his experience: Although my heart wants to eat in remembrance of Baba, I forget. That One says: I am beyond experiencing anything. It does not occur to Him whether something is good or bad. The Father says: I only come in order to make you children pure from impure because Ravan has conquered you. You now have to gain victory over him again. Ravan makes you like shells and makes you bankrupt. Bharat is now bankrupt and I am making you solvent. It is the intellects of human beings that become insolvent. So this song: "Salutations to Shiva" is very good. His praise is number one. There is also praise of Bharat. Bharat was wonderful. They also sing: Bharat was Heaven and there were palaces of gold and diamonds there. So where did they go? How did Maya enter you?

In the Golden Age, the religion and the actions of the deities were elevated. Maya, who inspires you to do corrupt things, does not exist there. You will reap your reward there for the effort you make here. There is no question of anything causing you sorrow and there is no need to commit sin. Here, people commit so many sins for the sake of money. There, you have a great deal of wealth. It is an unlimited kingdom. It is sung that Bharat was the Kingdom of deities. When there was the land of the divine kings, the religion of the deities was elevated. The Father has come and is creating the elevated deity religion. You understand that you a re becoming elevated and that you must not do anything sinful. There should be fear of committing sin. Maya catches hold of very good children by the nose and makes them commit sin.

You know that the Father has now come into this gathering and how He creates the mouth-born children and makes them elevated. He definitely has to take a body on loan. He says: I enter an ordinary body. This one does not know his own births, and so I tell him. I have given him the name Brahma. I only enter Brahma, because I have to carry out the establishment through Brahma. It is not that I enter a Buddhist, Muslim or Sikh. The fathersays: I have to enter this body of the one who was the sun dynasty Narayan at the beginning and I make him that again. He does not know of his own births. This is the path of knowledge. It is the Father who gives this knowledge. Then there will be no trace or mention of the path of devotion.

It is said: The path of knowledge and the path of devotion. For half a Cycle there is devotional activity and for half a Cycle there is the activity of knowledge. It is also fixed in the Drama to become impure. Very good secrets are being revealed to you children. It is remembered that God comes and takes the devotees back with Him. They remember the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul: Baba, come and free us from the chains of Maya! Liberate us! He liberates all your friends and relatives. There, you souls will have divine mothers and fathers. You will become deities. All you souls will also become pure. You souls are now impure and are becoming pure again. On the path of devotion there are all sorts of images of those who have no occupation. It is as though they worship dolls. I am neither a male doll nor a female doll. I am Incorporeal anyway. Human beings are male and female dolls; I do not become this. I am known as the Incorporeal One.

You male and female dolls are very unhappy now. When you were in Heaven, you were very happy. The praise of that happiness is limitless. However, children repeatedly forget this and start sulking. Many of the Brahmins too sulk. By sulking, they abandon their inheritance. Ah, but you have to claim your inheritance from the Father. This study is of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Baba has explained very clearly. If you cannot go to any centre, you can at least ask for the Murlis to be sent to you and read them. There is no harm in that. However, you have to make effort to do service and give the proof of it. If there is no proof of service, what would be achieved by sending you Murlis? Murlis are studied to imbibe knowledge. If you listen to it through one ear and let it out the other, what can be done? Some do not even remember Baba. When anyone commits a sin, the intellect becomes locked. The Father does not do anything.

The Father simply explains: You have to become very sweet. You must not cause sorrow for anyone. At the end, you children will become very sweet, like the Father. However, you have to make effort. Ask your heart : Am I troubling anyone? Is anyone upset with me? Those outside will become very upset. You, the decoration of the Brahmin clan, have to listen to the Murli every day. If you do not listen to the Murli, how would you imbibe it? If you do not listen to the Murli you are considered to be unfortunate. You should never stop listening to the Murli. Brahmin teachers also receive Shiv Baba's Murli, and so you have to maintain your connection with them. You can receive the Murli directly. However, you also have to make others similar to yourself and give the proof of that. Continue to remember the Father and continue to remind others of the Father. Give your news to the fatherso that he knows. Otherwise how can it be known that you're doing the Father's service? Proof of service is definitely needed. You need to have an interest in becoming a Murlidhar.

The tape recorders also become Murlidhars; they are able to relate the Murli accurately. You cannot do that. So, what should you do? In order to benefit others you could give them a tape recording machine. If so many people listen to the tape recorder, the one who gave it will receive a lot of fruit. However, only those who understand the significance of this will buy one and give it to them. You can claim a royal status by listening to the Murli. Will you become the masters of Heaven by listening to the lectures of others? You will not be able to become deities from ordinary human beings.

By your giving this first-class donation, many can receive benefit for 21 births. To purchase a tape recorder and donate it or to purchase a building and donate it is very good service. It is the children who would sit and do service. The building would remain yours, but you would receive the fruit of its us e. In return for that, you will receive huge palaces there. The time will come when you children will be offered many buildings and people will continually bow down at your feet. What would we do with those buildings then? We simply want to do service. Why should we accept a building and then have to spend money on it? This Businessman is clever. He is such a sensible Businessman. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, stars of knowledge, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The Spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

  • Essence for dharna:

1. Whilst remaining in the body, break your connections with everyone and make effort to become bodiless. Forget everything from your intellect.

2. Make effort and give the proof of your service. Listen to the Murli and also study it so that you can imbibe it. You must not allow it to go in one ear and out of the other.

  • Blessing: May you be a victorious jewel and with the stage of being a karma yogi, attain victory over the suffering of karma. By becoming a karma yogi, you do not experience suffering whilst settling any karma through your body. A soul who has a disease in his mind would be called diseased. When the mind is free from disease, that soul would be considered healthy. By churning knowledge whilst making that snake your bed, just as Vishnu is portrayed doing, you remain cheerful. By using your churning power, you have a chance to go right to the bottom of the ocean. Only such a karma yogi soul attain victory over the suffering of karma and becomes a victorious jewel.
  • Slogan: Make courage your companion and you will continue to succeed in everything you do.