Sakar Murli 1996/01/21 Revised

Essence: Sweet children, do not let words that cause sorrow for anyone emerge from your lips.

Question : When can each of you Godly students progress in this study?

Answer: When you have the practice of churning the ocean of knowledge. The more you churn the more worthy you become. If you do not churn knowledge, you would definitely be churning devilish matters, that is churning rubbish; you would continue to have wasteful and sinful thoughts. This is why, in order to progress, learn to churn knowledge. Those who have imbibed knowledge remain constantly cheerful.

Om Shanti.

Baba sits and explains about knowledge and bhakti. Children have understood that there cannot be salvation through bhakti, and that bhakti does not exist in Satyug. You can not receive knowledge in Satyug. Krishna neither does bhakti nor does he play the flute of knowledge. Murli means to give knowledge. It is remembered that there is magic in the flute. There must definitely be some magic. Even ordinary people can play the flute. There is the magic of knowledge in this Murli. Ignorance cannot be called magic. The Murli is called magic.

You change from humans into deities through knowledge. When it is Satyug, there is the shower of that knowledge. There is no bhakti there. Bhakti starts from the copper age, when you change from deities to humans. Humans are always called vicious and the deities are called viceless. The world of deities is called the pure world. You are now becoming deities. What is called knowledge? One is the recognition of the self and Baba; then there is also the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world; that too is called knowledge. There is salvation through knowledge. Later, when bhakti begins, it is called the stage of descent because bhakti is called the night and knowledge is called the day. This can sit in the intellect of anyone.

However, inculcation of the divine virtues does not take place. It can be understood for those who have divine virtues that they have imbibed knowledge. The activity of those who have imbibed knowledge is like that of the deities. Those who imbibe less knowledge have a mixed activity. It means that those who have not imbibed anything would not be considered the children of God. People defame God so much. People continue to insult God. When you come into the Brahmin clan, you stop insulting and defaming God. You receive knowledge and by churning it, you receive nectar. If you do not churn the ocean of knowledge, what else would you be churning?You would be churning devilish thoughts. Only rubbish will emerge from that.

You are now Godly students. You know that you are studying this study to change from humans into deities. The deities will not teach you that. You children receive this knowledge now. It does not exist in Satyug. Deities can never be called the oceans of knowledge. Only the One can be called the Ocean of Knowledge. Only through knowledge are you able to have divine virtues. These deities have divine virtues. You sing their praise. that they are complete with all virtues. So you now have to become like they are. Ask yourself: Do I have all the divine virtues? Or, do I have any devilish traits? If you have any devilish traits, you should remove them. Only then can you be called deities. Otherwise, you will claim a low status. You are now imbibing the divine virtues. You relate very good things.

Since you are becoming the most elevated of all, this is called the most auspicious confluence age. So the atmosphere should also be very good. Dirty things should not emerge from your mouth, otherwise it will be said that you will claim a low status. You can quickly tell from the atmosphere (what someone has said). Your face should always remain cheerful. Otherwise, it could be said that you do not have any knowledge. Let jewels constantly emerge from your mouth. Look how cheerful Lakshmi and Narayan always are! Their souls have imbibed the jewels of knowledge. They always let jewels of knowledge emerge from their mouth. When you only speak and hear jewels of knowledge there is so much happiness.

The jewels of knowledge that you receive now will then become real jewels and diamonds there. The necklace of nine jewels that is remembered is not of real jewels and diamonds. It is a necklace of the jewels of knowledge. People think it is those jewels, and wear a ring of the nine jewels. The garland of the jewels of knowledge is created at the most auspicious confluence age. These jewels make you very wealthy for the future twenty-one births. No one can loot it from you. If you wore those diamonds and jewels here, someone would very quickly loot them from you. So you have to make yourself very sensible.

You have to remove devilish characteristics. People's faces change because of the devilish qualities. Out of anger, their face becomes as red as copper. Those who indulge in vice become ugly. Children should churn the ocean of knowledge in every aspect. This knowledge is about earning a lot of wealth. That study is not worth jewels. Yes, after studying (worldly) knowledge, some claim a high position. So, it was the study that was useful, and not the money. Study is wealth. That is limited wealth and this is unlimited wealth. Both are an education. You now understand that Baba is teaching you and will make you into the masters of the world. That is a temporary study for momentary happiness for one birth. Then you have to study afresh in your next birth.

There (in Satyug) there is no need for studying to earn an income. There, you receive limitless wealth through the effort of this time. That wealth becomes imperishable. When you were deities, you had a lot of wealth and then, when you went onto the path of bhakti, that is, into the kingdom of Ravan, you still had so much wealth. You built so many temples. You were so wealthy! No one can become as wealthy as you were through any study of today. You now know that you are studying such an elevated study through which you become deities. So what can people become just through study? From poor to wealthy. At present, Bharat is so poor. Wealthy people do not have any time. They have their own arrogance of being so-and-so. Here, your arrogance should finish. I am a soul. The soul does not have any wealth, diamonds or jewels etc.

Baba says: Renounce your body and all bodily relations. When the soul leaves its body, all its riches finish. Only when it studies afresh can it earn money, or if it gave donations it will take birth to a wealthy family. People speak about the fruit of their actions of their previous birth. If someone has donated knowledge or opened a college or a dharamshala (hostel), he will receive the fruit of that, but only for a temporary period. Donations and charity are performed here. They will not be performed in Satyug. In Satyug, they only perform good actions because they have received the inheritance of this time. There, no one's actions become sinful because Ravan does not exist there. Not even the poor will perform sinful actions. Here, even the actions of wealthy people are sinful. This is why there is sorrow and disease etc. There, people do not indulge in vice, and so how could there be sinful actions?

Everything depends on actions. This is the kingdom of Maya, Ravan, and this is why people become vicious. Baba comes and teaches you to become viceless. Baba makes you viceless and then Maya makes you vicious. There is a battle between those who belong to the dynasty of Rama and those who belong to the dynasty of Ravan. You are the children of the Father and they are the children of Ravan. So many good children are defeated by Maya. Maya is very powerful. But even then, Baba has hope. Even the most degraded ones have to be uplifted. Baba has to uplift the entire world. Many fall. There are those who fell completely and became the most degraded. Baba uplifts even those. Those who are most impure are in the kingdom of Ravan. Baba saves you. But if, even then, some continue to fall, then they become most impure and cannot climb so high. That impurity continues to bite them internally.

It is said; Whatever you remember in your final moments, you will become like that. There would be just impurity in their intellects. Therefore, Baba sits and explains to you children that you are the ones who become deities every kalpa. Would animals become that? It is human beings who are able to understand and become that. Even Lakshmi and Narayan have noses, ears, eyes etc. They too are human beings, but they have divine virtues. This is why they are called deities. How do they become such beautiful deities, and how do they then fall? You now know about this cycle. Those who churn the ocean of knowledge will be able to imbibe knowledge very well. If someone does not churn the ocean of knowledge, he becomes a buddhu.

Those who conduct the Murli churn knowledge constantly: I have to explain this and this about this topic. They automatically churn the ocean of knowledge. So-and-so are coming and I will explain to them with enthusiasm. It is possible that they may understand something. It depends on their fortune. Some will have that faith very quickly and others will not. Hope is kept: If not today, then they will understand sometime in the future. You should maintain hope. To have hope means to have an interest in doing service. You must not get tired.

Even though someone may have studied and then become impure, since he has come again, would you tell him to go away or would you ask him to sit in the visiting room? You would definitely ask: Why did you not come for so many days? He would say: I was defeated by Maya. There are many who come in that way. Although they realize that knowledge is very good, Maya defeats them. They do remember everything. In bhakti, there is no question of attaining victory or being defeated. This knowledge is for imbibing. You are now listening to the true Gita from the Father through which you become deities. Without becoming Brahmins, you cannot become deities. You now understand all these things.

You know that you have to remember Alpha. By remembering Alpha you receive the kingdom. When you meet someone, tell him to remember Allah. Alpha is called the highest. People indicate to Alpha with their finger. Alpha can also be referred to as 'I'. There is only one God. All the rest are children. Baba is always Alpha. He never rules a kingdom. He gives you the knowledge and makes you His children and so you children should remain in so much happiness. Baba is doing so much service for us. He makes us into the masters of the world. Then He, Himself, does not come into that new, pure world. No one calls Him into the pure world. Only impure ones call out to Him. What would He come and do in the pure world? His name is the Purifier. So His Duty is to change the old world and make it new.

The Father's name is Shiva and the children are called saligrams. He is worshiped. Everyone remembers Shiv Baba. You also call Brahma, Baba. Many people speak of Prajapita Brahma but they do not know him accurately. Whose child is Brahma? You would say: The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has adopted him. He is a bodily being. All souls are Godly children. All souls have their own body. They have received their own part which they have to enact. This has continued from the beginning of time.

"Eternal" means that it has no beginning, middle or end. People think that there is an end and so they become confused. So how would they be created again? Baba explains that this is eternal. There is no question of asking when it was created. Annihilation does not take place. They have spoken lies. Because only a few people remained, they say that annihilation took place. The knowledge that is in Baba, emerges. It is said that even if you make the entire ocean into ink, knowledge will not finish. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BabDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. You have to glorify the name of the Father with your cheerful face. You should only relate and listen to the jewels of knowledge. Let there be a necklace of the jewels of knowledge around your neck. Do not speak words that cause sorrow.

2. You must never become tired of doing service. You have to maintain hope and do service with interest. Churn the ocean of knowledge and remain enthusiastic.

Blessing: May you be a courageous mahavir who adopts the medal of an elevated stage by applying a full stop.Withing this eternal drama, no one awards a medal to the spiritual warriors in this spiritual army, but according to the drama, they automatically receive the medal of their stage. However, only those who observe the part of others as a detached observer and easily apply a full stop are able to receive this medal. The foundation of such souls is their experience. Whilst experiencing every virtue and every power, they continually move forward. No barrier or obstacle can stop them.

Slogan: With the awareness of belonging to the one Father ond none other, become free from attachment.