Sakar Murli 1968/04/16 Revised

Night class

No one apart from you Brahmin children knows when it is the confluence age. There is a lot of praise of the confluence age of the cycle. The Father comes and teaches you Raja Yoga. Surely the confluence age has to come before the golden age. There are human beings here; some are the lowest and some are the highest. People sing praise in front of them (deities): You are the most elevated human beings and we are the lowest. They themselves say: I am like this and like that. No one apart from you Brahmins knows this most auspicious confluence age. How can we advertise it so that people can know about it?

God Himself comes at the confluence age and teaches us Raja Yoga. You know that you are studying Raja Yoga. Now, what yukti should we create so that people know about it? However, this will happen gradually. There is still time now. A lot of time has gone by, and a short time remains. We say this so that people make effort quickly. Actually, knowledge is received in a second through which you receive liberation-in-life in a second at that time. However, you have the sins of half the cycle on your head, and they will not be cut away in a second. That takes time. People think: There is still time; why should we go to the Brahma Kumaris now? They take things wrongly from the literature. If it is not in their fortune, they take it wrongly.

You understand that this is the age to become the most elevated human beings. There is the praise of becoming like a diamond. Then that decreases: the golden age, then the silver age. This confluence age is the diamond age. Satyug is the golden age. You know that this confluence age is even better than heaven; this birth is like a diamond. There is praise of the land of immortality. It then continues to decrease. So you can also write: The most auspicious confluence age is a diamond, satyug is gold, and treta (silver age) is silver. You can explain that it is only at the confluence age that you become deities from human beings. They make a rosary of 8 jewels and place a diamond in the middle. There is the show of the confluence age. The confluence age is like a diamond. There is the value of a diamond at the confluence age.

You are taught yoga etc. and this is called spiritual yoga. However, only the Father is spiritual. Only at the confluence age do you find the spiritual Father and receive spiritual knowledge. How would human beings who have so much arrogance accept this that quickly? This is explained to poor people. So you also have to write: The confluence age is the diamond age and its duration is this much. Satyug is the golden age and this is its duration. In the scriptures they have shown a swastika. So when you children remember this, you will have so much happiness. Students do have happiness, do they not? Student life is the best life. This is your source of income. This is the school for changing from human beings into deities. The deities were the masters of the world. You now know this. So there should be limitless happiness. This is why there is the praise: If you want to know about supersensuous joy, ask the gopes and gopis of Gopi Vallabh. The Teacher teaches you till the end and so you should remember Him till the end.

God is teaching you and then God will take you back with Him. People call out: Liberator, Guide. Liberate us from sorrow. There is no sorrow in the golden age. They say: There should be peace in the world. Ask them: When was there peace previously? What age was that? No one knows about that. The kingdom of Rama is the golden age and the kingdom of Ravan is the iron age. You know this, do you not? Children should relate their experiences. What things of the heart can I share? I have found the unlimited Father who gives the unlimited sovereignty, and so what other experience can I share? There isn't anything else at all! There is no other happiness like this. No one should ever sulk with anyone and just stay at home. That would be like sulking with your fortune. If you sulk with your study, what will you learn? The Father has to teach you through Brahma. So you should not sulk with one another. That is Maya. There are obstacles created by devils in the sacrificial fire. Achcha.

To the sweetest spiritual children, love, remembrance and good night from spiritual Bap and Dada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.