Avyakt Murli

One of two varieties of Murli:

"Avyakt" i.e. subtle or angelic - these have been spoken since 1969 by the deceased Lekhraj Kripalani through the medium of Dadi Gulzar. Only a few of these are spoken each year. BKs recycle these and hear them every Sunday. New Avyakt Murlis are broadcast live from Madhuban (via secure private channels) over the internet to BKs all over the world and are heard live by up to 25,000 people in person at the gatherings in Madhuban.

Institutionally, BKs regard these to be the spoken word of their God and the perfected Kripalani now knows as "Brahma Baba" in a combined form called BapDada, whereas PBKs consider these only to be the spoken word of Brahma Baba in remembrance of Shiva. They have a significantly different tone than the earlier Sakar Murlis.


They are named after the traditional Indian flute, or Murli, that the Hindu God Krishna is said to have played.

Published Avyakt Murlis

In is an attempt to present the Murli in the clearest possible way, we have chosen to publish them with paragraphs instead of one long piece. The Murlis were originally spoken rather than written. Consequently there is no way that we can be 100% sure where the natural breaks would be. We are aware that by cutting the text into different section, we could be influencing the others with a subjective vision of how BapDada present their ideas.

Given that these Murlis have already been cut and changed in the process the BKWSU call "revision", it is no longer entirely possible to distinguish Shrimat from Manmat. We have therefore been forced to use our own discretion of where to make paragraph breaks. The intention is first and foremost, as quickly as possible, to offer everyone a chance to read "The Knowledge" for themselves.

Once the precedent of openness, honesty and forthrightness has been set, it is hoped that more - and perhaps the original versions of the Murlis - will be made available for individuals to read and compare, by the self-elected authorities within the BKWSU that presently withhold them behind password protection and encryption.

Editing or revision

Many Brahmin souls consider that the Avyakt Murlis are entirely Shiva's teachings through the chariot of Dada Lekhraj. Others question how much of their content was provided by Brahma Baba and ask how it could be possible to know. As the BKWSU consider Brahma Baba to be equal to God, many consider the question irrelevant. Various justifications have been made to change the text or to interpret various aspects, most to reduce length to a "manageable" 3 pages when originally they could extend to as many as 6.

They have been changed due to the practical facts of the Destruction apparently not happening or World population increasing beyond the original predications and where the opinions stated do not fit into the current policies of the BKWSU, some of which are said to be aspects that the BKWSU does not accept or understand.

Please note that in the beginning, the Murlis without essences, slogans, messages and so on. What is presented between the line breaks at the top and bottom of the page constitute all that is left of the core of the authentic Murl but even has or is being changed.


Recently, the BKWSU has started the habit of removing the names of important people "IPs" or VIPs from recorded person meetings with BapDada.

See also

Avyakt BapDada

Links and copies of Murlis

For a list of published Sakar Murlis, see the category link below;

  • Donations of original Murlis as comparisons, or older more complete editions are very welcome.