Dadi Janki


Dadi Janki joined the BKWSU as a founding member in 1937 at the age of 21. In the 1950's she established numerous BK centres throughout India. In 1974 she established the first BK centre outside of India, in London, UK. Under her guidance and inspiration, centres now exist in nearly 100 countries. She was appointed Additional Administrative Head of the BKWSU in 1983.

Dadi Janki maintains an unrivalled daily lecture and touring schedule even today, at over 90 years old. She has travelled world–wide almost incessantly over the past two decades, engaging with people from the grassroots to government leaders.

Controversially, Janki was responsible for bringing the large Trance Light images of Brahma Baba to BK Raja Yoga centers worldwide contrary to the teaching of the Murlis. Was once said to be " the most stable mind in the world ", Janki is widely considered to be " one of The Eight " and to be a future Golden Aged Emperor.