Child Abuse

Child Abuse

  • Documented incidents of child abuse within the organisation brushed aside by leaders as due to the bad karma of the children suffering sex abuse and outside of their responsibility, the perpetrators avoid punishment or reporting to police. END Quote wikipedia

In many countries there is a political awareness that religious/spiritual organisations should be mandated reporters (required by law to report suspected child abuse to authorities-police) as many cases go unreported within said organisations. So it is imperative that those aware report said concerns on a moral ethical basis as it may well go unreported other wise and there will be many children at risk without reporting said concerns.

The four major types of child abuse are:

Children doing adult work or other activities for the benefit of others at the expense of the child’s well being and welfare is exploitation. Children will often be asked to do tasks that are not within their capabilities which lead to injuries, mental stress and in some cases death (while doing dangers jobs). All the above causes mental/psychological abuse and can cause great harm to a child.

Link to the Child lines to page on abuse/exploitation of children for several countries: