
ab [adv] now
ābhārī [adj] (honā) indebted, obliged
ābhāsa [m] realisation, feeling
abhimāna [m] pride, arrogance, vanity
abhinaya [m] acting (on stage)
abhiprāya [m] sense, purport, meaning
abhivādana [m] (karanā) greeting
abhoghtā [adj] non affected by action, Shiva
ābhūshana [m] piece of jewellery, ornament
ablā [f] [adj] surpressed woman
acānaka [adv] suddenly
ācarana [m] conduct, behaviour
ācāra-vicāra [m] manner of life, conduct, behaviour
acchā [adj] good
acchai [f] goodness, greatness
acchā-khāsā [adj] really good
achūta [adj] untouchable
adavaita [m] oneness, unity, non-duality
ādeśa [m] pointing out, instruction, order
adhamādhama [adj] most degraded, low of lowest
ādhāra [m] support
ādhāra lenā (~denā) to take support (to give~)
ādhāramurata atmā [f] root soul, base soul, support soul (different from seed-soul)
adhikāra [m] right to
adhikārī [m] the one who possesses right
adhikatara [adv] great amount, mostly
adhīna [adj] subservient, dependent
adhīratā [m] impatience
ādhunika [adj] modern
adhūrā [adj] incomplete 
adhūrā rūpa [m] incomplete form
ādī [adj] accustomed, habitual
ādi [m] beginning
ādi deva [m] first deity
ādmī [m] man
advitīyā [m] [adj] 1. without a second 2. incomparable, supreme, unique
āga [f] fire
āgama [m] coming, approach
agara if
āgmana [m] coming, arrival, approach, apprearance
agni [f] fire
agyankāla [m] time of ignorance
ahama [m] arrogance of "ī"
ahilyasa [f] the low cast
ahiňsaka [adj] non-violent
āhuti [f] oblation, burnt offering
ailāna [m] declaration, announcement
ailāna karanā [v] to proclaim, to annouce
āja [adv] today
ajaba [m] astonishment, astonishing, strange
ajāmīla [m] Ajamil, embodiment of a great sinner
akālamurata [m] the one whom death cannot eat, the immortal one 
akalyāņa [m] loss
akalyāņakarī [adj] non-beneficial
akārī [adj] subtle
akarma [m] neutral action
akhaņđ [adj] unbreakeable, without end
akla [m] thought, sense
aklmanda [adj] intellectual, sensible
ākriti [f] form, shape
akshara [m] letter, word, character (writting)
alafa [m] Allah, the first number; first letter of alphabet
alaga [adj] separated, different
alaňkāra [m] ornament
ālaňkārika [adj] ornamental
algāva [m] detachment, separate state
alpakāla [m] short time, temporary
alpakālika [adj] temporary
āma [m] mango tree and its fruit
amala [m] implementation, action
amānā [v] to go into, to be held
amānata [f] something held or done in trust of others (under sb' supervision or control)
amara [adj] immortal
amarakathā [f] story of immortality
amaraloka [m] land of immortality
amaranātha [m] the Lord of īmmortality
amarapurī [f] land of eternity 
amīra [adj] wealthy, rich
amīrazādā [m] wealthy lord, man of noble birth
ammā [f] mother
amrit vela [f] time of nectar
amūlya [adj] invaluable
ānā [v] to come
anādi [adj] withouth beginning
ānaňda [adj] blissful
anaňta [adj] endless
anaňtakaţi [m] 10 milions
anārī [adj] ignorant, unsklilled
anartha [adj] meaningless
anāsakta [adj] detached
aňbāra [m] heap, pile, store
aňdā [m] egg
andara (ke~) [adv] inside
aňdāza [m] guess, conjecture, estimate
aňdāza lagānā [v] to guess
aňdha [adj] blind, benighted
aňdhaśraddhā [f] blind ceremony
aňdhaviśvāsa [m] superstition, blind faith
aňdhera [f] lawlessness, wrong act, injustice, disorder
aňdhiyārā (aňdhera) lawlessness, wrong act, injustice, disorder
aňdhkāra [m] darkness
aneka [adv] variety, numerous, countless, many
aňgūţha [m] thumb
anişţha undesired, harmful
aniścaya [m] not decided 
aniścaya steja stage of spiritual death
aňjāma [m] end, completion, result
aňjāma [m] end, completion
aňjāna [m] lack of awareness
āňkānā [v] to mark, to value, to appraise
anna [m] food
anokhā [adj] incommon
anpaŗha [adj] illiterate
aňśa [m] degree, part, fraction
anta [m] end
antakāla [m] the end, final time
antara [m] difference
antariksha [m] celestial space
antarmukhā [adj] introspective, turned or facing inwards
antaryāmī [m] knowing inner self
aņu [m] piece, atom
anubhava [m] consciousness, experience, impression
anubhūti [f] perception, realisation, feeling, experience
anukūla adj] convenient, suitable, agreeable
anusāra (ke~) [adv] according to
anuşţāna [m] carrying out, undertaking, practice
anuśāsana [m] discipline
anūţhā [adj] rare, wonderful, uncommon, strange, unprecedented
āpa haiň you are
āpadā [f] natural calamity
apanānā [v] to adopt, to follow
apāra [adj] unlimited
āpasī [adv] mutual
apavitra-pravritti mārga impure household path
apavitrtā [m] impurity
apitu [adv] even so
āpkā [pron] your
apkāra [m] (~ karanā) [v] detriment, harm, injury (to defame)
āpko kyā cāhie what do you need
āpko yahāň rahanā paŗegā you will have to stay here 
apnānā [v] to adopt, to make one's own
aprāpti [f] no attainment, lack of attainment
ārambha [m] (~ honā) [v] start (to start, to begin)
ardharātri [f] midnight
āropana karanā [v] to plant
arpaņa [m] (~karanā) [v] to submit willingly
arśa [m] highest heaven
artha [m] meaning, singificance
ārthaka [adj] meaningful
ārthika [adj] economic, financial
asala [m] origin, base, source
asalī [adj] original, pure, primary, indigenous, real, true
asamartha [adj] withouth power
asambhava [adj] impossible
asara [m] effect, influence
asta [m] home, setting (heavenly body)
aşţa [num] eight
aşţāvakra myth. name of person born seriously crippled (as the result of curse)
asthira [adj] unsteady, unstable
āstīna [f] sleeve
asura [m] devil
asurī [adj] devilish
asvacchatā [f] dirt, impurity, uncleanliness
aśarīrīka [adj] bodiless, incorporeal
āśika [m] lover
atakanā [v] to get stuck
aţala [adj] immovable, not shaken
ātatāyī [m] [adj] tyrant
athāha [adj] unlimited
athvā [conj] that means, that is
atīndriya sukha [adj] [m] super sensuous joy, super sensuous happiness
atmā [f] soul
ātmabhāna [m] self awareness
atmika [m] soul conscious
atmika sthiti [f] soul conscious stage
atyācāra [m] violence, cruelty, atrocity
atyācārī [adj] cruel, atrocious
audā [m] rank, post
aulada [m] progeny, children
aur [conj] and
aurata [f] woman
avagyā [m] disrespect, disregard
avahelnā [f] indifference
avahelnā karanā [v] to neglect
āvartana [m] rotation
avasara [m] occasion
avasthā [f] stage
avaśya [adv] sure, definetely
avataraņa [m] incarnation
āvāza [f] sound
avdhi [f] term, period
avināśī [adj] imperishable
āvirbhāva [m] appearence, manifestation
āvişkār [m] discovery
avjana [m] powder for the eyes
avtāra [m] incarnation
avyabhicārī [adj] unadulterated, connected with one
āyu [f] period
azara [adj] changeless
Bābā [m] grand father, it is called when incorporeal Supreme Father is present in the body of the father of humanity (Prajapita)
babūla [m] acacia tree
bābula [m] girl's father
baccā [m] child
bacca-buddhi [f] child like intellect
bacdevāla [m] one having many children
bāda meiň [adv] after
badabū [f] bad smell
badacalana [m] bad behaviour, bad activity
badala-sadala [m] change
badale meiň [adv] in return, instead of
badanāma [m] (~karanā) [v] to defame
badanasība [adj] unfortunate, having bad luck
badarīnātha [m] the Lord of transformation
badatara [adj] worse
bādśāha [m] king
bāga [m] garden
bahādura [adj] brave
bahalānā [v] to enertain, to amuse
bahana [f] sister
bahanā [v] to flow
bahānebāja [m] one who makes excuses
bahiśta [f] heaven, paradise
bāhubala [m] physical power
bahukāla [m] long time
bahūrūpī [adj] having many forms
bahuta [adv] many, much, very
baila [m] bull
baiţhnā [v] to sit
bajanā [v] to produce the sound, to play
bajāya (ke~) [adv] in stead of
bājī [f] game, play
bājolī [m] somersault
bākī [adj] remaining
bala [m] power, strenth
bālānishīn [adj] worthy of praise, seated on high
balavāna [adj] powerful, strong
bali [f] sacrifice
balihāra [m] complete sacrifice
bāņa [m] arrow
bananā [v] to be made
banānā [v] to make sth
baňda [adj] (~karanā) [v] closed (to close)
bandara [m] monkey
bandara senā [f] army of monkeys
bandgī [f] devotion, worship, salutation
baňdha [m] tie, fastening
bāňdhanā [v] to tie
baňdhanmukta [adj] free from bondages
baňdhāymāna [adj] obligated, in bondage
baňdūka [f] gun
bāňsa [f] smell, odour
baňsī [f] flute
bāpa [m] father
bāpa samāna [adj] equal to the father
barā [adj] big
bāre mein (ke~) [adv] about
barfa [f] ice, snow
baŗhānā [v] to increase, to grow
baŗhāppana [m] greatness
bārī māň [f] great mother, big mother; Brahma
barobara [adv] equal, exactly, all right
barsāta [f] rain
bartana [m] vessel
bārūda [m] gun powder
bashībhūta [adj] influenced
bāta-cīta [f] talk, discussion, conversation
baţana [m] button
batiyā [f] small stone
battī [f] light
bāvjūda (ke~) [adv] in spite of
beaňta [adj] unending, everlasting
becaina [adj] restless, discomfort
becārā [adj] poor, helpless
befikra [adj] free from worries
begampura [m] a land free from sorrow
behada [adj] unlimited
behāla [m] bad condition
behośa [adj] unconscious
beizzata [adj] dishonoured, disgraced
bekāyadā [adj] not in order, improper
bekāyde [adv] without principles, lawlessly
beparvāha [adj] carefree, without concerns
berā [f] boat
besamajha [adj] sensless, without understanding
beśumāra [adj] unlimited
beţā [m] son
betaura (ke~) as, in the manner of
beţī [f] daughter
bevakūfa [m] stupid, fool
bhagata [m] devotee
bhāgīdāra [m] partner
bhāgīratha [m] lucky chariot
bhāgnā [v] to run
bhagvānuvāca [m] the words of God
bhāgya vidhātā [m] bestower of fortune
bhāgyahīna [adj] unfortunate
bhāgyashālī [adj] fortunate
bhāī [m] brother
bhaiňsa [f] buffalo
bhakti [f] devotion, path of worship
bhāna [m] consciousness
bhaňbhora [m] haystack
bhaňda karanā [v] to break
bhānta [m] manner, way
bhāňti [f] method, way, manner
bhāpa [m] vapour, steam
bhara jānā [v] to be blocked up
bharā-pūrā [adj] flourishing, full
bhartū [adj] full
bhāşā [f] language
bhāşaņa [m] speech, lecture
bhasma [f] ash
bhasma karanā [v] to burn, to reduce to ashes
bhāsnā [f] feeling
bhaţaknā [v] to wander
bhaţţhī [f] furnace
bhautika [adj] physical, materialistic
bhāva [m] sentiment, sense, significance, idea
bhāva-svabhāva [m] feeling, nature, temperament
bhāvī [f] destiny
bhavişya [f] future
bhāvnā [f] feeling, wishes, spirit
bhāvnā ka bhārā [m] to receive the reward for devotion
bhaya [m] fear
bhayānaka [adj] fearsome, fearful
bhayankara [adj] fearsome, terrible
bhaybhīta [adj] terrified
bheňţa [f] 1. meeting, visit, interview, 2. gift
bheta karanā [v] to compare
bhīkha [f] māňganā [v] to beg
bhikhārī [m] beggar
bhikshā [f] alms
bhītara [adv] inside
bhittara [m] stone
bhogi [adj] being opposite to yogi practise
bhoglīlā [f] play of the sexuality 
bhognā [v] to experience, to suffer, to ejoy, to endure
bhogtā [adj] the one who is effected by the karma, Prajapita
bhojana [m] holy food 
bhojapatra [m] leaf paper
bholā [adj] innocent
bholānāth [m] Lord of innocent ones
bhrama [m] illusion, misconception, delusion
bhrama hona (~karanā) [v] to be doubted, to doubt
bhramrī [f] buzzing moth
bhrapūra [adj] completely finished
bhraşţa [adj] degraded, corrupt
bhraşţācāra [m] corruption, degradation
bhrikuţī [f] eyebrows, forehead
bhujā [f] arm
bhūkampa [m] earthquake
bhūkaņđa [m] region, area
bhūla [f] mistake
bhūmi [f] earth, land, soil
bhūmikā [f] role
bhūna-bhūna karanā [v] to buzz, to whisper
bhūshaņa [m] adornement
bhūta [m] ghost, evil spirit, past
bicchū [m] scorpion
bichānā [v] to spread out, to lay, to unroll
bigaira [prep] without
bigaŗanā [v] to get angry, to get upset, to get annoyed
bigāŗanā [v] to spoil, to make bad / worse
bīja [m] seed
bīja atmā [f] seed-soul
bīja rūpa [m] seed stage
bikharnā [v] to be scattered
bilkula [adv] completely 
billā [m] badge
bīmāra [adj] sick, ill
bīmārī [f] sickness
binā [prep] without
bindū [m] point, dot
birādarī [f] brotherhood, community, kinship
bistara [m] bed
bojha [m] burden
brahmacārī [m] celibacy
brahmaloka [m] sixth element, Brahmalok, soul world
brihaspati [m] Jupiter
brihata [adv] great, in excess
budbudā (=bulabula) [m] bubble, anything frail or short-lived
buddhi [f] intellect
buddhivāna [adj] intelligent
buddhiyoga [m] yoga of intellect
budhū [m] blessed fellow, stupid fellow
būňda būňda [f] every drop, drops
burā [adj] bad
būŗhā [adj] old, elder, aged
buŗhāpā [m] old age
buta [m] effigy
cābī [f] key
cāhe [conj] whether
cāhe ~ cāhe ~ [conj] either ~ or ~
cāhnā [v] to desire, to want
caina [m] rest, comfort
caitanya [adj] conscious, alert, awaken, living
caitanya mūrti [f] living image
caitāvnī [f] warning, caution
cakācauňdha [f] dazzling light, state of being dazed, giddy
cakra [m] wheel, cycle
cakravartī [adj] [m] all rounder
cakravartī rājā [m] emperor of a large kingdom
cakravyuha [adj] drawn up in circular formation
cālāka [adj] clever, cunning, interesting
cālākī [f] cleverness
calana [m] activity, behaviour, conduct
calanā [v] to move, to go, to walk
camaca [f] spoon
camaka [f] sparkle
camakanā [v] to sparkle
camarī [f] skin
camāta [m] slap
camatkāra [m] miracle
cambā [m] clutch, claw
campā [m] fragrant flower
camrī [f] skin
caňcala [adj] mischievous, unsteady
caňdāla [m] cremator
caňdana [m] sandalwood
cāňdī [f] silver
caňdravanshī [adj] belonging to Moon Dynasty
caraņa [m] feet
cārapāī [f] bed
carcā [f] discussion, consideration, mention, talk
caŗhanā [v] to climb
caritra [m] character
caritravāna [m] on of good character
cātraka [f] oysterbird
caturāī [f] cleverness, cunning
caturānana [adj] 4-headed
caturānana [m] one who has 4 heads /faces
caturbhuja [m] [adj] four-armed (Vishnu)
cauŗā [adj] broad
caurāhā [m] crossing, crossroads
cāvala [m] rice
cehrā [m] face
celā [m] follower
chala-kapaţa [m] fraud, trick
chātī [f] chest
chatra [m] umbrella, canopy
chatrachāyā [f] canopy of protection
chāyā [f] shadow, shade
chī chī [interj] expressing disgust or dislike (dirty)
chī chī hinsā [f] disgusting violence
chīnanā [v] to snatch
chipanā [v] to hide
chipānā [v] to hide sth.
chiŗakanā [v] to spray
choŗanā [v] to leave, to renounce
choţā [adj] small
chuţakārā [m] release, freedom
chuttī [f] release, permission, leave
cillānā [v] to call, to shout
ciňha [m] symptom, sign
ciňtā [f] worry
ciňtana [m] thoughts
cīňţī [f] ant
circirāpana [m] irritation
ciŗhānā [v] to tease, to offend
citā [f] pyre
cita [m] memory, subconscious
coba [f] mace, dum stick
cobacīnī nourishment
colā [m] costume, fig. body
cora [m] thief
coţī [f] top knot, mountain pick
cuktā karanā [v] to clear, to settle
cumbaka [m] magnet
cummā [f] kissing
cunanā [v] to select
cūra [m] powder, pulp
custa [adj] quick, brisk, active
dabānā [v] to press, to squeez, to crush, to surpress
đabbī [f] box
dāga [m] stain
daheja [m] dowry
daihika [adj] bodily
đakaita [m] robber
dakshiņa [f] south
đāku [m] bandit, robber
đāla [f] branch
daladala [m] difficult situation, mud, swamp
dalāla [m] agent, broker
đālnā [v] to put, to throw, to place
dama [m] breath, moment
dānā [m] seed, bead
daňđa [f] punishment
đaňđā [m] stick
dānta [m] tooth
đara [m] fear
darabāra [m] court
dardanāka [adj] painful
dārha [f] a tooth, tusk
dāŗhī [f] beard
dāŗhīdāra [adj] bearded
darjā [m] class, rank
darkāra [adj] needed
darpaņa [m] mirror
darśana [m] sight, vision, glimpse
dārśanika [m] philosopher
darvāzā [m] door
dāsa [m] servant
dāsa-dāsī [plural] servants
đasanā [v] to bite
dashā [f] omen, condition
dashaka [m] decade
dāsī [f] maid
dātā [m] one who gives, bestower
dauŗa [f] race
davāī [f] medicine
dayā [f] mercy, kindness
deha [f] body
deha sahit with body, including body
dehabhimānī [adj] body conscious
dehāvasāna [m] (=dehaňta) leaving the body, death
dehdhārī [adj] [m] bodily being
dehī abhimānī [adj] non-body conscious, soul conscious
dekhanā [v] to see
dena [m] gift
denā [v] to give
deśa [f] country, land
devāla [adj] giving, genourous
devatā [m] deity (male)
devī [f] deity (female)
dhāgā [m] thread
dhairya [m] patience
dhakka denā [v] to push
dhakkā khānā [v] to fall, to trip over
đhakkana [m] lid, cover
dhāma [m] land
dhamacakra [m] chaos
dhamākā [m] crash, explosion
dhana [m] money, wealth
dhanabala [m] power of money 
dhana-daulata [f] great amount of money
dhandhā [m] business
dhandhā-dhorī [f] business activity,
dhanī [adj] rich
dhanvāna [adj] [m] wealthy, prosperous
dhanyavāda [m] tgiving thanks, gratitude
dhāraņā [f] inculcation
dharatī mātā [f] mother earth
dharma [m] religion, faith, virtue, righteousness
dharmapita [m] religious father
dharmarāja [m] supreme judge, king of law
dharmātma [f] religious soul
dhartī [f] land, earth
đhera [m] heap, pile
đhīlā [adj] slack, loose
đhīlāpanā [m] looseness, slackness
dhīmā [adj] slow
dhīmī [adj] slow
đhiňđhorā [m] drum
dhokhā [m] betrayal, deception
dhokhā denā [v] to deceive, to betray
dhruva [m] north pole
dhūla [f] dust
dhūma-dhāma [f] show, big celebration, pomp
dhūmila [adj] grey
dhuna [f] ardent desire, craze
dhuňā [m] smoke
dhuňdhakārī [adj] hazy, vague, unclear
dhvani [f] sound, tone
dhvaňsa [m] destruction, demolition
dhvaňsa karanā [v] to demolish, to destroy
dhvaňsaka [adj] destructive
dhyāna [m] attention, meditation
dhyāna denā [v] to pay attention
dhyānmagna [adj] immersed in meditation
dikhāne ko for showing off
dikkata [f] difficulty, inconvenience, suffering
dila [m] heart
dilānā [v] to give
dilaśikasta [adj] dishearten
dilatakhta [m] throne of heart
dīmaka [f] termite
dina [m] day
divālā [m] (devālā) bankruptcy
divasa [m] day
divya janma [m] divine birth
đolāymāna [m] shakeable
doşa [m] fault, blame
doşi [adj] guilty
dozakha [m] hell
driŗha [adj] firm
driŗhtā [f] firmness, determination
drişţā [m] observer
drişţānta [m] example, instance
drişţi [f] vision
driśya [m] scene
du~ [pref] prefix denoting 'wickedness', 'bad'
duā [f] blessing
dūbana quicksand
đūbnā [v] to drown, to sink
dukha [m] sorrow, suffering
dukha hartā [m] one who removes sorrow
dukhadhāma [m] land of sorrow
dulāra [m] fondness, love
duniyā [f] world
duniyāvī [adv] worldly
durabhāgyaśālī [adj] unlucky, unfortunate
duralabha [adj] valuable
durgati [f] degradation
dūroňdeśī [adj] far reaching, far sighted
dūşita [adj] contaminated, polluted, dirty
duşţa (~karma) [adj] bad (action), wicked, vicious
duşţa purūşa [adj] [m] depraved man
dūstara [adj] powerful, forceful
duśmana [m] enemy
duvidhā [f] dilemna, confusion, uncertainty
dvaita [m] duality, double nature
dvaparyuga [m] copper age
dvārā [prep] through
eka [num] one
ekāgra [adj] stable, concentrated, intent on one point
ekāgracitta [adj] concentrated, focused minded
ekāňta [m] solitude
ekatra [adj] [adv] in one place, collected together
ekavyapi [adj] present in one body, one who comes into one only
ekrasa [adj] constant, stable
ektā [f] unity
evaja meň [adv] in return of investment
gadā [f] mace
gadagada honā [v] to be very happy
gadya yā padya "prose and poetry"
gafalata [f] carelessness
gahana [adj] thick, dense, deep, profound
gaharā [adj] deep, profound
gahrāī [f] depth
gahya [adj] deep, hiden
galā [m] throat
galanā [v] to melt
galatafahamī [f] misunderstanding
galatī [f] mistake
galī [f] lane, alley
gālī [f] insult
gālī denā [v] to insult, to defame, to abuse
gama [m] sorrow
gamata [m] path, way
gambhīr [adj] serious
gambhīrtā [f] seriousness
gāmī [adj] [m] going, moving
gānā [m] singing, song
gānā [v] to sing
gaňdagī [f] filth
gaņikā [f] singing girl
gannā [m] sugar cane
gāňţha [f] knot
gāňva [m] village
gaňvānā [v] to lose, to miss, to waste
gapoŗā [m] one who gossips, makes baseless remarks, spreadsrumour
gaŗabaŗa [f] disturbance
garbha [f] womb
gaŗha [m] fort, stronghold castle
gaŗhanā [v] to make, to create
garība [m] poor
garibha navaza [m] Lord of poor ones
gāŗnā [v] to burry
gatamata [m] ways and directions for opinion
gati [f] speed
gaū [f] cow
gaūmukha [m] mouth of the cow
gāyaba [adv] absent, disappearant, vanished
gāyana [m] singing, praise
ghabrānā [v] to become frightened, to be anxious
ghamaňđī [m] [adj] proud, arrogant
ghanā [adj] intense, thick, dense
ghara [m] house, home
gharabāra [m] family, home
ghara-ghaţa home and background
gharānā [m] dynasty, family
ghaŗī [f] time, watch, small space of time
ghāţa [m] bank of river
ghāta [m] hurt, slaughter
ghātaka [m] one who does killing, fatal injury, harmful, deadly
ghaţana [v] to happen
ghāva [m] bruise, wound, sore
ghora [adj] terrible, awesome, extreme
ghoşaņā [f] announcement
ghotālā [m] confusion out of disorder
ghoţanā [v] to mash
ghrinā [f] hatred, dislike
ghumānā [v] to cause to revolve
ghūňghata [f] veil
ghusa [f] entrance, pushing into
ghusanā [v] to enter, to penatrate
gīdara [m] jackal
gīlā [adj] wet, damp, moist
gīlāpana [m] wetness
giranā [v] to fall
girjāghara [m] church
glānī [f] defamation
goda [f] lap
golā [m] ball
golī [f] pill
gorā [adj] white
gorā-citthā [adj] white, fair
gotā khānā [v] to choke
goyā [adv] means, as if, as though
grāhaka [m] visitor, customer
grahaņa [m] eclipse
grantha [m] sacred scripture, Sikhs' Scripture
grihastha [m] household with family
grihasthī [m] householder
grita [m] oil for lamp
gudiyā [f] doll
gufā [f] cave
gula [m] flower
guladastā [m] bouquet
gulāma [m] slave
guma [adv] lost, missing
guņa [m] quality, virtues, characteristic
guņagāna karanā [v] to praise
guņagrāhaka [m] one who picks up virtues
guňjāiśa [f] scope, margin
gūňjanā [v] to echo, to resonate
gupta [m] [adj] secret, incognito
gurū gausānī [m] scholar, pandit
gussā [m] anger
guūnjanā [v] to echo
guzarnā [v] to pass, to make one's way
gyānabala [m] strength of knowledge
gyānasvarūpa [m] essence of knowledge
gyānavāna [adj] knowledgeable
hađa- bone-
hada [f] limit
hađđī [f] bone
hāhākāra [m] cries of distress
hairāna [adj] upset, disturbed
haka [m] right
hakadāra [mj] one having rights
halacala [f] upheaval
hālata [f] condition, particular state
halavā [m] halva, sweet
hamajiňsa [m] like us
hamaśarīka [m] on equal level
haňgāmā [m] chaos
haňsa [m] swan, duck
haňsanā [v] to laugh
haňsī kushī [f] [adv] merriment, gladly with pleasure
hāra [f] defeat
haranā [v] to remove
harana karanā [v] to take away
hareka [adv] each one
harjā [m] objection
harşa [m] happiness
harşitmukha [m] happy face
hastī [f] personage, existance, worth
hathelī [f] palm
hathiyāra [m] weapon
haţţa-kaţţa [adj] sturdy, robust
hatyā [f] killing, murder, destruction
havāle karanā [v] to hand over, deposit
havasa [f] intense desire, lust, ambition
hāzamā [m] digestion
hāzira [adv] present, to be present
hāzira nāzira [adj] [m] present everywhere
hetu [prep] purpose
hikamata [f] wisdom
hilānā [v] to shake
hinsā [f] violence
hinsaka [adj] violent
hīrā [m] diamond
hīre tulya [adj] valuable, as diamond
hisāba kitāba [m] accounts
hissā [m] part, share, section, division
honā [v] to be
hośa [m] consciousness, the senses
hubahū [adv] identically
hujjata [m] personal rights
hukma [m] command, order
huliyā [m] phisycal feature
hunara [m] skill, talent
ikatthā [adv] together
ikţhţha karanā [v] to gather, to join
ilāhī [adj] [m] abundant
ilzāma lagānā [v] to blame
īmānadāra [m] one who is trustworthy
imtihāna [m] test, examination
indra [m] Indra, myth. god of rain
indrasabhā [f] court of īndra
iňgita [m] inner impulse, hint, sign, gesture
iňsāfa [m] justice
īňţa [f] brick
irşyā [f] jealousy
īsā masīha [m] Jesus Christ
isa prakāra [adv] in this way
iśārā [m] sign, nod, wink, indication
iśvara [m] God
iśvārīya mata [m] God's opinion
itihāsa [m] history
itra [m] smell, perfume
īzāda [m] invention
izzata [f] honour
jaba~ taba~ when~ then~
jabaradastī [f] overbearing, overwhelming
jādū [adj] magic
jādūgara [m] magician
jagaha [f] place
jagamaga [adv] twinkle, sparkle
jagānā [v] to awaken
jāgarana [m] wakefullness
jāgīra [f] property
jahāna [m] world
jahannuma [m] depth of hell
jaiharī [m] jeweller
jal [m] water
jāl [m] web, net
jaladabājī [f] briskness, haste
jalānā [v] to burn, to kindle, to light
jalastara [m] level of water
jamā karanā [v] to accumulate
jamanā [v] to be frozen
jānā [v] to go
jāňca karanā [v] to check, to examine
jaňcanā [v] to be examined, to be investigated, to be evaluated
jānī jānanhār [m] one who knows everything
janjamāntara [m] birth after birth
jaňka [m] rust
janma [m] birth
janma siddha adhikāra [m] right inherited with birth
janmāntara [adj] inborn, hereditary
janmapatrī [f] horoscope
janmsankhyā [f] pupulation, number of people
jānnā [v] to know
jansādhārana [m] the average man
jantū [m] animal, creature
japanā [v] to chant
japa-tapa [m] chanting and penace
jaŗa [f] root
jaŗa jaŗībhūta [adj] decayed in roots
jarajara [adj] decayed
jaŗanā [v] to set, to inlay
jāstī [adv] more, greater
jauhara [m] essential quality, worth, excellence,merit
javāhrāta [m] jewellery
jaya jaykāra [adv] [m] sounds of victory
jāyadāda [f] property
jayaňtī [f] birth, anniversary
jhagaŗā [m] quarrel
jhagaŗnā [v] to quarrel
jhalaka [f] glimpse, sight, vision
jhaňjhaţa [m] complication
jhāra [m] tree, bush
jharmuī jhaňmuī gossiping
jharnā [m] stream, brook
jhaţa [adv] quickly
jholī [f] apron
jhoňprī [f] hut
jhuknā [v] to bow, to bent
jhūlā [m] swing
jhūţha [m] falsehood,lie
jhutkā khānā [v] to doze off
jigyāsū [adj] [m] curious, inqusitive
jilā [m] administrative district
jīnā [v] to exist, to be alive, to enjoy life
jisma [m] body
jismānī [adj] bodily, physical
jīva jantu [m] living creatures
jīvana baňdha [m] bondage in life
jīvana mukti [f] liberation in life
jīvaňdāna [m] donation of life
jīvātmā [f] living soul
jokhama [m] risk
joŗnā [v] to connect, to join
jośa [m] enthusiasm
juā [m] gambling
judā [adj] separate
judāī [f] separation, parting
jujuma karanā [v] make cruel things
jūrā [m] coiled hair
juta [m] shoe
juţţī [f] small bundle (of grass), footwear
jvālā [f] fire, flame, blaze
jvālāmukhī [m] volcano
jyoti [f] light, flame
jyotirmaya [adj] consisting of light
jyotishī [m] astrologer
kaba [pron] when
kabrastāna [m] graveyard
kabza [m] taking size, possesing
kabzā karanā [v] to grasp, to hold
kacaharī [f] court
kacarā [m] wastage, rubbish, garbage
kaccā [adj] weak, raw
kachuā [m] tortoise
kadama [m] step
kadara [f] value
kāga [m] crow
kāga viśtā samāna [m] like droppings of a crow
kahāň [pron] where
kahanā [v] to say
kahāvata [f] saying, proverb
kaise [prn] how
kājala [m] eye ointment
kālā [adj] black
kalā [f] art
kālā deva czarne deity (title of Krishn)
kalaha [m] quarrel
kalāhīntā [f] degradation
kalaka [m] regret, distress
kalākārī [f] artistry
kalama lagānā [v] to plant
kālāpana [m] blackness, darkness of complexion
kalaśa [m] urn
kaliyuga [m] irone age
kāloň kā kāl [m] death of deaths
kalpa kalpāňtara [m] cycle after cycle
kalpnā [f] imagination
kalyāņa [m] benefit
kāma [m] lust, sex lust
kāma [m] work
kamāī [f] income
kamala [m] lotus
kamala naina [m] lotus eye
kāmanā [f] wish
kamazora [m] weak
kamazorī [f] weakness
kambakta [adj] unfortunate, poor
kamī [f] defect, weakness, defficiency
kānā [adj] [m] one eyed
kaņa [m] particle
kaňcana [adj] pure
kaňđa [m] fragment, part, division
kaňdhā [m] shoulder
kaňgāla [adj] poor
kaňgana [m] brancelet
kanişţha [adj] degraded, inferior
kaňkaŗa [m] pebble
kāňţā [m] thorn
kaňţha [m] throat
kaňţhā [m] golden neclace
kānūna [m] law, rule, regulation
kanyā [f] virgin, unmarried girl
kanzūsa [adj] miserable
kāpārī [adj] extreme
kapatī [adj] dishonest
kapūta [adj] bad, unworthy
karāmāta [f] miracle
kāraņa [m] reason, cause
karanahāra [m] one who does things himself
kaŗavā [adj] bitter
karāvaņahāra [m] one who gets things done
kārīgara [m] artisan
kariśmā [m] wonder, miracle
karmabhoga [m] experiencing the results of actions; karmic accounts
karmatīta [m] stage of being beyond effects of actions
karmindriyāň [f pl] organs, physical senses
karnīghora [m] kind of Brahmin priest
karoŗa [num] 10 000 000
karoŗapati [m] millionaire
kartavya [m] duty, task
kārya [m] task, work
kasāī [m] butcher
kasama [f] oath, promise
kaşţa [m] suffering
kaśiśa [f] attraction
kaţanā to be cut
kāţanā [v] to cut
katārī [f] sword
kathā [f] story
kāthanī [f] speech, words
kaţhināī [f] difficulty, problem
kauā [m] crow
kauna [pron] who
kauňdha [f] flash
kaunsā [pron] which one
kaurī [f] shell
kaurī tulya [adj] worth a shell
kautuka [m] wonder
kavi [m] poet
kāyadā [m] law
kayāmata [f] the time of destruction, settlement
kāyaratā [f] cowardice
kāydeshira [adv] according to the law
kevala [adv] only, exclusively
khabaradāra [adj] watchful, careful
khāda [f] manure
khāla [f] skin
khalāsa [adj] [m] freed, released, relief
khālī [adj] empty, blank, not busy
khānā [v] to eat
khāna-pāna [m] food and drink
khaņđa [m] region, land
khapānā [v] to consume, to use up
khaŗatāla [m] khartala (type of instrument)
kharcā [m] expenses
khāsa [adj] special
khāsakara [adv] especially, in particular
khatarā [m] danger
khatarnāka [adj] fearsome
khātira [f] regard, respect, hospitality
khaţiyā [f] bed
khatrā [m] danger, risk
khaufnāka [adj] dangerous
khazānā [m] decoration
khela [m] game, play
khetī [f] cultivation, farming
khiňcanā [v] to pull
khīra [f] dish of rice boiled in milk with sugar
khivaiyā [m] boatman
khodanā [v] to dig
khoja [f] search
khoja nikālnā [v] to find out
kholanā [v] to open
khūba [adj] nice, good
khūbī [f] specialty, characteristic
khuda [pron] oneself
khudāī [f] excavation, digging
khudanā [v] to be dug, to be excavated
khūna [m] blood
khunenāhaka [m] bloodshed
khūnī [adj] [m] bloody
khurāka [f] nourishment
khuśabū [f] fragrance
khuśabūdara [adj] fragrant
khuśakhabarī [f] good news
khuśnasība [adj] fortunate
khyāla [m] opinion, thought, idea
kīcara [m] rubbish, swamp
kilā [m] fort
kinārā [m] shore
kīrā [m] worm, insect
kiraņa [m] ray
kirāyedāra [m] tenant
kīrtana [m] singing hymns in group
kisa [pron] whom
kisakā [pron] whose
kisma [f] type, sort, variety
klesha [m] anguish
kokha [m] abdomen
komaltā [F] softness, tenderness
koŗhi [adj] [m] leper
koţa [m] insect
krama [M] pace, step, process
kramānusāra [adv] according to numbers
kramaśā [adv] gradually
krāňti [f] revolution
kripā [f] kindness
kriti [f] action
kriyākarma [m] activity
krodha [m] anger
krodhī atmā [f] angry soul
kshamā [f] forgiveness
kshatriya [m] worrior
kshīņa hona [v] to be diminished
kshīra [m] thickened milk
kshīrakhaņđa [m] milk and sugar
kubjā [m] hunch back
kudarata [m] nature
kudaratī [adv] naturally
kukarma [m] bad action
kula [m] tribe, clan
kulakalankita [m] one who defames family
kumati [f] [adj] bad opinion, stupidity
kuňvārī [f] unmarried girl
kurbāna [m] sacrifice, surrender
kurītī [f] misconduct
kutiyā [f] cottage
kuţumba [m] family
kyā [pron] what
kyoň [pron] why
labādī [f] one who brags
lafāngā [m] braggart
lagāma [f] bridle
lagana [f] devotion, wholeheartedness
lagana bala [m] power of love
lagātāra [adv] continuously
lagāva [m] attachment
lage bacce [m pl] = sautele bacce step children
lahar [f] wave
laharānā [v] to wave
lahasuna [m] garlic
lāja [f] honour
lajjā [f] shame
lākha [num] 100 000
lakhapati [m] millionair
lakīra [f] line
lākshņika [adj] characteristic
lakshya [m] aim, object
lālaca [m] greed
lalakāra [f] challenge
lālasā [f] greed, longing, desire
lambā-cauŗā parivāra [m] huge family
laňgara [m] anchor
laňgarā [m] lame
laňgđānā [v] to limp
laphāňgā [m] braggart
lāŗalā [adj] [m] beloved, dear, darling
laranā [v] to fight
lāta [f] kick
laţakanā [v] to hang, to suspend, to dangel
lāţhī [f] stick
laukika [adj] wordly
lāyaka [adj] suitable, fit, worthy
lenā [v] to take
lihāzā [adv] hence, therefore
līna [adj] absorbed
linga [m] ling, fallus-shaped statue
liye (ke~) [adv] for
lobha [m] greed
loga [m pl] people
lohā [m] iron
loka [m] world
lopa [m] disappearance
lovlīna [adj] absorbed in love
luccā [adj] shameless, corrupted
lūlā [adj] [m] crippled
lūna pānī [m] salty water
madada [f] help
madadagāra [m] helper
madāra [adj] depended, based on
maddhyājībhava [m] to do all action for the sake of God's chariot
madhurtā [f] sweetness
madhyama [adv] middle, medium
madogrī [f] income
māfī [f] forgiveness
māfika [adj] similar to
magrūra [m] arrogant
mahādānī [m] great donor
mahādeva [m] great deity
mahafila [f] assembly, group, party, gathering
mahākāla [m] great death
mahala [m] palace
mahāna [adj] great
mahārathī [m] a great worrior
mahāshatru [m] great enemy
mahasūsa karanā [v] to feel, to experience
mahātmā [m] great soul
mahatva [m] greatness, importance
mahāvākya [m] eleveted version
mahāvira [m] great worrior
mahīmā [f] praise
mahīna [m] refine, subtle, deep
maiň [pron] I
maiň pana [m] consciousness of 'I'
majabūta [adj] firm, strong
majbūrī [f] compulsion
makkhana [m] butter
mālā [f] rosary, garland
māla [m] wealth
mālā ghumānā [v] to rotate rosary
maleccha [adj] dirty, impure
mālī [m] gardener
mālika [m] owner, master, lord
mamatva [m] attachement
mamtā [f] attachement
mana [m] mind
māna [m] pride,
mana ka mauna [m] silence of mind
manahūsa [adj] ill-omened, unlucky
manamanābhava [m] merge thoughts of your mind into mine mind
manamata [m] direction of human mind, individual opinion
manānā [v] to celebrate, to appease, to conciliate
mānanā [v] to consider sth as sth, to accept, to agree
mānanā [v] to believe, to accept
manana cintana manthana [m] churning
mānanīya [adj] worthy of respect
manasā [m] thoughts of mind
mānava [m] human being
maňda [adj] slow, dull
maňđaranā [v] to fly arround, to wander arround
mandira [m] temple
māne [m] meaning
mānganā [v] to ask for sth, to request sth
maņi [m] jewel, precious stone, gem
māňjhī [m] boatman
maňkā [m] bead
manobala [m] strength of mind
manokāmnā [f] hearty wish
manoraňjana [m] enertainment
manśa [f] purpose, object
maňthan karanā [v] to churn
maňtrī [m] minister of state
manu [m] first man, Prajapita Brahma
manuşya [m] man, human being
mānyatā [f] belief, opinion
maňzil [f] storey, floor, destination, stage
marajīvā [adj] dying alive
mārāmārī [f] bustle, rush, struggle
marammata [f] reparation, renovation
maranā [v] to die
mārgadarshana [m] guidence
martabā [f] 1.time, occacion; 2. position
maryādā [f] decorum, code of conduct
masta [adj] intoxicated
mastaka [m] forehead
mastaka maņi [m] jewel of forehead
mastī [f] intoxication
maśahūra [adj] famous
māśūka [adj] beloved
mātā [f] mother
mata [m] opinion
mata matāňtara [m] different opinions
matabheda [m] difference in opinion
mātā-pitā [pl] parents
mātele bacce [m pl] real children
maţha [m] temple
māthā [m] forehead, head
māthā mārnā [v] to beat one's head
maţha paňtha [m] paths and cults
matī [f] understanding, opinion
mātra [adj] [adv] mere, sole, merely, only
mauja [f] joy
maujūda [adj] present
maukā [m] opportunity, chance
mauta [f] death
māyā [f] illusion, maya
māyā nagrī [f] the place (city) of maya
māyāvī deśa [m] country of maya
māyāvī rūpa [m] form of maya  
mazā [m] pleasure, joy, enjoyment
mazabūta [adj] strong, firm
mehanata [f] effort, hard work
meiň [prep] in
merā pana [m] consciousness of 'mine'
meza [f] table
milana [m] union, meeting
milanasāra [adj] friendly, harmonious
misāla [f] example
miţānā [v] to erase, to wipe off
mīţhā [adj] sweet
miyā miţhū [m] self praise
mizāja[m] mood, temper
mleccha [m] [adj] dirty
moha [m] attachment
mohabbata [f] love
mohajīta [f] congueror of attachement
mohatāja [m] one who is dependent, one who has needs
moksha [f] eternal liberation
motī [m] pearl
mrityuloka [m] land of death, mortal land
mrityuparvata [m] after death
muāfika [adj] suitable
mudrita [adj] stamped, sealed
mukarara [adj] fixed, appointed
mukha linga [m] ling with mouth
mukhvanshāvalī [f] mouth born progeny
mukhya [adj] main
mukhyā [adj] principle, main
mukrā [m] face
mūla [adj] main
mūla maňtra [m] key principle
mūlavatana [m] the supreme region
mūlya [m] value
mūlyavāna [adj] [m] valuable
muňha [m] mouth
mūnjhanā [v] to be confused
murbī bacca [m] special child
mūrchita [adj] uncounscious, one who lost consciousness, faint
murdā [m] corpse
mūŗhmati [adj] dull headed
murjhānā [v] to wilt
mūrkha [adj] [m] fool, foolish
mūrta [m] statue
mūrtī [f] statue
musāfira [m] traveller
musāfirī [f] journey
mūsala [m] missile
mūsaldhāra [adj] strong
mūsaldhāra barsāta [f] torrential rain
muśkila [adj] difficult
mutthī [f] fist
nabaza [f] pulse
nābhī [f] navel
nācanā [verb] to dance
nadī [f] river
nāfaramānbaradāra [adj] disobedient
nafrat [f] hatred
nagāŗā [m] bugle
nagna [m] naked
nagna karanā [v] to strip
nagna veşadhārī [m] in naked disguise (Shankar)
nāhaka [adv] unnecessarily
nahara [f] stream, flow, canal
naina [m] eye
naīyā [f] boat
nājāyaza [adj] improper, illegitimate
naklī [adj] false, artificial
naklī hīre [m] false diamonds
nakshatra [m] planet, star
nālā [m] gutter
nāma bālā karanā [v] to glorify the name
nāma mātra [adv] name sake
nāma niśāna [m] trace of name
nāma paranā [v] to name
nāmaka [adj] named
namana [m] bow
namaste [m] [interj] namaste (form of greeting)
namāza [f] muslim prayer
nāmīgrāmī [adj] well-known, famous
namratā [f] humility
nara [m] male, ordinary human
narama [adj] soft, lenient
nārāza [adj] sulky, upset
nārī [f] female, ordinary woman
narka [m] hell
narkavāsī [m] resident of hell
nārkīya yoni [f] womb of hell
nasa [f] vein
nasība [m] fortune
nasībdāra [adj] fortunate
naşţa [adj] destroyed
nāstika [m] atheist
naşţomohā [m] conqueror of attachement
naśā [m] intoxication
nātaka [m] play, drama
naukara-cākara [m] servant
nāva [f] boat
navāba [m] lord, master
navanirmāņa [m] renewal
navayuga [m] new age
navīňtā [f] newness
nāza nakhre [m] mischief
nazara [f] glance, look
nazārā [m] sight
nazara ānā [v] to become visible
nāzuka [adj] delicate, sensitive
nemīnātha [adj] [m] one who is disciplined
netā [m] leader
netra [m] eye
ni:śulka [adj] free of charge
nibhānā [v] to discharge, to carry on, to maintain, to fulfill
nicāī [adj] degraded, low
nīce (ke~) [adv] below
nicoŗa [m] essence, extract
nidrā [f] sleep
nihāla karanā [v] to cause sb to loose awareness
nihara [adj] fearless
nijī [adj] personal, individual, intrinsic
nikalanā [v] to go out, to come out, to emerge
nikālanā [v] to take out
nimaňtraņa [m] invitation
nimitta [m] instrument (for getting sth done)
niňdā [f] defamation
nirahaňkārī [adj] without ego
nirākārī [adj] incorporeal
nirālā [adj] unique
niraňtara [adv] constant
nirāśa [adj] dissapointed
nirbala [adj] weak
nirbandhana [adj] free from bondages
nirbhara [adj] dependent
nirbhara karanā (~par~) [v] to depend on
nirdhana [adj] poor
nirguņa [adj] without virtues
nirguņa balaka [m] child without virtues
nirlepa [adj] immune
nirmāna [m] building
nirmāna karanā [v] to build
nirmāņacita [m] consciousness of humility
nirņaya [m] coming to conclusion, decision, determination (of matter)
nirņaya shakti [f] power to determine / conclude and decide
nirogī [adj] [m] healthy, free from deseases
nirsankalpa [m] without thoughts, free from thoughts
nirsankalpī [adj] thougthless
nirvāha [m] carrying on, accomplishing, conclusion
nirvāna [m] land beyond sound
nirvighna [adj] free from obstacles, untroubled
nirvikārī [adj] without vices
nişkāma [adj] altruistic, selfless
nişkrişţa [adj] sinful
nişţha [f] faith, loyalty
nisvārtha [m] selfless, without consciousness of self
niśāna [m] sign, remark
niśānā [m] goal, target
niśānī [f] distinctive mark, memo
niścita [adj] certain, fixed
nīti [f] morality, ethics
nivāraņa [m] solution
nivritti mārga [m] path of isolation, renunciation of action
niyama [m] law, rule
niyama pramāņa [m] according to the law, resulting fom the law
niyantraņa [m] control
nukasāna [m] damage, loss
nuksa [m] defect
nūňdhnā [v] to fix
nūra [m] light, sparkle
nyāyādhīśa [m] judge
nyochāvara karanā [v] to devote
pacanā [v] to be digested, to be consumed, to absorb
pada [m] post, status
padamāpadama multimillions
padamāpadama pati [m] multimillionair
pādara [m] sandal
pādarī [m] priest
padārtha [m] object, article, wordly possesions
padavī [f] rank, status
padharāmanī [f] entrance
padhārnā [v] to arrive, to come (about sb elevated)
pagāra [f] salary, wages
pahale (ke~) [adv] before
pahalvāna [m] wrestler, champion, strong man
pahananā [v] to wear
pahanānā [v] to dress sb, tu put on sth
pahāra [m] mountain
paharā [m] (~denā) [v] guard, watch (to guard, to keep watch on sth, sb)
pahuňcanā [v] to reach, to arrive
paidā karanā [v] to create, to rear
paidāisha [f] birt
paidāiśa [f] birth
paigāma [m] message
pāī-pāī [f] every penny
pakaŗanā [v] to catch, to hold
pakkā [adj] firm, mature, ripe
pakkī smriti [f] firm consciousness
palaka [f] eyelid
pālanā [v] to foster
palatanā [v] to turn back
palāyana karanā [v] to thatch
palle paŗanā [v] to be familiar, to be understood
pālnā [v] to sustain
pānā [v] to obtain
panapanā [v] to flourish, to grow
paňcāyata [f] elders in village
paňđā [m] guide
pānī [m] water
paňkha [m] wing
paňtha [m] sect
pāňva [m] foot
pāpa [m] sin
pāpa naşţa karanā [v] to destroy sins
pāpī [m] [adj] sinner, sinful
pāra [adv] across, through, beyond
pāra [m] distant, removed, end, limit, further extent
paracā [m] leaflet
parachāyā [f] shadow
paraciňtana [m] thoughts about others
paradarshana [m] far reaching vision
parādhīna [adj] dependent, subservient
paraheza [m] abstention
paraheza karanā [v] tp avoid
parakha [m] test
parakhanā [v] to discern
paraloka [m] the world beyond
parama [adj] supreme, highest, chief, best
paramārtha [m] the highest truth
paramārthika [adj] having to do with supreme truth
paramatmā [m] the supreme soul; the greatest soul
paramdhāma [m] supreme abode
parameshvara [m] God
paramparā [f] tradition
parampitā [m] the Supreme Father, father of souls
parampriya [adj] supremely beloved
paŗanā [v] to fall
parapūrna [adj] complete
pārasa [m] [adj] alchemist's stone; sound, healthy
pārasa buddhi [f] divine intellect
paravānā [m] moth
pārāvāra [m] limit, boundary
paravasha [adj] influenced
parāyā [adj] alien, other's
pardā [m] curtain
pareśāna [adj] distressed
paŗhāī [f] study
paŗhanā [v] to study, to read
paŗhānā [v] to teach
paribhāshā [f] definition, exact explanation
paricaya [m] acquaintance, introduction
parikramā [f] going round
parināma [m] result, change, transformation
paripakva [m] [adj] mature, ripe
parişad, [f] council
paristhiti [f] situation, circumstances
pariśrama [m] labour, hardwork, effort
parivāra [m] family
parivartana [m] transformation, change
parkhanā [v] to discern, to test
paropkāri [m] for the benefit of other
parpaňca [m] gossip
pārtha-dhārī [m] [adj] actor
parva [m] festival
pāsa (ke~) [adv] close, near
pāsa [m] pass (results)
pasāranā [v] to spread out, to stretch out
paścātāpa [m] repentance
paścima [f] western
paţala [m] mark on the forehead
pātāla [m] nether regions, down beyond earth
patana [m] deterioration, degradation
pati [m] husband
patita [m] [adj] fallen, degraded, a fallen person
patitoň ko pāvan karnevalā [m] the one who purifies impure ones
pātra [m] worthy person
patthara [m] stone
patthara buddhi [f] stone like intellect
paurānika [adj] mythological
pautra [m] grand-son
pautrī [f] grand-daughter
peshā [m] profession
peţa [m] stomach
pƒakīra [m] fakir, religious beggar
pƒakīrchaňda [m] pood lord
pƒalaka [m] sparkle of happiness
pƒaňsanā [v] to become trapped, entangled
pƒārakhtī [adj] separated
pƒariśtā [m] angel
pƒariyāda [f] complaint
pƒarka [m] difference
pƒarmāna [m] order, request
pƒarza [m] moral obligation, duty
pƒarza adāī [f] performance of duties
pƒarza nibhānā [v] to fulfil responsibility
pƒazīlata [f] excellence, virtue, manner(s)
pƒidā honā [v] to sacrifice
pƒikra [f] worry, care
pƒrākdila [m] [adj] generous heart
phaislā [m] decision
phakhura intoxication
phaldāyaka [adj] fruitful
phāltū [adj] surpluss, spare, useless
pharnā [v] to tear
phernā [v] to turn round, to twist, to bend
phūla [m] flower
phulvārī [f] garden
phurtī [f] agility
phurtīlā [adj] agile
phūţnā [v] to break
pīche (ke~) [adv] behind
pīdita [adj] distressed
pighalanā [v] to melt
piņđa [m] foetus; religious place
pinjarā [m] cage
pīŗhī [f] generation
pironā [v] to string, to thread
pīsanā [v] to grind
pitā [m] father
pītanā [v] to beat
pītnā [v] to wail
pitra [m] ancestor
poshaka [f] costume
pota melā one's account /report given to the father
prabala [adj] powerful
prabaňdha karanā [v] to arrange, to manage
prabhārā [adj] responsible for, in charge
prabhāva [adj] influenced
prabhāvaśālī [adj] influential
prabhu [m] God
pracāra [m] publicity
prācīna [adj] ancient
pradarśanī [f] exibition
pradhāranā [v] to proceed, to arrive
pragaţa karanā [v] to reaveal, to manifest
pragati [f] progress
prajā [m] subject, one who is under sb's rule
prajapitā [m] father of humanity
prajātantra [m] democracy
prajvalita [adj] (~karanā, ~hona) [v] flaming, blazing (become, be enlightened)
prakāņđa [m] [adj] great, vast
prakāra [m] kind, sort, type, way, manner
prakāśa [f] light
prakāśamaya [adj] glowing
prakāśana [m] publication
prakaţha [adj] evident, clear, obvious, displayed
prakhyāta honā [v] to be celebrated
prakopa [m] violent agitation, anger
prakrayā [f] procedure
prakriti [f] nature
prakritika [adj] natural, of nature
prakriyā [f] process
prālabdha attainment, fruitions
pralaya [f] annihilation
pralayaňkara [adj] catastrophic
pramāņa [m] proof
prāņa [m] life force, breath
prāneśvara [m] Bestower of life
prānī [adj] [m] animate, living being
praphullita [adj] blooming, cheerful
prāpta karanā [v] to obtain, to attain, to get
prārambhika [adj] elementary, basic
prārthanā [f] prayer
prasannacita [adj] full of happiness
prasannacitta [adj] full of contentment
prasiddha [adj] famous
prasthāna karanā [v] to set out, to depart
praśaňsā [f] praise
praśikshaņa [m] training
praśna [m] question
praśncita [m] full of questions, embodiment of questions
prathā [f] custom
prathama [adj] first
pratigyā [f] pledge, promise
pratīka [m] symbol
pratīkātmaka [adj] symbolical
pratimā [f] image
pratinidhitva [m] reprezentation (of group)
pratipādita [adj] stated, established, delivered, given
pratiśata [m] percentage
pratyakshaphala [m] visible fruit
pratyakshatā [f] revelation
pravacana [m] interpratation of religious texts
praveśa karanā [v] to enter
pravritti mārga [m] path of household
prāyah lopa [m] almost total disappearance
prayāsa [m] attempt
prayāsa karanā [v] to attempt
prayatna [m] attempt, endeavour
prayatna karanā [v] to endavour
prayoga karanā [v] to use
prayogī [m] one who uses
prema [m] love
preranā [f] inspiration
prerita [adj] urged, impelled, motivated, moved
prīta [f] love
prithvī [f] earth
priya [adj] dear, beloved
pūjā [f] religious worship
pujānā [v] to cause to be worshiped
pūjanā [v] to be worshiped
pujārī [m] worshipper
pujya [m] worship worthy
pūjya rūpa [m] venerable form
pukārana [v] to call out
punarāvartana [m] reocurrence
punarāvritti [f] reocurred, repeated
punarjanma [m] rebirth
pūňcha [[f] tail
pūnya [adj] charitable
pūrā [adj] full, complete
purānā adj] old
pūrņa karanā [v] to complete, to fulfill
purūşārtha [m] elevated effort
pūrva [f] east
purzā-purzā [m] crushed
puşpa [m] flower
putalā [m] statue, body
putravāna [adj] blessed with son
pyādā [m] infantry
pyāra [m] [adj] love
racanā [m] creation
racayitā [m] creator
raftāra [f] speed
rāga dvesha [m] prejudice
rāha [f] path
rahama [m] mercy
rahanā [v] to stay, to remain
rahasya [m] significance, secret
rahavāsī [m] resident
rahita [adj] deprived, devoid, without
rāhū [m] Saturn
rāī [f] mustard seed
rāja adhikāra [m] right to kingdom
rāja nīti [f] politics
rājasattā [f] kingdom
rājdhānī [f] capital
rajopradhāna [adj] semi-pure semi-impure
rakhanā [v] to put, to place, to keep
rakshā [f] protection
rakta [m] blood
ramaņīka (=ramaņīya) [adj] lovely, charming
ramata [f] stroll
rāsa [f] (~līlā [f]) dance
rasa [m] juice
rasama [f] custom, manners, tradition
rāsāyanika [adj] chemical
ras-gullā [m] sweet: balls of milk-cheese soaked in syrup
rāstā [m] way, path
rāśi [f] 1. sum, amount, 2. heap, 3. sign of zodiac
raunaka [f] lively atmosphere
raurava narka [m] depth of hell
rāva [m] king, ruler
rāvana [m] Ravan, embodiment of 5 vices
rāya [f] advice, opinion
rāza [m] secret
rāzayukta [adj] with significance; with secret
retīlī [adj] sandy
rīcā [f] verse
riddhi-siddhi [f] black powers, occult powers
rimajhima [adj] drizzling, glittering
riňcaka extremely slight
rīrha [f] spine
rishi [m] sage
riśtā [m] relation
rīti [f] custom, tradition
rivāza [m] usual occurence, custom, practise
romāňca [m] curl or thrill of the hairs
roma-roma [m] hair, pore
ronā [v] to cry
rośanī [f] light
ruci [f] interest
rūdra [m] Rudra, name of Shiva
rūhānī [adj] spiritual
ruharihān [m] spiritual conversation
rūī [f] cotton wool
rūkanā [v] to stop
rūkāvāta [f] hindrance
rūpa [m] form
rūpadhārī [adj] corporeal, with form
rūparekhā [f] outline
rūsatama [m] brave worrior
ruţhanā [v] to get angry, to sulk
sabaka [m] lesson
sabhā [f] group, gathering
sābita karanā [v] to prove, to substantiate
sabūta [m] proof
sabza [adj] green
saca [[m] truth
saccā [adj] [m] true
saccāī [f] authenticity
sad,gati [f] salvation
sadā [adv] always
sadā [f] sound, echo
sādhana [m] means, facilities; accomplishment
sādhārana [adj] ordinary
sadriśa [adj] like, as, similar
sadriśtā [f] similarity
sāfa [adj] clean
safalatā [f] succes
safalatā mūrta [m] embodiment of success
safara [m] journey
sagāī [f] engagement
sāgara [m] ocean
sage bacce [m pl] real children
sahaja [adj] easy
sahana karanā [v] to tolerate
sahanaśakti [f] power of tolerance
sahanaśīlatā [f] tolerance
sahārā [m] support
sāhasa [m] courage
sahāyatā [f] help
sahayoga [m] co-operarion
sahayogī [adj] co-operative
sāhibazādā [m] child of the Lord and Master
sahita [adv] with or without, together
sāhukāra [adj] [m] wealthy
saikarā [m] hundred
sajadā [m] bowing head to ground
sajaga [adj] alert, cautious
sājana [adj] beloved, bridegroom
sajānā [v] to decorate
sajanī [f] bride, lover
sakanā [v] to be able to, can
sākārī [adj] corporeal
sakāśa [m] rays of might and light given by the Supreme Father only
sakhā [m] friend
sakhī [f] female friend
sākshāta [adj] visible
sākshātkāra [m] meeting, interview
sākshī [adj] [m] observing; detached observer, witness
salāmī [f] salutation
sāligrāma [m] soul
sālima [adj] pure, clean, accurate
samādhāna [m] solution
sāmāgra [adj] entire
sāmagrī [f] paraphernalia, materials
samajhadāra [adj] sensible
samajhanā [v] to understand
samajhānā [v] to explain, to make sb understand
samaksha [adv] before eyes
samāna (ke~) [adv] like, egual
samanā [v] to accomodate
sāmana karanā [v] to face
samānā[v] to be contained
sāmānya [adj] general, ordinary
samāpta honā [v] to be completed
samāpti [f] end, completion
samāroha [m] ceremony, pomp, splendor
samarpaņa [m] surrender
samarpita [adj] surrendered
samasyā [f] problem
samaya [m] time
sambaňdha [m] relation
sambaňdhī [adj] connected with
sambhālanā [v] to manage, to look after, to support, to sustain
sambhava [adj] possible
sameţna [v] to gather up, to finish
sameţne ki śakti power of packing up
samīpa [adj] near, close
sammpanna [adj] full, complete
sammukha [adv] personally, in front
sāmne (ke~) [adv] in front of
samparka [m] connection
sampatti [f] wealth, property
sampradāya community
sampūrna [adj] perfect
samrāta [m] emperor
samudra [m] sea
samūha [m] group
sāmya [m] sameness
samyaka [m] thorough, comprehensive
samyaka rūpa se in appropriate manner
sāmyavāda [m] communism
sanātana [adj] ancient
saňdeśī [m] messenger (in trance)
saňdosha [m] influence of bad company
saňga [m] company
saňgaţhana [m] gathering
saňgharşa [m] friction, rubbing
saňgharsha [m] clash, friction
saňhāra [m] total destruction
saňhāranī [m] destroyer
saňjīvanī būtī [f] a life giving herb
saňkalpa [m] thought
saňkalpon ka khūna [m] blood of thoughts
saňkoca [m] hesitation
sannātā [m] complete silence
saňpanna [adj] prosperous
saňskāra [m] traits of personality, resolve, trait in soul of former expriences and deeds
saňsthā [f] organisation, institutional body
saňsthāpaka [m] founder
saňśay [m] doubt
saňtāna [m] offspring
saňtulana [m] balance
saňtuşţa [adj] content
saňtuştatā [f] contentment
saňvardhana [m] rearing, fostering, sustenance
sāňvrā [adj] dark
sanyāsa [m] isolation, renunciation
saňyogavaśa [m] good chance
sāptāhika [m] weekly
sapūta [adj] worthy son, good son
sāra [m] essence, extract
saralatā [f] easiness, lightness
sarāpa [m] curse
sarpa [m] snake
sarparasta [adj] (~karanā) [v] enrolled (to enroll)
sārthaka [adj] meaninful, significant
sarvaprathama [adj] very first
sarvatra [adv] everywhere
sarvavyāpī [adj] omnipresent
sarvesarvā [adv] all in all
sarvodayā [m] one who has feeling of mercy for all
sarvopari [adv] above all
sarvthā [adv] entirely
sastā [adj] cheap
sasura ghara in-law's house
saśakta [adj] powerful
sata [m] truth
sātha (ke~) [adv] together
satopradhāna [adj] completely pure
satsaňga [m] gathering
sattā [f] authority, power, existence
satya [m] truth
satyānāsha [m] distroying all truths
satyatā [f] truthfulness
satyavādi [adj] [m] one who speaks the truth
satyuga [m] golden age, age of truth
saubhāgya [m] great fortune
saubhāgyaśālī [adj] fortunate, full of fortune
saudā [m] deal, business
saudāgara [m] contractor
saugāta [m] gift
sauhārda [m] affection, friendliness, with full heart
sauňpī [f] hand over
sautelā baccā [m] step child
sāvadhāna karanā [v] to alert
sāvadhānī [f] caution
savāra [m] ride
savārī [f] vehicle
sayānā [adj] [m] sensible, mature
sazā [f] punishment
sāza [m] music
sehata [f] health
seka [f] heat
senā [f] army
senāpati [m] general of army
seţha [m] rich one
siddha karanā [v] to prove
siddhāňta [m] principle, final aim, end, demonstrated conclusion
siddhi [f] success, accomplishment
sīdhā [adj] direct
sikhānā [v] to learn
sikīladha [adj] long lost and now found
silāī karanā [v] to sew
sīmā [f] limit
simaraņa [m] chanting
sīmita [adj] limited
siňhāsana [m] throne
sira [m] head
sitārā [m] star, fortune, fate
smriti [f] awareness
sneha [m] love
sojharā [f] light
somarasa [m] nectar
sonā [m] gold
sonā [v] to sleep
spaşţa [adj] clear
spaşţa karanā [v] to clarify
spaşţa rūpa se clearly, in clarified form
srişţi [f] world
sthāī [adj] permanent
sthāpaka [m] founder, one who establishes
sthāpnā karanā [v] to establish
sthira [adj] stable
sthūla [adj] gross, physical
strī [f] female
stuti [f] praise
su~ [pref] prefix denoting 'good'
sūcaka [m] symbol
sūcita [adj] (~karanā) [v] pointed (to point out)
sudha-budha [f] consciousness, awareness
sudhāranā [v] to set right, to improve, to correct
sugandha [f] fragrance
suhānī [adj] beautiful
sujāga [m] awake
sukarma [m] good action
sukha ghanere [m] limitless happiness
sukha karatā [m] Bestower of happiness
sukhadhāma [m] land of happiness
sukhamaya [adj] full of happiness
sūkshma [adj] subtle
sumati [f] good understanding
sundara [adj] beautiful
sunvāī [f] hearing
suputra [m] obedient son, good son
surajīta [adj] [m] conscious
sūrata [f] appearance
surīlī [f] melodious
surmaņđala [m] celestial sound
suryavanshī [adj] belonging to Sun dynasty
susta [adj] lazy
sustī [f] lazyness
svabhāva [m] nature (character)
svabhāvika [adj] natural
svaccha [adj] pure, clean
svacchatā [f] cleanliness
svadarshanacakra [m] cycle of self realisation
svadesha [m] one's own country, original abode
svāhā [m] sacrifice
svamāna [m] self respect
svapna [m] dream
svarga [m] heaven, paradise
svarnim [adj] golden
svārtha [m] selfishness
svarūpa [m] shape, form
svāsthya [m] health
svayam, [pron] self
svayamvara [m] the choice of husband (by a princess)
svīkāra karanā [v] to accept, to admit
śahazādī [f] princess
śaitāna [m] devil, naughty
śaka [m] doubt
śākhā [f] branch
śakla [f] shape, form, face
śakti [f] power, spiritual energy
śaktihīna [adj] powerless
śaktiśālī [adj] powerful
śamā [f] flame
śāma [f] evening
śamaśāna [m] crematorium
śāmila [adj] included
śāmila karanā [v] to include
śāna [f] honour, dignity
śani [m] Saturn
śaňkā [f] doubt
śaňkha [m] conch, shell
śāňtacita [m] peaceful
śāňti [f] peace
śarāb [m] alcohol
śaraņa [f] shelter
śarīra [m] body
śārīrika [adj] physical, bodily
śarta [f] condition
śasmībhūta [m] destroyed evil
śatru [m] enemy
śatrutā [f] enmity
śauka [m] interest, hobby
śera [m] lion
śikāra [m] haunt
śikāyata [f] complaint
śikshā [f] teaching, study
śiromaņī [m] elevated jewel
śīrśak [m] heading, title
śītala [m] cool
śiva [m] benefactor
śobhanīka [adj] decorated
śobhatā [adj] [m] befitting, looking nice
śobhvāna [adj] beautiful
śoka [m] sorrow
śokavātikā [f] cottage of sorrow
śora-gula [m] noise resulting from zest, enthusiasm
śora-śarābā [m] uproar, tumult
śrāpa [m] curse
śreşţha [adj] elevated, righteous
śreşţhācārī [adj] [m] one who is elevated
śrīmata [m] the directions of the Supreme Father
śriňgāra [m] decoration
śubha [adj] auspicious
śubha ciňtaka [m] one who has good wishes
śubha kāmanā [f] good wish
śubha vritti [f] pure attitude
śuddha [adj] pure, clean, without trace of falsehood
śudra [m] śudra - fourth (the lowest) of four warnas in Indian Great Tradition
śurū karanā [v] to begin
śvāsa [f] breath
śyāma [adj] ugly, dark
tabāhī [f] ruin, destruction
tāba-ŗatoŗa [adv] in quick succession
tabīyata [f] health
tādāda [f] ammount, quantity
tādātmya [m] sameness of nature, identity
tahalkā [m] tumult
tahalkā macāna [v] to raise panic, to alarm
tairanā [v] to swim
tājadhārī [adj] [m] one who wears crown
taka untill
takadīravāna [adj] fortunate
tākata [f] capability, ability, power, strenght
tākhā [m] strong
takiyā [m] pillow
ţakkara [f] clash
taklīfa [f] difficulty, problem, pain
tālā [m] lock
tālāba [m] pond
ţālanā [v] to avoid, to postpone
tālī [f] clap
talvār [f] sword
tamannā [f] desire, hope
tamopradhāna [adj] impure
tana [m] body
tāňbā [m] copper
taňdarūsta [adj] healthy, vigorous, of healthy body
taňga [m] tight, distress
taňga karanā [v] to annoy
taňta [m] essence
ţapakanā [v] to drop, to trickle
tapanā [v] to heat
tapasyā [f] intense meditation
tapata [f] heat
tarafa [f] direction
tarafatī [adj] distressed
tarasa [m] compassion, pity
tārīkha [f] date
tarksaňgata [adj] in accordance with reason
tasvīra [f] picture
tat,kshaņa [adj] immediate
taţa [m] bank, shore
tathākathit [adj] so called
tatpara [adv] ready, in readiness
tātparya [m] (se~) meaning, purport, intent, reference
tatpaścāt [adv] therefore
ţatthī [f] latrine
tattvama [m] same applies to you
tatva [m] element
tatvāvdhān [m] supervision, direction
tāusī takhta [m] royal peacock throne
tavā [m] iron plate for cooking
tavāī [adj] crazy, mad
tejimaya [adj] extremely bright
ţeŗhā [adj] crooked, bent
teza [adj] fast, clever
ţhaga [m] robber
ţhagī [f] fraud
ţhaharanā [v] to stand still, to stop, to remain, to rest
ţhaharānā [v] to stop, to halt
thaka [adj] (~honā) [v] tired (to be tired)
thakaāvata [f] tiredness
thakanā [v] to get tired
thamānā [v] to give support, to hold
thappaŗa [m] slap
thekedāra [m] contractor
ţhikkara bhittara pebbles and stones
ţhoka [f] blow
thoka [m] mass, quantity, wholesale goods
ţhokanā to drive in, to strike, to tap
ţhokara khana [v] to stumble
thorā [adj] little, small
ţhukarānā [v] to reject
thura [m] trunk
tījarī kī kathā [f] story about the one who has the third eye
ţikāū [adj] durable
tīkhā [adj] pungent, strong, clever
tikhāpana [m] sharpness
ţīla [m] hillock
tīlī [f] straw
tīra [m] arrow
tiraskāra karanā [v] to insult
tīrtha [m] place of pilgrimage
tīrtha yātrā [f] pilgrimage
ţivāţā the place of three roads' junction
tīvra [adj] fast, speedy
tīvra gati [f] fast speed
tīvragāmi sharp movement
ţokarī [f] basket
toŗanā [v] to break
toŗnā [v] to tear, to break
trāhi-trāhi [f] chaos
tretayuga [m] silver age
trikāladarshī [m] one who knows three aspects of time
triloka [m] the three worlds
trilokīnātha [adj] master of three worlds
trinetrī [adj] [m] one with the third eye
tripta [adj] satisfied
tuccha [adj] triffling, of low significance, mean, low
ţukarā [m] piece
tulya [adj] equal, comparable, similar
tum [pron] you
turaňta [adv] instantly, immediately
ţuţā [adj] broken
tvameva [pron] only you
tyāga [m] renunciation
tyauhāra [m] festival
ubāsī [f] yawning
ud,ghoşna [f] declaration
udāratā [f] generosity
udaya [m] rise
uddeśya aim
uddhāra [m] upliftment
uddhāra karanā [v] to uplift
udghāţana [m] inauguration
udvega [m] agitation
udvegī [adj] agitated, hasty
ughārnā [v] to uncover
ukhaŗanā [v] to be rooted out, to be taken out
ukta [adj] spoken
ulajhana [f] confusion
ulhanā [v] to complaint
ullanghana karanā [v] to disobey
ullāsa [m] zeal
ullāsa [m] enthusiasm
ummīdavāra [adj] hopeful
unnati [f] progress
upadesha [m] good message
upādhi [f] degree, title
upadrava [m] upheaval
upahāra [m] gift
ūpara (ke~) [adv] above
upāsanā [f] (~karanā) [v] worship, adoration (to worship)
upasthita [adj] (~honā) [v] present (to be present)
upāya [m] remedy
upkāra karanā [v] to uplift, to bring benefit to sb
uŗanā [v] to fly
ustāda [m] master, trainer
utāra [f] descent, decline
utāra caŗhāva [m] fluctuation
utaranā [v] to come down
utaratī kalā [f] descending art (stage of descending)
utāvalā [adj] hasty
uthala-pathala [f] upheaval, turmoil
uţhanā [v] to get up, to rise
uţhāna [v] to lift
utkaņţhā [adj] craving, longing
utkaňţha [f] longing
utkarşa [m] elevation, eminence, rise, increase
utpanna [adj] (se~) produced, arisen from
utpatti [f] birth, origin, produce
utsāha [m] enthusiasm
utsava [m] festival
utsukatā [f] keeness, eagerness
uttama [adj] the highest
uttara [f] north
utthāna [m] raising up
utthāna-patana [m] rise and fall
vācā [adj] verbal
vacana [m] word, utterance
vādavivāda [m] argument, debate
vādya yaňtra [m] musical instrument
vaha (us meiň, usko, usse) [pron] that one (in that one, to that one, with that one)
vaha [pron] he, she (there)
vaibhava [m] grandeur
vaidya [m] traditional doctor, herbalist
vaigyānika [m] scientific
vaikuņţha [m] paradise
vairāgya [m] disinterest, dispassion
vaiśya [m] merchant, third of four warnas in Indian Great Tradition
vaiśyālaya [m] brothel
vaitaranī [f] poisonous river
vakālata [f] profession of lawyer
vakīla [m] lawyer
vakta [m] time
vākya [m] sentence, version
vāma mārga [m] path of sin and vice
vānaprastha [m] retirement
vānaprasthī [m] [adj] one who is in the stage of retirement (after 60)
vaňcita [adj] separated
vaňde mātaram, salutation to mothers
vānī [f] words, speech
vānī chalnā [v] to speak versions
vāňmārga [m] left hand way
vaňsī [m] one who belongs to clan
vaňśa [m] family, line, lineage
vaňśāvalī [f] clan, lineage
vaphādāra [adj] faithful, trusty, loyal
vara [m] husband
vāra [m] attack
varadāna [m] blessing, boon
varadānī one who receives blessing
varadātā [m] one who gives blessings
varanā [v] to marry
vārī [f] devoted
vārisa [m] heir
varişţha [m] senior, best
varnā [adv] and if not, otherwise
varņa [m] warna, 4 social classes reffering to social order in Indian Great Tradition (not to be confused with jāti, which means cast and reffers to social order in local traditions)
varņana karana [v] to describe
varsā inheritance
vartamāna [m] present time
vāsanā [f] an impression remaining in the mind
vasha [m] control
vāstava meiň [adv] in reality
vāstavika artha [m] real meaning
vastra [m] clothes
vastradhāri [m] one with clothes
vastu [m] thing, object
vasudhā [f] earth
vaśīkarana mantra [m] mantra to control the mind
vatana [m] world
vātāvarana [m] atmosphere
vāyu [f] air
vāyumandala [m] environement
vazana [m] weight
vazīra [m] advisor
ve (in meiň, inko, inse) [pron] they (there; in them, to them, with them; resp. he, she)
ve [pron] those
veşa [m] garb, guise
veşadhārī [adj] having cloth
vesha [m] dress, appeal
vibhājana [m] division, distribution
vibhīşikā [f] frightening, displaying of threat
vibhora [adj] inspired
vicāra [m] idea, thought
vicāraņīya [adj] worthy of consideration, deserving thought or consideration
vichārdhārā [f] persvasion, ideology
vicitra [adj] unique, without an image
vidāī [f] farewell
vidambnā [f] frustration
videha [adj] not bound by physical body, incorporeal
videśa [m] foreign country
videśī [m] foreigner
vidhāna [m] law
vidhātā [m] law maker, creator
vidhavā [f] widow
vidhi [f] law, manner, method
vidhvaňsa [m] destruction
vidvāna [m] scholar
vighaţana [m] dissolution, desintegration
vighna [m] obstacle
vijaya kā nagārā [m] bugles of victory
vikalpa [m] sinful thought
vikarāla [adj] hideous, most fearsome, dreadful
vikarma [m] sinful action
vikāsa [m] blooming, development
vikrit [adj] deformed, unsound
vikriti [f] defect
viksita honā [v] to be developed
vilāyata [m] abroad
vilīna [adj] absorbed, merged
vināshī [adj] destructible
vināśa [m] destruction
vinaśantī [adj] destroyed
viphala [adj] fruitless, unsuccessful
viprīta [adj] one who is contrary, non-loving
vīratā [f] heroism
viraţa rūpa [m] variety
virlā [adj] rare
virodha [m] oposition, resistance
virodhābhāsa [m] contradiction, paradox
virodī [adj] opposed, opposing
vīrya [m] semen
vişa [m] poison
vismriti [f] forgetfulness
visphoţa [m] explosion
vistāra [m] expansion
viśāla [m] broad
viśeşa [adj] special
viśeşatā [f] speciality
viśleşaņa [m] analysis
viśrāma [m] rest
viśva [m] world
viśva adhikārī [m] one with right to the world
viśvāsa [m] deep faith
vitaňđā [f] pointless or frivolous controversy, captious or perverse criticism
viveka [m] discretion, discrimination, discernment, prudence
viyigī [adj] disconected
vrata [m] oath
vrata [m] fasting
vriddhi [f] expansion
vrikshapati [m] Lord of the tree
vrikshāropana [m] planting
vrindāvana [m] Vrindavana, birthplace of Krishna
vritti [f] attitude
vyabhicāra deviation, adultery
vyabhicārī [adj] going apart or away, dissolute, vicious, adulterous
vyāja (byāja) [m] interest, deceit
vyakti [m] person
vyāpaka [adj] general, extensive, comprehensive
vyāpāra [m] business
vyāpta honā [v] to diffuse, to spread
vyartha [adj] futile, useless, waste
vyatīta [adj] passed, spent
vyatīta karanā [v] to spend (time)
vyavahāra [m] behaviour
vyāvasāyika [adj] engaged in business
vyavhicārī [adj] adulterated
yāda [f] remembrance
yādabala [m] power or remembrance
yādagāra [f] memorial
yagya [m] sacrificial fire
yaha (isa mein, isko, isse) [pron] he, she (here;in this one, to this one, with this one)
yaha [pron] this one
yamadūta [m] demons of death
yamadūta [m] demon of death
yānī [conj] it meant, i.e.
yantra [m] weapon
yathā [adv] as, like
yathārtha [adv] accurately
yathāśakti [adv] according to stregth, according to capacity
yātrā [f] journey
ye (in mein, inko, inse) [pron] they (here; in them, for them, with them; honoryf. he, she)
ye [pron] these
yoga [m] yoga; union, remembrance, connection with the Supreme
yoga agni [f] fire of yoga
yoga bala [m] power of yoga
yogayukta [adj] accurate in yoga
yogeśvara [m] God of yogis
yogibhava [v] be yogi
yogya [adj] capable of, able, suitable, worthy of
yogyatā [f] capability
yoni [f] womb, birth, rebirth, reincarnation
yuddha [m] battle, war
yugala [m] couple
yukti [f] method
yuktiyukta [adj] accurate in method
yuvā [adj] youth
zahara [m] poison
zaharīlā [adj] [m] poisoneous
zamīna [f] earth, ground, soil, land
zaňzīra [f] chain
zarā [adv] a bit
zārī rakhnā [v] to continue
zarura [adv] certainly
zevara [m] jewellery
zidda [f] stuborness
zimmevāra [adj] responsible
zimmevārī [f] responsibility
zindā [adj] alive
zindābāda [adv] slogan of victory