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<nowiki>* Topic: '''[[your_topic_name]]'''</nowiki>
<nowiki>* Topic: '''[[your_topic_name]]'''</nowiki>

Revision as of 11:58, 9 June 2006

Ex-BK Index and External Resources List

Ex-BKs are working on suggestions and a request for an Ex-BK index for an external resources list. We see the need for and value of both of these, and we think that they can be combined with the BKInfo Wiki and as an entirely separate project are providing the following list of topics for individuals to work on.

Clicking on any of the following links will take you to another page to share your thoughts. Some pages have already been made, some you may have to create using a another simple link.

A preliminary outline of the topics would look something like this :

      Relationships & marriage after leaving
      Relationships between BKs but outside the maryadas
      Emotional responses - general
      Re-constructing yourself 
      Alternative Lifestyles
      God - questions of identity, authenticity and duplicity 
      5000 year cycle 
      Revisionist approaches 
      Revisionist BKs 
      PBKs vis a via BKs 

Ex-BK Index

This will be a work in progress for some time. Feel free to add to the list of relevant topics or make your suggestions as to how this index and list may be expanded and / or improved. Do not be concenred about having to or being able to use the specific way or editing a Wiki page, that will be done for you after. Think of this as a place into which you can add your findings or work in progress, from the Wiki as well as from external websites.

"URL" means Universal Resource Locater is the technical term for a "website address".

As an examples your entries could read something like these :

Topic example


"an kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose. Whenever people gather together to do something and egregore is formed. The egregore can continue to grow in strength and can last for centuries ".

External website example

State the topic, give the external URL (i.e. website address) and provide a very brief description of what one is directing the reader to on the particular webpage. Because of copyright, space and other considerations, you are asked not to quote extensively from external sites.

xBKChat page: http://xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?t=906&highlight=depression

Post made by Joel on 11 March 2006

" Perhaps we could put our heads/fingers together and create a list of resources for recovering ex-BKs: books, web resources on cults/depression... "

External site : http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/pitcairn/1421/deal-eng.htm

See, quarter way down the page, where the BKs are discussed:

" Brahma Kumaris [ often under the false title "Worldwide Spiritual University" ]. This is a Hindu organization with international interconnections; its name means "Brahma's daughters". It was founded by a Hindu merchant, who... "

Ex-BK Index and External Resources List

Ex-BKs are working on suggestions and a request for an Ex-BK index for an external resources list. We see the need for and value of both of these, and we think that they can be combined with the BKInfo Wiki and as an entirely separate project are providing the following list of topics for individuals to work on.

Clicking on any of the following links will take you to another page to share your thoughts. Some pages have already been made, some you may have to create using a another simple link.

A preliminary outline of the topics would look something like this :

      Relationships & marriage after leaving
      Relationships between BKs but outside the maryadas
      Emotional responses - general
      Re-constructing yourself 
      Alternative Lifestyles
      God - questions of identity, authenticity and duplicity 
      5000 year cycle 
      Revisionist approaches 
      Revisionist BKs 
      PBKs vis a via BKs 

Ex-BK Index

This will be a work in progress for some time. Feel free to add to the list of relevant topics or make your suggestions as to how this index and list may be expanded and / or improved. Do not be concenred about having to or being able to use the specific way or editing a Wiki page, that will be done for you after. Think of this as a place into which you can add your findings or work in progress, from the Wiki as well as from external websites.

"URL" means Universal Resource Locater is the technical term for a "website address".

As an examples your entries could read something like these :

Topic example


"an kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose. Whenever people gather together to do something and egregore is formed. The egregore can continue to grow in strength and can last for centuries ".

External website example

State the topic, give the external URL (i.e. website address) and provide a very brief description of what one is directing the reader to on the particular webpage. Because of copyright, space and other considerations, you are asked not to quote extensively from external sites.

xBKChat page: http://xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?t=906&highlight=depression

Post made by Joel on 11 March 2006

" Perhaps we could put our heads/fingers together and create a list of resources for recovering ex-BKs: books, web resources on cults/depression... "

External site : http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/pitcairn/1421/deal-eng.htm

See, quarter way down the page, where the BKs are discussed:

" Brahma Kumaris [ often under the false title "Worldwide Spiritual University" ]. This is a Hindu organization with international interconnections; its name means "Brahma's daughters". It was founded by a Hindu merchant, who... "


Please copy and paste this template intothe new page to help you lay out your submission neatly ;

* Topic: '''[[your_topic_name]]'''

'''the_page_or_website_name''': http://the_website_address.com

Post made by [[authors_name]] on [add_date_here]'''

" ''add_the_short_quotation_here...'' "

Work in Progress

This is will be a work in progress for some time. Your entries under this topic will be reviewed, edited, corrected and formatted where necessary.