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== Chart ==
Active BKs are advised to keep a daily " chart " which is similar to diary with the exception that this is based on tenets, beliefs and practices of BK Raja Yoga.  
[[A daily chart]] kept by active BKs which is similar to a daily journal with the exception that this is based on tenets/beliefs/practices.  Some have actively kept charts post BKs as they find it to be a practical and a sensible piece to keep.  So, there may well be some positive aspects that one can keep and use post BKs without the dogma. It is a well accepted practice to [[journal/chart]] ones progress in the non-BK world and is often tied into being more [[productive]], [[positive]], [[focused]] and [[goal oriented]].
Quoting Joel:
Examples of questions in a BK chart would be ;
[[A scan of a sample chart would be a good addition to any BK-info website. ]]
* How many hours did you spend in the Father's remembrance?  
* Did you get up at Amrit Vela?  
1. How many hours did you spend in the Father's remembrance?  
* Did you revise the murli points?  
* Did you remember Baba and give drishti to the food before eating?  
2. Did you get up at Amrit Vela?  
* Did you shower/change after bowel movement?  
* Did you do service through body/mind/words?  
3. Did you revise the murli points?  
* Did you do karma yoga?  
* How many did you give the Father's introduction?  
4. Did you remember Baba and give drishti to the food before eating?  
* Percentage of soul consciousness throughout the day?
5. Did you shower/change after bowel movement?  
6. Did you do service through body/mind/words?  
7. Did you do karma yoga?  
8. How many did you give the Father's introduction?  
9. Percentage of soul consciousness throughout the day?  
END QUOTE... (numbers were added here)

Revision as of 02:27, 19 May 2006

Active BKs are advised to keep a daily " chart " which is similar to diary with the exception that this is based on tenets, beliefs and practices of BK Raja Yoga.

Examples of questions in a BK chart would be ;

  • How many hours did you spend in the Father's remembrance?
  • Did you get up at Amrit Vela?
  • Did you revise the murli points?
  • Did you remember Baba and give drishti to the food before eating?
  • Did you shower/change after bowel movement?
  • Did you do service through body/mind/words?
  • Did you do karma yoga?
  • How many did you give the Father's introduction?
  • Percentage of soul consciousness throughout the day?