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Respected Dadis and Dear bk brother and sisters.
I have a query which has been in my mind for a long time and i need to have a logical clarification for the same.
My query is that-- you have written under the article "celibacy" --that it is imperative to have strict sexual chastity for at least 6 months to one year before any bk can go to mount abu-----what i need to know is that---in murlis Baba says that 'I come into the impure world into a impure body to make souls pure'---so when the Supreme soul Shiva himself says that He comes into an impure body --then why is the condition of sexual chastity of 6 months needed to go to mount abu to meet the SSS in Dadi gulzar---If He liked purity so much then He should have come into Divine beings in satyug who are pure by thought words and deeds--and not in human beings who may follow physical purity for some time but all are criminal eyes(impure).
Can any bk give a logical explanation for the above query.
ok om shanti--pandav.

Latest revision as of 12:25, 28 August 2006

As practised within the BKWSU, sexual chastity, involving no procreation, no marriage, no sex within marriage if already married, no physical relationships, masturbation or romance.

Also referred to by BKs as " Brahmacharya ", the vow of celibacy that a Hindu sanyasi or renounced monk may take at any age when they have understood that living for material or sensual pleasures will never bring the perfect happiness that the soul desires.

In almost every age apart from the modern Western society, celibacy has been held in high regard as a more elevated ideal, usually, than the married or non-celibate state. Sensual pleasures being considered to blunt, rather than sharpen, the intellect.

A period of strict sexual chastity, 6 months or a year long, is required of the BK student before being allowed to visit the BKWSU headquarters in Mount Abu, India.

External links

http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/brown.htm http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/hodgkin.htm