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'''Essence:''' Sweet children, the furnace of yoga is most valuable for you because it is in this furnace that your sins are destroyed.
* '''Essence:''' Sweet children, the furnace of yoga is most valuable for you because it is in this furnace that your sins are destroyed.
'''Question:''' Which children have the knowledge of the Seed and the tree very clearly in their intellect?
* '''Question:''' Which children have the knowledge of the Seed and the tree very clearly in their intellect?
'''Answer:''' Those who churn the ocean of knowledge. The early morning hours of nectar is a very good time for churning knowledge. Wake up early in the morning and let your intellect remember the one Father. Yours is the soundless chant. There is no need to say “Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba” in a subtle or physical way. Remember Him with your intellect.
* '''Answer:''' Those who churn the ocean of knowledge. The early morning hours of nectar is a very good time for churning knowledge. Wake up early in the morning and let your intellect remember the one Father. Yours is the soundless chant. There is no need to say “Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba” in a subtle or physical way. Remember Him with your intellect.
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'''Essence for Dharna:'''
* '''Essence for Dharna:'''
* 1. Very little time remains. Therefore, become complete helpers of Baba. Remember Baba and the inheritance and inspire others to do the same.
* 2. At the final moment, only Baba should be remembered. For this, let there be love for the one Father. Don’t remember anyone except Baba. Be very cautious about this.
'''Blessing:''' May you be a powerful server and give blessings to everyone by imbibing the speciality of balance.
1. Very little time remains. Therefore, become complete helpers of Baba. Remember Baba and the inheritance and inspire others to do the same.
2. At the final moment, only Baba should be remembered. For this, let there be love for the one Father. Don’t remember anyone except Baba. Be very cautious about this.
* '''Blessing:''' May you be a powerful server and give blessings to everyone by imbibing the speciality of balance.
The service of all of you powerful souls is to give blessings to everyone, whether you give them through your eyes or through the jewel of the forehead. You saw the Sakar form of Baba in the final Karmateet stage how he had the speciality of balance and the wonder of blessings. Therefore, follow the father. This is easy and powerful service. This requires less time, less effort and brings greater results. So, with the form of soul consciousness, continue to give blessings to everyone.
The service of all of you powerful souls is to give blessings to everyone, whether you give them through your eyes or through the jewel of the forehead. You saw the Sakar form of Baba in the final Karmateet stage how he had the speciality of balance and the wonder of blessings. Therefore, follow the father. This is easy and powerful service. This requires less time, less effort and brings greater results. So, with the form of soul consciousness, continue to give blessings to everyone.
'''Slogan:''' To have pure thoughts for all souls is to become an image that grants blessings.
* '''Slogan:''' To have pure thoughts for all souls is to become an image that grants blessings.
<center> O M S H A N T I </center>
<center> O M S H A N T I </center>
[[Category:Sakar Murli]]

Latest revision as of 22:09, 15 September 2006

  • Essence: Sweet children, the furnace of yoga is most valuable for you because it is in this furnace that your sins are destroyed.
  • Question: Which children have the knowledge of the Seed and the tree very clearly in their intellect?
  • Answer: Those who churn the ocean of knowledge. The early morning hours of nectar is a very good time for churning knowledge. Wake up early in the morning and let your intellect remember the one Father. Yours is the soundless chant. There is no need to say “Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba” in a subtle or physical way. Remember Him with your intellect.

Om Shanti. The spiritual Father sits here and explains to the spirits, that is, He explains to the children. Baba says: I also have a body and this is how I am able to speak. You should also think, I am a soul, and I am listening through the body. You have to imbibe this knowledge very well, just as Baba has imbibed it. Knowledge is imbibed in the intellect of the soul. Your intellects should have such dharna, just as it is in Baba’s intellect. The explanation of the Seed and the tree is very easy. A gardener has knowledge of how a huge tree will emerge by planting such-and-such a seed. Baba also explains that this has to be imbibed by the intellect. Just as all of this remains in My intellect, so it should also remain in yours. That will only happen when you churn the ocean of knowledge.

The early morning is a very good time for churning the ocean of knowledge. You don’t have any other business at that time. People also do Bhakti early in the morning. They go here and there, or sit somewhere and chant a name, or sing songs and make a lot of noise. Some just say “Rama, Rama” internally. That is the soundless chant of Bhakti. Some even rotate a rosary. You don’t need to say “Shiva, Shiva”. The things that people do in Bhakti should not happen in knowledge. Many have the habit of chanting “Shiva, Shiva”. You do not need to say “Shiva, Shiva”, either in a physical or a subtle way. You children understand that our Father has come. He would definitely come in someone’s body. He doesn’t have a body of His own. He is beyond rebirth. Rebirth takes place in this human world. Lakshmi and Narayan are the two forms of Vishnu. They say: Dev, dev, mahadev, (deity, deity, great deity). Brahma and Vishnu have a connection with each other, whereas Shankar has no connection at all. This is why he is given greater importance. He does not take rebirth, he receives a subtle body. Shiv Baba doesn’t even have a subtle body, and this is why He is the Highest on High.

He is the unlimited Father. You children understand that you are claiming an unlimited inheritance of happiness from the unlimited Father. You have to follow Baba’s shrimat completely. It is as though those who have remembrance and inspire others to have remembrance become Baba’s helpers. Remember the Father and the inheritance. Baba continues to explain to you children that your eighty-four births are now almost completed and that very little time now remains. In a play, actors understand that when only half-an-hour remains they will then go home. They continue to watch the clock. Yours is an unlimited huge clock. It has been explained that you now have to return home. By remembering Baba your sins will be incinerated.

Such easy yoga is not mentioned in any of the scriptures. They do a great deal of Hatha Yoga. They make a lot of effort; you mothers are not able to do that. You don’t have to sit in special postures like Hatha Yogis. Yes, you have to sit with discipline within the gathering. Yours is Raja Yoga. You have to sit in a semilotus position. By sitting in yoga in such a royal way there will be intoxication. In Hatha Yoga they entangle their two legs together. Baba doesn’t give you such difficulty. However, there has to be a slight difference in sitting in an ordinary way and sitting in yoga. You are studying Raja Yoga, and so you should sit in such a way that human beings understand that this is Raja Yoga. This also shows your royalty. You are being made into kings of kings by the unlimited Father.

You should remember such a Father again and again. You do not remember Baba in the golden age, you only remember yourselves. In the iron age, souls neither know the Father nor do they know themselves. They simply call out to the Father. You have now come to know Baba very clearly. No one else understands that Baba is a dot. They say that He is very subtle, and yet they say that He is brighter than a thousand suns. These things don’t match up. Since they say that He is nameless and formless, how can they say that He is brighter than a thousand suns? Previously, you also used to think in that way. Baba says: This explanation had to be given later on in the drama. The subtlest aspects have to be understood and then explained to others. Don’t think: Why were we told previously that God is brighter than a thousand suns and now we are told that He is just a dot? It is only when someone is studying for the I.C.S. (Indian Civil Service) that he will speak about the I.C.S. How could he speak about it beforehand? There is no need to be confused about this. According to the drama, when Baba has to explain, He will explain. Baba will explain further because Baba’s influence has to spread. Just as you are a soul, in the same way, He too is a soul. He resides in the supreme region. He is called the Supreme Soul. When He comes here, He gives knowledge.

Baba says: When the world becomes impure, I come to purify it. They call out: O Purifier, O Remover of Sorrow, Bestower of Happiness, come! He will come at the confluence age when the night is over and the day is about to begin. At the end the old world will finish and you will reach your Karmateet stage. You have to live at home; you must not leave that. Remain as pure as a lotus flower, whilst coming into connection for the livelihood of your body. Deities were completely pure, but when and how did they become like that? Surely, they must have made effort in order to receive their reward. Their reward was created according to their efforts. As the deeds, so will be the reward; this continues to happen. You have now found Baba, the One who teaches you how to act. You have to remember Him very well. You are adopted children. There is a great deal of adoption amongst the Marwadis (a tribe in India). You too are adopted; you are not born through the womb. When someone is adopted he remembers both his fathers. Until the very end of his life, he remembers whose child he really is and also the father who adopted him. You also know who you used to belong to and whose children you have now become. You know that you have been adopted by the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He is the Creator of heaven.

For how long does His creation last? For half a cycle. Ravan is the creator of hell, and his kingdom also lasts for half a cycle. From satopradhan it becomes tamopradhan. This has to be understood. If you don’t understand something, you can ask. When there is an eclipse of the sun or the moon, they say: Give a donation and the eclipse will be removed. The sun and the moon are memorials of the Father and mother. Here, both males and females experience an eclipse. This is why it is said: Give the donation of the five vices. There is an eclipse once or twice a year. Here it is a question of every cycle. Only once does Baba come to take this donation. Human beings have become completely ugly. This is the iron age. When real gold has alloy mixed with it, it becomes tarnished. There is the new home and the old home. There is a difference between a new-born baby and an old person. A little child is very sweet and lovely. Everyone wants to kiss him and take him into their lap. When the body becomes old and decayed, they say: It is better to renounce it, why should more pain be endured? The soul sheds a body and takes another. Here, you don’t allow the sick to die, because the more they listen, the better it is. Let them continue to remember Shiv Baba and the inheritance. People forget everything when they are ill and in a lot of pain. However, the one in whom they have faith appears in front of them at that time.

Your promise is that, mine is one Shiv Baba and none other. So why do you remember someone else? Baba says: You should not remember anyone except Me. It is said: Someone who remembers his wife at the end will reach his destination accordingly. Although they speak the whole of this verse, yet they do not understand the meaning of it. All the things they remember on the path of devotion are from the confluence age. At this time, simply remember the Father and the inheritance. The status of Shri Narayan is your reward, and so the complete meaning of this should be in your intellect. Many people remember Him without understanding the significance. At the end, whoever you have the most love for will be remembered. You have to remain very cautious. You have to remember only the one Father. Baba says: Manmanabhav! You children say: Baba, we meet You every cycle. We come to Madhuban to receive this knowledge from You. This is the mantra that disciplines the mind. The Satguru gives you such a mantra that you become immortal. This is the mantra to conquer Maya. Due to this, they say that Tulsidas rubbed some sandalwood, and then God appeared and gave him the tilak of sovereignty. That applies to this time and is remembered later on. You children are receiving the unlimited tilak of sovereignty by remembering Baba and the inheritance. If you leave the body in remembrance of the Father and the kingdom, you receive the tilak of sovereignty.

It is not that only one will receive this. There is the rosary of one hundred and eight and also the rosary of sixteen thousand one hundred and eight. Now simply remember Baba accurately. Baba is praised a great deal. It is said: Your ways and means are unique. Only you know about them and that is accurate. He is the One who grants salvation and He is the one who knows. Previously, you simply used to sing this without understanding the meaning. Because it had no significance, there was no attainment. By giving donations and doing charity etc. human beings have continued to fall without achieving anything. By following devilish dictates, everything has become meaningless. This one used to worship Narayan and is now becoming worthy of worship from being a worshipper in a practical way. You children now understand that Shiv Baba is teaching us. You have to remember this firmly, otherwise your sins will not be absolved. This furnace of yoga is most valuable. You also receive liberation.

Some say that they want peace of mind. Ask them: First of all, tell us who made you peaceless? Previously, you were peaceful. You have now become peaceless, and this is why you ask for peace. The whole world needs peace. Nothing can be achieved by just one person receiving peace. The whole world is not going to become peaceful just because one person receives peace. Who made you peaceless? They become confused. It is explained that there is the land of peace, the land of happiness and this land of sorrow. There are very few human beings in the land of happiness. At that time, all other souls are in the land of peace. You will receive peace there. You cannot receive it here. Here, it is the land of sorrow and there is peacelessness at the time of sorrow. This is very easy to explain to anyone. Baba is the only One who can give the inheritance of peace and happiness. In the golden age, there is both, peace and happiness. Here, the soul wants the mind to become peaceful, but, for that, you have to go home to your Paramdham (supreme abode). However, no impure soul can go up there, and so this is why Baba explains: Remember Me, and your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. Remember Baba and the inheritance. However, Maya is such that she doesn’t allow you to become pure.

Just look how innocent ones are assaulted! Some cannot remain without poison. Baba receives many types of news. The greatest violence is lust, the enemy. Baba says: Renounce poison! Do not make your face ugly. They say: Yes, we will try! This is the poison that causes you sorrow from its beginning through the middle to the end. However, if it is not in their fortune, they do not listen. When Baba sits here and explains to a soul: “From today, do not indulge in vice”, he simply looks down. Lust is the greatest enemy; it is not a good thing. This is the vicious world. Everyone is impure. In the golden age, all are completely viceless. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, who have come and met Baba after five thousand years exactly as you did a cycle ago, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

  • Essence for Dharna:

1. Very little time remains. Therefore, become complete helpers of Baba. Remember Baba and the inheritance and inspire others to do the same.

2. At the final moment, only Baba should be remembered. For this, let there be love for the one Father. Don’t remember anyone except Baba. Be very cautious about this.

  • Blessing: May you be a powerful server and give blessings to everyone by imbibing the speciality of balance.

The service of all of you powerful souls is to give blessings to everyone, whether you give them through your eyes or through the jewel of the forehead. You saw the Sakar form of Baba in the final Karmateet stage how he had the speciality of balance and the wonder of blessings. Therefore, follow the father. This is easy and powerful service. This requires less time, less effort and brings greater results. So, with the form of soul consciousness, continue to give blessings to everyone.

  • Slogan: To have pure thoughts for all souls is to become an image that grants blessings.