Prediction of Destruction in 1950

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Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post25 Mar 2007

This is the text form an original Prajapati Brahma Kumaris (precusor of the BKWSU) poster of The Cycle similar to those I have uploaded elsewhere. It was published in a red color, in a variety of forms and materials, and used for publicity, teaching and advertising.

Along with the organization's founder Brahma being God, it clearly states the Gyan Yagya lasts for "12 years" and that "the present final International Atomic War" was to be within "one a year or so".

Apart from the font - and elements I have highlighted in bold - it is replicated faithfully including original typographic errors and formatting. There was one single word that I could not make out and if I can correct that I will. It might have been "Self-crowning" or "Self-coronating", as in "His 108 most beloved Self-coronating luckiest Divine Ones". The Divine Ones was what they were calling themselves. Each Prajapati, or religious Father, had his own Divine Ones.

It is date stamped Feb 1950 and so must pre-date that. The publishers mark says 1949 and so I think that is quite reliable. Perhaps September (9-1949). I know that this will be good news and vindicate the PBKs to some degree, although I do not know why exactly. Something to do with a metaphorical Destruction of an element/a certain faction within the Brahmakumaris rather than Destruction being of the external world. But here is it in all its wonderful glory ...
    1949 and no mention of Shiva.
Prajapati Brahma Kumaris wrote:KEY TO WORLD SOVEREIGNTY



Just as God (Creator) is eternal, so is this preordained, every revolving, movie and talkie World Drama (Creation) consisting of four Epochs, viz. Sat-Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga (Silver Age), Dwapur Yuga (Coper Age) and Kali-Yuga (Iron Age), depicting two contrasting aspects of life, viz. (1) eternally blissful and every-happy, Copper and Iron Aged, vicious life without control over mind, suggered due to adherence to the path of Devotion.

The reel of this eternal World Drama rotates automatically and unceasingly with the aid of eternal power of Almighty God, the Supreme Soul, and repeats its course identically every Kalpa (5000 years). Just as an ordinary stage play is hot up in the form of a subtle cinema film which is projected back on a screen from a far off place in a theatre, even so this corporeal World-stage Drama, eternally shot into Incorporeal picture existing unseen (but visible only through Divine Insight) in Infinite, is being continually projected back on the huge stage of this practical corporeal world repeatedly every Kalpa, times out of number.

Human beings are, thus, actors on the stage of this huge variety Human World on which, form the beginnings of Sat-Yuga till the end of Kali-Yuga, the most outstanding actors are Divine Fathers Prajapita God Brahma, Abrahma, Buddha and Christ who incarnate incognito, along with their respective Divine Ones, in their respective turn in different countries, possessing their respective Divine Power, and become instrumental, in spite of suffering tortures and tribulations, while renouncing vicious worldly connectins and purifying themselvess by having control over five vices, viz, lust, anger, avarice, atachment & arrogance (the great enemies of human being), to perform the foundation ceremony of their Golden Aged Deity, Islamic, Buddhistic and Christian Dynasties or Religions, lasting for 5000, 2500, 2250, 2000 years respectively. These very Divine Fathers, along with their respective Divines Ones, subsequently take several births as supreme heads of their respective religions or dynasties which they propogate while these these pass through their own Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron ages, till at the end of the Kalpa, i.e. on the day of final resurrection, after undergoing punishment ont he hands of God Dharamraj in subtle form for the wicked deeds, committed during their several births in Copper and Iron ages due to being under the control of five great enemies, their purfied souls go to abide in Brahm (Infinite Divine Light). Concurrently, according to the preordained plan of World Drama, Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, along with His Divine Heirs, become instrumental for the re-restablishment of the original selfsame Sat-Yugi Deity Dynasty by obtaining victory over the five great enemies through perfect faith in "Aham Brham Asmi" i.e. "Aham Chaturbhuj" (I am the Creator as well as the Sovereign of Creation) like Kalpa ago.

This World Drama is also called "Kalpa VRIKSHA", i.e. the Human World Tree lasting for a Kalpa (5000 years), of which Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, Corporeal Reincarnation of Incorporeal Vishnu (Chaturbhuj) is the Seed. The becomes instrumental for the establishment of Sat-Yugi, Gyan Suryavanshi Brahman Deity and Treta-Yugi, Gyan Chandravanshi Kshetriya Dynasty, the TRUNK of the entire Human World Tree. The three principlal branches of this World Tree, budding forth in Dwapur Yuga, are Islamic, Buddhistic and Christian Dynasties or Religions which, after enjoying happiness during their first half period by following the viceless path of Divine Wisdom, split up into various sects, religions, maths, paths, samajs, etc., as sub-branches and suffer sorrow and unhappiness by following the vicious path of devotion during the second half period. (One can never attain victory over the five great enemies by means of organising material Yagyas, reading shastras, giving alms, going to sacred places, etc.) Thus, this Corporeal Human Wortld Tree, emerging from its Incorporeal Seed, flourishes completely with all its varieties, till at the end of the Kali-Yuga, all the human souls of the old World Tree retire back into "Infinite Divine Light". Under the circumstances, it is absolutely incorrect to believe in the doctrine of "Aham Brahm" (I am Brahma or Infinite Divine Light). Infinite Divine Light is merely an abode of human souls.

Considering it as our Divine Duty, we forewarn the entire world at large like a Kalpa ago that as experiences through Divine Manifestations of the beginning, the course and the end of the entire World Creative Play revealed to us through Divine Insight bestowed by our beloved Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, the time of the confluence of the end of the Kali-Yuga and the beginning of Sat-Yuga, the self same Gita Episode, is repeating itself in practical. World Almightly Authority, Prajapati God Brahma, who has revealed His identity as the well-known Lord Shree Krishna Himself in His next birth in childhood and Sree Narain after coronation) has re-incarnated in ordinary human form along with His 108 most beloved luckiest Divine Ones, male and females )whose rosary is worshipped by Bharatvasis) like Kalpa ago in Bharat on the banks of Sindhu Saraswati River in the year 1937 AD and has organised the most supreme Rajsuva Asvamedh Avinashi Gyan Yagya which lasts for 12 years though the Divine Power of "Supreme Aham Brahm Asmi" Faith.

Through the internal, imperishable, SILENCE-POWER of this Supreme Faith has emerged the one original supreme religion or dynasty of Deities. On the other hand, the present final International Atomic War, the invention of SCIENCE, as well as numerous Natural Calamities such as famines, fires, floods, earth-quakes, storms diseases, etc., shall, within a year or so, become the cause of merging innumerable Kali-Yugi eastern and Western irreligions or dynasties into Infinite Divine Light like a Kalpa Ago.

It is most essential and interesting to understand and visualise through Divine Divine Insight this most wonder-ful, esoteric imperishable Play of World Creation revealed only by our Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, the Supreme Guide of would-be Deities, the Master of Brahm, Brahmand & Brahmapuri. Any true seeker is at liberty to obtain this supreme knowledge in a week without the expense of a single penny so as to obtain the highest status in her of her own dynasty or religion through soul-purification. Taking this Divine Wisdom does not imply change of religion. In fact, every human being must retain one's own religion. After all, the bird of every religious tree returns again to the same tree. No doubt, there are some persons who change their religion for material gains, etc. but still, one has got to return to the same religion when one's part on the stage of this world comes to an end.

If, however. an actor, as one is, on the stage of this human world, fails to know and recognise one's own part, the parts of Creator, Director and the chief actors, as well as the duration, the law of repetition, etc. of the World Drama, should one not be called "Inhuman' or the very 'Devil'? Such devils have themselves become instrumental now at this time of the end of the Kalpa for their own annihilation (DASEHRA) through their own invented atomic weapons, preparing ground for the installation (DEVALI) of the Deity Rule, like Kalpa ago according to the preordained plan of World Drama.


Address:- Prajapati Brahma Kumaris
Rajsuva Asvamedh Avinashi Gyan Yagya (OM MANDLI)
Bleakhouse Road, Civil Lines,
P.O. Box 381, KARACHI (PAK.)

Sind Observer Press, Karachi No. 2326-250 9-1949
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post25 Mar 2007

Prajapati Brahma Kumaris wrote:World Almightly Authority, Prajapati God Brahma, who has revealed His identity as the well-known Lord Shree Krishna Himself in His next birth in childhood and Sree Narain after coronation) has re-incarnated in ordinary human form along with His 108 most beloved luckiest Divine Ones, male and females )whose rosary is worshipped by Bharatvasis) like Kalpa ago in Bharat on the banks of Sindhu Saraswati River

In the previous document, they refer to God Brahma as the Gita Inventor and not Sree Krishna. Here, they refering to Brahma and Krishna as the same soul. Are they refering to Brahma "role" as the Gita Inventor in the previous document or did I get wrong???
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post25 Mar 2007

tinydot wrote:In the previous document, they refer to God Brahma as the Gita Inventor and not Sree Krishna. Here, they refering to Brahma and Krishna as the same soul. Are they refering to Brahma "role" as the Gita Inventor in the previous document or did I get wrong???

Looking over these documents as a whole, they repeat that Lekhraj Kirpalani is Prajapati God Brahma, Divine Father, Inventor of the Gita.

Yes, it is the same soul. They state that Lekhraj Kirpalani is going to reincarnate as Krishna but that Krishna is not the Gita sermonizer. They don't use the term "sermonizer", just inventor.

There is no Confluence Age. It is just Iron Age -bang- Golden Age. Check out the image I put in another thread of the original Cycle. The same one is used to illustrate this one.

They don't mention Raja Yoga or Om Shanti, just the other mantra and the practise of 'Divine Insight' which i think is what the vision and trance stuff was referred to. That was their sales pitch, not peace of mind. The children, young girls and trance stuff is real. It is confirmed elsewhere by third parties.
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post25 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Looking over these documents as a whole, they repeat that Dada Lekhraj is Prajapati God Brahma, Divine Father, Inventor of the Gita.

It is worth mentioning to non-Hindus that in Hinduism, when God is thought of as Creator, he is called Prajapati Brahma. It is that clear. The Prajapati are the "mind born" children of Brahma and Prajapati Brahma the creator, created Yagya to instil harmony, peace and order in the manifest world.

Lord Brahma was the power and Sri Saraswati was the intelligence, He was the Creator and she was his Yog-Shakti.

Now, I know the party line, the BKs are the egg and all other religions are the chickens. IN a remarkable reversal, all Bhakti is said to be a memorial of what happened due to Lekhraj Kirpalani. But, it is worth pointing out for those not acquainted how much of Hinduism has been imported into the BKWSU. Mama, Om Radhe, was called Saraswati as well.
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Post10 Apr 2007

They are without a doubt a Hindu twig.
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Post10 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:they are without a doubt a Hindu twig

Somebody has to re-draw The Tree in which the BKWSU is a twig of Hinduism.
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Post11 Apr 2007

tinydot wrote:Somebody has to re-draw The Tree in which the BKWSU is a twig of Hinduism.

Hah! Along with Rajneesh, Sai Baba, Muktananda, and Lehkraj's other contemporaries. Respectfully of course.

The sub-twigs could have Western and eastern branches, so that the BKs inspiring love and enmity in so many others would be recognized for now and possibly eternity.
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post11 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:Looking over these documents as a whole, they repeat that Dada Lekhraj is Prajapati God Brahma, Divine Father, Inventor of the Gita.

Does it actually say anywhere Dada Lekhraj is Prajapati God Brahma?
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1950

Post11 Apr 2007

John wrote:Does it actually say anywhere Dada Lekhraj is Prajapati God Brahma?

I don't think you see D.L's 'lokik' name anywhere in early BK literature. Prajapati God Brahma, of course, is all over the place.
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Post11 Apr 2007

    Other things to consider is how this knowledge was revealed or come by?
    Was it divine visions, trances or incarnation/spoken like Murli?
It could be that the BKs or rather PBKs, as they were then, were churning The Knowledge or divine visions themselves and coming up with the answers.
    Therefore how much can we assume they got correct?
What I am alluding to is that maybe Prajapati Brahma wasn't Dada Lekhraj, they just assumed it was. If we could come by a true date that Dada Lekhraj changed his name to Brahma it might help. But as it says in Murli whoever Shiva enters is to be called Brahma.

It is most strange I am starting to see bits of what the PBKs are saying in this early knowledge and maybe even bits of what the Vishnu Party are saying. The BKs seem to have truly filtered The Knowledge to make it appear as they want.

Maybe those of the other parties hold parts of the missing peices, lodged in the subconscious. They are now imparting this knowledge as it comes out, but making the mistake of believing themselves to be God because this knowledge is coming from them, but really it's streaming from their subconscious, the lost knowledge which they studied in a previous life as a BK or PBK or whatever they were called then.

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