[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

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BK Victim support

Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Like my Dad always says, "I need send a couple of sexually deprived guys to Naina's house to remind her about reality".

Well, you have to keep within the law ... but you could send over some strippers dress as BK Brahmins in white pretending to come from another center ... ;-)!!!

Include a women for the Brothers too. Remember, no make up and they must have shawls and badges.
I took whatever was left of Om Shanti stuff and threw it outside the house in front of her face so she punched me on my chest ... I guess another thing Om Shanti teaches, huh!

Sajani, in all seriousness and with all kindness intended, there is a small chance that your Mother is actually a little mad and using the Om Shanti BKWSU stuff as a cover for her madness. The BKWSU Sisters are encouraging her madness becasuse it,
    a) supports their madness and b) it financially benefits them and all The Good Ladies of BK Tampa center (e.g. free food and chauffer service etc).
It might be useful to have her see a psychiatrist one day and helpful to prepare that psychiatrist with everything that the BKs believe in, e.g. that they go to met God speaking through an old lady in India, the no touching, no sex, washing rituals, the "impure" money and food stuff and so on.

If you counter that on one side with her shouting and violence on the other, you may be able to prove that she is out of her mind and this would help your Father. If your Father wants to speak to another man that has gone through VERY similar and WORSE stuff than this, please PM me and I can set it up. It has all gone too far too far!


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Post01 May 2007

Lol! Yeah, we would definitely stay within the law, that's why we haven't done anything up until this date ... it's just a kind of saying they say sometimes, in our village, to deal with those who are being foolish.

Anyway, i really think she has gone mad and these people are promoting it for sure .. Today i did a lot more investigation and FINALLY got a hold of Naina's number ... she's back in Florida again!!! Back in Lakeland ... and i got her phone number ... what do you suggest i do next, haha?


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Post01 May 2007

From the other forum ...

My mother washes up tons of times a day ... On purpose I don't take a shower in the morning anymore. Instead I take it in the evening ... and all day i touch her and everything around me ... Now she cant even catch up with me ... so she has stopped taking too many showers ... yet she does take about 4-5 showers a day regardless ...

Hmm, that brings up another point ... BKs are all about saving the world ... Yeah, well is not water scarce????? What's up with using a ton of it for no apparent reason????? That's another question I should add in their list ... such idiots I tell you.
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Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Anyway, I really think she has gone mad and these people are promoting it for sure .. Today I did a lot more investigation and FINALLY got a hold of Naina's number ... she's back in Florida again!!! Back in Lakeland ... and I got her phone number ... what do you suggest I do next, haha?

Sooner or late the Beaky spies are going to report back about you exposing them on the internet and Naina is going to have her ear's pulled by Dadi Janki. After that, things are going to be "super nice" for a while. They may even dump your Mum and tell her to stop coming to the center for a while ... just to chill off in the hope your Father will forget how bad things were.

Then your Mom will gradually start to go again and The Cycle will repeat. This is how they work. They know human psychology and are guided by spirits and mediums, so they have a little advantage over others in that way. They have also being doing this for decades, so they have experience in what to do.

Would they dump your Mom if she became too much trouble? For sure! So much for "God's Love".

I suggest you start researching ex-cult support organizations on the links page of the forum. DON'T spend a lot of money on it though. Wellspring are probably the most honest and sincere. I am skeptical of those ex-culties that have turned it into a big business but you might be able to find help on your Dad's medical insurance. They need to be briefed on the Brahma-kumaris though. Not too many people know what they are up to yet.

And keep documenting evidence and keep copies, it could become very useful for you. Your Mom needs to go on a 12 Step Plan or something.

Hmm, that brings up another point ... BKs are all about saving the world ... Yeah, well is not water scarce????? What's up with using a ton of it for no apparent reason????? That's another question I should add in their list ... such idiots I tell you.

No, that is not true. The REAL BKWSU line is that this Old World is going to be Destroyed by Nuclear Bombs to make way for a New World and so there is no point in trying to save it. They think environmentalism is a waste of time because this is Hell, the Impure World, and only gives suffering. They say everything is Tamopradhan, complete impure and that the great fire of Nuclear Holocaust, natural disasters and civil wars are necessary to make way for a Golden Age for just them. 900,000 of them only.
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Post02 May 2007

Hi, sweet Sajani Sister! Sorry for assuming you were in India. In fact, you aren't. See how the mind works with associations: village you talk about, Indian family ...

Anyway your situation and family members and interactions are interesting. It seems to me also that your mum is having a nervous breakdown. I suggest from now on, if you are going to make, overhear or receive any calls or quarrels you record them, just in case, for future court purposes.

I don't know how much weight they give to this type of evidence, a lawyer will know if that material can be used. You know, everything said can be denied later. So, a small portable tape recorder will be useful. I suggested the same thing to a lokik friend whose husband was abusing. Unless she had recorded some discussions, no one would have believed her. BKs are professional liars, they deny and hide the truth, and threaten and manipulate people. So, yes, the dirty laundry should be exposed. Play the game as if you wanted to catch criminals.



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Post02 May 2007

Once she gets out, I will make sure my mom never gets back in. And i do not know how, but when the time comes i will definitely take action and make sure she never goes back. Right now before i give up i still want to try one more time to get her out and this time with everyone's help. If nothing works then ... well, its my fate ...
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Using the BKWSU SS to win the war.

Post02 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Right now before I give up I still want to try one more time to get her out and this time with everyone's help. If nothing works then ... well, its my fate ...

That is good advice from alladin and I agree. Work quickly because the BKs will be.

You can learn here what the BKs are really about. Folks here have 10, 20 years worth of experience inside and out the BKWSU or more. Folks here used to be teachers, centers-in-charge, surrendered souls and hang out with the senior Sisters. They have met "God" (BapDada) when you used to meet him one to one in person. The BKWSU 'can' still bull*** us individually but adding all the views together, including those of 'good BKs', we are creating an all round impression.

Educate your family and relative with the facts. Isolate the problem. Personally, I would say that your mother is suffering from obsessive-addictive patterns in which Naina Bhen has been created as a Guru (This is actually against real BKWSU) and our Father has to stop supporting that. He obviously has to be careful though as her craziness could be turned around and used to destroy the family (e.g. divorce, money etc). The BKs will still take that money.

Please keep documenting things and ask any question about The Knowledge or Lifestyle you want. We will tell you 100% openly what they say and try and explain what it means. You will be helping others who will read this but be afraid to write or ask on the forum.

From a BK point of view, she should really be speaking to a Senior Sister. So could your family to put a stop to Naina. But be aware ... you cannot trust the Senior Sisters. Only use them to put a stop to the center-in-charge excesses and make her let go of your mother. Ask you mother is she has "taken Shrimat from the Senior Sisters" to do what she is doing. The SS might just ask your mother if she wants to leave your family. In that case, definitely report here what they say about the money.

The SS will say stuff like, "it is your mother's decision and it has nothing to do with us ... anyone can leave when they want ... Baba says do not give sorrow ... here, have a holy sweetie so our vibrations can fix you" which is all bull. Leave to the eternal damnation the BKWSU teaches them? You Mother is attention seeking.

In my opinion, the SS are most worried about bad PR. But it is also our experience that they will say anything. The 'holy sweetie trick' to fix all problems is their favorite. One day they will be caught out for saying too much. The center-in-charge will be afraid of them though, so in a sense, its is using fire to fight fire.

You asked what to tell Naina on the phone ... you have to dedice. Others here might have an opinion. I would say that you could "tell her you want Shrimat from a Senior Sister about what is going on with regards the money ... that you have spoken to us and that you are going to tell Mohini, jayanit and Janki about her ... and report it to the papers". Start filing stories with newspapers and magazine. They wont publish them straight away but it will all go on file. Ask the UN why they support them.

Please, other folks voice their opinion.
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Re: Using the BKWSU SS to win the war.

Post02 May 2007

ex-l wrote:Please, other folks voice their opinion.

Will do, but I just caught up with this thread, as I usually look in "Newcomers" for new people posting.

There is a lot here to read, and posted in just a few days, so I will get on with it.

Meanwhile I can just say welcome Sweet. :D
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Post02 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Excuse my language as I wrote it the day these things happened. Kinda like a diary. And when I am mad, I tend to cuss a lot.
Can we sell BK Naina to trafficking in Afghanistan?

Hey there Sajani! Welcome to the forum. I've been following your thread with great interest and must comment that you don't need to apologise for cussing a lot like you do. We all wanted to do that even whilst were in the midst of the Om Shanti gang but couldn't. It's OK, we totally understand your situation - so feel free to vocalise what and whenever you need to.

Secondly, I wanted to say that your dry and very direct sense of humour is certainly creating a balance for you and your family so keep it going.

I am a big advocate of love in all its ways. I could suggest that you also repeatedly inform your mother that you love her (in your very sweet way) but at the same time also inform her that her behaviour is unacceptable too. It'll take lots of courage but then she'll also have to absorb the full impact of what you're saying if she hears it often enough. Perhaps a bit of Tough Love huh? It sounds like she's totally out of balance and you've received some awesome advise from the others on this forum.

Your courage is truly inspiring. Be Light and Love in all its true forms.


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Post02 May 2007

Yeah, everyone please give me some ideas of what i can say to Naina ... i like ex BK1's ideas but any more are welcome ... I found the number through A LOT of sneaking around and stuff, so I want to do the best i can with that number!!!

Paul, thanks :). Despite the fact that I am really mad and stuff, i still tend to calm down quite a bit ... as i really do not care what the BKs have to say about this or anything. If they take me to court ... hell, I AM READY! I am not afraid of BKs ... i seriously do not even consider them to be human beings ... they're all a bunch of lost little souls wandering around trying to figure out what to do with their lives but just cant seem to figure it out.
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Lost souls

Post03 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:I really do not care what the BKs have to say about this or anything.

Then you have got over a major hurdle. When I first left I was well scared of what they thought of me.
SweetSajani wrote:they're all a bunch of lost little souls wandering around trying to figure out what to do with their lives but just cant seem to figure it out.

Yeah, I don't feel angry with them anymore. You are right, they are to be pitied ... well, the rank and file are anyway. The Seniors who know full well what they are doing but continue to line their pockets and boost their egos are scumbags.

I just wish some of them would come on here and challenge us, but they will never dare, I suspect. Too much dirty linen and skeletons in the closet etc.

From seeing the wiki-wars and the other sneaky little slimy things they do to cover up their crimes I am sure we have got them running scared. It is not us who should be fearful, you are right, Sweet. :wink:.
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Post03 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:I want to do the best I can with that number!!!

ex-l wrote:You asked what to tell Naina on the phone ... you have to decide. Others here might have an opinion. I would say that you could "tell her you want Shrimat from a Senior Sister about what is going on with regards the money ... that you have spoken to us and that you are going to tell Mohini, jayanti, and Janki about her ... and report it to the papers". Start filing stories with newspapers and magazine. They wont publish them straight away but it will all go on file. Ask the UN why they support them.

This is good advice. Start with reporting her to a senior. She will get in deep trouble because the Seniors will see that the Tampa Sister is driving your family away through bad people skills (Not unusual for BKs, especially centres-in-charge).

Ultimately though, the Seniors will support any of the other Sisters, and they will lie and cheat you (See my Userpage entry for April 20th 2007 for a story of how this happened to me).

The benefit you will get is it will buy you time. The Sister will get what they call a good ear pulling from the senior. After this telling off they will back off from your family for a while. Don't be deceived though. They will try to pull her back in, just using softer tactics. I know a bit about these particular Tampa BKs, and they are amongst the worst in the world. Stick with us, though, and we will see you through it.

Your attitude so far is good. They make you angry. They are trying to destroy your family. It is what they do. Be angry. Go get them. :evil:
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Re: Lost souls

Post03 May 2007

proy wrote:I just wish some of them would come on here and challenge us, but they will never dare, I suspect. Too much dirty linen and skeletons in the closet etc.

I wonder how they evaluate the vibe here. I would be surprised to hear one say, "I am hurt because you were so close and then left us."

So, it would be interesting to hear a BK be vulnerable. The only one I've recently encountered is Yudishtra--who wrote about feeling hurt by some of the ex-BKs' characterizations of the Yagya. Among PBKs, Arjuna is one example of a person who somehow doesn't seem to let his putative possession of esoteric knowledge of God and Soul get to his head.

Overall, I think I prefer people who have feelings as friends.
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Re: Lost souls

Post03 May 2007

joel wrote:Overall, I think I prefer people who have feelings as friends.

Yes, me too. This no attachment thing is abused as a way of not caring.

I came across the same attitude with the "You create you own Reality" idea that was promulgated at Findhorn by David Spangler. When anyone had a problem, a certain type of person would say, "Well, you created this yourself." In other words, they were really saying, "I do not care about you, so do not tell me your problem." They were using a fairly sound idea to validate their own pathology.

Sick people, who only care about themselves, often use religious dogma to justify their crimes.


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Post03 May 2007

proy wrote:The time I had with them was not wasted, I do not regret one minute of it. I met a large number of good people, some of whom are still my friends. I learned a lot about myself, especially the fact that I am prone to getting intoxicated during meditation and dristi, and the fact that my relationship with my wife is so much more important than anything the Brahma Kumaris know of.

I wish my mother would get out and realize how important her relationship with her husband is ... if it were any other Indian man he would have left my mom by now!!! Yet he still sticks around her with some hope that she will change

What other things have the TAMPA BKs done????

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