BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations accuses

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Post01 Aug 2006

Admin wrote:This is a very good point to raise which was addressed before posting. BK Karuna was contacted directly via the [at]gmail email address given on both the http://www.brahmakumaris.com and http://www.omshantihelpline.com websites to confirm this. In the first place, he responded by merely block quoting comments made by BK Simon B regarding the BKWSU Wikipedia topic, confusing the issue between the website and the Wikipedia as he does on the mailing list.

Thanks for the confirmation. Well... I have to say I am a little dissapointed. If you bother to spend any time on this site it's really very obvious that this site is in no way affiliated to the BKWSU, I mean it even has links to the official BKWSU sites! It would seem Karuna needs to work on his anger! If he had been a cool yogi then surely he would have realised this site was neutral. Maybe he was miffed that no one in the organisation had been bothered enough to purchase this domain when the top level info domain became available :? I am going into waste now and I am also not Karuna's spokesman so I shall shut up!

I found the whole wikipedia farce slightly amusing and probably does reveal the controlling tendancies and naiviety (sweet arrogance?) of the BK movement. The article itself I found mostly accurate but I feel it does come across that the person(s) who wrote it don't have a great deal of love for the organisation :shock: . But then maybe I say that as my experience of the BKs is mostly positive. It would be interesting to hear whether an individual with no exposure to the BKs thought it had been written by a member, an ex-member or a neutral. I suspect most would say a (slightly bitter :shock: ) ex-member.


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Post01 Aug 2006

Can someone remind me, is BK Karuna the senior Brother soul who often leads the talks and meditation at BapDada meetings, prior to Dadi Gulzar appearing on stage, usually in Shantivan Diamond Hall, when there is a lot of noise and commotion and folks bustling to take off shoes and getting a seat ? Thanks for your reply in advance.



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Post01 Aug 2006

bansy wrote:Can someone remind me, is BK Karuna the senior Brother soul who often leads the talks and meditation at BapDada meetings, prior to Dadi Gulzar appearing on stage, usually in Shantivan Diamond Hall, when there is a lot of noise and commotion and folks bustling to take off shoes and getting a seat ? Thanks for your reply in advance.

That's Brijmohan - a very amusing individual. Karuna often wears sunglasses and a normal shirt. He is from South India and has a fairly deep voice.
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Post02 Aug 2006

Sister Bansy,

Omshanti. Here is a blogspot in the name of BK Karuna, which will give you more information about him; http://karunindia.blogspot.com/

BK Karuna writing on the importance of the year 2006 and 2007 in his post on the discussion forum of Aussie BKs: BKWSU Australia Forum .

Seems like the BK forum has been infiltrated by someone influenced by this forum :lol:.

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Post27 Apr 2007

More web weirdness from the heart of the BK world ...

If you do a Google for this website, what do you find?
Now, if you do a Google for BrahmaKumaris.com, what do you find?
Snapshot taken 27 April 2007

Funny little co-incidence that ... (A little look at WaybackMachine archive for this website shows the earlier record. Ditto the changes to the BKWSU official site). And what is the first paragraph on this website?
BrahmaKumaris.info is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the BKWSU*, organizers of BK Raja Yoga Centers.

I wonder if this is one of their ploys in trying to drive us off Google and confuse the internet? And if you look at the source code for the two website, brahmakumaris.info is;
<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, ex-BK, ex-Brahma Kumaris, cult Brahma Kumaris, brahmkumaris, ShivBaba, Shiva Baba, meditation,lekraj kirpalani, retreats, spiritual, Raja Yoga, Yoga, Brahma, peace, global retreat centre, spiritual retreat, meditate, spirituality, self development, BKWSU, positive thinking">
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="BrahmaKumaris.info is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University [BKWSU] or Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, organizers of BK Raja Yoga Centers.">
<meta name="ORGANISATION" content="Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya">

Now, complete with identical typos, is the official brahmakumaris.com;
<meta name="Keywords" content="Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, brahmkumaris, ShivBaba, Shiva Baba, meditation,lekraj kirpalani, retreats, spiritual, Raja Yoga, Yoga, Brahma, peace, global retreat centre, spiritual retreat, meditate, spirituality, self development, BKWSU, positive thinking" />
<meta name="Description" content="BrahmaKumaris is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University [BKWSU] or Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, organizers of BK Raja Yoga Centers." />
<meta name="ORGANISATION" content="Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya">

Pathetic ... its a complete copy and paste which does not even make sense! But nice to have confirmation the BKWSU are reading us waffle on. I wonder what they will copy next? Stories about the 1950 predictions of Destruction and discussion Advanced Knowledge? Yeah, probably they just want the PBKs out the way and then Madhuban will start using a watered down version of Advanced Knowledge to feed their Beakies.
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Apr 2007

Nice work ex-l. A truly pathetic revelation of their tiny little minds. And their students are in blissful ignorance of all this.
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Post27 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:Pathetic ... its a complete copy and paste which does not even make sense! But nice to have confirmation the BKWSU are reading us waffle on. I wonder what they will copy next? Stories about the 1950 predictions of Destruction and discussion Advanced Knowledge? Yeah, probably they just want the PBKs out the way and then Madhuban will start using a watered down version of Advanced Knowledge to feed their Beakies.

It may be very much possible that senior BKs the world over are reading the clarification Murlis and the extracts of discussion CDs. They may be discussing it amongst themselves and some may be absorbing something into their knowledge and presenting the same in their own words and styles.

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Mr Green


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Post27 Apr 2007

It's OK. I believe the day will come when they are outed to the public for the scam and criminal organisation they have become under the guidance of the current corrupt, PR obsessed, instruments of torture
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Post27 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:It's OK. I believe the day will come when they are outed to the public for the scam and criminal organisation they have become under the guidance of the current corrupt, PR obsessed, instruments of torture

And, you mr green, are one of the few that have such clear experience of this that you can speak in such strong terms and they will never be able to come back to you and say anything because they know the truth.
    I only hope for the day that all the hangers-on that feed them; the middle management, the power jockeys the voyeur New Agies and VIPs, turn away from them and go their own way having had enough and been embarrassed.
    I hope too that their enslaved followers realise that the truth will set them free too.
Nevermind Advanced Knowledge, which we have had confirmation that the SS do study or watch, I bet they read this site and incorporate elements of it beyond the source code. They would have to or else start to look really stupid in front of their BK followers. Politicians the world over try to find a flock of sheep and then walk in front of it pretend to be the shepherd guiding it. They keep one eye on the flock in case it chages direction and then when it does, they change direction to keep their position too.

I am wondering if the different between a Golden Aged BK and a Silver Aged BK is that the Golden Aged BK is trying to make liberated individuals and a Silver Age BK is trying to gather and control a kingdom of subjects and followers.
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Post27 Apr 2007

I am wondering if the different between a Golden Aged BK and a Silver Aged BK is that the Golden Aged BK is trying to make liberated individuals and a Silver Age BK is trying to gather and control a kingdom of subjects and followers.

Though i wouldnt regard myself as an "enslaved follower", I totally agree with the statement quoted above. Can we have some T-shirts made with that on? Kind of "Trying to Create your Kingdom?" on the front and a picture of a bow and arrow on the back saying "See you in the Silver Age" :wink:.

And I would add that to be truly liberated means to take total responsibility for your life. Let go of victimitus and bitterness. Know that you create your reality and see yourself as the creator of your world.
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Mr Green


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Post27 Apr 2007

If such a thing exists, it would make more sense that people who are independant minded, and not scared of REAL truth and honesty, would be Golden Aged.

After all Sat Yug means Land of Truth.

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