Big ripples headed your way; any signs?

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reforming BK

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Big ripples headed your way; any signs?

Post18 Apr 2007

I have been made aware that yesterday a pukka BK Indian bodied Kumar, who'd been in Gyan since childhood in England, has sent an open e-mail to lots of BKs, including center teachers in Europe and Africa, saying that he and his mother who ran a center are no longer going to run BK courses and classes. The reason he gave is that they have had a long time of bullying from Dadi Janki and Jayanti bhen. Because they didnt want to let them have control over them. They did not want to also let them have all their money ... They cite that Sister Jayanti was the worst offender and, apparently, 3 years ago she tried to affect people attending the center by saying that they were trying to influence people to join the Shankar Party and the center was not a safe spiritual place. The scales were apparently tipped when this happened again last weekend, with a student saying they were not going to attend their center after a conversation with a senior.

Apparently the tone was neutral, they have said they have good wishes for the Seniors, and will carry on focussing on their own spiritual progress and serving the world.

My feeling is this is going to cause big ripples, due to the fact that many people knew this soul and his mother to be very loyal to Baba and very firm on Shrimat (and also because of the Indian factor ...).

I would be interested to hear if there is any fall out from this as it was, apparently, emailed to a wide range of people. I would also like to say that this case is not isolated. I have heard of Jayanti bhen doing this with other souls, and not only in England. Its all down to the sanskars of fear and control. It will be interesting to see how they respond to this and if they try to blacken the name of these souls.
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Re: Big ripples headed your way; any signs?

Post18 Apr 2007

yudhishtira wrote:I would be interested to hear if there is any fall out from this as it was, apparently, emailed to a wide range of people. I would also like to say that this case is not isolated. I have heard of Jayanti bhen doing this with other souls, and not only in England. Its all down to the sanskars of fear and control. It will be interesting to see how they respond to this and if they try to blacken the name of these souls.

Thank you for your grave honesty. It would be great if someone could publish that email or inform those souls about the existence of this forum so that they can find support and voice their own experiences.

I can state absolutely, without any fear of contradiction, that Jayanti AND Janki have gone out of their way to blacken the names of other such individuals that left the BKWSU because of similar ethical dilemma's, and that they (Jayanti, Janki and their consorts) told the Family lies in order to cover up for the real reason of the other soul's "departure".

In the case I am thinking about, the soul again was very well know, very highly respected and firm on Shrimat. And still is I believe, they do not consider they have "departed" from Baba. As I understand it, what came out of that situation was the realisation of an unwritten code placing surrender to Jayanti, loyalty I think she calls it, at the center of the punishment and reward/exclusion system ruling the BKWSU in the West.

I am respecting the individual's privacy until they wish to speak for themself but I feel that I have the right to voice this much as I am upset that I was lied to, taken in by those lies, and embarrassed by them. In a sense, I own the lies that were told to me and the family and have the right to respond to them. Mr green on this forum, also documents lies they told to others about him during another conflict of ethics.

If I am to add up elements from these situations above, and consider other endeavours they have encouraged even of souls not fully following the principles, one pattern seems to appear. If you have money and complicity to them they will support you to open centers, as long as money is coming in they will do nothing and what ethical conflicts arise, they will shut you down and close you off from the family - even to the point of blocking your emails from the centers.

I wonder what their connection to India is and if they are operating under orders or independently. There are similar cases happening in India and so there appears to be another level of operation in the BKWSU that junior BKs are complicit to and supporting but not being made aware of.
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Post19 Apr 2007


(... um exuse me a second, I am just back from sabotaging the wiki and beating up PBKs with sticks, so if I could just get a moment to catch my breath ...).

So, Tell me, why is it that every time I point a finger at the PBKs, three fingers point towards the BKs? :lol:.
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Mr Green


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Post19 Apr 2007

They attempted to blacken my name too, probably still do

I am pretty sure I know who this is. He's a nice bloke ... I wish him and his mother all the best and I thank God he has been released from the BKWSU.
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Post20 Apr 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:They cite that Sister Jayanti was the worst offender and, apparently, 3 years ago she tried to affect people attending the center by saying that they were trying to influence people to join the Shankar Party and the center was not a safe spiritual place.

This has confirmed what PBKs have been predicting about the BK Administration. In India the BKs get some or the other kind of a proof about a BK if he/she has come in contact with the PBKs and banish that particular BK immediately. But, since PBKs are almost non-existent in foreign countries and most of the information about PBKs has spread only through internet, they cannot get any concrete proof of any Double Foreigner BK having come in contact with the PBKs. So, they might have started viewing every Double Foreigner BK with suspicion that they might have visited this site and hence might have contacted PBKs.

What the BK Administration had been doing with unsuspecting BKs in India since many years has now started in the foreign countries. It is no doubt a sad development, but everything is part of the drama and we can only do our bit by wishing all the best to such suffering souls and giving them the all that information, which had been kept hidden from them so far.

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hiding things

Post21 Apr 2007

Why would they want to hide anything from anyone? God's children? It sounds to me like they may be hiding something if they are, er, hiding something. Why is the likes of Sister Jayanti being (apparently) rigid, strict and tight? She may have reasons, but because they are secrets ... (?).

Let's change ourselves and get the @@@@ out of here. Let go, there is abundance beyond our dreams, round the corner. There is nothing worth fighting over here. We are already very, very wealthy, all, relax, your wealth is not legal currency here, fortunately.

Take care folks. (I almost sound like I know what I am talking about there).
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reforming BK

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Post25 Apr 2007

Well, nothing seems to have been sent out officially to those who were sent this email.

I am sure that things will be said over the phone or in the corners of offices. It would be hard for them to respond to this in writing without damning themselves one way or the other.
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Post08 May 2007

Hey, it may simply be that they had no interest in corporate big brother-ism, or they showed no inititive in capitalist Bk-ISM.

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