Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post18 Apr 2007

arjun wrote:Could you kindly make yourself more clear? I could not understand what you wish to say.

Having puzzled upon what Kalpesh922831 is trying to say, I think he/she means escaping or disappearing. Mama and Baba are always escaping/disappearing.
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Post18 Apr 2007

john wrote:I think he/she means escaping or disappearing. Mama and Baba are always escaping/disappearing.

Well done John, I could not work that one out at all ...
    OK Vishnu Party, in plain English, what part of "GET TO THE POINT" do you not understand?
We love you, we accept you but you are wasting our time and energy ... and what does this have to do with the BKWSU? If the answer is nothing ... then please just go.

sakshi delhi

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Post19 Apr 2007

Sorry dear Brother,

this is to inform you that i have not take any agency of any party, i am only try to say what i know. I am free. I can go any where either in BK, PBK or the Vishnu Party because the life of a student does not end till he/she reaches his aim. Our aim is to realise true knowledge. Where ever it is given, we have to receive it. I am just going to receive different knowledge. So please do not tell me Vishnu Party wastes our time. This is your duty in our Shiv Baba family, to chek what kind of knowledge is given by this party. I just obey my duty.

My aim is to receive Shiv Baba's divine Gyan. When i feel this party has not proper Gyan then i will leave but ultimately, I want to find Shiva. So if you think i am wasting your time then do not read my posts. In this forum, i know some member who always criticise every one. So please do your duty. I have not so much time to give proper answers to you. Sorry for that Brother but i have come to know that Vishnu Party have produced an English language book amd from that you can get the details, i have not it right now.

They have not proper management to upload a book as pdf nor animated VCD* in a proper format on a website. So please try to understand, i will inform you when i get it. Please note i am not messenger.

Param shanti, thank very much.
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Re: reply

Post19 Apr 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:I have come to know that Vishnu Party have produced an English language book and from that you can get the details, I have not it right now.

Great. I cannot promise that I will be the first to make a critical assessment of it, unless it makes clear its connections to the BK and PBKs ... but that is my Godly duty.

So, are Vishnu Party members not bannished from the BKWSU or the PBKs?

sakshi delhi

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new world cycle

Post27 Apr 2007

Param shanti,

This is world history (world cycle), i think 5ooo years world drama is not right.

Please send your views, thanks , see picture;


sakshi delhi

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New world cycle

Post27 Apr 2007

i think this is not right. World drama is longer then BK drama of 5000 years. Pleasse check this link; Picture file
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Post27 Apr 2007

sakshidelhi wrote:I think this is not right. World drama is longer then BK drama of 5000 years. Pleasse check this link; Picture file

Dear Sister,

Omshanti. Could you please explain what the astronomical numbers mentioned in the picture of World Cycle represent?

What is your concept of the world drama? What is its duration? Or is it infinite? If it is finite, then does it repeat itself as the BKs and PBKs believe?

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Mr Green


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Post27 Apr 2007

I am more a punk world soul than the casual world
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Post27 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:I am more a punk world soul than the casual world

That is causal NOT casual, mr green mohican ... but my question is;
    what has this got to do with the BKWSU?
So, who is your Baba Sakshi? Where do the Vishnu Party fit in with the PBKs and BKs. Do you believe that you are part of the same spiritual family or not?

sakshi delhi

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Post27 Apr 2007

Param shanti,

thank you for mail, we are not linked with BKs or PBKs. We have our own concepts and knowledge. I do not believe BK/PBK knowledge and do not say they are wrong. Actually, they are doing their job and i am doing my job.

i would like you tell you Mr. Dashrathbhai Patel, who is the head of our institution(Vishnu Party), was the member of the BKs. He joined the BKs in 1986, gained a VVIP position, and retired from the BKs around 1992 when he joined The Shankar Party as a PBK in 1993, He was in search of true knowledge. He was setisfied with PBKss knowledge to some extent as compared to the BKs.

In 1997, the whole knowledge of World Drama emerged in him and from then our institution began. i believe that he, himself, is Shiva. Shiv does not enter into anyone, He imparts divine knowledge which automatically emerges with him. He does not need any books, Vanis and scriptures for reference, although he can explain each and every thing. He tells the history of World Drama.

Thank you.

sakshi delhi

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Post27 Apr 2007

dear Brother,

param shanti, yes, this whole drama is infinite. The astronomical numbers mentioned in the picture represent the duration spent in different world. You can get more detail in our web

Brief Stay on Earth (Temporary dwelling house)

Our stay on this earth in gross form has been for thousands of years which is a brief period compared to the time we took on the downward journey. That journey took us crores of years. Now we have to go back to our original home that is Paramdham. As we are nearing the end of the world cycle (Kalpa) we have to go via Sukshma Vatan and Mul Vatan.

All the religions on the earth have imparted knowledge about five gross elements to the inhabitants. They said this gross world is our theatre of action or Karma Bhoomi. But this gross world is not the be-all and end-all of our existence. The truth is something different. Let us seek our happiness only in divine.

17. Different 22 Astral Level (Lok). Near our surrounding earth and around the surrounding space there are 22 levels or Lokas (or worlds) with an individuality of their own. They come just below Brahmapuri. Each of them has a distinguishing feature of its own. These 22 lok are enveloped by elements – five above and above. The bottom layer has five elements, the middle layer has three elements and the topmost layer has Supreme Elements.

These Lokas can be distributed into four Divisions that is from A-22 to 19, B-18 to 15, C-14 to 8 and D-7 to 1. Following is a brief introduction of the various blocks of Lok.

(a) 22 to 19 Loks (Kala 7.9) Semi Swarg. At this level, there was a gradual reduction in Param Tattvas and an increasing in Subtle Element. Till here the colour of the atmosphere was golden. Compared to the present age it was like the Sat Yug. These Lok had Indras and they could get whatever they wanted through a mere wish. These Lok were also called Indrapuri. The Indra or the ruler kept on changing periodically. Those at lower levels could attain to this position through tapasya all the gods and goddesses had no ego and were very happy. With the end of this block the atmosphere was like a Dwapr Yug. See table marked C for further details

(b) 18 to 15 Lokas. (Effect of Kali Yug begins). At this level the gross element in the souls is increased. Water element came out of Air Element. Space, Air and fire element combined to make Earth Element. From the 18th Lok 1 per cent of the water and 1 per cent of Earth element began to enter into souls. Physical Planets and stars came into existence.

Most auspicious time when every soul will attain liberation. It is said in the Upanished that the world will again merge in the Akash because it emerged out of Akash (Space). Akash and beyond is our ultimate destination. The entire universe is surcharged with energy and matter. The Conversion take place now and then. Now is the time for the matter to be converted into energy. Matter is converted from Subtle Element and that Subtle Element can be converted from Supreme elements. Everything can be transformed "change is a law of univerce". The chemical process on the atoms of diffrent elements make combination with each other and the nucleus in the atoms of the element gets transformed.

In gross elements there is Prithvi and Jal Tattva. These will be converted into Vayu and Agni. Ultimately, they get themselves converted into Param Tattva. As this process continues the body becomes lighter. The soul regains its original buoyancy and can soar upwards.

sakshi delhi

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Post27 Apr 2007

dear Brother ,

this is long history of this picture,

Boundless Light is a mass of glow in Paramdham. At the end of a Kalpa all the souls in creation gather in Paramdham in this mass of light. This is because every soul is a part and parcel of the Boundless Light. When all the souls come together they present the spectacle of a glowing ball, this glowing mass of light is the combined strength of the primordial couple, Shiv-Shakti or the revered Father and mother of the universe.

The souls in Paramdham are created out of the boundless mass of light. Slowly over the ages the slide begins for these souls from that once perfect original state. Gradually they acquire a form and they reach the nadir when they acquire the body which consists of the five elements, air, water, ether, earth, fire. In other words it is a body like yours and mine. This state of affairs prevails only in the lower worlds. In Paramdham these souls remain in a state of vacuity of mind when no thoughts assail them, they live in a state of eternal self-joy and satisfaction.

In Supreme Abode, the Boundless Light means the might of Shiv provides an armour as it were to protect these souls. This combined Shiv-Shakti can be called Light-Might Adam-Eve, Purush-Prakruti, Male-Female, also Proton-Electron.

1. Brief account of paramdham----------------------------- 9
2. Boundless (param) Light an introduction---------------10
3. Creation of first 12 souls---------------------------------- 11
4. Birth of second 12 souls----------------------------------- 11
5. Planetary souls---------------------------------------------- 12
6. Introduction of Causal world (Mul vatan)-------------- 15 (Golden atmosphere)
7. Power spent on producting souls at 16 cel. deg.-------- 16
8. Condition of souls in Mul Vatan at 15 cel. deg.------- 16
9. Introduction of Subtle Region(Suksham vatan)----------- 17 (Silver atmosphere) 14th and 13th cel. deg.
10. The sound music at 12th and 11th Cel. Deg.--------------18
11. Birth of gealousy and anger at 10th Cel. Deg.-----------18
12. Separation begins at 9th to 8.5 Cel. Deg.-----------------19
13. Beginning of Dwaper Yug at 8.5 to 8.25 Cel. Deg.-----20
14. Evolution of Shankarpuri at 8.2 to 8.1 Cel. Deg.-------20
15. Creation of Vishnupuri at 8.1 to 8 Cel. Deg.------------21
16. Brahmapuri at 8 Cel. Deg.---------------------------------21
17. Different 22 astral level.------------------------------------22
18. Conversion of Supreme Element.----------------------------25
19. Period of Chaos(Kali yug)---------------------------------25
20. The Compassionate Parampita---------------------------26
(Fandamental of Elements Tranformation)
21. Mood of the Followers of different sampradays---------------27
22. Auspicious Confluence age----------------------------------------28
23. The Role of Seed Souls---------------------------------------------28
24. The power of thinking----------------------------------------------30

25. DHYAN - Yoga - Its Efficiency-----------------------------------31
26. Gross, Subtle and casual bodies----------------------------------32
27. Composition of the Subtle bodies---------------------------------33
28. Brief Stey on Earth-----------------------------------------34
(Temporary Dewlling House)
29. Anger and Jealousy at their height-----------------------34
30. The Advent of parampita-----------------------------------35
31. Firat Aerial Travel--------------------------------------------35
32. Second Aerial Travel-----------------------------------------36
33. Liberation of Souls on Earth-------------------------------37
34. Acending Journey to Subtle World-------------------------38
( 9 to 14 Cel. Deg.)
35. Upward Journey to Mul Vatan----------------------------38
(15th to 16th Cel. Deg.)
36. The Final Scenario -----------------------------------39
(Eternal Supreme Abode)
37. Shining Peace------------------------------------------------39
38. Unique Legacy of Bharat----------------------------------40
39. Mystery of Action-------------------------------------------45
40. Thank you------------------------------------------------------49
41. Tables A Showing, The Details of Power
Used in Creation of Souls and Supreme Element-----50
42. Tables B Showing, The Details of Power
Used in Creation of Souls and Param Tattva----------52
43. Table C Showing the Details of Propotion
of Elements in the Body at Various Lok------------------54
44. Table D Showing the Details of Propotion
of Elements in Soul at Various Lok------------------55
45. Table E Showing the Details of Attitude of the
Followers of Different Sampradays at Present----------56


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Post27 Apr 2007

Sster Sakshi
Are these the contents of the English book, if you wish you can send the file to me and I will upload it onto the website, instead of cutting and pasting.

sakshi delhi

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Who is Responsible for Destruction ?

Post29 Apr 2007

param shanti.

we all are waiting for Destruction but the question is, who can do this? Answer; if Shiv is neither creator nor destroyer, who is responsible for that? As we know Brahma is creator of world, Vishnu is the operator of world and Shankar is responsible for Destruction. So where is he and what does he do?

My question is for PBKs and BKs. Has Shankar forgotten his duty? Or he is duplicate Shankar? Please send your views.

sakshi delhi

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How our 5 element body is made & we become human from de

Post01 May 2007

Param shanti,

please read in Hindi, any one want to convert in to English, please do. The question is very important to us becase until today nobody can answer this.

Today on this earth, 700 crore population. The element percentages in our body are;

3 % akash, vayu and agni,
0.001 % param tatva, (soul param element power )
96.999 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

These are the 5 element in our today's body. The proportions of elements before this are as follows;

240 years ago the population was 50 crore

4% akash, vayu and agni,
0.005 % param tatva,
95.500 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

500 years ago the population was 32.5 crore

5% akash , vayu and agni,
0.6 % param tatva,
94.400 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

780 year ago the population was 26.50 crore

10% akash , vayu and agni,
0.8 % param tatva,
89.200 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

1070 year ago the population was 24.90 crore

15% akash , vayu and agni,
1.1 % param tatva,
83.9 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

More will be disclosed later.

Until today, nobody has given this knowledge except Vishnu. This is new knowledge for the New World. This is just an example. There are so many thing which we have to discuss over here. If we do not have knowledge how can we become deities from humans? What is the reason for our downfall from deity to human?

Shankar has knowledge of sanjivni but maha Vishnu has The Knowledge of amar (anant).

Tomorrow we will discuss in detail.

Param shanti

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