Correspondence to and official responses from the BKWSU

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post12 Apr 2007

Wow, this is getting "better" every day. Seen how many visitors on this site??

I have some high spirit advise for the BK organization. I should see contact ME!!!! and your organisation will grow like never before.

Oops ... they already blocked my email, for asking about something considering relationships, and purity of heart instead of purity below the belt.

OS Jan
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Post12 Apr 2007

I must have been fooling myself all the time that I have no physical health issues. Ah, the good old days of ignorance and bliss. 8)
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Mr Green


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Post16 Apr 2007

elsewhere yudhishtira wrote:I would encourage the BKs who I know are open minded and open hearted and that I know are looking at this site that we need you here; not to get into Gyan fights but just to be yourselves. Thats all we can be. Everyone has a right to their opinion and their faith. And it doesn't matter whether you feel you cannot join the more intellectual debates or not.

Remember ex-bks were once BKs we are not bad people because we left Gyan. We just left Gyan!!! Yes, some of us are angry, but what happened to some of us justifies that too.

This is a place of true open freedom and debate, no-one is a senior here.
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Post17 Apr 2007

elsewhere yudhishtira wrote:I intend to spend more time on here soon responding to some of the stuff that's come up whilst I was away, and share my experiences of Madhuban.

I look forward to hearing about Madhuban.
Mr. Green wrote:Remember ex-BKs were once BKs we are not bad people because we left Gyan. We just left Gyan!!! Yes, some of us are angry, but what happened to some of us justifies that too.

Yes, we are mostly nice people, sometimes our bark is worse than our bite, if we have felt angry. Personally I am not angry anymore. I met a lot of nice people when I was a BK, and I have met many more nice ex-BKs. I look forward to reading posts from BKs who are reading this now. Go on - take the plunge. :D


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Natives are getting restless?

Post17 Apr 2007

Just a note of interest and my apologies for putting it here, but probably not noteworthy enough to start a new thread.

The head of the Australasian sector (is it Dadi or something similar?) has come to the little centre here in my home town tonight. Big thing to happen. I commented to my partner when he was going there tonight how it seemed over the last few months there had been increased activity in this area from 'special' visitors at least once a fortnight. He actually agreed and said he had noticed that but couldn't give a reason.

Apparently there seems to be a greatly increased input from the leaders and notables and on a very constant and increasing note. At least in this region. A shake up of who is in charge of what particular center about 5 months ago, plus the ever escalating number of important people to our area. I am wondering if the BKSWU is feeling the need to assert their presence and are getting a tad restless? So much so my sleepy man is noticing this very concerted effort.

What are the thoughts on this, and has anyone else noticed a similar thing?
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Post17 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:Gyan!!! Yes, some of us are angry, but what happened to some of us justifies that too. This is a place of true open freedom and debate, no-one is a senior here.

Absolutely agree with that. And I've enjoyed being able to be open here and discuss things which, frankly, most BKs do not want to discuss because of fear or whatever other reason. (I hope you did not think I was inferring in the above quote that "ex" BKs are bad people because that wasn't where I was coming from! :wink: ).
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Re: Natives are getting restless?

Post17 Apr 2007

di wrote:What are the thoughts on this, and has anyone else noticed a similar thing?

We had an incident a few months back when we were leaked a few emails the leadership were sending around to themselves on how to deal with what was happening here.

What was most interesting was that it disclosed that they did not want to tell all the centers and their junior BKs because the leadership did not want the BK mushrooms* to know that is was having an impact and how much (*keep them in the dark and feed them manure). Apparently they were losing BKs, newcomers were down and non-BK front people, typically the one or two token non-BK to give their service fronts an impression of independence, were being affect.
Founders I think they called them.

In short, their propaganda front was being blown and they were uncomfortable at the uncontrolled leaks. Especially the BKWSU Wikipedia article, which actually started to state truth. And that was before we came out with all this historical stuff. So, it is great news. Folks are starting to know the facts of the BK life BEFORE the BKWSU can get to them and blind them. Would I say that this could possibly have anything to do with you and your man? For sure, if he has been asking for Shrimat and talking at retreats.

Personally, I'd say it was all the more reason to keep up the pressure writing to their VIPs, governmental and educational cronies. Its a funny thing but their "spirituality" gives them an almost teflon resistance to criticism or externally directed self-inspection. How could they, the Highest of High, the only true intruments of God have "issues" and what is the value of the opinion of mere Untouchable Shudras?

They are experts dowsing flame down flames with a quiet word and a bit of hypnotism! (I mean rolling in a Senior Sister to give sop to the local BKs and their contacts who will speak sweetly, hand out sweeties and not answer questions). Will they just change that easy? I don't know what others think but I say, "Categorically no".
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Post18 Apr 2007

Di wrote:I am wondering if the BKSWU is feeling the need to assert their presence and are getting a tad restless?

It is a very common experience in India that whenever PBKs go to a particular BK center or Gita pathshala (which are run at the houses of BK couples) to give Godly message, there is a sudden rush of senior BKs (especially center/area/zone incharges) visiting that center/gitapathshala to persuade the concerned BKs to leave the Advanced Knowledge given by the PBKs by giving misinformation including the newspaper cuttings of the incidents of PBK history.

This has happened even with me when I became a PBK about a decade ago. Which ever BK gitapathshala/BK household I used to go to give Godly message, the center-in-charges of the concerned BKs used to visit that place as soon as they got the news of the incident. And its effect would be visible the next time I contacted those BKs. They would outrightly/politely decline to listen to Advanced Knowledge anymore. In many cases, the BK teachers reach the BK household even while the PBKs are giving message. Generally, the BKs who have not heard of the Advanced Knowledge beforehand find it so interesting that the discussions continue for a few hours and meanwhile, if some spy gives the news to the local center-in-charge, she comes running to the spot to prevent any further damage.

Now that the activities of PBKs has spread to other countries, the Sisters incharge of the BK centers situated abroad might be under extra stress to prevent outflow of students/followers.

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Post18 Apr 2007

Di wrote:I am wondering if the BKSWU is feeling the need to assert their presence and are getting a tad restless?


You owe it to yourself to hear Dr. Nirmala (Didi) speak. Lord knows we heard her lectures for years. She is funny, has a droll sense of humor, has seen almost everything that can happen among BKs, being lord over the chaos of foreign BKs in Australia, N.Z., S.E. Asian countries.

The senior BK such as Dr. Nirmala, we describe inside the group as "having the power to satisfy souls". In particular, people with questions about the group or the theology who might become cooperators, also rebellious Brahmins, as most Ozzie Brahmins are.

Seniors like Didi can inject enthusiasm into centers where service is flagging, and also can shine at the center of huge programs with big audiences.

I remember her telling us about the Anti Party 20 years ago. So they have always been aware of PBKs. Whether PBKs are visiting Di's country center is another question. Are there many foreign PBKs? Are there foreign PBK centers, or gatherings.
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Post18 Apr 2007

joel wrote:I remember her telling us about the Anti Party 20 years ago. So they have always been aware of PBKs. Whether PBKs are visiting Di's country center is another question. Are there many foreign PBKs? Are there foreign PBK centers, or gatherings.

Do you mean Anti-Party or Shankar Party?

I am not picking you up, I am asking a sincere question. The BKWSU call the PBKs "the Shankar Party". The Anti-Party were a group of concerned individuals within the local community that attempted to stop or suppress the early Brahma-kumaris in the 1930s. I am asking because there seems to be some confusion over which side the other early (alleged) medium/s of Shiva were on. See the thread on 'Sevak Ram' etc.

I do not expect you to be interested in that minutae Di. Whether you should go and see Dr Nirmala and the BKWSU machine in full swing, I don't know. If you did, you might see what the attraction to the followers was and be drawn in, certainly disarmed a little. That is what they would want.
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Re: Natives are getting restless?

Post18 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:We had an incident a few months back when we were leaked a few emails the leadership were sending around to themselves on how to deal with what was happening here.

Is it possible to expand upon the contents of the email on this forum?


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Post18 Apr 2007

I am afraid the good Doctor wouldn't like what i would have to say to her. I wont be going near her :D.

The only thing to disarm me is to throwing a grenade ... (just joking, but you know what i mean, I am about the most non-violent person you could meet. I cannot even slam a door!) I've had enough of 'the attraction' It wouldn't be the first time I've told a doctor off :P. I asked my partner what she was like, everything between us relaxed (on the surface) and cordial. His reply was one word 'sharp'. I nicely asked, "sharp in personality or sharp in intellect?"

He looked a bit confused, paused and replied, "in intellect, she's a doctor you know" and quickly changed the subject. From what he said, she is doing the rounds of all the centres. May mean something, may mean nothing. I know I get only half truths or distortions of events and stories. Goes with the territory.

I don't worry to much now. I detach myself about the subject and on the outside appear non-reactive. See, i am learning something useful from them ...
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Post18 Apr 2007

di wrote:I am afraid the good Doctor wouldn't like what I would have to say to her. I wont be going near her. :D.

She being an experienced BK might not be perturbed by what you have to say. Why don't you go, say what you have to say and find out for yourself?


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Post18 Apr 2007

My time is too valuable. Not to mention she is now in another state.

But seriously, my time is very valuable. What is the use of me saying anything to her when i know it wont make any difference? I only like straight answers to straight questions. Somehow, I do not think i would get that. Give me Ex-I's style any day. It will only serve them further and give them more ammunition against us lokiks. Me being the dark side and all that. I see no benefit except to them. I am trying to emotionally remove myself, that is the only way i can beat this. I don't wish to be any more involved than what i am. I would only become frustrated and upset. I am the sort of person who would rather work in the background.

I have only just managed to get the household back to civility and that is my main concern at the moment. I don't need him to think I am interested in following the BKs. He knows me too well. He would know i am up to something. I cannot be bothered with the b***s*** any more. There is nothing i can say or do to change how he sees things. He is supposed to be a responsible adult, and eventually he has to deal with that, no matter how much he hides at the moment.

Its his decision to be a BK. Not my place to convince him and the world of what i think about the whole situation. It simply cant be done. It doesn't help me to do so. I need to survive this situation, and that is the only way I have a hope of my family surviving intact.

I am just enjoying sitting and watching the ants starting to scurry. Must be going to rain :D.
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Post18 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:Do you mean Anti-Party or Shankar Party?

Post-1976, for BKs "Anti-Party" means "Shankar Party", i.e. PBKs.


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