World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

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jim brady


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World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

Post13 Apr 2007

According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of the Census, the total population of the World, projected to 04/13/07 at 07:26 GMT (EST+5) is;


This figure is clearly over inflated as the BKWSU have been promoting a figure of 5 to 5.5 billion since the 1930's unless one allows for the possibility that more than one body is being controlled by a single soul - absurd yes, but a way out of the dilemma ???

How can these census compilers be so incompetent, or is God the one who cannot count?
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Re: World population continues to grow...BKWSU is aghast

Post13 Apr 2007

It seems pretty clear by now that whatever may have come from God, even if delivered directly, has been filtered through the eyes, minds and lives of people here. It lives within their beliefs, intuitions, churnings, imaginations. Maybe profound, it is certainly fallible.

If there is any "original sin" among the BKs, I would think it grows from purporting that their teachings are infallible. A strange god-awful kind of arrogance, of reward linked to denial, and denial linked to absolutism that rejects our dignified mammalian heritage.
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Re: World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

Post13 Apr 2007

jim brady wrote:How can these census compilers be so incompetent, or is God the one who cannot count?

Gosh, yes ... and imagine all the effort it is going to take to go through and re-write all those Murlis and literature!

I wonder how jaded the BK Brahmins in the "Ministry of Truth" wing feel about doing this year in year out? What makes it all muddier is that it appears to have gone up and down. Some of these early posters state 5.6 Billion Westerns and several crore Indians, then it went down to 5 Billion, then up to 5.5. Recently, I understand it was re-written to 6 ... now they will have to change it again to 7.

And the general rank and file BKs are entirely happy with and doubt free about such inconsistencies.
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Re: World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

Post13 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:And the general rank and file BKs are entirely happy with and doubt free about such inconsistencies.

Yes, they accept Baba's words that 'The Knowledge will continue to be refined.'

It bothers you and a few others that the numbers are changed.
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Re: World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

Post13 Apr 2007

joel wrote:Yes, they accept Baba's words that 'The Knowledge will continue to be refined.' It bothers you and a few others that the numbers are changed.

It bothers me that a God, and self-proclaimed Godly representatives, can pretend that false predictions and "re-writing" are the claimed to be the same as "refined" and that otherwise intelligent individuals can pretend to themselves that this is aceptable.

It falls far short of my standards of intellectual integrity. Its nothing more than an ongoing confidence trick.
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Mr Green


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Post13 Apr 2007

Come on already ... just face it ... IT IS NOT GOD ... boohooo, get over it :lol:.
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Post14 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:Come on already ... just face it ... IT IS NOT GOD ... boohooo, get over it :lol:.

I agree. What the BKs are involved with is also not God ... there is something else going on there. I think that these very concrete facts are important to dwell on because added together there are just too many such anomalies to lend credibility even to Lekhraj Kirpalani's alleged enlightenment.

BTW, is there "a god", or "any God", or even "higher beings" left for you now Mr Green?
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Mr Green


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Post14 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:BTW, is there "a god", or "any God", or even "higher beings" left for you now Mr Green?

For me, ex-l, there were never higher beings. I suppose I have reverted to my view before joining the kkk. I have a completely open mind on it. If I can truely say I have experienced any type of deity then I will feel it to be real. I am comfortable with this.

I regret succumbing to the BKs point of view, I was highly sceptical when I joined but somehow I gave in and declared it to myself as the truth, but I was never happy as althought I had lots of amazing meditation experiences and all that stuff I could never catagorically 100% say to myself that I was having a connection with God.

I talked to other BKs and most when challenged in this way would concede they did not know for sure it was God but had the faith and that maybe their intellect was not yet pure enough to have a connection.

So, yes, the possibility of God is there for me, but I am in no hurry to find God now ... I've spent a lot of energy on this persuit and it got me nowhere. So let's see.
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Post15 Apr 2007

Ahhh :) a man after my own heart Mr G!

Luckily, a shred of my innate scepticism remained and so I was never wholly 'captured' by the BKs...never got to the stage of believing in "Baba" when I was uh, 'asked to leave' lol.
If I can truely say I have experienced any type of deity then I will feel it to be real. I am comfortable with this.

I can completely understand your position on this ;) and it seems quite logical. In my thread 'the sickness that is intoxication' (sorry - the url link function doesn't seem to b working!) I am suggesting that even 'experience' (which I was told was all i needed "to be forever in the super-sensuous bliss of Baba") may well be an ego-trick and utter fantasy ...

So experience is not necessarily an infalliable guide to what's real :|

Since I have been reading more & more about Zen etc, I am feeling that the whole concept of 'god' may be simply fulfilling a deep & ancient human need for a 'Big Daddy' to comfort us and make everything all right ... and tell us that riches are ours ... but only after we die :!: :cool: :lol:.

It all seems so ridiculous when you stop to really think about it ...
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Post15 Apr 2007

zhuk wrote: ... but only after we die

Yes, its always after we die in religions that we get our reward. What a gip! I don't meditate at all now, I really appreciated your intoxication thread. I think its just a legal drug. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but its not God is it?

No doubt the BK heirarchy will find the usual excuse for the wrong prediction of population before the destruction they keep trying to fool us about. Here is my prediction. They will say it is the fault of the BKs for not being pure enough and not making enough effort.
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Post15 Apr 2007

proy wrote:Yes, its always after we die in religions that we get our reward. What a gip! I don't meditate at all now, I really appreciated your intoxication thread. I think its just a legal drug. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but its not God is it?

Alas no ... but self-brainwashing is like that, huh! :roll: Hence the terrible comedown *if* you eventually realise the self-deception...and how you were deceived, and all for the aggrandisement of the Organisation (tm). I think mr green and others have described this pain well elsewhere /me shakes head :(.

Glad you liked the intox thread :D I had one of those wonderful "Aha!" moments when I read it ... hmm, that sounds familiar lol
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Post15 Apr 2007

zhuk wrote:Hence the terrible comedown *if* you eventually realise the self-deception...

Yes. There is that depression to deal with. Mr. Green was brave enough to talk about it in public, and he helped me in private. No surprise people long for the Destruction when they feel that way. All this numbers game. 5 or 6 billion to die. 900,000 Brahmins. Then another BapDada season and more excuses trotted out. Or rather the same excuses repeated.
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Post15 Apr 2007

proy wrote:Then another BapDada season and more excuses trotted out. Or rather the same excuses repeated.

So what was the jist of this season? ... I thought it was all woo-woo 900,000 ... big year this year ... as per usual.

I doubt the 900,000 figure too. Divide by 10 probably.
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Post16 Apr 2007

Yo everyone, I've been reading your threads and posts and see how everyone is speaking their truth and are sharing so deeply, honestly about their experiences in the BK setup and its obvious for me that the residue of these experiences often sticks with one either forever or for a very long time ... unless we make converted 'effort' (do not'cha just HATE that word nowadays?) to create a new sense of self from within. It AMAZES me that everytime I LOG onto the forum someone (as per this thread), reminds me that the information that I carry with me is not always correct and so my belief system gets checked and challenged in a wonderful yummy warm kinda way.

I'd like to share two things but they're MY experiences only and therefore I suppose its MY TRUTH - for NOW! - but I do feel inspired to share a viewpoint to comment that others are certainly having different experiences ... and will continue to do so. It doesn't make me better or different, just another experience to share and work with.

I experienced God early on in my BK 'career' (even before I went to Madhuban, where incidentally I only had good meditation and not much 'connection'!) - for some reason sitting alone in the local centre on night. I was meditating on a quartz crystal lamp when my whole "intellect' or consciousness was 'taken over' by God saying to me that "I am His child and must never forget it". Somehow, probably because of the specific energy and vibration of the experience, I knew who was speaking to me and I try to never forget this and am being regularly reminded to remember but NOT in the BK sense of the word of remembrance. It's rather a sense of having faith in the fact that I am God's child simply because he told me and I know it was him that did it. I don't feel that it s a case of blind faith because the experience was of such deep magnitude for me.

It is probably due to this single lone experience that I stuck it out for so long as a BK as I'd certainly connected with God whilst in a BK centre and so therefore thought the two went exclusively hand in hand, and everyone does seem to remember that we were taught that if we left we wouldn't have God in our lives. So some of us do and some of us still don't have the Dude/Dudess in our awareness or experience - it certainly wasn't about the level of 'surrender' we allowed but rather not the right time or place for us.

The second thing I want to share is that we could understand that because one has not had an experience of G during our time in the BK's does not mean that G doesn't exist. One just hasn't found the right pathway or way to connect yet. I want to say that it will happen and I so hope that I am correct, but I know we all have our own unique and beautiful journey to make. We shouldn't give up the 'search' within, which is what it truly is, just because a powerful group of people have made us feel otherwise... An internal alignment and desire to be happy within oneself is so important.

One of the ways that I choose to be with G is when I manage to go deep inside and sit in stillness and then I 'feel' the connection being made. It feeds me what I need in order to always move forward. I know that this this method is taught by the BKs' but it works for me. Others will certainly have their own way and methods too and I ask that you please share these methods with me if you feel inspired to do so.

I've removed all Brahma Baba's pics and influences from my home, meditation room and environment but I've still got God, in my terms and own understanding. So this proves to me that there are many pathways to the Big One. Not the one as dictated to us by the BK systems, as they probably only offer one or two aspects of this being only ... And by the sounds of things have been left behind in terms of what the 'New Age' world is now experiencing and spiritually evolving with too. Perhaps an internal revision of what our learnt (forced on us?) concepts of God would allow another experience? Exclusivity of God does not exist. But what I want is to have the experience of God not just the information about him which I am supposed to believe is the truth.

I hope to have shared from the heart and wanted to encourage everyone to be who they are ... and only that, but also to let go of what no longer serves and supports and that which only holds one back from being the most wonderful creative, spiritual and happy person we possibly can be.

I do see that one of the reasons we're on this forum, is that we all have our own needs to be on it, points to prove, or things to say and share, to grow, to love, to be happy, etc; is this correct?

Thanx to JB for this wonderful thread ... may the discussion begin ... please ... in the meantime much Light, Much Love and Much Solidarity.
Paul XX
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Post16 Apr 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I've removed all Brahma Baba's pics and influences from my home, meditation room and environment but I've still got God, in my terms and own understanding. So this proves to me that there are many pathways to the Big One. Not the one as dictated to us by the BK systems, as they probably only offer one or two aspects of this being only ...

To a degree, this and the such specific issues such as the non-End of the World and population increase must be the greatest challenges to the BKWSU mentality. It goes completely against their grain. Anyone have access to God ... circumvent the Senior Sister monopoly on godliness ... Good heavens. Something should be done about it!!! Externally they are softening on the old "interfaith front" but the Murlis have to be eternally unchanged on this. They have God, others don't.

This aspect of spiritual dissonances fascinates me. Does anyone know the correct term for it? How can "The Knowledge" (tm) be wrong, illogical, riddled with contradictions and yet individual's faith in it remain with some kind of compensatory sub-faith developing to sustain it. I can only put it down to psychic overshadowing or hypnosis at present. That is not to say "something" is not going on and that there are not other non-physical "beings" involved.

Either the BKs like rabbits caught in the headlights of reality bearing down upon them as full speed, or are they hanging on in a white knuckle fairground ride - in the hope of more palaces and diamonds in the Golden Age? May be it just becomes a sanskars?

I find it interesting looking at the old philosophies from the 1930s and 1940 where they clearly believed in a Universal God of Light, a God within, a Universal Creative power. In a way, what you are saying, the New Age line of creative realities (e.g. The Secret etc), what I lean towards believing, is much closer to the original way of thinking with excludes a Supreme Shiv soul. I am currently feeling that the 'Shiv soul' is a latter imposition and until it is clearly evidenced to me how, where and why it came about; I suspect that it was at the point of its involvement that the movement became involved with some other psychic entity/entities.

I am still stuck because I do not know where the 'Egg God', detached and separate from a Cosmic Oneness, entered the BKWSU equation. I am working on the theory that this was the point where certain elements within the BKWSU took power and swung the movement off track and into cycles of fear, separation and control, i.e. "the Islamicists" as by the PBK understanding. Again, this is not to say that there is not "something" benign going on but that it is going on despite what the leadership think, say and do. That "good" BKs are having their "good" experiences despite the spirit or 'spirits' prevailing thought the organization at present.

You mentioned that you had intuitive gifts Paul. Can you share any of the psychic experiences you have had re the BKWSU. I believe that we need more second opinions on what is going on in the astral or psychic level with them and relating to their beliefs. Ditto, if you know other good psychics or channellers, can you ask them what their 'guides' and the spirit world, think and say about the BKWSU?

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