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Post13 Apr 2007

By God? What he says also makes a lot of sense to me, I haven't seen any flaw in that. Of course I have faith in him. If I know that he is God and not merely a human being with a partial vision of the world. The faith I have in him is untouchable. I have experienced his presence in India and even here, in specific circunstances, as an answer to my questions, that is out of doubt.

I thought that was the whole point of this website, the idea of God, and sharing our experience about God, whether it is positive or negative. You might not agree with me, and I respect that, then in turn respect my trust to him and his knowledge.
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Post13 Apr 2007

Aimée wrote:By God? What he says also makes a lot of sense to me, I haven't seen any flaw in that. Of course I have faith in him. If I know that he is God and not merely a human being with a partial vision of the world. The faith I have in him is untouchable, I have experienced his presence in India and even here, in specific circunstances, as an answer to my questions, that is out of doubt. I thought that was the whole point of this website, the idea of God, and sharing our experience about God, whether it is positive or negative. You might not agree with me, and I respect that, then in turn respect my trust to him and his knowledge.

Thanks, Aimée. What you said is a perfect example of the BKs original sin, in my opinion: believing their knowledge to be infallible. Say it weren't right about the soul, or The Cycle, or rebirth, or karma, or even about God. All these to give reasons to the person what they should do. I respect you, I also see the danger of being absolutely sure of oneself. There is nothing more precious than allowing Life to prove to me that I don't know what the hell is going on.

It is a mistake of the BKs to think they know what's going on. Just as politicians do, the Seniors tell one story of what goes on, and there is another story you don't hear. Cautious thoughtful life choices are different that dramatic gestures. Just to learn to love is enough for a life.

This everyone should do this attitude and belief system is useless in describing the world, because everyone is doing something different than they should. Do we want to interact with the real world, or to try to make the world what it should be and then interact with it. That's what the US is attempting in the Middle East. To get Iraq to conform to its fantasy. Not seeing what is.

Can one accept that rather than remove barriers, it is possible, without spiritual disciplines beyond what's pleasurable to you can step out to and reach for whatever one wants in life directly? Or is it only after many years. Are we to wait for the Golden Age, or can life be full now if I allow myself to live it?
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Mr Green


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Post13 Apr 2007

Aimée wrote:I thought that was the whole point of this website, the idea of God, and sharing our experience about God, whether it is positive or negative. You might not agree with me, and I respect that, then in turn respect my trust to him and his knowledge.

Hey, where have i been disrespectful? I respect your faith I have already said that 8).
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Post13 Apr 2007

You know Joel Bhai, I understand your strong feelings against what I wrote, if you have seen what I have seen in the BK world. But please don't confuse my world with their world! In the BK world, you have different Gurus that are worshipped and whatever they say is ultimate truth, even if they have different opinions. You have control freaks, you have people who want to make you feel guilty if you don't have the same opinion as them or if you don't conform to their authority ...

I am no longer in this world. For me, and it only concerns my vision of the reality, but I do consider it is real. I have met God. I am fulfilled, happy, in love, and all what I want to achieve now is to be able to surrender to him, let go of my disillusions and my cynicism, and accept whatever he tells me, this is the way to enlightment and true happiness, and purity.

In the PBK world, no one has any authority, except the teachings, and even it is up to take what we want from it. This way of speaking might be unacceptable, laughable, revolting even for some, that I only believe in the One, and that He is the only path to truth; and I know it by experience. But you know, I am hiding those treasure in my everyday life, I have very few people in the outside world who can accept my world, and even in a website where we speak all the time about God, is not this acceptable?

I do believe that this world now has reach a point of no return, and you don't need to be spiritual to see it, the economist say it, the ecologists say it, the quantum physics says that with your thoughts you influence the world, how can we recover from the amount of rubbish that is spread every day on the television, by the example the politicians give us, by the way most of the people live, and what they accept to live. How is this world acceptable when the ones who live a decent live, with enough to eat and dress, where their lives is not threatened every day, are becoming a minority?

I might be naive, or with faith in the drama, but for me this is the description of hell, and after hell comes heaven ... Of course, I won't be able to prove you that, but I am deeply convinced that it will happen, and all what the Murlis or the clarifications explain gives a vast, deep, logical picture of the drama.

However, I respect your vision of the reality as well as Mr Green or any other, I don't have any desire to impose my opinion, I just would like to be able to share it ...
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Post13 Apr 2007

Mr Greenbhai,

Not disrespecting me, but what I said ... if you want to close the communication, it is that something is not acceptable in what I am saying?

It might be, like for Joel Bhai, a misunderstanding on a linguistic level. The words that the BK or others say, about God, have been so often misused, for wrong purposes, that they have lost their fragance. I do recognize, I am definitely a newcomer in the field of religion, I come from a total atheist background, where the word God is far more embarrassing than the F... word. So everything is fresh and new for me, without any connotations!
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Mr Green


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Post13 Apr 2007

No, I am not disrespecting you at all. In fact, I respect all the PBKs for being so public about what they believe in ... good on you.

It's just I feel we are talking on different levels. You see things from a faith based model, I am not saying it is not your reality, but it is not mine and therefore there is no real need for us to discuss it further ... there's just no point. We don't share the same opinion ... I don't have to respect what you believe in. In fact, I have the right to find it distasteful and repugnant. That is my right. It is not an attack on you.
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Post14 Apr 2007

Aimée wrote:I have met God. I am fulfilled, happy, in love, and all what I want to achieve now is to be able to surrender to him, let go of my disillusions and my cynicism, and accept whatever he tells me, this is the way to enlightment and true happiness, and purity.

I certainly can approve of that. To have God as your one love, to surrender to him as you know him.
In the PBK world, no one has any authority, except the teachings, and even it is up to take what we want from it.

I am glad to hear that the PBKs are not in their students' faces, don't ask their students' secrets, give students Shrimat or otherwise appear to take responsibility for their students' lives. Perhaps the PBKs will succeed where the BKs have failed!
I am hiding those treasure in my everyday life, I have very few people in the outside world who can accept my world, and even in a website where we speak all the time about God, is not this acceptable?

Here I wonder. It's definitely not the world or God's fault if your beauty and inner treasures are not visible. It's not because the world is a hell. Others are able to seen and be seen, love and be loved. Believe me, that I am seeing you, through what your write, and you do reveal yourself to us, with all your qualities and treasures.
I do believe that this world now has reach a point of no return, and you don't need to be spiritual to see it, the economist say it, the ecologists say it, the quantum physics says that with your thoughts you influence the world, how can we recover from the amount of rubbish that is spread every day on the television, by the example the politicians give us, by the way most of the people live, and what they accept to live. How is this world acceptable when the ones who live a decent live, with enough to eat and dress, where their lives is not threatened every day, are becoming a minority?

You are right about this, the world has become hell for many.
I might be naive, or with faith in the drama, but for me this is the description of hell, and after hell comes heaven ... Of course, I won't be able to prove you that, but I am deeply convinced that it will happen, and all what the Murlis or the clarifications explain gives a vast, deep, logical picture of the drama.

And yet this life is supposed to be the highest. For me, I will have love in my relationships now, and I will judge if the love is pure or not. Even Baba says, there is no guarantee for the future. If there is something you want to do in your life, do it now, Baba says.

The moment of realization, and the moment of receiving the fruits will always be in the now, at least when we consider the realm of the spiritual. You won't get your pension till you retire (and even then you might not get it.) Inner realization manifests its effects immediately. Life is a different color. It is a different color after coming to Baba, a different color after falling in love, a different color, after learning to love yourself.
However, I respect your vision of the reality as well as Mr Green or any other, I don't have any desire to impose my opinion, I just would like to be able to share it ...

I do not write to repress or criticize, only to respond. As you say, some of my difficulties are with the ways BKs have utilized the power of their captivating world view. I am sure your faith can survive (and even continue to feel welcome here) whatever reflections or questions or experiences of my own I might raise.

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Post15 Apr 2007

Thank you for sharing your feedback, Brothers, I really appreciate it. I do agree that the fruit of our quest is also now, in discoveries and attainments, and not only in a future we just can figure out.

Mr Green, I also respect your strong reactions to my faith and I don't mind you not respecting it. But it seems to me a bit emotional to qualify faith as distasteful and repugnant. So lack of faith is acceptable and faith is distasteful and repugnant, is not it a bit extreme?
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Mr Green


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Post15 Apr 2007

Hey, all I am really saying is I have the right to not respect what you believe in that's all :D.
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Post24 Apr 2007

I have the right to not respect what you believe in

If you think that you have this right then you can judge yourself whether when you use it if brings you happiness or sorrow. When you are feeling free to openly demonstrate familiarity then it is something different which enters the area of other's people's rights.

What I could also feel arriving in India is that we very much have some internal anxiety. Some force to prove something and to compete. We like others to like us, we don't like ourselves, we don't think of ourselves, we think what others think of us, what we need from others. We are not peace oriented and happiness oriented, we don't really need it or search for it but we rather look outside for these. Some superficiality. We cannot communicate like normal people without force inside. We are like beasts indeed. There is a lot of fighting and fighting. We have some constant fight inside and we don't like to turn inside.

When I was at the bhatti I just liked to go above this then I found for the first time in my life above the dark clouds of war a wide, white, open, peaceful sky. It was something new for me. As clouds were dispersing as if muddy drops were falling down my cheeks.
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Post24 Apr 2007

Absolutely beautiful, Brother, and very honest. I just watched the second part of the extended edition of "What the Bleep" about quantum physics. You would really love it, because it also speaks about that, and is in many points aligned with Baba's Gyan ...

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