Fixing the BKWSU, is it possible?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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What do you think about the possibilities of reforming the Yagya (BKWSU)?

The Yagya is fine, just the way it is.
It can be fixed with the cooperation of Madhuban and Seniors.
Reforms can begin from grass-roots changes among BKs.
Forward-thinking high-achieving foreign BKs such as Brian Bacon and Lee James are doing incognito service already to change the Yagya.
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BKWSU is rotten to the core, but PBKs or other breakaway groups can succeed where BKWSU has failed.
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Don't worry, the Yagya will become perfect when we all become complete.
External pressures such as wars, famines, epidemics, and natural catastrophes (Shankar power) will get the job done.
BKWSU is rotten, but other groups are not better. The way to be free is to leave or to adapt.
You've got the issue totally mis-characterized. I'll explain below.
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Fixing the BKWSU, is it possible?

Post13 Apr 2007

The question has come up whether the organization and its path is amenable to improvement, whether it needs to be improved, etc. What do you all think??
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Re: Fixing the BKWSU, is it possible?

Post13 Apr 2007

joel wrote:The question has come up whether the organization and its path is amenable to improvement, whether it needs to be improved, etc. What do you all think??

Yes, you missed the 'senior Sisters response', "if you think there is anything wrong with the BKWSU that can only be fixed by you having more Yoga" i.e. the problem is with you. Interesting also to ask, where do folks think the BKWSU is head.
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Re: Fixing the BKWSU, is it possible?

Post13 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:Yes, you missed the 'senior Sisters response', "if you think there is anything wrong with the BKWSU that can only be fixed by you having more Yoga" i.e. the problem is with you. Interesting also to ask, where do folks think the BKWSU is head.

I think that is subsumed in Choice #1, incognito. Feel free to update the questions, as not many have voted yet. They're not exactly overrunning the polling stations.

I'll leave it for you to compose a poll for 'where at the BKWSU headed?'


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Where do you think the Yagya is headed ?

Post13 Apr 2007

I agree that there is not another Spiritual organisation that would be better. I would like to take the good bits from the BKWSU but to abandon the rubbish. I would like there to be a place for those who want to live in the world with their feet planted firmly on the ground. I would like to do away with the elitism.

I would like souls who want to live in a relationship and have families to stand up and claim their right to be a part of the organisation. I would like to see souls being able to express their creativity and to still be part of the organisation. I would like the organisation to realise that the members are just Human Beings like everyone else and that suppressing our human inclinations is not healthy. I would like for souls to be able to lead a "Balanced life" not a stifled suppressed life. I would like the BKWSU to stop pretending that it has the answers to everything and to acknowledge the Mystery and Magic of our lives on this planet.

This is why I have not yet ditched the organisation although I am tempted. I think change will come from members who have enough self respect to follow their own hearts on this path. :wink:

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Rocksanne 8)
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Post13 Apr 2007

I cannot take them seriously at all anymore.

I had the fortune (?) of seeing what goes on behind the scenes it ain't pretty.

I don't think they were ever meant to go the way they have and now it's just a lumbering dinosaur waiting for the taxman and the police to catch up with them and put them out of their misery.
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Post30 Apr 2007

The Yagya is fine, just the way it is.

In fact they are doing pretty darn good. Got some extremely believable and simple dogmas and belief systems that have been very well developed and evolved by over 70 years of very powerful minds. Got the Yagya leaders all working in co-operation. Taking in tons of money and growing all the time. They are a thriving business, especially considering what kind of employees they’ve got.

The world of today is about business. Selling something as abstract as faith, truth and purpose is very difficult. The BKWSU has done so in spades.

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