Revelations of the early history of the Yagya

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Revelations of the early history of the Yagya

Post07 Apr 2007

Anyone who follows the forum will have noticed the revelations being made about the early years of the Yagya, which many documents are now being shown on the forum.
    • What I would like to know is did PBKs know about this before and if not, why not?
    • If Godfather Shiva uses Virendra Dev Dixit as a Chariot, why were these things not known?
    • If they were known why were they not revealed?
    • Is PBK literature now going to be re-written to accomodate these findings?
    • Is it that Shiva is only able to reinterpret what is revealed to Virendra Dev Dixit through literature?
If anyone can explain how this all works I would be most greatful.



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Re: Revelations

Post08 Apr 2007

John wrote:Anyone who follows the forum will have noticed the revelations being made about the early years of the Yagya, which many documents are now being shown on the forum. If anyone can explain how this all works I would be most greatful.

Dear john Bhai.
As usual your queries are very valid and i don't think any PBK will be able to answer (to the point) any of your queries. Even if you ask, then Baba may reply would be "this is the job of research scholars amongst the children (who are going to get scholarship and those 108 souls who are going to ''pass with honour"). If students just nod their heads to whatever Baba says then they are praja quality. If they do not churn The Knowledge or do not do any perform investigative journalism to find out what is right and wrong, then they are definitely going to miss the bus.

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Post08 Apr 2007

John wrote:What I would like to know is did PBKs know about this before and if not, why not?

As I have already stated in the relevant thread in the Commonroom, PBKs did not know all the facts that have come up as a result of the publication of the historical documents on this forum, although they had some idea about it based on the study of the Murlis, Avyakt Vanis and other materials, e.g. PBKs knew that Dada Lekhraj was considered as the God of Gita by BKs, but the historical documents uploaded on this forum proves that.
    • PBKs knew that the rehearsal of all the four ages takes place within the Confluence Age. The diagrams of Confluence Age (as part of the picture of The Tree) proves that.
    • PBKs knew that Dada Lekhraj was not 60 years old in 1936-37. The historical documents prove that.
    • PBKs did not know that Sevakram was part of the Anti-Om Mandali Committee.
If Godfather Shiva uses Veerendra Dev Dixit as a Chariot, why were these things not known? If they were known why were they not revealed?

Although we believe that God Father Shiv acts through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, but He acts as an ordinary human being when He enters into a human body and does not perform any miracle. Although God Shiv is aware of all these facts but He does not reveal these through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit because He does not perform miracles like the role of Krishna. The role through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is a role of Ram.

Even if you compare the roles of Dada Lekhraj and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit with the roles of Krishna and Ram of the path of worship you would see that just as Krishna of the path of worship was famous for miracles, the role of Dada Lekhraj was marked by so-called miracles like divine visions, trance messages, etc. And just as Ram of the path of worship was characterised by his role as an ordinary human being, the role of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is also like that of an ordinary human being without any miracles/Bhakti.

I don't think all the facts that have been revealed through the historical documents were known to Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, so there was no question of revealing them. Whatever facts related to Yagya history have been revealed in the clarification Murlis are based on the research of Sakar Murlis, Avyakt Vanis and other literature published by the BKs.
Is PBK literature now going to be re-written to accomodate these findings?

I am not competent to answer this question, but these historical would definitely be raised by some or the other PBK in the discussion classes. So we can wait and watch. Moreover, the documents uploaded on this forum do not present the complete history, but only a part of it. So, any permanent change in the PBK literature would have to be based on a broader database.
Is it that Shiva is only able to reinterpret what is revealed to Veerendra Dev Dixit through literature?

I think I have already answered this question as part of my answer to your first question. Although Father Shiv acts as an ordinary human being when He enters into a human Chariot but He gives extraordinary knowledge. So, although this knowledge may appear to be limited to The Knowledge of the Chariot, many new aspects of knowledge are also revealed from time to time.

When Murlis were narrated by ShivBaba through Dada Lekhraj, many new points when comparison to Hinduism were narrated. And when clarification Murlis are narrated by ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, many new points when compared to the basic BK knowledge have been/ are being narrated.




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Re: Revelations

Post08 Apr 2007

John wrote:Is PBK literature now going to be re-written to accomodate these findings?

Dear john Bhai.

The whole PBK literature(Advanced Knowledge) will have to be re-written, not only on the basis of what has happened in the beginning of the Yagya but also on the basis of Murli points and avaykt Vanis, which will prove beyond any doubt, that Advanced Knowledge is subtle Bhakti (and Bhakti scriptures do not contain any truth ).

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Post11 Apr 2007

Thank you Bhais for your replies. Has Virendra Dev Dixit been presented with the information that has been revealed in the book by Om Radhe in 1943 yet?

It would be a strange irony if it had to be translated from English to Hindi to be understood by ShivaBaba!
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Post11 Apr 2007

Dear John Bhai,

Omshanti. I had sent a set of few pages that were uploaded initially on this site to Baba for perusal, that included the picture of World Cycle. Now I have taken a printout of the entire book written by 'PBK' Om Radhe and would be sending a copy to ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) for perusal.

I don't think the book would have to be translated into Hindi to enable him to understand it because he can read and understand English although he cannot speak so fluently. But, since he may not have enough time to go through the entire book, a summary of the same could be presented to him in Hindi.

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Post11 Apr 2007

arjun wrote:I don't think the book would have to be translated into Hindi to enable him to understand it because he can read and understand English although he cannot speak so fluently. But, since he may not have enough time to go through the entire book, a summary of the same could be presented to him in Hindi.

Thanks for the update ArjunBhai.

I see a tangent of the thread coming here. Can ShivaBaba understand English?
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Post11 Apr 2007

Dear John Bhai,

Here we are talking about the corporeal Chariot of incorporeal Shiv. Incorporeal Shiv may understand all the languages, but when He enters into a human Chariot, He limits Himself to the languages known to the Chariot.

Baba Virendra Dev Dixit can understand English to a great extent. But when foreigners speak English in front of him it is difficult for him to understand completely due to the foreign accent and hence requires an interpreter.

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Post18 Apr 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I had sent a set of few pages that were uploaded initially on this site to Baba for perusal, that included the picture of World Cycle. Now I have taken a printout of the entire book written by 'PBK' Om Radhe and would be sending a copy to ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) for perusal.

Will it be possible to post Baba Virendra Dev Dixit response, if any, on the forum?
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Post18 Apr 2007

Will it be possible to post Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit response, if any, on the forum?
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Post30 Apr 2007

Pictures are prepared with trance visions. The one who gives the vision and the one who sees them do according to the level of the understanding of the one who sees the visions. We have Brahma Baba, because he was there. If The Knowledge aims to point to a certain personality that has not been there at that time, is it possible that on the picture there is an unfamilliar face from the future.

In the Murlis it is said – I speak to you – and this Dada listens in between. So the whole knowledge is meant for one.
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Post30 Apr 2007

andrey wrote:Pictures are prepared with trance visions. The one who gives the vision and the one who sees them do according to the level of the understanding of the one who sees the visions. We have Brahma Baba, because he was there. If The Knowledge aims to point to a certain personality that has not been there at that time, is it possible that on the picture there is an unfamilliar face from the future.

The word 'you' can be used both singular and plural. What I mean to say is 'you' could mean all the children listening/reading or it could mean one person. To know which it is usually needs the context it is written in.

A lot of Murlis start with 'the spiritual Father speaks to the spiritual children', the tone for 'you' as plural is set. For the 'you' to be used in a singular context, specific references to one person would have to be made. Maybe the Hindi language is different and the specific usage of 'you' can be better understood to be either singular or plural.

If that is the case, then great, if not, it's seems like it is just playing with words to extract a desired interpretation.
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Post30 Apr 2007

We know that "spiritual Father" means the Supreme Soul Shiva, the point of light who is always in stage of soul-consciousness; and "spiritual children" means souls in the stage of soul-consciousness.

Amongst them, he will speak the most to the one who achives the highest stage.

Maybe it is not like this with the visions, because there is an example where Dadi Gulzar went into trance and Baba was preparing a rosary and she could not recognise any faces.

I know in Hindi it is the same "tum" that means you in both singular and plural. But there is also another "you" that means you in singular used for intimacy, refering to God, small child or abusing. I think there was some example with this from the Murli like "in your intellect on uttering Baba a point of light comes". It means in the intellect of others it comes a point of light in a body and in your intellect it comes just a point.

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