What's pulling me away

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Post26 Mar 2007

Dear Abrahma

WELCOME BACK!!!!!! I am so happy :!:

Love Jan
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abrahma kumar

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BKs only : What do you have to hide ?

Post26 Mar 2007

Just visited the above mentioned topic and observed that todate there have been 54 views of it but not one reply. Interesting. Very interesting.
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Post26 Mar 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:I know what you mean about the 'official statement' idea and was interesting to hear what others have shared about their experiences. Unfortunately, my options seem rather limited in that it may well have to be official. Honesty being one reason

Excuse me butting in again. I wanted to add one thing;

In my case, a turning point also came when I was holding on by my finger nails and wanted to stay. Another rather full-of-themself 'Innocent Lord' delivered me an anonymous letter telling me that I was unwanted and should go. I caught him sneaking out of the room I was sleeping having left the letter on my bed rather than tell me or hand it to me personally. I remember his face then to this day. It was personal and on his own behalf, he had no authority to write to me and had not officially consulted others.

Now this particular BK had used me to find lokik employment, used his connection with a student of the Yoga center to find employment, used me for transport and resisted any physical work because it was not "Avyakt" enough for him ... whereas sitting eating ice cream at work was and as was selling dangerously faulty motor vehicles to other BKs. (From this I hope he identifies himself and if he can identify me I have more to come out about him and his nearest and dearest that will shock others even moreso).

Without a doubt, it was one of the final straws in my leaving Gyan but I too "royal" or "accommodating" to show-and-tell to the rest of the center about what he was up to. I was too screwed up by all the guru-chela dos-and-donts to think straight. It was a mistake.

He was a user and he consciously broke Maryadas for his own interests whereas I was doing my best to follow them, albeit imperfectly. What I discovered later was that his similar attitude was the cause of other soul/s to leave Gyan. By not speaking out, I left him to have his clear way to use or abuse others. This is an example of where speaking out to others is actually a greater compassion to a wider society. We protect ourselves and then we extend that protection to others from their 'Queen Bee' syndrome* ... It is true of an individual as it is an organization.

* A queen bee, having been fattened by the workers on royal jelly, will upon awakening early go about consciously killing the other queen bees lest they be a challenge to them ...
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abrahma kumar

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a response to a topic elsewhere ...

Post27 Mar 2007

Perhaps someone reading this and has knowledge of ancient texts or scriptutal reference let us know if these cycles are shown in their experiences too? How many years per cycle of time? If these points exist in our historical manuals (and maybe we could even say that the Sakar Murlis are historical - considering when they were 'spoken' - so it means that history could provide us with the answer, but that we may only need to look at in terms of a different reference/belief? Up and Over to anyone who cares ...

Thanks Paul. This possibility entertains my thinking very much recently. Meaning whether all of this BK mularkey is just a hodge-podge of someone brainstorming a whole lot of sacred texts and what not and then choosing to have themselves immortalised - not to say worshipped - by God-hungry folk such as me. No, I am not proposing this as fact or discarding the possibility that wisdom can and is passed on to us humans from ascended masters but the thing is that in BKdom we are not encouraged to study those phenomena from an inquisitive view point. All we are given is a simplistic "THIS IS THE SUPREME ULTIMATE TRUTH" blah blah blah and we find ourselves ... Well we all know what happens to each of us so i need not say it.

Unfortunately, till my appearance on this forum I have not actively sought to satisfy my curiousity about these things but bit by bit all that is changing. I can bet that if I turned up at my local centre and asked the gathered students what they know about Channelling, or the like, the majority would not be able to point me to a BKWSU text that explains it. Yet still off we go to Madhuban and sit there waiting for the Murli to be delivered by some mysterious means. By the way, how is it that BKWSU knows the exact date when God is coming? Does HE sit there and advise them of the dates after the season or does the medium let HIM know that she will only be available on x,y,z dates in the calendar so He had better only appear then?

We need clarity BKdom otherwise it seems as if you are leading us into the light by the power of the the Light but all the while keeping us in the dark.
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abrahma kumar

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To BK or not BK, is that the answer?

Post28 Mar 2007

Hello and welcome. I learnt from Gyan that to pass judgement on another is an uncharitable act. I am not here to judge anyone but to share my experiences as a student of the BKWSU. If perhaps my story offends anyone then i join them in rejoicing because the part that i tell of is not theirs but mine.

If this is too cryptic to understand - or you think I am mad - then i invite you to listen to the late Bob Marley track entitled "Running Away". Listen not only to the lyrics but especially the haunting way in which Bob delivers the song.

Reading a post is not an invitation to live or inded to pass judgement on someone's else's life but perhaps - I speak for myself - an opportunity to observe the lifestory that the poster chooses to share with us: Private things put into the public domain. Why? Because we have nothing to be afraid about.

Ask yourself if your particular instituition respects your freedom to this extent? If the answer is yes then you too have nothing to worry about.

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Post30 Mar 2007

Welcome Amrit Vela. Much thanks to you know who.
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Post30 Mar 2007

ABEK wrote:By the way, how is it that BKWSU knows the exact date when God is coming? Does HE sit there and advise them of the dates after the season or does the medium let HIM know that she will only be available on x,y,z dates in the calendar so He had better only appear then?

Hi ABeK - thanks so much for your pm two days ago. Much appreciated. In my personal experience, the entity that will be channeled, generally speaking, gives the dates and time frames that they will appear in to their channel. However, it is possible to request and align with any entity at any time and the request is genenrally honoured as the entity or being is 'on service' at all times ...

Does this make sense? That is, I can call on my Guide/Angel/Master/Spirit Friend and they will comply in some form or the other.

Regards P
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abrahma kumar

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Post30 Mar 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Hi ABeK - thanks so much for your pm two days ago. Much appreciated. In my personal experience, the entity that will be channeled, generally speaking, gives the dates and time frames that they will appear in to their channel. However, it is possible to request and align with any entity at any time and the request is generally honoured as the entity or being is 'on service' at all times ... Does this make sense? That is, I can call on my Guide/Angel/Master/Spirit Friend and they will comply in some form or the other. Regards P

Thanks Paul. When you were 'inside' did the BK's ever offer this insight? Me never. Maybe it is pointless to know. Cheers.
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abrahma kumar

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Post02 Apr 2007

If i could have found the Millie Jackson song lyric in which she sings about having s**t on your fingers, a mess on your hands; I would have posted that as well.

Hope I did not screw up the thread but I think that my heart chakra opened over these past few days ;) and so showering love over troubled waters seems to be a bit of a theme for me for a while.

Quite apart from the words themselves the manner in which the songs are are sung by the respective artistes also conveys very vividly the essence lying at the heart of each story that is being told.

I hope that in reading those words some little spark of YOU may have come into sharper focus.

One Love to us all.


http://lyrics.rare-lyrics.com/S/Shirley ... Woman.html
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abrahma kumar

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why do you call your self BK

Post02 Apr 2007

AbrahmaKumar is the cyberhandle I chose when joining this site. I think that My profile sees me as a Work-In-Progress. How unimaginative a nick I hear you you groan. And you know what? I agree, added to which I have to type all those letters each time :P ! aBeK as a shortened form of the tag wouldn't be so bad would it?

So really all that handle is meant to signify is that there is a chance that I will post on the forum referencing information, experiences and know-how acquired whilst regularly visiting (daily morning classes; attending lectures, facilitating talks, at BKWSU Centres and Public Service forum in various locations around the world. I have also been to Madhuban.

As a student i was taught and I experimented with what I was taught, that I am a soul; and that as a soul, my form - meaning the image that most suitably describes (poor nonetheless) an appearance that a human is likely to be able to conceptualise - is that of light. In fact, a point of light that has the lifeforce of a spark. They taught much more besides.

They also told me that The Supreme Soul was the source of the information they were teaching me. There can only be one Supreme, they taught. Why? Because there is no concept of Supreme, Supremer, Supremest. Supreme means One. blah blah blah. So maybe you are right after all. Maybe I stopped being a BK to become A Work-In-Progress and now to discover by way of your insightful question that through and through I AM GOD'S CHILD.

Call yourself a BK? I leave Shrimat for another time. This week's Murli batch mat contain the answer to your question.

BTW: GOD IS YOUR TEACHER, The Supreme Soul is not a BK and He do not mind too much, so I am told.

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Post03 Apr 2007

What a day. Am off the forum for a while as i need to unwind. Take care everyone and in spite of what you might hear to the contrary this forum id one great place to be so enjoy it.

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abrahma kumar

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Am I being pulled into a different God-Loving orbit?

Post05 Apr 2007

Wow, what an incredible story. Thank you Baba.

Diana Ross performed a song entitled: Sorry Doesn't Always Make It Right. The lyrics I won't post here but I wondered if any souls have any really moving stories to share about the lengths to which Baba, Drama blah blah blah have 'conspiresd' to keep them close to HIM. And by close i also include participating on this forum; but I do not include (yet anyway) staying 'bound' to our respectiive organisations. Sorry to be a little exclusive on this question - no one may respond anyway so I may have to come back tail between my legs saying to no-one in particular that whatever your story of remaining with Baba please share with us.

Anyway, more than a request for actual written replies the aim of this post was to see if there is any benefit in pausing for a while in our daily routine so as to appreciate for a monent the joy of leading - to the best of our own individual abilities - a life in which The Father's Divine Love still stays above our heads as a canopy of protection.

Sometimes we have to seal ourselves against the word and sentiments associated with 'sorry' because for all we know the expression may be part of a compulsive bahaviour disorder. However just in case it is not that way, I confess that it really is a supersensuous joy to see that Baba is still in Love With Me - and I hope you feel his love too - because as long as one's heart chakra starts to open the drama seesm to become full of all sweet significances.

Jah Bless
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Post06 Apr 2007

Does anybody know the truth?
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Post06 Apr 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Does anybody know the truth?

The only truth we know is that there is more time and money flowing into the BKWSU than there is flowing out of the BKWSU.

Many, many, many times more.

"As it is above, so it is below." My suggestion is that this what is going on in the psychic level too.
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Post06 Apr 2007

Senior's methods have always pulled me away: from the start! :lol:

ex-l How have you been? I was busy, haven't written to you by pm recently! Love+good wishes +light.

I don't know yet about all the psychic stuff, but just yesterday I had a striking confirmation of how the SS, especially Jayanti, manipulate souls in personal meetings; twisting arms and blackmailing. All they do all day long is instilling guilty feelings + play with peoples' mind. That's their profession. What she did to a Brother was the photocopy of what she did to me, a liar+drama queen (if you do that that person will DIE! Or will get sooo hurt!). If they don't succeed, they either emarginate you or clash. But please don't get paranoid about the spooks and psychic stuff, even though it's all possible.

I had beautiful experiences as well as tests since I came into the Forum. The lock on the Intellect opened. I am and have always been number 1 protester and rebel and still feel God is with me. Another big rebel on the Forum wrote me similar experiences of feeling God's approval and protection whilst Dadi Janki was trying to scare him! I also felt at times as she was giving me that threatening drishi, "what the hell does this one want? Is she challenging me?"

He mentioned some common friends saying "this person helped me not to become insane whilst being with the organization!" How true that is, at least some oxygen and light was seeping through, otherwise we would be dead zombies! I cannot believe some Forum members never met dissident BKs before! That must have been dreadful. Now our unification is happening and it's a great support network. Again, hugs.

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