The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

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Post31 Mar 2007

Quadrophonic mediums trained in New York?? The witches of Salem? :roll:
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Post02 Apr 2007

If four more new BK mediums are being trained, it is also possible that these will be used for world-wide 'service ' too, as the entity being channeled by any medium is not restricted to working through any one person at once and could in fact work through all four at the same time.

It'll be interesting if this is the case to see if the exact same messages and/or classes are delivered. I really don't believe that the 'messages' will be the same as the consciousness of the medium does play a role in the channeling. But hey! Time will tell ... :?:
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Post02 Apr 2007

There is no one of that divine caliber in New York. Indeed, an impossibility coming from that zone.
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Post02 Apr 2007

driedexbk wrote:There is no one of that divine caliber in New York. Indeed, an impossibility coming from that zone.

You mean you don't rate 'chips for the double foreigners' Mohini :lol:.
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Post02 Apr 2007

I surely don't !:
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Post03 Apr 2007

There is no one of that divine caliber in New York. Indeed, an impossibility coming from that zone.

But you do know that if these supposed new fantastic four are indeed westerners that the possibility exists that the Murlis could then be delivered in English and then we wouldn't need to try to learn Hindi in order to fully understand God's spoken word ... how often was I told that I should learn Hindi because then I would understand properly ...

Acchhaa ... :roll:
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Post03 Apr 2007

I would think these supposed "fantastic four" will speak Hindi. This whole organization is based on a Hindu god. They would never truly accept anything else.
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Post03 Apr 2007

It is all acting anyhow, this is the next truth that will break IMHO ... that there is no spirit 'entering her' (oooer) at all, she has a rough script to work to.
    Have you not noticed how nothing of consequence is ever said in the new avyakts??????
It is one page if your lucky about how your not ready yet and not to be a bad person and that BapDada can clap and make it happen at any time but is not going to because it's not in the drama ... blah blah blah blah ... then you get 5 pages of her saying hello to all the groups ... what a drag :lol:.
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Post03 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:It is one page if your lucky about how your not ready yet and not to be a bad person and that BapDada can clap and make it happen at any time but is not going to because it's not in the drama ... blah blah blah blah ... then you get 5 pages of her saying hello to all the groups ... what a drag :lol:

I am with you there.

How anyone can see Avyakt Vanis as the same as Sakar Murlis I don't know. My feeling is they are not from the same person/soul/spirit/entity.
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Re: Channeling and the Psychic Dimension of BKWSU

Post14 Apr 2007

John wrote:How anyone can see Avyakt Vanis as the same as Sakar Murlis I don't know. My feeling is they are not from the same person/soul/spirit/entity.

And strange how there is no explanation of the miraculous change in personality.
celtiggyan wrote:The BKs say that all souls take re-birth except a few vicious Souls who stay until the end of The Cycle on earth (due to their bad Karma no mother can host them!).

I just notice this loose thread above right from the start of this topic. Another one of those 'just taken for granted' but unresolved truism that swirl around the BKWS University.

If it is true, as I remember it was taught as above;
    a) what is the mechanism by which such vicious souls as are not "allowed" to take re-incarnation are kept out of the Drama?
    b) what is the method by which they are able to settle their karmic scores if they therefore do not have a body?
    c) where are they according to the BKWSU cosmology?



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Post15 Apr 2007

a) what is the mechanism by which such vicious souls as are not "allowed" to take re-incarnation are kept out of the Drama?
b) what is the method by which they are able to settle their karmic scores if they therefore do not have a body?
c) where are they according to the BKWSU cosmology?

a) The mechanism is automatic like a magnet being too weak to attract a piece of metal. Karma, if it is true has to be a physical mechanism with nobody interfering in the middle and saying you can or cannot do something. The Christian explanation may be that somebody stands at the gates of heaven and stops such souls getting in! (Or variations in that since they don't have re-birth in their religion of course). So this would be like a magnet or a balance of some sort. If you are looking for a fundamental atomic particle to explain Karma then you're not gonna find it!

b) Don't know that one. We could never talk in depth on this topic - it was considered 'negative' thoughts or at least wasteful thoughts! However, some of them could be newish energy. Having new energy doesn't mean you have to be like a guru or angel. (You could even be a pop-singer I suppose!) If you are born in the iron age you use the tools of the time to achieve your goals eg, Hitler became a great leader even though his mission was an evil destructive one. Did he 'own' all the bad Karma himself or was it the people who did the killing? Hmmmmmmm - what about the guys who dropped the atomic bomb? Was it good Karma because it stopped further suffereing on a larger scale? I remember asking Dadi Janki that one once and she said that Karma belongs to the one doing the action. Apart from getting a terminal illness and shooting himself he (Hitler) suffered little compared to the victims. Surely floating about the physical and being unable to influence anybody or have sex etc may be some form of pennance in itself.

c) Not sure of the question but these souls would appear in the iron age only - don't really know.
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Post15 Apr 2007

Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) says that we are the ones who have to make the evil spirits good. They are ones who have suffered sudden death or have desires left unfulfilled so they may enter others on the basis of accounts with the one whom they enter. Then when they enter we should make them obey us, because whatever they do through our body the account goes to us, since they don't have a body.

Karma is connected to the stage of the mind. In the Golden Age there is karma, but it is neutral because the soul is in soul-conciousness. Feelings (thoughts) whilst performing the action make difference, aim etc. One is to kill to protect, one is to kill out of anger, one is to kill out of order. Maybe if you kill out of order as a complete instrument of the one who has given the order, maybe the account goes to him, maybe you share to the extent you take it over to yourself, but it is also an account - why it is that exactly you have to protect, to kill etc.

Evil spirits are also called the vices in us. How do they get in, do they enter from outside or generate from within? Maybe if we wage a war within and win over them, then we will win over them also from outside - they will not be able to enter us.

There is a philosophy of action, neutral action etc. that the one who does not do anything - who is "akarta" teaches. He neither produces nor does have accounts to settle, because he doesn't have a body and is always detached he does not show preference. Just his presense makes other free also, but here it depends on how much we remember. Like we can brake a cup by chance. We did not like to. Our attention was elsewehere. It is not the same if we deliberately brake. That's why we clear our accounts to the extent we make effort to conciously remember. Otherwise we remember something else which produces more accounts. Of course we can also constantly remember that does not make us stop doing things.

In the court also if you are proved mentally ill you don't receive punishment. If you confess the sentence is reduced, if people say good words for you this may change the sentence, so feelings matter. It matters also if you have have previous offences (sanskaras).

That's why people will definitely make you say - I am sorry or thank you, but not the Supreme Soul.
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Re: Channeling and the Psychic Dimension of BKWSU

Post16 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:a) what is the mechanism by which such vicious souls as are not "allowed" to take re-incarnation are kept out of the Drama?
b) what is the method by which they are able to settle their karmic scores if they therefore do not have a body?
c) where are they according to the BKWSU cosmology?

Thank you to both of you, and the silence of others, to prove that for all the grandeur of its University status no one, least of all its highest faculty members, have any clue about how the so called Laws of Karma work. It is hinted at, because I cannot say "taught", entirely at the level of faith at best or rumours running round a bazaar at worst.

I don't mean that as a personal criticism, I apologize personally to you celtic, as you gave an honest answer and attempted to reach further (some kind of multifold spirit world with "doormen" to this realm, guides and angels, I don't disagree). The honest answers is that the Seniors and Sisters do not have a clue ... and act to stop, social control, anyone that push at the boundaries of the kindergarten version of knowledge and history they promote.

(Andrey, do you realise that you COMPLETELY ignored the questions and went off on your own blah-blah-try-punch-some-random-Murli-point-in-blah as usual? Better to say nothing or at least ask a question in an attempt to understand what is being said.)

If there is a mechanism by which such vicious souls as are not "allowed" to incarnate then it has to be somewhere and it must be possible to understand it ... If souls are "locked out", then again they must be somewhere ... If there are more than one locked out soul, then that adds up to "worlds" of them ... What sort of controls and orders do they exist under? ... And how do they perform actions to change their karma either during The Cycle or at the end of The Cycle? ... If they are locked out at some point in history, how can they rise up again before the end? ... Why are they not locked out immediately at the point of their crime, e.g. the bomber dropping his load on Hiroshima or the politician ordering it?The child abuser ... the genocidal maniac? Why would a spirit attach to a house, say, remain stuck whilst a mass rapist is allowed to wander around society?
    • And, again, I ask not what is karma but where is stuff/thing called karma?
Personally, I go along with celtic's direction, the traditional spiritualist view is much more complete and better.

The BKWSU knows nothing but mental plugs and social control ...
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Post16 Apr 2007

And of course, we're not even mentioning the current concepts of the Soul, the Higher Soul and the conscious self and subconcious self here. Much debate about ... much!



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Post16 Apr 2007

Are the PBKs saying that the evil Souls have to enter BKs themselves and be controlled by BKs? That's a new one on me - an evil Soul wouldn't go near a BK or PBK - it would be like a football hooligan going on holiday to a monastery! It would have no pull for these souls. They would prevent those who stick firmly to the vices.


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