Questions for PBKs

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Questions for PBKs

Post12 May 2006

Would it not be correct to assume that PBK's believe more in the role of mother and Father then certain BK's? Which would be safe to assume it is more along the family path of mother and Father?

Hence the difference in P=Prajapita (Father) B=Brahma (Big Mother) K=Kumaris.

B=Brahma (Big Mother) K=Kumaris

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Post13 May 2006

Dear Atma, Omshanti.
You are right on dot w.r.t the difference between the BKs and PBKs. I would only like to add that PBKs don't believe just in the mother and Father, but the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiv also who actually enables the souls of Prajapita (Father) and Brahma (mother) to play their roles.
With regards,
On Godly service
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Post13 May 2006

Is it not also written in a Murli that Shiva can for each different individual play a different role? i.e. friend, husband, wife, teacher etc.




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What are PBKs?

Post05 Jun 2006

I've only just discovered this site so forgive what might be a basic question but can anyone explain what the PBKs are and what they believe in, or point me in a direction where I could find out more?

could you bullet point the main aspects of The Knowledge for me?

Do you have an official website?
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Re: What are PBKs?

Post05 Jun 2006

amaranthine wrote:Do you have an official website?

Check out the .info site link pages ;

The forum also has its own links page that you can add to, edit and keep a check on your own personal favorites for use as reference in discussions etc ;

Links on forum

I will leave the PBKs to answer their own question but as an interested third party and putting aside any doctrinal differences, I have to state that they are a fascinating source of information on the history of the BK Yugya.
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Post06 Jun 2006

Dear Amaranthine,
Omshanti. Welcome to the forum.
1. As regards 'What are PBKs', I wish to say that PBKs means Prajapita Brahmakumar-Kumaris, i.e. mouthborn children of Prajapita and Brahma. The souls whom BKs believed to be Prajapita and Mama, i.e. Dada Lekhraj and Mama Saraswati respectively were only the titleholders. The actual souls, which played the roles of Prajapita (i.e. Father) and Brahma (i.e. Badee Maa or senior mother) in the beginning of the Yagya and gave spiritual birth to the title holder Prajapita & Mama (i.e. Lekhraj Kirpalani & Mama) are now once again present in the Brahmin family but with a different name and form. So, all those souls which are realizing the roles of Prajapita and Brahma and are also realizing the Advanced Knowledge being given by Father Shiv through his corporeal medium are called as PBKs, i.e. those who have realized both Father and Mother.

In comparison, the BKs are children of only Brahma, i.e. titleholder senior mother or Dada Lekhraj. ShivBaba no doubt entered into Dada Lekhraj to narrate the basic knowledge of soul, Supreme Soul and the world drama wheel, but he played only the role of a mother through him. That is why those who realize only the role of Mother Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) are called BKs.

2. We do not have an official website yet, but it is under development and will be known to everyone once it is approved by Baba.

3. I would request other PBKs to answer the second question posed by Amaranthine, if they have time.
With regards,



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Post06 Jun 2006

Thanks Arjun,

When did Shiva stop talking through Dada Lekhraj? From what I have read it seems like it was sometime in 1976, is that correct? If it is what was the last BK Murli that Shiva spoke and what was the first BK Murli that Dada Lekhraj spoke alone? Or what is the date of the first PBK Murli? It would be interesting to have a look at those, as I am assuming that some fairly strong indication was given in the last BK Murli that Shiva spoke, that he would not be using Dadi Gulzar anymore and if the children wanted to continue studying with God then they should go elsewhere. This seems like a common courtesy to me like the BKs being told at the end of the season before Dadi Gulzar got cancer for the first time, that Baba would not come in the next season.


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Post06 Jun 2006

amaranthine wrote:It would be interesting to have a look at those, as I am assuming that some fairly strong indication was given in the last BK Murli that Shiva spoke, that he would not be using Dadi Gulzar anymore and if the children wanted to continue studying with God then they should go elsewhere. This seems like a common courtesy to me like the BKs being told at the end of the season before Dadi Gulzar got cancer for the first time, that Baba would not come in the next season.

Amaranthine, Is this official or speculation? Has there been an announcement ? :shock:



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Post06 Jun 2006

this would have been in the late 80s. there was a Madhuban season when Baba did not come. i was told by a BK who i had no reason to doubt, that at the end of the previous season Baba had stated, at the end of the Murli that he would not be coming next season. the BK who related this then said there was quite a commotion, BKs crying and all sorts. the Dadis were also as perplexed as everyone else - the mic was turned off and animated discussions followed between Baba and the Dadis.

so this is second hand so i do not know if its true.

I am sure Dadi has had treatment for cancer on 3 occasions.
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Post06 Jun 2006

amaranthine wrote:Or what is the date of the first PBK Murli? It would be interesting to have a look at those, as I am assuming that some fairly strong indication was given in the last BK Murli that Shiva spoke

Good questions I think ... but as PBK Jim has indicated "don't hold your breath"
for a lucid answer.

From what I can see when Brahma Baba left the corporeal world, so Shiva finsihed the part of playing Brahma through him...i.e. Murlis stopped in 1969 through Dada Lekhraj. Enter the next Chariot into the Brahmin world Shankar or Prajapita, who I believe was revealed in 1976. So after 1969, BKs had Avyakt Vanis and sometime later PBKs had Murli clarifications...when the first one was I'd like to know myself ... I have asked when the first recorded Murli clarification was, but nobody posting on here seems to know.

Another point to bear in mind is that Dada Lekhraj is involved with the PBKs and forms part of Shankar ... So a bit of churning will bring the question when did Dada Lekhraj first become part of Shankar and does that indicate when Murli clarifications (PBK Murlis) started ... or what does it indicate in the timeline of PBK history?



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Post06 Jun 2006

thanks for the info John
Another point to bear in mind is that Dada Lekhraj is involved with the PBKs and forms part of Shankar

this is interesting - if this is so why has he never indicated this in the BK Avyakt Murlis?

Also in the first BK Avyakt Murli - whoever was speaking stated that only Shiva had come because if Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) had come as well there would have been tears - or something like that. So do PBKs think that this was a bit of a lie?
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Post06 Jun 2006

amaranthine wrote:Also in the first BK Avyakt Murli - whoever was speaking stated that only Shiva had come because if Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) had come as well there would have been tears - or something like that

That's a great point really. Do you know who Shiva entered to give this Murli?

It is a big point for PBKs that Shiva doesn't use a virgin as a Chariot, which it generally is accepted that Dadi Gulzar is a virgin. I have actually seen this point in a Murli, once in an old revision Murli and also a later one, the latter Murli was changed to give a different meaning to the point.
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Post06 Jun 2006

bullet points

In order for the soul to become soulconcious it is not only enough to understand I’m a point of light, but it should know which part do I play in the world drama stage for many births, or at least first birth. Human beings are changed into deities into this birth itself and not after leaving the body.

Baba means incorporeal Shiv + corporeal body. Highest on high means highest on high stage whilst in the body.

In the Murlis it is said it is not correct to say just Shivjayanti, but Trimurti Shivjayanti. Tree personalities are connected with his birth. Brahma Vishnu and Shankar. Tree personalities play part till the end, but Shiva becomes corporeal and reveals himself through one fixed, permanent, chosen Chariot. Through one body 3 roles of Father, Teacher and Sadguru are played. Father is responsible for sowing the seeds of Gyan in the beginning and giving the inheritance of peace and happiness. Teacher is responsible for clarifying the poetry – Murli and prose – Avyakt Vani. Sadguru is responsible for causing liberation and salvation at the end.

Shiv plays 3 parts for 3 times 33 years.

In one body of Shankar /mixed part/ 3 souls play part. Everpure Shiv should be proved by a practical act that is remembered and worshipped in India in the form of Shivling. Krishna’s soul plays the part of Dharamraj through the Fathers, body. Ram’s soul is occupied in intense rememberance and reaches Bap samaan – incorporeal, soul conscious stage – first, followed by children numberwise.

In the Confluence Age itself the shooting of the four eras, Golden, Silver, Copper, Iron is merged. Heaven is when the Supreme Soul Shiv is clearly visible in his corporeal Chariot and runs the Brahmin family in unity under one supreme direction. Hell is when the corporeal Chariot becomes hidden and the Brahmin family operates on the basis of many different human opinions.

1976 – the year of Father’s revelation, the year meant for destruction 10 years earlier in 1966. Destruction meant for Brahmin Familly not the outside world. Those who followed The Knowledge due to Om Radhe Mama, left when she left the body /1965/. Those who followed knowledge due to Brahma Baba left when he left the body /1969/. Those who did not believe in the declaration for destruction left due to lost of faith. Foreigners, seed form souls of foreign religions recognize the Father in corporeal body through the eye of the intellect, by the unusual new knowledge he speaks no other child in the Brahmin family has given or will ever give. Lakshmi and Narayan of the Confluence Age destroyed their vices and sat on the thrones.

Two kinds of Brahmins. Saints like, who like effort, renunciation and follow the path of knowledge that has come out of the mouth are true mouth born creation. Ravan has also been a Brahmin, but only speaking knowledge and doing opposite acts. Brahmins attracted to the bodily personality are Brahmins born though the lap.

Through Brahma soft, love full role of Mother is played by the Supreme Soul Shiva. Through Father strict, lawful part of Father is played. Through Vishnu there is balance of love and law.

8 or 9 jewels represent the heads of 9 different religions of the world, each one with their 12 followers make the rosary of 108 that take the whole world into their control. Out of them 12 are of the sundinasty, diamonds, 12 Moondynasty, 12 Islamic, 12 Buddhists, 12, Christian, etc. 8 deities are all from the Sundinasty. When Shiv comes he first gives knowledge to the Sun and his children numberwise. 1000 souls becomes 1000 arms of Brahma that extend cooperation. 16000 souls, become prince, princess /having secret relationship/ taking firm vow of purity 250000 impure souls from the Rudramala, along with 250000 pure souls of vijaymala give birth to 450000 twin children like Radha, Krishna, and 900000 stars like souls who take complete 84 births shine light to the world.

8 Narayans take numberwise births in Golden Age 84, 83, 82. these 8 aling with the No 1+ Narayan of the Confluence Age + 3 more thrones for 3 jewels take 12 births numberwise in Silver Age. In these numberwise Narayans in the beginning of the Copper Age numberwise religious fathers come. Abraham, Buddha, Christ. In No 1+ Narayan Shiv comes. Ram - Krishna are hero –heroine of the drama.

In the Brahmin Family path of worship passes through different stages. At the end one full beggar becomes full prince again.

Heaven means to go into the self. The easiest effort is to remember Narayan.

88-89 Brahma Baba reaches 100 /Brahma’s age - 100 years (Whichever Body I enter should be named Brahma <Brahma – four – five heads, four- five mouths. Prajapita Brahma – one>)/ years, his education is completed he reaches seed like stage, that’s why he does not come in Gulzar Dadi.
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Post06 Jun 2006

Andrey wrote:88-89 Brahma Baba reaches 100 /Brahma’s age - 100 years (Whichever Body I enter should be named Brahma <Brahma – four – five heads, four- five mouths. Prajapita Brahma – one>)/ years, his education is completed he reaches seed like stage, that’s why he does not come in Gulzar Dadi.

I am not quite sure what you are saying in this point, who are you saying doesn't come in Dadi Gulzar?
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Post06 Jun 2006

At the year 88-89 Brahma Baba - the soul of Krishna does not come in Dadi Gulzar.

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