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Post28 Dec 2006

Movie clip : Not really on spirituality but social psychology :

The Milgram experiment was a series of famous scientific studies of social psychology, intended to measure the willingness of a participant to obey an authority who instructs the participant to do something that may conflict with the participant's personal conscience.

Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.

Movie :

A revealing, witty portrait of the British royal family in crisis immediately following the death of Princess Diana. The setting for this fictional account of real events is no less than the private chambers of the Royal Family and the British government in the wake of the sudden death of Princess Diana in August of 1997. In the immediate aftermath of the Princess's passing, the tightly contained, tradition-bound world of the Queen of England clashes with the slick modernity of the country's brand new, image-conscious Prime Minister, Tony Blair. The result is an intimate, yet thematically epic, battle between private and public, responsibility and emotion, custom and action - as a grieving nation waits to see what its leaders will do.

BK speak - how to be an Iron Age Royal.

(Sidenote : I happened to be in London on the weekend Princess Diana died, and laid flowers outside the Buckingham Palace gates on Sunday morning. At that time, there were about 10 bunches of flowers. I stayed the week, and was rather taken aback on the events and the flower carpets. Of course, this bit of "Bhakti" was before I became a BK. However I'll do it again.)


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Post08 Feb 2007

Movie :
    Dogma, directed by Kevin Smith
Dogma tries to illustrate the farce that is organised religion, while at the same time touting the virtues of faith and the idea of god.

Bartleby (Ben Affleck) and Loki (Matt Damon) are two angels who have been cast down to Earth by god when Loki, the avenging angel, decided he wasn't going to be the instrument of god's wrath anymore, thanks to Bartleby's humane reasoning. When a Cardinal in New Jersey (George Carlin) decides to put some vigour into the Catholic institution by making it possible for all sinners to be forgiven for their sins (and, among other things, introducing the Buddy Jesus who winks at you with a smile that's straight out of a Disney cartoon), Bartleby and Loki see this as a chance to return home.

There is one problem: if they do return to heaven, it would go against god's word, and thus negate all existence as we know it since god is infallible. (This idea is central to the plot, as it were, but being infallible tautologically is itself a fallibility.) Except of course, when god takes human form. In this form, god can be "imprisoned" and this is exactly what Azrael (Jason Lee) does when god decides to visit Earth to play some ski-ball. Azrael's motive is revenge, and it's up to Metatron (Alan Rickman), the voice of god, and Bethany (Linda Fiorentino), the Last Scion, i.e., Jesus' (great)^n grand niece, to stop the angels from reaching Jersey. They are aided by Rufus (Chris Rock), the thirteenth apostle who was forgotten because he was black; Serendipity (Salma Hayek), god's ex-muse; and Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith), a staple in Smith's films.

One of the nice things about Dogma is that it delves deep into Christian mythology and illustrates how cool the stories are (as are stories of based on almost any religious mythology): Angels trying to make their way back to heaven. Other angels trying to stop them. Two guys trying to score. A god that tries (and fails doing) hand stands. Just like a comic book.
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The Big Kahuna

Post14 Feb 2007

Movie :On the last evening of a convention two seen-it-all industrial lubricant salesmen and a youngster from the research department gather in the hotel's hospitality suite to host a delegates party. The main aim is to get the business of one particular big fish. When it becomes apparent that it is the lad who has developed a direct line to the guy, his strong religious beliefs bring him into sharp conflict with his older and more cynical colleagues

It draws us into the lives of three seemingly ordinary guys at a convention whose interaction broaches questions that are nothing short of an examination of the meaning of life. The dialogue unabashedly strips the characters naked to show the ironies and hypocrisies inherent in their strategies for establishing meaning in the machinations of mundane lives. The laser sharp exchanges slash relentlessly at the souls of each, leaving none of the characters intact by the end of the film. And with each thrust, they drive another introspective probe deep into the psyche of the viewer.

Kevin Spacey is the seemingly superficial cynic who has far greater depth than he lets on and who uses his sardonic persona as a defense mechanism to hide his own fears. Danny DeVito is the pragmatic but jaded salesman who is great at putting things in perspective for everyone but himself. Bob is the naïve young Christian zealot whose antidote for the futility of life is a strong dose of Jesus.

The juxtaposition of the cynic and the idealist makes for numerous thought provoking exchanges, especially when we learn that Phil (our mediator and voice of reason) is drowning in his own soul-searching quest for meaning. The story poses more questions than it does answers, and it accomplishes its purpose of making the viewer ponder profundities easily ignored while in the pursuit of everyday priorities.

The acting is brilliant. Kevin Spacey gave what I thought was the best performance of his career. Likewise, Danny DeVito delivered a personal best in a serious dramatic role. His portrayal of the mediator who was trying to keep the peace while he was disintegrating inside was subtle and powerful. Peter Facinelli was also near perfect with an utterly believable and sincere performance as the pure hearted whelp whose heart was suffused with the Lord.


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Post19 Feb 2007

Movie :Why do we continue making the same mistakes? Why are we having the same relationships? Why do we keep getting the same jobs over and over again? In this infinite sea of potential around us, how come we keep creating the same realities? Following the story of Amanda, a divorced photographer, the film dives into a fantastical "Alice in Wonderland" of chance meetings and unexplained phenomenon. As her daily, uninspired life begins to unravel, Amanda becomes more and more aware of the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality. Through her journey, Amanda realizes that by truly looking into the world and not just at it, her life will never be the same.

Movie :The true story of Neale Walsch who, at the lowest point in his life, asks God some very hard questions. The answers he gets from God/within himself become the foundation of an internationally acclaimed book series that has sold over 7 million copies and been translated into 34 languages. The film chronicles the dramatic journey of a down and out man who inadvertently becomes a spiritual messenger and best-selling author.

Not the most stimulating movie but a spiritual journey to tell.
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Women Who Love Too Much

Post21 Feb 2007

Book :This book should not be called "women who love too much" but 'people that love too much' and is described as "the book that explained why relationships can be addictive".

Many people are sceptical at self-help material that appears to offer easy answers to complex psychological distress. I was/am. But this book ought to be recognized at a seminal work in the field of relationship disorder and its analysis of relationships as addictive processes it valid and equally applicable to cult membership. Norwood higlights the strategy of focussing on the short-comings and excesses of someone else in order to avoid one's own confronting internal problems and being 'attracted not to what an individual is but to their potential'.

For non-BKs, or Friends and Family of BKWSU members, this takes on a diffierent light where one should not consider the BKWSU to just be a cult but as "the other women" in one lover's, partner's life, parent life and look at one's self as the individual who is loving too much. It can therefore be very difficult to read.

Book :Did you know, for instance, that many 17th century Britons abstained from meat in order to feel closer to Eden, where fruits and vegetables provided sustenance, and Adam and Eve interacted peacefully with animals?
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Accidental Cult

Post27 Feb 2007

Book :

When I looked up the Dave Gorman book on Amazon (see the link above) I came across this book on the same Amazon Page. Another "co-incidence". I have seen Danny Wallace often on TV and I remember his explaining how he accidentally started a "Be Happy" cult. I found the TV item interesting, now I see there is a book. He started his cult just by putting a small ad in a newspaper. Sound Familiar? It really shows how willing people are to follow any leader. He kept the cult together by email. He was a bit overwhelmed at the response he got. If you want to join his cult then there is a link on his web page. Let me know if you start a forum for ex-members of the cult!

Book and video :

A number of people have asked me if I know where the information for the film "The Secret" is from. Well, if you have seen the film you will know it is a very old teaching. I first learned it from David Spangler in the 1970s, he called it "Manifestation". I would call it creation rather than attraction, as they call it in the film. The most modern and easily accessible book that I know which contains the complete information on this subject is called, "The White Book" by Ramtha / J. Z. Knight. It is available from Amazon. The philosophy in the book is excellent. It is uplifting and there are no rules. It is like Zen. You are already a Master, a Divinity, a Deity, a God, all you have to do is to realise that fact. You are already creating your own reality every moment of every day. It is up to you what type of reality you create. Try the clip entitled "Create Your Day Original Teaching by Ramtha The Enlightened One", on this web site

as a start to see if you like it. The films "What the Bleep do we Know", and "Down the Rabbit Hole" were also made by people who based much of their information on their meetings with Ramtha. I do not advocate following Ramtha, but if you want to get a concise summary of all this information on creating your own reality based on Quantum Mechanics then The White Book is the place to look.


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Post11 Mar 2007

Movie : Presents the idea that Jesus Christ was black, while looking at the pain and suffering that Jesus, his Disciples and his family endured during the last 48 hours of his life. It also injects the possibility that race was a factor in his crucifixion.

There was some stuff in XBKChat regarding black BKs. See here : Experience and treatment of black BKs


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Post24 Mar 2007

This is an email message titled "Learn and enjoy ... movies" that has been circulating within the BK circles recently :
Please click on the links below and watch the movie/documentary that has become a superhit. It's all about the infinite power of thoughts and emotions and how it attracts every experience into your life ... negative or positive and how you can use this power to improve your health, relationships, wealth, career, spirituality etc. etc.

These movies are available free to watch on the site for a short time only. Copy and paste the links on web browser window (where you type in the addresses of internet sites);

Interestingly, this comes from the heart of the BKWSU. Are the Secret Team part of the BKWSU?
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Post24 Mar 2007

bansy wrote:health, relationships, wealth, career

Even more weird that the BKWSU are promoting health, relationships, wealth, career ...

Book, play and movie :

First written in 1952, it is based on the events surrounding the 1692 witch trials of town called Salem in Massachusetts, USA. Miller actually wrote it as an allegory for McCarthyism and the "Reds under the Beds" scare of the Cold War years, but it is a fine study of psychicism and collective hysteria within a strict religious community.

The witch hunts were real. Nineteen men and mainly young women were convicted of witchcraft and hanged. Another man of over eighty years was pressed to death under heavy stones. Hundreds of others faced accusations of witchcraft and dozens languished in jail for months. Just like in the Om Mandli case, perhaps the result of poltereist behavior during a period of factional infighting in a Puritan community. Alternatively, it might just all have been cause by some rye bread which became infected with ergot, a fungus from which LSD was derived.
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Post24 Mar 2007

Books :A seminal feminist bible focusing on body health, sexual rights and spirituality rather than heavy politics (which it also does touch on).

Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS), or Boston Women’s Health Book Collective is a nonprofit, public interest women’s health education, advocacy and consulting organization. It began in 1970 with the publication of the first edition of "Our Bodies, Ourselves" and continuing for over 35 years, OBOS has inspired the women’s health movement by:
    • Producing books that makes accurate health and medical information accessible to a broad audience by weaving women’s stories into a framework of practical, clearly written text;
    • Identifying and collaborating with exemplary individuals and organizations that provide services, generate research and policy analysis, and organize for social change;
    • Inspiring and empowering women to become engaged in the political aspects of sustaining good health for themselves and their communities.
OBOS introduced these key ideas into the public discourse on women's health:
    • That women, as informed health consumers, are catalysts for social change;
    • That women can become their own health experts, particularly through discussing issues of health and sexuality with each other;
    • That health consumers have a right to know about controversies surrounding medical practices and about where consensus among medical experts may be forming;
    • That women comprise the largest segment of health workers, health consumers, and health decision-makers for their families and communities, but are underrepresented in positions of influence and policy making;
    • That a pathology/disease approach to normal life events (birthing, menopause, aging, death) is not an effective way in which to consider health or structure a health system.
It remains one of the few women’s health groups in the U.S.A. that doesn't accept funds from pharmaceutical companies and that tries to be scrupulous about conflict of interest.
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Post03 May 2007

Movie: What is illusion, what is reality and what point do they meet? A film about stage illusionists somewhere around 1900.
Synopsis: Award-winning actors Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Scarlett Johansson star in The Prestige, the twisting, turning story that, like all great magic tricks, stays with you.

Two young, passionate magicians, Robert Angier (Jackman), a charismatic showman, and Alfred Borden (Bale), a gifted illusionist, are friends and partners until one fateful night when their biggest trick goes terribly wrong.

Now the bitterest of enemies, they will stop at nothing to learn each other’s secrets. As their rivalry escalates into a total obsession full of deceit and sabotage, they risk everything to become the greatest magician of all time. But nothing is as it seems, so watch closely. And be prepared to watch it again.

The thing I found most interesting was the use of a Tesla created machine to create the ultimate illusion or was it real ...


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Post04 May 2007

Movie : A magical nanny takes the two young children of a wealthy London banker on a journey into playful worlds and eccentric characters, eventually showing them and their cold-hearted Father the power of love over money.

You saw it when you were young, you saw it when you were in your teens. See it again. Maybe this movie is not as great as the one with 5000 years, but it did win 5 oscars for a kids movie.

There is a quote when Mary Poppins measures herself with her tape measure and reads what it says on the tape : "Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way."

There is a lovely scene when Mary Poppins, Bert and the two children visit Uncle Albert who is suffering from a contagious sickness ... LAUGHTER ! The more you laugh, the more you float.

How come words like "supercallifragilisticexpialidocious" don't appear in Murlis ? Must get lots of scrabble points too.
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Post14 Jun 2007

Movie :

    Water by Deepa Metha.
I would like to recommend this film called 'Water' by an Indian woman director to all BKs as it is set in 1938 at the time of the start of the Yagya. Although the subject matter is deeply upsetting, it is also a very beautiful, touching movie. It is a romantic tragedy with a social conscience, or weepie as we call them.

It is guaranteed to move all but the most stone hearted to tears, especially, anyone that has had a birth or 83 in India and is a woman or has had a recent female birth, if only because we know the reality of 10,000 times worse and still continues to this day. It is also a film of historical significance that created such turmoil is the cesspit of India that I believe that it still cannot be shown there. It took five years to be films after rioting Hindu funidmentalists burnt the original sets down ... including the use of a professional "suicide artist" that has done many similar stunts at other politcal rallies. It then had to be filed in Buddhist Sri Lanka.

The story is based around three women; an eight-year old Chuyia (Sarala), the extraordinarily beautiful but kept illiterate Kalyani (Lisa Ray), and the devout, middle-aged prot-feminist Shakuntala (Seema Biswas) who also starred in movie above called "The Bandit Queen". It is about the subject of child brides and the mistreatment of widows in India under the rule of Hinduism. All three women were married to adult men and became widows as children as a young as 8 years old.

At 8 years old Chuiya, the star of the movie, is a newly widowed bride who is sent to an ashram in Varanasi (Benares, as we knew it). It is ruled by a strict Senior Sister Mataji many will remember such like from a BK center ... they all wear white saris of death and renunciation and are limted according to the "Laws of Manu" under which a women had three options:

    throwing themselves on the funeral pyre with their husband,
    living a life of poverty and chastity,
    or (if available) marrying the dead husband's Brother.
However, as we discover, caste and religious hypocrisy are rife as it turns out the beautiful Kalyani, widowed during her childhood has been forced into prostitution to support the ashram by the Senior Sister Mataji of the ashram, and the Mataji's non-Shrimat indulgences. The client is a rich Brahmin businessman who believes that Brahmins are allowed to sleep without whoever they wish and that any women they sleep with of a lower caste is blessed by the experience. These women live in a life of purgatory.

Deepa Metha could not produce the film in India. She had to come to The West to do so, even it used a Bollywood cast. Indians perceived Metha as "an agent of a worldwide conspiracy to destablize Hinduism, by producing a film to condemn the glorious civilizations of the Indus valley and to portray the rituals like the 'Suttee Pooja' (the burning of widows), child marriages and widows as barbaric" thus making public a whole range of practices that would be condemned by the West.

Deepa Metha's film 'Water' probes deep into the mysteries of barbaric rituals of an ancient civilization, which cannot comprehend the vulgarity and the barbarity of these practices. The West ... by which really the Indians mean the British, had always treated the Indian society, specially their practices of the Suttee pooja and child marriages, with contempt. Indeed, it was the British that brought in legislation to prevent such degradation and banned both the Suttee and child marriages.

The film makes us to face the reality of women's suffering in India due to Hindu beliefs. The rituals, dogmas and the oppressive selfish attitudes that keep these barbaric traits alive in the name of culture. It was said, Deepa Metha makes them look like "vermin in a cesspit". But the positive influence of the West, culture, liberalism as well as Gandhian and nationalist reform are creeping around the edges of this movie giving hope and light, challengin the oppressors. They killed him too.

In India, the man has the foremost position in a family, traditionally the husband is akin to a living God. The 'Suttee Pooja', the self immolation of a widow, jumping into the funeral pyre of her husband, could only be described as an act of utter barbarism. Even today, the Hindu fundamentalist, reading the scriptures of 'Stri Dharma', would recite chapter and verse to defend this act as an integral part of their culture which they say dates back more than 5000 years. It includes the belief that the ideal wife is one whose sole joy in life is to satisfy the husband and is attached to him even after death.

There is a reminder at the end that at the present time there are approximately 24 million women, widows, living in similar circumstances. Others put the figure as high as 40 million, denounced by society, condemned by their own culture, ostracized from their families for whom they are an unwanted expense; and made to live the life of beggary and penury.
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Fond memories of Delhi

Post26 Jun 2007

Webmovie :

Webmovie :

double light


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Post02 Jul 2007

After BK I have been a little bit apart of "spirituality" as I became so disappointed and most of all confused. Something that I thought it was the major truth was just a fake ...

Some time ago I was suggested this site by a friend that also is an ex-BK. These are messages through channelling. Some you can download and listen to. They are all written down in the Kryon books. I am now reading the 3rd one and I am absolutely delighted. It's a message of Love that contrary to the BK message doesn't tell you it is the only one and right. It’s healing me day after day.

Here you can find the books:

Here you can find the MP3 downloads:

Here is the home page:

paulkershaw wrote:These books make good reading as are the ones channeled through Mary Moore with Bartholomew, called the "Planetary Brother" series ...

If anyone wishes to have the Kryon printed version of his chanelllings first hand then do pm me - I've got many many of them in Word format. One of Kryon's mediums lives here in South Africa ...

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