Murli Privileges and Dilaram

for Brahma Kumaris, or those becoming BKs, to discuss matters in an open, non-judgemental manner.
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Post22 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:You see I am shown many births by BapDada, and I am shown why I am been shown the same & Janki Dadi recently confirmed at Wilton.
    How old are you in Gyan?

    Can you please tell me, have you actually had "visions" and recollections of your past lifes and so on, or are you just just talking about The Knowledge as one is taught it by the Brahmakumaris?
I appreciate your "let us all be happy" line. Life is short and then you die. Even if you reincarnate again. But I am sorry, I am really only interested in picking out the truth from the falsehood with the BKWSU and guiding the Brahmakumaris back to a more honest, responsible position. I am sorry to spoil your intoxicated dream. You will find others that are willing to discuss Gyani issues on the forum.

I feel that what is going on now is all wrong. The BKWSU is constantly lying to non-BKs. Running around in disguises. BKs are encouraged that lying to non-BKs is justifiable to reel them into their god, gain positions of status and influence and, increasingly, channel their money into their pockets. You might not be part of this, you might not even be aware of it. I am sorry to wake you up to it. It appears to me that it would be better if it was all broken up but its unlightly. In the short-term, then better that it is all exposed, documented and discussed.

Interesting, although I am not a PBK, I see sense in some of the elements of what they teach and believe, especially that the BKWSU is having a Golden Age now and will suffer its own End Time or destruction. I am only mildly interested in that. May be I can save a few individuals from getting eaten up by it all.
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Post23 Mar 2007

John wrote:You say you are happy to be open, is it possible for you to tell how long you have been a BK? Apologies if you have already mentioned this.

Sure, it will be 6 years in September since my first course. As far as who is running the show ... ultimately how could it be anyone other than Baba? We ALL slow things down a bunch at times do we not ... but i think Baba has got it under control, no?

Please do not hesitate to ask anything but i am enjoying this for two reasons & two reasons alone. Happiness & world service which is what affords the happiness as far as my feelings go. :|
ex-l wrote:Can you please tell me, have you actually had "visions" and recollections of your past lifes and so on

Most definitely and others too have shared similar and identical types of experiences.
I am really only interested in picking out the truth from the falsehood with the BKWSU and guiding the Brahmakumaris back to a more honest, responsible position.

Me too :D well let Baba use me for same if appropriate at any rate.
I am sorry to spoil your intoxicated dream.

That's OK nothing will ever do that ... :)
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Post23 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:Please do not hesitate to ask anything but I am enjoying this for two reasons & two reasons alone. Happiness & world service which is what affords the happiness as far as my feelings go.

Thank God - and I mean that - for an honest, humble, open and upfront BK at last; instead of all the stuck up, arrogant, devious, defensive, dishonest, snitching little ***** conspiring around the internet in little teams that we have had to deal with up until now.

Funny thing is though, "The They" had to chop your b******s off before they would let you come and play on this forum. What is a BK worth that has no Murlis to deliver?

So, two question.
    a) OK, let's hear about your past life visions. It would be good to get back to some proof of divinity and glorious mysticism.

    b) Why cant we have copies of the Murlis?
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Post24 Mar 2007

Sure, it will be 6 years in September since my first course.

OK, very new to BKs
As far as who is running the show ... ultimately how could it be anyone other than Baba?

Well who is Baba? Brahma Baba, Shiva Baba, Prajapita?
We ALL slow things down a bunch at times do we not ... but I think Baba has got it under control, no?

No, not the BK show, the overall Yagya (which BKs are part of) yes.
Please do not hesitate to ask anything but I am enjoying this for two reasons & two reasons alone. Happiness & world service which is what affords the happiness as far as my feelings go. :|

Will you be able to tell us anything at all that we don't already know is my question?
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Post24 Mar 2007

Great stuff now here is the beginning of something really positive I feel & hope.
john wrote:Well who is Baba? Brahma Baba, Shiv Baba, Prajapita?

I experience God as the highest (figuratively & literally) unique soul who, gives me the supersensuous touching etc. The Soul of the ultimate felicitation in facilitation, one might say.

The One whom, in the expression of absolute generosity, (it is, of course, vital here that my position is we ALL have a unique relationship with Baba, including the non-Angel children. My sharing is meant only to hopefully trigger experimentation and in return I would imagine, without need of/merely logically, contributing souls should be able to to derive an equal and opposite benefit from other great one's such as yourself, as expressed by this delightful and positive interchange, (churning).

Royalty of reality churning, not proselyting & pontificating which of course may be experienced as disrespect by some, (some being those whom are for one thing still worshipping each other & God), as in contrast to perhaps those souls whom amount to the most humble loving, therefore greatest souls on the planet. (Provided they do not practice dissention in anyway).

Brahma Baba is Shiv Baba's empathic necessity, a bit like Jani Jananhar (Karmic anti-thesis) = Antariani, which I believe is something like this, if I may make so bold as to paraphrase Baba. "OK, SO I AM GOD, BUT JUST BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I KNOW EVERYTHING THAT DOES NOT HELP ANY OF YOU UNLESS YOU INTEND TO LET ME SETTLE YOUR NAUGHTY BITS BEHAVIOUR & THE MYRIAD CONSEQUENCES ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR TRAVEL'S IN MATTER".

Please forgive this perhaps pedestrian over-simplification that is no doubt matter of fact to you, or should that be, "fact of Matter" :lol:

Anyhow. So, Brahma Baba is simply the Karmic ultimate preceptor as his journey is the longest, not best (best is a unique perspective based on individual predilections) not most elevated etc etc ... this to me is a simple cronological fact of Karma. Ergo BB is 'first in first' out at the Sangam Yuga period, (in corpus delicti) from the body to being full-time angel, and therefore everything pivot's around his karma. So, naturally, he has to become perfect first with the grace of Baba by simple default ... it's ALL DE FAULT of Brahma, :) :lol: :D So to speak.

Now, please see this in the spirit (pun intended), in which it is meant ... completely lovefully and both tongue-in-cheek. Yet like ALL dynamics in and of this game, it's seen to be totally real ("reel" after all it's a show) as much as one may choose to inculcate same. Sorry about the quirky long winded style, I think it's my Shakespeare & Bill Blake births and their corresponding sanskaras.
No, not the BK show, the overall Yagya (which BKs are part of), yes?

To me they are not mutually exclusive ... nor is anything, we ALL constantly touch everything in one way or another ... that's the essence of everything.

The question that when answered the most accurately is when & how!! So, therefore, what is created, sorry, correction "RE-CREATED". Hence when RE-CREATION is done as happily & lovefully as possible, it get's called recreation, y'know like Badminton, Cricket, being an Angel flying in Viman's etc ... Oh yeah, and then it get's called Heaven !
Will you be able to tell us anything at all that we don't already know is my question?

Well, now, I hope the above "SHARING" is the beginning of Baba using my pathological obsession with "THE TRUTH" for several reciprocal mutually enlightening UNLIMITED SHARING'S, between many interested parties, then axiomatically, THE HIGHEST TRUTH ABOUT THE HIGHEST TRUTH !! will be fully out no ?

Let's see ... with mightiest & lightest eyes I hope ! :D. Anyone for an 8 Hour Bhatthi followed by an immense UNLIMITED sharing/churning session ... say in Centennial Park, Sydney (to begin with), then Internationally, ultimately, say on Oprah's, David Frost & Mike Parkinsons shows etc.? Suggestions Please to:-

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Post24 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:So, two question.
    a) OK, let's hear about your past life visions. It would be good to get back to some proof of divinity and glorious mysticism.

    b) Why cant we have copies of the Murlis?

I will answer this ASAP, actually i just did and the programme timed out on me or something, and it all disappeared into the ether ?

Basically dying (alive) to answer this but I must give body a little rest ... I will get to it this evening i hope.

Thank you so much for your wonderful positive interest in this wonderful sharing ... you are one of the most noble souls i have had the pleasure of sharing my journey with if you don't mind me saying so.

In His Yaad, for as much sneh preet & pyar as we might realise ...
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Post25 Mar 2007

So, two question.
    a) OK, let's hear about your past life visions. It would be good to get back to some proof of divinity and glorious mysticism.

OK, sweet Brother, let's see where to start ?

Firstly, right the beginning on my original 7 day course, I had a message given to me just came in my head, "tell a new Sister on same course" that she will be fine ... i had paid no attention to her untill that moment whereupon i followed the instruction immediately.

It turned out she had cancer and Two years later i was put on the gaddi at my centre and she gave me a little gift and a card and it was basically a thankyou for being Baba's instrument to increase her faith.

The other extreme is in 2006, (Chinese New Year time) BapDada sent me to the State Theatre in Sydney to see Mama in Her current costume. She was in a dance Troupe with The New Tang Dynasty in 2006. ... 7/lang,en/
b) Why cant we have copies of the Murlis?

We can on occasion, but apparently we must keep them to ourselves?

Like mentioned before i had occasion to share this incredible privilege with about 4 or 5 souls in the 6 years i had the Murli Batch. With Baba saying tell everyone about Him being on earth now for ALL but one of 70 years i would have thought the correct action would have been to stop the Murli because i did not do enough service with it !! But there you are, "Like i am told it says in the Murli ? "Drama moves like a louse"

So i will continue to stay happy & contented as this is how i keep getting the good experiences ... no "still banging my head on the wall !!" :D By the way it's a great story how i got the touching to go and see Mama, if you are really interested i will share.

Om Shanti. Be Well everyone

m. :)

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