BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Oh, my God!

Post09 Mar 2007


This post left me aghast (as usual) and potentially spoilt my day.

But no, carry on digging (thanks for your time and determination). I will hold on tight and read more truth. Good job and perfect de-tox therapy from the Spiritual University set up by Bholanath the Innocent Lord. Time for us not to be too innocent or play ostrich. Small money and funding related things that I saw going on over the years and felt that were inaccurate, are really peanuts, compared with all the stuff that's being revealed on this Forum.

Bless you.
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Re: Oh, my God!

Post09 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:But no, carry on digging (thanks for your time and determination). I will hold on tight and read more truth. Good job and perfect de-tox therapy from the Spiritual University set up by Bholanath the Innocent Lord. Time for us not to be too innocent or play ostrich. Small money and funding related things that I saw going on over the years and felt that were inaccurate, are really peanuts, compared with all the stuff that's being revealed on this Forum.

Sorry to depress you ... I guess from a worldly point of view, this is all good and fine. That is why business folk network, sharing connections and access. But from the Gyani point of view it contradicts The Knowledge and Principles.

Now neither Shiva nor Bapada have actually said anything new. The Sakar Murlis are the same ones and the Avyakt Murlis are pretty non-specific. So if things are changing, who is changing and where is the influence for change coming from? What is going on? Why did we bother in our days and give up our time, money, careers etc.

If the influence for change is coming from the outside and not the Shiv soul, which I think has pretty much been established, then what are the Brahmakumaris all about any more? My guess is that for the majority, read Asia, they are still the same old Brahmakumaris, the experience of the neophyte has to be similar, passing through the Honeymoon stage etc.

So is this sort of element only sanctioned for those that can cope well with schizophrenia and covert operations or is it decided that certain IPs, VIPs and wealthy individuals do not have to go through the grind of BK in order to get their single bedsrooms or Dadi access?

I used to say that there needed to be more transparancy. Now I am thinking that matters are transparant enough! If they were just worldly, fine, they are a good talking shop/lobby group. But weren't they meant to be Godly?

And then there is the whole issue of "Destruction" and the 5,000 years. I wonder what they tell these VIPs and sponsors?
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Post11 Mar 2007

More funding, this time from the World Bank for "equipping 60 centres in India with a 5kW solar PV system and providing 300 centres with a 1 kW system". I bet the World Bank does not get copies of the Murli either.

They are also "making it available to the public at affordable prices" by providing information and selling thousands of solar lanterns through its Solar Shop on the Shantivan campus. Does that mean business, as in selling it to the locals for a profit after having accepted funding from the German Government and World Bank themselves?

From; BKWSU Solar Energy. More details, someone, please.

    Is the "'Charitable Trust to Promote Social, Medical and Cultural Institutions in India, Bremen, Germany" a BKWSU front like "Indiacare, Berlin"?
Are they inventing charities to syphon funds to the BKWSU network in India? It appears to be where most of the goodies are going to. Not a lot of mention of the Brahmakumaris on the Indiacare website but Janki scores high, as usual.

Indiacare was set up as a charity with tax breaks for the "Promotion of charitable projects public health care in India". It channels money into the Global Hospital projects from non-BK sources such as Johnson and Johnson and the renewables above.

Some of the funding for Global Hospital and projects in Abu is also coming through Global Harmony Foundation, a Swiss charity, which appears to have some BKWSU/LVEP input, e.g. Chris Drake and the patronage of the late actor Sir Peter Ustinov, who came close via the Global Cooperation project, if my memory serves me correct.

• IndiaCare shares an address with the Berlin BKWSU Raja Yoga center although no mention of connection are made at either ends.

• Point of Life Inc, USA which is said to support the work of GHRC and "co-sponsors educational events for health professionals, including seminars and retreats, in New York" is also based at the same address as the BKWSU Regional Office for North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. I wonder who the other co-sponsor is? The BKWSU perhaps? It also pushing the "Values in Healthcare" programme designed by the Janki Foundation in the UK and asks for donations outright; here. The pages might change but I have taken a copy of them;
POL wrote:What you can do: if you are inspired and would like to:

    Get involved or be kept informed of current activities of the Foundation within the United States
    Sponsor a program in your facility for your staff or co-workers
    Extend your support to the Global Hospital & Research Center and other similar projects through donation of equipment, monetary assistance or volunteering of your expertise ...
Contributions to the Point of Life Foundation are tax-exempt

The Point of Life Foundation (POL) is a US non-profit entity, established to serve the global community. It is founded on the vision of a spiritual model of health care with focus on the well-being of the whole person. It aims to integrate a people-centered approach within the existing paradigms in healthcare and to inform people about issues relevant to the holistic, with emphasis on the spiritual approach to health, care, healing, self-care, and healthcare education.

So that blows the "we do not ask or take for donations" line, yet again.
Partnerships: POL currently works in partnership with:

POL continues to explore partnerships and exchanges with other organizations that are studying the spiritual dimensions and related parameters of health, care, and healing.

So that looks like to me the BKWSU partners with the BKWSU and the BKWSU ... and asks for donations to support it, pulling in a few non-BK that do not get what is going on ... or really do want to try and make a difference.

Point of Life Foundation holds it retreats at (guess where?) The Peace Village ... no mention of who runs it ... and offers (guess what?) ... SELF MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP COURSES and retreats with themes such as "Meditation: The Ancient Art of Nurturing the Self". (Ancient meaning approximately to 1936-37 in the Brahmakumaris' case ... its the old "Ancient Raja Yoga" con trick again). They also sell the "Values in Healthcare" pack for approx $300 plus postage and packaging depending on exchange rates.
So there you have some more of it ... the above is not from the BKWSU, it is from the Point of Light Foundation offering the old Brian Bacon Oxford Leadership Academy licensed course.

I think most people on this forum would agree contradictory to the original principles to the point of a messy, unprofessional dishonesty (even if, thankfully some good comes out of it for some poor). The old BKWSU pea under the shell game ... with now, financial strings attached. By why did they spend a Million Pounds on some retreat center in England when there is all that suffering and poverty next door to Abu?

I don't know what to make of this, so please accept it as work in progress. One blog spoke of the Abu hospital being pretty empty and so I am wondering if, having stuck their necks out to take over the management of these hospitals, they are now having to scrabble around for money and goods to back themselves up. At other's expense ... ? One thing has to be for sure, it is business as usual and being used as a front for core BK activities. But, I am left wondering whether the cart is pulling the horse on this one.

Any second opinions, doctors?
    "All is fair in Love, War and Godly Seva ..."
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Post11 Mar 2007

Well, as long as they don't sell young Kanya Kumaris to the Presidents of Corporations ...

So, big money, big shots and big programs!! If Sudama knew, he could keep that grain to feed his hungry children, after all and create sukarma just with intention! I will also probably keep the brick to build my own hut, in case Destruction doesn't come too soon.
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More covert BKWSU money making?

Post17 Mar 2007

Can someone confirm what is going on here; eternityink

Its a joke, surely, "Eternity, Inc." ... as in making an incorporated business selling eternity.

No overt mention it is BKWSU or Brahmakumari AND it sells books as non-BK and stuff for money. The rates look like it is aimed at being profitable rather than serviceable. Perhaps in this corporate world we live in, even Brahmakumari service fronts have to financially self-sustainings. The accountants must be working over-time calculating this out.

The world is out. If you cant get a government grant ... get those shudras to pay to be served, dammit!!!
BKWSU wrote:Eternity Ink publishes books, CDs and tapes to inspire and assist spiritual growth and easy meditation to help you be yourself. Easy to understand, affordable and beautifully presented, they promote deep relaxation for beginners and experienced meditators.

The adress on the website (so no confidentiality broken) is given as;

Eternity Ink, 77 Allen St, Leichhardt, NSW 2040, Australia
Ph: 61 2 9550 0543 Fax: 61 2 9550 0571 email: bkmedia@bkmedia.com.au

Is that a BK center? Elsewhere on the net though, I read a new name ... ah, "community education" now;


I need to investigate this further. It is strange but all the BK are sold as personalities .. it is all in personal names ... even if they have actually left Gyan like I believe the notable Anthea Church has!!!! Of course, it is all "cover" as fara s I am concerned. It makes them all look all independent and "uncultie". But for an old timer this is so strange. All these fronts, all these people being sold to non-BK as personalities ...
    What is the difference between this and "name and fame" as the Murlis said?
    What happened to the Maryadas about not mixing business with center talk?.
Business is service and service is business .. it all depends on the consciousness. Just "remember Baba" and any sin you do will be removed by him ... I guess.

(But you do get a free poster of Shiva Baba if you spend enough money and buy a few items :-))
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Re: More covert BKWSU money making?

Post17 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Can someone confirm what is going on here; eternityink

I bought a CD from them when I was a BK. It is called "God" and has guided meditations on it.

Eternity Ink is the only place I could get it, even the big centres like London said they could not source it, certainly the smaller centres could not get stock. I heard the CD in a centre but someone had brought it from abroad, Australia or India. I don't remember. Obviously it is a pun on Inc. as in Incorporated. So, an Aussie company selling God on a CD - what next.
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Re: More covert BKWSU money making?

Post17 Mar 2007

proy wrote:I bought a CD from them when I was a BK. It is called "God" and has guided meditations on it.

A whole load of BK souls seem have gotten into the breathy voiced, New Age, guided meditation market. I wonder what controls there are in place to manage this.

Obviously, the ability comes down to talent ... accent, easy of public speaking, and often looks. it appears to me that often it co-promotes their own business, for example, as a singer or performer and that it is singers or performers that seem to dominate. I class BKs like Mike George and Bacon in the list of "performers".

In the old days, only "authorized" Seniors Sisters were allowed to, e.g.; BK Jayanti, Denise. I think this is correct because, obviously through the voice there is connection. Many types of connections. With the SS you were at least assured of the best soul connections the BKWSU can offer ... but what now with all these neo-BKs? Whose guarantee is being given, especially, as they have a hypnotic, or psychic effect. I am sure that the PBKs will come down on this like a tonne of bricks! What level of consciousness do they practise, especially if they are sub-SS?

Here is one such Sister. I do not know her and so I am not condemning her. I am sure that she is doing her best and means well ... but I am just questioning what is going on. She co-promotes her guided meditiations, which are sold via BKWSU shops, with a business as a Funeral Celebrant, as well as running Sacred Sound seminars and doing jazz singing it seems. She works with that other long time BK VIP, percussionist David Jones on BKWSU business and lokik stuff. Oh ... and is a "best-selling author" of BK-inspired meditation materials.
Warrington & Jones © original artist[/td]
[td]Now, I am not putting them down for their arts and abilities. I am absolutely sure that they are wonderful and gifted, and nice people. I might even enjoy their crafts if I was relaxed enough to know that I was not going to be psychically mugged by some BK sari or spook on the way! ;-)

But I am unsure of all this muddying of the River Ganga's waters ... its not a shop the BKWSU have got, it is factory churning out marketable products.
They have both been in BK Brahmakumari Gyan since 1984 or 85. And so that is plenty long enough to have known about Destruction predictions, the dinosaurs and seen a fair amount amount of abuse and controversy. Like when that Australian man raped his wife because she got into the BKs and refused to have sex or give affection. It must have been around the same time.
Carmen wrote:CARMEN WARRINGTON has been studying the art of meditation since 1984, through the Brahma Kumaris, and has developed her unique and subtle art of transporting audiences to a higher plane of consciousness. She has released a dozen meditation CDs and cassettes for the Brahma Kumaris. As a meditation guide she has helped millions of people throughout the world find inner peace and power. She frequently conducts guided meditations at public events.

Who is it about? Her ... the Brahmakumaris ... what! No God?

Shiva does pop up - uncredited as an artist - on other, get this, a CORPORATE seminar;
Soul-Connection Pathways – corporate workshop
© Shiva Baba[/td][td]Whether you use the term soul, authentic self, higher consciousness or self-mastery, we are all on a journey back to being fully soul-connected.

When we are soul-connected, our inner world is in a state of harmony and balance, and we can deal with whatever challenges come at us. When we are soul-connected, our outer world is in alignment with our values and ideals. To have a closer and more fully realised connection with soul is to be more truly who we are with all our unique qualities and attributes.
We tread many pathways on the journey to soul-connection and each step we take allows us to transform our lives in some way.

This workshop offers you transformation at a very deep level, using vibrational energy techniques (including crystal singing bowls and guided meditations) and creative exercises in order to activate your soul-connection. You will take away simple techniques to continue building and strengthening your connection to soul.

About Susie and Carmen

Carmen Warrington has been a student and teacher of meditation since 1984. She is an actress, singer, and funeral celebrant offering both civil and spiritual ceremonies. She plays Tibetan singing bowls at many of her concerts and special events and also offers individual Sacred Sound Sessions. She is the best-selling author of 2 books: Today I will… 100 ways to make your life calm and creative and Who Am I? Discover your inner world. She is an engaging public speaker and workshop facilitator in the area of soul-transformation. She is highly regarded here and overseas for her guided meditation CDs combining an incredibly soothing, beautiful voice with her inspired words. Her meditations have helped 1000’s of people around the world find inner peace and power.

Please visit her website at http://www.calmandcreative.com.au

Susie Nelson-Smith has been a student of spirituality and the esoteric mysteries since she was twelve. A practising Natural Therapist for 30 years she teaches and guides people to activate their inner wisdom in her workshops and concerts (around Australia and overseas). She facilitates transformation using crystal singing bowls, essential oils, colour, crystals and meditations with deep reverence, love and respect. Susie teaches professional courses in Sound Therapy, Crystal Vibrational Therapy with crystals and gems, and Reiki. She has produced 3 Crystal Sound CDs distributed through New World Music: Opening the Heart to Compassion, Opening the Heart to Joy and Opening the Heart to Love

She, or they, or all of them ... I have lost track ... have online stores to "buy the product".
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Post18 Mar 2007

Eternity Ink is the publisher used by BKs in Australia. It was involved in the angel cards that were around a few years ago, and people like Jim Ryan have used them to publish work that the UK BKs saw as too left field.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Thank you driedexbk.

I just cannot believe it!!! It's become a market for buying ready-made knowledge ...

Oh my God!

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John Walliss

Post21 Mar 2007

Thanks dried. This book;

"The Brahma Kumaris as a Reflexive Tradition: Responding to Late Modernity" (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology, and Biblical Studies) (Hardcover) by John Walliss (Author) Which your link leads to looks quite interesting.
'John Walliss has made a highly original contribution to sociological studies of religion by challenging much of the received wisdom about the static character of tradition and the destructive effects of modernity. His book is successful at two levels. It reintegrates important issues of theory into the sociology of religion; and it provides rich empirical information about a fascinating religious movement, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. This combination of theory and analysis is all the more welcome for being clear, lively and concise. This book should be required reading for all students of modern religion.' James A. Beckford, Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick
See; John Walliss
Dr John Walliss' research interests are situated broadly at the intersection of the sociology of religion and social theory. His current research is focused on apocalyptic or millenarian religious movements, especially where they have engaged in violent activities either against themselves or others. Over the last eight years, Dr Walliss has undertaken six main pieces of research:
    1. The Brahma Kumaris as a 'Reflexive Tradition': Responding to Late Modernity
    2. 'Continuing Bonds' within Contemporary Spiritualism
    3. Atlantis and Hancockism
    4. The Secularisation of Weddings
    5. Apocalyptic Trajectories: Millenarianism and Violence in the Contemporary World
    6. Theorising Religion: Classical and Contemporary Debates

If, like me, you do not know what Reflexivity as a social theory is, the book appears to be a sociological study of the BKWSU, and may be interesting if any one can get hold of it. It was written stemming from a PhD the author did researching the BKWSU at Sheffield University. He is now teaching at Liverpool Hope University.
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Post21 Mar 2007

I forgot to mention that these links are shown on the right hand side of the page that opens when one searches under brahmakumaris.info:

Omshanti ShivBaba RajYoga Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...
ShivBaba Omshanti RajYoga Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...
Rajayoga ShivBaba Omshanti Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...
Smarter.com - Official Site
Find Brahma Kumaris and Compare prices at Smarter.com.
See your message here...

Interesting, huh?
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Post22 Mar 2007

driedexbk wrote:On the right hand side of the page that opens when one searches under brahmakumaris.info: SPONSOR RESULTS

Omshanti ShivBaba RajYoga Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...
ShivBaba Omshanti RajYoga Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...
Rajayoga ShivBaba Omshanti Brahmakumaris
If you are searching for inner peace that you think you have not...

Yes, I noticed that too. Google advertising. I wanted to ask Arjuna about this ... The BKWSU, or at least some Brahmakumari, are paying for click through advertising. I wondered if this was according to Shrimat?

Every time someone clicks on a link it will cost the BKWSU some money ... unless they get a good deal because they are a charity in some countries. Do you think they are trying to throw cash at the problem of information leaking out via this website?

Personally, I do not think that God needs to, or should advertise. Next thing you know, he will be employing a PR agent or marketing man ... oh, He already has.
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Post22 Mar 2007

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Post22 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Yes, I noticed that too. Google advertising. I wanted to ask Arjuna about this ... The BKWSU, or at least some Brahmakumari, are paying for click through advertising. I wondered if this was according to Shrimat? Every time someone clicks on a link it will cost the BKWSU some money ... unless they get a good deal because they are a charity in some countries. Do you think they are trying to throw cash at the problem of information leaking out via this website? Personally, I do not think that God needs to, or should advertise. Next thing you know, he will be employing a PR agent or marketing man ... oh, He already has.

As far as I know ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has said that Godly knowledge should be available free of cost to everyone.

As regards PR agent for God, I think somone has already set up a Company named Brahmakumaris Information Services Ltd. at London to sell God. It is up to every individual to decide whether God is within the reach of his/her pocket or not?


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