To speak out or not to speak out, that is the question

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Post17 Mar 2007

Really all depends on how you interpret traitor.

Personally, I think it's the ones who don't post on here, the ones who for all the world appear the closest but are willing to lie, which in turn actually makes it harder to find the truth and the real God.

I say, speak with a true heart and fear nothing because of that.
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Post17 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:I do not know what the original Hindi was but perhaps you have an original copy of this Murli. I should think that the word "traitor" has a specific meaning and that when it was said, it was being directed at a specific soul in the mandir. My guess is that any god would look first at the heart and not the actions of the body BUT the quotation is pretty explicit.

In most of the Sakar Murlis narrated by ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) in Hindi the word 'traitor' has been used as it is.

As regards the meaning of the word, it has been given in the Murli extract quoted by you which says "Some perform wrong actions under the influence of lust or anger, and cause defamation of Baba and so they experience punishment."

I don't think that the word 'you' used in the first Murli extract quoted by you is directed at any particular soul sitting in the gathering, but a general statement.

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Post17 Mar 2007

John wrote:I say, speak with a true heart and fear nothing because of that.


One simple line and you undercut 2,500 thousand years of corrupt religions ... God loves an honest heart.



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Who is really causing defamation of the Father?

Post17 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:As regards the meaning of the word, it has been given in the Murli extract quoted by you which says "Some perform wrong actions under the influence of lust or anger, and cause defamation of Baba and so they experience punishment."

Who is really causing defamation of the Father?

The one that speaking in this forum, with the sincere aim of bringing some relief to the self and others, is trying to clarify things that have been troubling and breaking his/her heart into peaces for years. Or the one who is still in the "Shakti Army", i.e. the BK organization and that due to his/her own ego, anger and "subtle-repressed lust" keeps spreading peacelessness and causing pain, fear and distaste in others. Thereby pushing them away from the "BK Family"?

Honestly, I think tthat the latter are the ones who defame the Father's name most. They are the REAL TRAITORS!!
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Post19 Mar 2007

adikarisoul wrote:Honestly, I think tthat the latter are the ones who defame the Father's name most. They are the REAL TRAITORS!!

I agree. They could be present within the BK or PBK family. Even I could be one among them, whenever I violate Shrimat or whenever I succumb to vices.

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Post19 Mar 2007

Traitor? Joining the other side is it not? Sounds a bit steep. Or is it refering to TRAITS, going against our best traits.

Defaming the family? You need a family first. Then it would depend upon whose viewpoint is taken to be the accurate one, as to what a traitor is.

It all seems rather subjective, a traitor to you could be a friend to me. Anyway, at the end of the day, it is a language thing. The Murli can at times use military speak. Perhaps there is something deeper in that itself.
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Post19 Mar 2007

sparkal wrote:It all seems rather subjective, a traitor to you could be a friend to me.

Yes, it may be true. If someone considers switching sides as a characteristic of traitors, then PBKs may be a traitors for BKs, ex-PBKs may be traitors for the PBKs, ex-Vishnu party members may be traitors for the Vishnu Party and so on.

Therefore we should leave the clarification of the subject of treachery to Baba and concentrate on becoming soul-conscious. No Brahmin child has been given the right to label anyone as a traitor. Baba says that we should view every human soul as a future deity soul because we do not know which soul is going to come in heaven or not.

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Post19 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Wasn't it Siser Jayanti of London BKWSU that called you a traitor ... or was it just an accusation of betrayal ... when you told her that her heard all the false allegation she was making about you to another BK because you were listening on the phone when she was talking about you to another BK? Betrayal ... traitor ... those are all incredibly harsh, manipulative words.

I have been called everything by them, but the one they prefer is that I am mentally ill.

I have had an assesment by a psychiatrist who said I am not mentally ill, except for emotional trauma caused by life events!!!

I wonder if Jayanti would have the guts to have her mental state checked out!!! And if so, if she would tell the truth to the doctor mmmmmmmmmm!

Mind you, telling the truth is not her strong point.

Hey, why am I posting again ... :lol: I am outa here.
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abrahma kumar

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Post20 Mar 2007

Hi Arjun Bhai some help please with the following which I find a little disturbing:
As far as I know ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has mentioned the word 'traitors' for those who leave the path of knowledge and indulge in sex-lust, or other vices, and thus bring bad name to the path of knowledge that ShivBaba has started.

Supposing my Mum and Dad "sign up to BKdom" and then fetch me to the alokik family gatherings, children's classes, Madhuban, children's retreats, Raakhi ceremonies etc etc. However as the years roll on and I start to develop my own personality I think to myself that the whole scene is not for me so i go my own way. Developing, as most human's seem to do, varied interests and friends/acquaintances are you saying that were I to get married and have a family that I would be bringing a bad name to the path of knowledge that Shiva Baba has started and would therefore be classed a traitor?

While not wanting to appear to 'shoot the messenger' I AM wondering at the extent of the 'control' that GOD (as promoted by these institutions) seems to require over the life choices of Her/His/Its believers. I wouldn't want to openly ask your personal opinion on such a sensitive matter but on a general note would it not be appalling for a child to hear his/herself so described all of his/her life. Couldn't such strong terms be counter-productive to fostering a healthy climate for a child to develop in? Can it be argued with some justification that these teachings reflect the more alarming manifestation of control freakery on the part of institutions such as the BKWSU? How many parents actively seek to 'balance' the more radical views that these institutions hold sacred? I know of one BK mother who was relieved that her daughter had 'decided' to call off an engagement to a non-BK. No doubt the shame that such an action would have conferred upon the family was too appalling to comprehend. Especially as mum and dad were very close to the Seniors. Is that how parents BKWSU live, in dread of their children being 'normal'?

And so what if an adult has a change of heart/convictions and decides to walk away from these organisations, of what benefit is it that the student's left behind are 'encouraged' to see the exiter as a traitior?

How can the Murli narrate such categoric character assessments when at the same time we witness certain BKWSU high ranking 'officials' responding to the press saying that 'as far as I know celibacy is optional'? The issue of celibacy is not the only one which these organisations may have escaped putting forward a coherent justification of.

Since becoming a poster on this site and learning all that I have, coupled with my own personal development this last year or so, I would strongly advise against parents allowing their children to become 'too seeped' in such environments.
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Post20 Mar 2007

Abrahmakumar wrote:Supposing my Mum and Dad "sign up to BKdom" and then fetch me to the alokik family gatherings, children's classes, Madhuban, children's retreats, Raakhi ceremonies etc etc. However as the years roll on and I start to develop my own personality I think to myself that the whole scene is not for me so I go my own way. Developing, as most human's seem to do, varied interests and friends/acquaintances are you saying that were I to get married and have a family that I would be bringing a bad name to the path of knowledge that Shiva Baba has started and would therefore be classed a traitor?

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. You have brought up a valid and practical question that is faced by many BKs and PBKs. I have only mentioned whatever I have heard in the Murlis that those who indulge in sex-lust or vices within or outside the Brahmin life would be termed a traitor. It is only a general statement referring to a class of souls. But I have also mentioned that no Brahmin soul including any Dadi or seniormost BK or PBK has got the right to term anyone as traitor. And ShivBaba/BapDada has so far (either in any Sakar Murli/Avyakt Vani/clarification Murli) not referred to anyone by name as a traitor. So I can leave the answer to your question to anybody's guess. And as I have also said that a soul could be traitor at one point of time and become the child of God after some time. So it is not a permanent state/title of any soul.

I wouldn't want to openly ask your personal opinion on such a sensitive matter but on a general note would it not be appalling for a child to hear his/herself so described all of his/her life. Couldn't such strong terms be counter-productive to fostering a healthy climate for a child to develop in? Can it be argued with some justification that these teachings reflect the more alarming manifestation of control freakery on the part of institutions such as the BKWSU?

Yes, it is indeed counter productive to fostering a healthy climate. As long as it remains a general statement in the Murli without pointing fingers at a particular soul, it is not that harmful. But if fellow Brahmin souls, who are themselves effortmakers of various grades start using such words to describe or address particular soul(s), then it becomes counter productive. When this word was originally used in the Sakar Murlis during the times of Brahma Baba, it was used to describe such souls which indulge in sex-lust or vices during or after the Brahmin (i.e. BK) life. But since 1976, the meaning of this word got expanded to include the PBKs and after 1997 some PBKs may be using this word to describe ex-PBKs, but I don't think it is good for the spiritual growth of any soul.

How many parents actively seek to 'balance' the more radical views that these institutions hold sacred? I know of one BK mother who was relieved that her daughter had 'decided' to call off an engagement to a non-BK. No doubt the shame that such an action would have conferred upon the family was too appalling to comprehend. Especially as mum and dad were very close to the Seniors. Is that how parents BKWSU live, in dread of their children being 'normal'?

There are many BK and PBK parents (both single and couples) who try to balance the more radical views by leaving the choice of marriage to their children. In fact this issue has been dealt with in the Sakar Murlis even during the days of Brahma Baba. Baba has said that in case a daughter wants to get married, she should got married. In case a son wants to get married, and if he is self reliant, he should be allowed to get married at his own expenses. Baba has even dealt with cases of BKs/PBKs where the souls have got engaged before entering the path of knowledge. In case of such male BKs or PBKs who have got engaged before entering the path of knowledge, Baba has said that they should obtain a written undertaking from their wives-to-be that they would be ready to lead a celibate life. And since virgin BKs/PBKs do not have much say in conservative societies, they cannot get any family support in case they want to call-off their engagement. So the virgin BKs/PBKs have been advised by Baba to remain celibate. Here is the relevant Murli quote:

"Kayi likhtey hain Baba pehley say hee sagaai kee hui hai. Ab kya karein? Baba kahtey hain – tum kamaal karkey dikhao. Unko pehley say hee boal do. Tumko pati kee aagya par chalnaa padega. Yah guarantee karnee hogi ki ham pavitra rahengi. Pehley say hee likh dey, jo ham kahengey vah maanengi. Likhaakar lo fir koi parvaah nahee. Kanya toh likhwa na sakey. Unko purushaarth karnaa chaahiye hamko shaadi nahee karnee hai. Kanyaaon ko toh bahut khabardaar rahnaa hai." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli dinaank 26.12.06, pg 3)

"Many write – Baba, I am already engaged. What should I do now? Baba says – you should set an example of wonder. Tell her beforehand. You would have to follow the orders of the husband. You would have to guarantee that you will lead a pure life. She should write beforehand that she would obey whatever he says. If you take it in writing, then there is no worry. A virgin cannot get a written assurance (from the groom). She should try to make efforts to avoid marriage. The virgins must remain very vigilant.” [color=blue] (Revised Sakar Murli dated 26.12.06, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba, and translated by a PBK, the words within brackets have been added by the translator)[/colour]
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Post20 Mar 2007

Abrahmakumar wrote:And so what if an adult has a change of heart/convictions and decides to walk away from these organisations, of what benefit is it that the student's left behind are 'encouraged' to see the exiter as a traitior?

As I have already said that no Brahmin has the right to term anyone as a traitor. So there is no question of 'encouraging' anyone to see the exiter as a traitor. And if this is being practiced or encouraged among BKs or any other group, then it is a violataion of Shrimat. The only reason behind ShivBaba using such words in the Murlis in general terms is to dissuade the other Brahmin souls from following such exiters and spoiling their fortune. As per the BK/PBK path of knowledge purity/celibacy is one of the most important requirements of being a BK/PBK. So it is but natural that people are dissuaded from losing this purity to make them more fortunate.

How can the Murli narrate such categoric character assessments when at the same time we witness certain BKWSU high ranking 'officials' responding to the press saying that 'as far as I know celibacy is optional'? The issue of celibacy is not the only one which these organisations may have escaped putting forward a coherent justification of.

I am not aware if the BKs have anywhere officially mentioned that celibacy is optional or not. If they have done it or planning to do it, then it would only be a misleading statement because no Murli or Avyakt Vani states so. They can say that marriage is optional, subject to the condition of celibacy. ShivBaba/Avyakt BapDada has discouraged marriage, but not prohibited it.

Since becoming a poster on this site and learning all that I have, coupled with my own personal development this last year or so, I would strongly advise against parents allowing their children to become 'too seeped' in such environments.

My personal view is that any BK / PBK parent should not force their BK/PBK/nonBK/nonPBK child/children to remain celibate, but leave it to their choice. At the most they can enumerate the benefits/disadvantages of marriage or otherwise.

BKs don't have the choice of obtaining the views of Baba in such circumstances of life, but I know of PBKs who have obtained advice from Baba in such circumstances, but ultimately got their non-PBK children married or allowed them to get married.

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abrahma kumar

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Post20 Mar 2007

Thanks Arjun Bhai.

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