The PBK Party and 1997 events

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Post19 Mar 2007

Dear arjun Bhai, john Bhai and other PBK Brothers.

My only purpose to highlight humour in the advance classes was to highlight the degradation and degeneration of the Advance Party ever since the Advanced Knowledge began in true sense from 1989 onwards.

When I came to Advanced Knowledge in 1993, there were only about 500 PBKs, who had given their letter of faith. In the initial days, when my stage was satopradhan, the happiness and bliss of finding ShivBaba himself and listening to Murlis directly from his mouth, was just beyond words. The dharna, getting up at Amrit Vela and very careful of not to eat outside food, going to Gita patshala daily and regularly listening to cassettes, everything was going on impeccably and smoothly. The direct Murli sessions which were held in Kampil every morning were regularly attended by everyone present there. No one came late to morning class and the whole Murli session was heard with rapt attention with no cracking of jokes or laughter, and no one dozed off while the Murli was in progress(unlike what is happening today). Mama Jagdamba was always beside Baba when Murli class was in progress and we all felt like a family (Father, mother and Brahmins learning RajYoga in pravritti marg). At the end of the class all of us were in silent awe of ShivBaba's direct versions and clarifications of the gems of Murli points.

Then came the year 1997, when Dashrathbhai and gang teamed up against Baba and made false allegations about rape and Baba was arrested and put in jail, and Mama went into hiding and the children were left alone to defend themselves and their parents; the whole happy Godly family was in total ruins and all PBKs (including mysef) were shattered internally. (Though on face, we put on a brave front and each one did his bit to free Baba from jail and put the family together). The next 4 months things were hell for everybody until Baba came out of jail on August 14th 1997; but things were never the same again. Differences started cropping up between Mother, Father and children about how to fight and solve the court cases of rape and income tax. The whole family was split into 2 groups; one teamed up with mother and other teamed up with Father; and both teams worked differently with no communication with each other. The degeneration and disintegration of the Advance Party had begun, slowly but surely.

This went on, until there was a big sangatan in Calcutta in the year 2000, where all PBKs from all over India gathered for one month, and that was the beginning of the Kaliyugi shooting in the Yagya. In discussion class, one PBK asked Baba about the purpose of this gathering and Baba answered that this was the bhakti-marg shooting in the seed world. (Just as there were large scale gatherings in the BK world during their Kaliyugi shooting). Knowledge had taken a back-seat. For the first time discussion classes, question and answer sessions, were started after the morning class and that is when, after seeing the whole scenerio, my mind started reeling and it dawned upon me that even Advanced Knowledge is not the final truth. After reaching bombay, i started my research of the Murlis to find out what is amiss in the Advanced Knowledge.

Today, after researching on the Murlis, i have come to the conclusion that it is Krishna's soul (Bharat) who is instrumental in doing this subtle shooting of bhakti-marg in the Advance Party, and this will go on until 2009, when 40 years of sukhmavatanwasi avaykt Brahma will be over, he will become vaykt Brahma through the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, and Ram's soul and Shiv will become combined ShivBaba. Then the true Purshottam Sangamyug will start. This is what my manthan and research says.

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Post19 Mar 2007

shivsena wrote:Then came the year 1997, when Dashrathbhai and gang teamed up against Baba and made false allegations.[/color]

Thank you sincerely, shivsena, for a very touching and human report of the background of the PBK's experience which makes it all very real, and very close, to those of us that read it.

Although I do not know, nor recognize Virendra Dev Dixit, I do empathize with his experience and consider him to be a great BK mind. I can see what the BKs leadership loath and are unsettled by such a deep thinker and accept him as a part of the "bigger picture".

For those of us who do not know what happened, and I am not expecting you to complain or speak negatively, could oyu just tell us who this Dashrathbhai and his gang were, where they went and what happened to them.

From a lokik perspective, one could understand that the PBKs - who are after all still human beings - were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The antagonists were successful in doing the damage, even if they were not successful in their aims. I have seen this type of psychopathic behaviour in my own life fueled by simple jealousy.

But can you analyze what was motivating their individuals?

Thanks. (I think this thread might require being split as this is not a humorous topic).
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Post19 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:Today, after researching on the Murlis, I have come to the conclusion that it is Krishna's soul (Bharat) who is instrumental in doing this subtle shooting of Bhakti-marg in the Advance Party, and this will go on until 2009, when 40 years of sukhmavatanwasi avaykt Brahma will be over, he will become vaykt Brahma through the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit, and Ram's soul and Shiv will become combined ShivBaba. Then the true Purshottam Sangamyug will start. This is what my manthan and research says.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. We have read about your churning/conclusions in many of your posts. Since your conclusions are all about the future events and I do not want to become dateconscious by simply waiting for the year 2009, I cannot comment on it. For me every moment that I am living now is more important than my past or my future. I must concentrate on improving my present rather than waiting for the future events.

As regards the degradation of the Advance Party or the subtle shooting of Bhaktimarg in the Advance Party, this has been mentioned even in the clarification Murlis by ShivBaba himself (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). So it is nothing new. We all know that everything and every soul has to pass through the sato, rajo, tamo stages. So, it should not disturb us.

Baba has said that although collectively the shooting of Copper or Iron Ages might have been going on since many years, but individuals may be experiencing satopradhan stage depending on their roles. Even in case of old PBK souls, if they make continous efforts they can avoid complete degradation. You prefer to see Krishna's soul in the body of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, but I prefer to see the Supreme Father Shiv in the body of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit.




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Post20 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. We have read about your churning/conclusions in many of your posts. Since your conclusions are all about the future events and I do not want to become dateconscious by simply waiting for the year 2009, I cannot comment on it. For me every moment that I am living now is more important than my past or my future. I must concentrate on improving my present rather than waiting for the future events.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Since i would like to become tri-kal-darshi like Father, i would like to see the whole Godly knowledge in totality and not in parts; the whole Sangamyug from 1937 till the revelation of Ramshivbaba and the formation of 108 rudramala and vijaymala souls should be clear in our minds before time, then only we can be called true swadarshan-chakradhari Brahmins; unless we know the past , present and future of the happenings in sangmayug through' the third eye of knowledge, then we are not Brahmins also.

arjun wrote:As regards the degradation of the Advance Party or the subtle shooting of Bhaktimarg in the Advance Party, this has been mentioned even in the clarification Murlis by ShivBaba himself (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit). So it is nothing new. We all know that everything and every soul has to pass through the sato, rajo, tamo stages. So, it should not disturb us.

So you accept that the Advance Party has to pass through the stages of sato-rajo-tamo; and since these are stages of bhakti-marg, then it is proved that we are still not in gyan-marg; It is not disturbing to those who think that Advanced Knowledge is still the subtle Bhakti shooting of the future broad drama; but those who are not aware of this fact, will be most probably be disturbed in the near future. That is certain.

arjun wrote:Baba has said that although collectively the shooting of Copper or Iron Ages might have been going on since many years, but individuals may be experiencing satopradhan stage depending on their roles. Even in case of old PBK souls, if they make continous efforts they can avoid complete degradation. You prefer to see Krishna's soul in the body of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit, but I prefer to see the Supreme Father Shiv in the body of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit.

It is good to note that you can see some souls who are not degenerating; personally i am passing through the tamopradhan stage(as admitted in front of Baba in VCD* no 152) and i am trying to offset this by doing some rigorous and intense churning of Murli points; BTW in VCD* no. 152 even Baba acknowledged that he is also passing through the tamopradhan stage; Now who said this is a mystery??? obviously Shivbap cannot utter these words. so whether it was Ram or Krishna, who said that?? i leave that for the PBKs to guess.




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Post20 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote: Thank you sincerely, shivsena, for a very touching and human report of the background of the PBK's experience which makes it all very real, and very close, to those of us that read it.

Dear ex-l.
Thanks for your appreciation.
I just wanted to share The Knowledge of what happened in past, in Advance Party, to all those PBKs and would-be PBKs, who are new to Advanced Knowledge and are unaware of the past facts (i do not know whether this is being disclosed in the 7 days Advance Course, when the past history of BKs right from 1937 to 1976 is being told during the course, this past should also be included); it would be sad if these facts are hidden in the present Advance Course.

ex-l wrote:For those of us who do not know what happened, and I am not expecting you to complain or speak negatively, could oyu just tell us who this Dashrathbhai and his gang were, where they went and what happened to them. But can you analyze what was motivating their individuals?

I just do not want to do any postmortem of Dashrath Bhai and party and recall all the unsavoury and bitter events. It would just suffice to say that, what they did was their part and what happened to them after that and what is their present condition is just not known to me.
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Post20 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:Since I would like to become tri-kal-darshi like Father, I would like to see the whole Godly knowledge in totality and not in parts; the whole Sangamyug from 1937 till the revelation of Ramshivbaba and the formation of 108 rudramala and vijaymala souls should be clear in our minds before time, then only we can be called true swadarshan-chakradhari Brahmins; unless we know the past , present and future of the happenings in sangmayug through' the third eye of knowledge, then we are not Brahmins also.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I agree that we have to become Trikaaldarshi, but we should not become date conscious.
Shivsena wrote:BTW in VCD* no. 152 even Baba acknowledged that he is also passing through the tamopradhan stage; Now who said this is a mystery??? obviously Shivbap cannot utter these words. so whether it was Ram or Krishna, who said that?? I leave that for the PBKs to guess.

Great people do not acknowledge/boast of their greatness. The soul of Krishna through the body of Dada Lekhraj also never boasted that he has become complete. He used to say that sometimes he used to forget ShivBaba while eating. Similarly, whether it is the soul of Ram or Krishna speaking through the body of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, you cannot expect him to say that he has become complete. Anyways, I will try to check up the above Disc. CD.
Shivsena wrote:(I do not know whether this is being disclosed in the 7 days Advance Course, when the past history of BKs right from 1937 to 1976 is being told during the course, this past should also be included); it would be sad if these facts are hidden in the present Advance Course.

As far as I know all the facts regarding Baba's arrest and Mama's non-involvement with the Yagya since many years is indeed brought to the notice of any would-be PBK. And this fact has been mentioned in this forum whenever the issue came up. So there is no question of misleading anyone.

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Post20 Mar 2007

shivsena wrote:I just do not want to do any postmortem of Dashrath Bhai and party and recall all the unsavoury and bitter events. It would just suffice to say that, what they did was their part and what happened to them after that and what is their present condition is just not known to me.

I appreciate that. If any other PBK would like to put down on record elements of what happened then I would be grateful.

I am interested in the scale of collusion of the BKWSU, or individuals with the BKWSU. I read that the BKWSU centers keep copies of photographs and articles to show to others in order to discredit Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs.

It is not out of illwill to document what happened, nor the individuals, I am just interested in dispassionately building up a picture of the manner in which the BKWSU works. Its modus operandi.

If it does character assassination to one, you can be pretty sure it will do it to others. it will be a sanskar. We saw elements of this in other case when the Senior Sister involved became very angry when she was unmasked for doing do, calling others "mentally ill", for example.

I would also be concerned by any subtle, authoritarian sub-text being used, e.g. "... step out of line and we will get you too just like this". Goes back to fear and control.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,

You have said since 1993 you have listened to ShivBaba, and in another place you said that since 1973 the soul of Ram gave the body to Krishna and it is the soul of Krishna who speaks. So whom have you been listening to ShivBaba or Krishna, which one?

We have already become Trikaldarshi. We know the past, the present and the future. We know the beginning, the middle and the end in a nutshell. We cannot know details from the future in advance. If one could know, one would win the lottery. Even visionaries used to see certain events but here we see with the eye of the intellect. Shivbap does not have his own eyes, but has knowledge. He tells us and we understand. When 108 are revealed we will know them. He will reveal them. When he does, we’ll know them. We will be able to know parts of others but looking from outside, not knowing everything. Indeed, it is a matter of sharpness as to who understands; faster, slower, first and last. Did anyone know the Father before 1976?

What I think Trikaldarshi means is that the 3 aspects merge in one. Future becomes past, past becomes future. We are firm, our stage of being a soul does not go down, one and the same soul passes through time. Whatever I have been, I will become. We will know first our own self, wont we? Our own part. We will become Swadarshanchakradhari. We become introverted, wont we? To know Alaf is very easy because he is the sourse from where The Knowledge comes, where knowledge is merged, that's why it is said that on knowing him we come to know everything.

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit has said that the soul can receive liberation in life if it understands that there is benefit in each and every point of the drama. Have you lost faith each scene of the drama is beneficial? Which comes first Bhakti or Gyan? In the beginning of the Yagya, first the foundation of Bhakti was there, be it with the clarification of the visions or later chanting om, visions and the Gita written by human beings. Gyan comes as a reward. It is not that Bhakti comes as a reward.

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit has said that if one does Bhakti, we should not stop him. On the contrary, we should encourage him to do more Bhakti. Then when his Bhakti becomes completed, he’ll will take knowledge. Or when he takes knowledge, he automatically leaves Bhakti.

In the Murli it is said that Bhakti and Gyan are different. The seeds of both have been sown in the beginning; and whilst for some it is Bhakti, for other is Gyan. Like on the earth for whom some it is day and for others it is night. But nobody has succeded in stoping the morning from coming. The path of knowledge has begun since the beginning and slowly it is becoming day. It does not become daytime in one go. The night does not go in one go.

Who can give the Father’s introduction? How can we know god? We know him through him when he comes and introduces himself. The ideas of human beings lead us away from him. Even the Murlis cannot give the introduction. He gives it himself.

Where does it say it is 40 years of Sukshamvatanvasi Brahma?
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Post22 Mar 2007


Thank you for being informative and giving a general picture of the PBK history.

You say it is BrahmaBaba who is speaking the Murli clarifications, is that correct?

OK, I have a question. Do you think Virendra Dev Dixit knows when Brahma is speaking and when he himself is speaking?



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Post22 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: Great people do not acknowledge/boast of their greatness. The soul of Krishna through the body of Dada Lekhraj also never boasted that he has become complete. He used to say that sometimes he used to forget ShivBaba while eating. Similarly, whether it is the soul of Ram or Krishna speaking through the body of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit, you cannot expect him to say that he has become complete. Anyways, I will try to check up the above Disc. CD.

Dear arjun Bhai.
I do not expect anyone to boast about his completeness; least of all Ram or Krishna; my contention is when one is nearing the complete stage(as you say), then why at all disclose that He(Whether Ram or Krishna) is also in tamopradhan stage; what message is Baba trying to put forward to all PBKs by saying that his stage is also tamopradhan; that is what i want to know.

arjun wrote:As far as I know all the facts regarding Baba's arrest and Mama's non-involvement with the Yagya since many years is indeed brought to the notice of any would-be PBK. And this fact has been mentioned in this forum whenever the issue came up. So there is no question of misleading anyone.

Are you sure that all facts about Baba and Mama are revealed; or some are disclosed and some are hidden; mentioning the facts in this forum is not quite serving the purpose, as you very well know that, not even 1% of the PBKs have access to this forum and how many of Hindi speaking PBKs are aware that this site really exists.



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Post22 Mar 2007

John wrote:Thank you for being informative and giving a general picture of the PBK history. You say it is BrahmaBaba who is speaking the Murli clarifications, is that correct? OK, I have a question. Do you think Veerendra Dev Dixit knows when Brahma is speaking and when he himself is speaking?

Dear john Bhai.
Yes, i am 100% sure that out of the 3 souls in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, it is Krishna's soul who is churning The Knowledge and speaking the Murli clarifications, as per his intellectual stage. Ram and Shiv are just silent observers in that body, because of the fact that Advanced Knowledge is subtle shooting of bhakti-marg from 1989 to 2009, and there is no possibility of Rambap or Shivbap teaching subtle Bhakti to PBKs and leading them to subtle durgati (as it is said in Murlis that ''bhakti-marg is durgati marg'').

Ram's soul has become vanaprashti in 1973 and Shivbap has finished his part of delivering the Murlis in code form through the body of Dada Lekhraj Brahma. So there is no question of anyone, either Ram or Shiv, knowing what Brahma is speaking or doing. Krishna's soul is free to do what he pleases with the body of Virendra Dev Dixit. (And this surprising fact will be known to all BKs and PBKs in the end, when in the next few years this present face of Virendra Dev Dixit will resemble the face of Dada Lekhraj (that is why it is said in Bhakti, "face is the mirror of the mind'').
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Post22 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:Are you sure that all facts about Baba and Mama are revealed; or some are disclosed and some are hidden; mentioning the facts in this forum is not quite serving the purpose, as you very well know that, not even 1% of the PBKs have access to this forum and how many of Hindi speaking PBKs are aware that this site really exists.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. I do not know why you are trying to mislead the souls in spite of knowing very well that everyone is informed about Mama and Baba before signing the affidavit. I heard that the PBKs going to Kampil are also shown the paper that Mama signed before temporarily/allegedly parting ways with the Yagya. I have not seen that myself, but heard from other PBKs.

And as regards the Hindi speaking PBKs, who do not have access to the internet, you also very well know that a Q&A was circulated long back among all the PBKs in Hindi and English about Mama as follows:

Prashna: Mama (Jagdamba) kuch varshon say kyon gupt ho gayi?
Uttar: Dasrath Patel ne hamla kiya; Baba ke khilaph Court me case dala gaya, oos me Mummy ko ghasita gaya, tab se bhaybhit hoker gayab hogayi, connection tode diya .

Question: Why has Mama (Jagdamba) become incognito since last few years?
Ans: Dashrath Patel launched an attack; case was filed against Baba in the Court; Mama was dragged in that; since then, she got frightened and vanished, and cut-off connection.

Can anyone be more open than this???? Or can human being be so detached as to give such information? Can you expect BKWSU to come out with information about the personal lives of any of the Dadis or senior Sisters? And here, in spite of knowing the truth, you are levelling false allegations against Baba.




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Post23 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:
Question: Why has Mama (Jagdamba) become incognito since last few years?
Ans: Dashrath Patel launched an attack; case was filed against Baba in the Court; Mama was dragged in that; since then, she got frightened and vanished, and cut-off connection.

Dear arjun Bhai.

This is a one line summary of how and why Mama left the Yagya; this summary can be given to newcomers who are not aware of the exact sequence of events; you and i and most of the senior PBKs know that this in not the real truth; there is more to it, than what meets the eye.

If Mama was frightened, when Baba was sent to jail and she went into hiding, this i can understand. But when Baba was released and came back to Kampil, then both mother and Father could have united again and along with the children things could have been the same again. When the husband is back with wife, then there is no need for the wife to have any kind of fear. Mama vanished and cut connection with the Yagya long after Baba was released from jail and that is what i want to know. What went wrong??. What drove Mama to give her affidavit, to leave the Yagya (leaving the husband and children) and return back to lokik life??????

This is what every PBKs wants to know internally but has no courage to ask.



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Post23 Mar 2007

This is what every PBKs wants to know internally but has no courage to ask.

Not just PBKs. I was quite concerned about this issue and it has been discussed in this subforum somewhere, so far I have come to understand it as Mama taking time for self-introspection. I can only go along with this and put down to faith that Mama will return to the Yagya as has been mentioned to all the PBKs. It is only an event in the wheel of drama, and that event will unfold itself. Maybe Mama does have some things "in the closet" but don't we all ? It is for all of us to cleanse ourselves and to cleanse others.

Whilst there is a sense of worry which thus causes doubt, the first and foremost action I can foresee is to give the respect for Mama to undergo her current situation and for her to heal in her own way. This would apply regardless whether she is PBK or not.
you and I and most of the senior PBKs know that this in not the real truth; there is more to it, than what meets the eye.

Could this be elaborated ?
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Post23 Mar 2007

bansy wrote:Maybe Mama does have some things "in the closet" but don't we all?

It could also be genuine fear. A woman in rural India is worth less than a cow or a pig. Life is cheap. Rule is by force. This is why I want to know a little bit more about the gang that attacked the PBKs, especially if they went back - or especially were welcomed back - into the BKWSU.

It is very easy to break the back of a individual or community by using force, lies, law suits etc. It happens through the world and history. For example, what if the individuals in question left the BKs, joined the PBKs, then went back to the BKs in a short period of time. Of what I am hearing, the BKs in India are feared. People are afraid of them. Reading about the kidnapping and beatings, we have seen the level to which they are willing to stoop.

One academic even received angry irate telephone calls from the BKs, threaten to cut him off from further information, to tell him to stop investigating the PBKs. They then "brick walled" him to freeze him out. That does not sound very soul-conscious and elevated to me. Its all about power and control.

I can also state that the BKs have their non-BK or ex-BK supporters who do not follow Shrimat. I know of incidents where individuals have been offered the promise of money and young girls to back off the BKs. Now, I am clear that this was not coming form the BKs but it was being done to defend the BKs.

If any PBK wants to report anonymously on what happened to avoid persecution, please contact me privately.

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