The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

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Post15 Mar 2007

I want to share something with you and get your thoughts on this, and I hope it is relevent to the present discussion. I have been sleeping poorly lately (last few weeks) but until 3 days ago could not tell why. The sensations were getting more intense each night. I was woken at 4:15 and 4:25 am on consecutive mornings 'seeing' a dark 'figure' in my minds eye close by.

I felt it was observing. It was dark, and appeared to have some sort of dark cloak on. I was very disturbed and though I did not feel particularly threatened it felt DARK. I told my partner and he asked specifically on what mornings this was ... the same evenings he had special visitors to the centre and he had been going. Last night I brought out my grandfather's crucifix, said some prayers, and laid it beside the bed next to me ... we both slept very soundly for the first time in a long time ... not nice, very intrusive and not wanted ...

My partner denies opening any channels but he is not at all educated in this, he just goes along with what the BKs say. Any thoughts?
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Post15 Mar 2007

di wrote:I want to share something with you and get your thoughts on this, and I hope it is relevent to the present discussion. I have been sleeping poorly lately (last few weeks) but until 3 days ago could not tell why. The sensations were getting more intense each night. I was woken at 4:15 and 4:25 am on consecutive mornings 'seeing' a dark 'figure' in my minds eye close by ... Any thoughts?

Well, this is VERY strange ... and I got shivers when I read your post ... a few days ago I had such a specific dream that I actually noted it down in an email to a friend.

In that dream, I had been dissecting Janki Kirpalani and some other BK with a very large knife (well ... that is what I do ... ;-)). Strangely there was no blood or gore, there was just like clear jelly on the inside.

Seperately, in a dream, I woke up in my bedroom and one corner above my bed, there was a pitch black smokey cloud swirling. If you can imagine really heavy cigarette smoke but it was completely black not white or grey. In the dream I took fitted together some device and was able to blow it away. It was like I was using a sort of hairdrier gun to disperse it. Then I went back to sleep.

I knew it was some bad energy that was in my room, that is easy. I did not think anything of it really. It is quite spooky, but not scarey, to discover that others of you are having similar experiences. I wonder who else is? I promise you 100% this is what happened. I can remember as if it had happened whilst I was awake.

Sparkal is usually our barometer of bad vibes excuding from the BKWSU. He seems to be extra-sensitive to them and also saw a fairly negative psychic entity. That was a few months ago. May be someone should check in with him to see what it on the radar. Interesting ... I am not quite sure what to make of it. Anger could be very black.

If there is a battle between good and evil going on, I am no longer sure who is on whose side. But I would think twice about siding with the "Angels of Light" until I had more proof of their divinity.

I have never seen or heard of this experience before but a quick search comes up with many links. I offer no confirmation of the validity of such, one which follows;
The Black Smoke or Black Mist Shadow Person

The second most common type of shadow person reported is that of the black smoke-like or black mist experience. At first it may seem odd to label these entities as "people" but in many cases witnessnes that have encountered these beings have described them as having intelligent characteristics and reactions to events. Strangely, many of the encounters with the black smoke shadow beings have been associated with overwhelming feelings of dread and malevelonce, much more so than the expereinces arelated to the human shaped variety.

Around the time I became involved in BK Raja Yoga, I had a very distinct "Succubus" experience. I awoke to find my body complete paralysed. I was awake but I could not move, I was cold and there was a weight on my body. I could not even open my eyes or mouth.

Now, doctors call this sleep paralysis and say it is just physiological ... but I do not know. They are just materialist and skeptics. I freaked and started chanting all the name of Godl Krishna, Christ, Buddha whoever I could think of. I was not too proud to call out. There was this long deep kind of "breathe out" noise that when on for longe than I could breath and the blood, warmth and feelings ran back into my body. I got up and sat chanting for somewhile. The Brahmins at my local Krishna temple said that in the early morning Lord Shiva, the Bhakti verions albeit, goes about putting Raksha demons (disincarnate souls) into the bodies.


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Post16 Mar 2007

A battle of good and evil that is for sure. Don't forget we are the good!!

I sense that i am being observed ... right behing me very close for the last few months now. I have dreams about destruction by water ... and wake up at 3.45 a.m. ... most of the time.


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Post16 Mar 2007

OK, now I can give a bit more information I held back. I avoid my "instincts" as much as possible and stay away from occult/psychic areas, but at times it is impossible to avoid and i have to admit my instincts, or call it what you will, have to date been proven to be 100% accurate.
    Exactly the figure as Ex-I describes. My very, very strong impressions were;

    - not a past soul but a present entity or a being attached to a body and attached to and living in this world.
    - an intelligent, thinking, observant being with a definite agenda in mind.
    - not attacking to date but i wouldn't like it to guess it's end intentions
    - not good, destructive and very determined. Almost like a scout obtaining information before the attack.
    - this being dissolved after I gave direct eye contact (though no visible eye was there in the figure) but that is what it felt like, guess a better description would be I stared it out. Then it was no longer visible but I could feel like a aura or residue left.
    - I firmly believe it is directly associated with the BK practices and is a tool used by Seniors who are privy to the 'higher knowledge' to 'fight' obstacles and opposition to persons they fully want to control and are having difficulty in doing so. Me being the opposing force.
I can only tell you I am not mentally unstable. I am a very practical and grounded person and I KNOW WHAT I SAW. I know what my very strong impressions are. Even my partner states how 'instinctive' I am and how pertinent these impressions are. He has at times called me over dramatic but then later conceded I was on the mark.

For the last 2 weeks, i have been caught unawares and suddenly having a conversation in my head of me telling something to go away and leave us alone. To be honest, I was very rude and used some very naughty words - this was very intense and powerful sensation of being under scrutiny and observation. This has been occurring more frequently.

The interesting thing is he is not 'open' to this sort of thing and appears totally unaware, it is me, who is not a BK who is seeing and feeling the presence. Yesterday I had lost all hope, felt totally powerless as you can probably read on the post in Jan's thread. I asked for protection last night through my God, as I said, and this morning my partner was himself for a change. I feel invigorated again and am ready for action and fight.

I feel like I am surrounded and in the middle of a religious war I have not asked for and what I saw at 4 a.m. on consecutive mornings has at last given me something tangible. My partner actually read some of this thread as he now has concerns as to what may be going on - another miracle - he is now going to ask the head Brother some questions but I am trying to suggest ways he asks so he is not going to get the answer he wants ... but the truth.

A tricky situation, must be smarter than them, (I hope I can do this). I am going to need all the ammunition and information I need for this, there is more than just my relationship at stake here. And Jan, you are so right. This is a fight good against evil ... but why do I have to be in the middle of it? I don't want any part of this! Please give me all the information and experiences you can. This is not about soul awareness, this is about possession of souls.
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Post16 Mar 2007

:? So as The Knowledge reveals, the possission of the souls will happen at the end of The Cycle. The only way to overcome is to do strong intense meditation. Remember you TRUE Father -The Point of LIGHT before going to sleep for atleast 10 minutes.



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Post16 Mar 2007

Mitra wrote:So as The Knowledge reveals, the possission of the souls will happen at the end of The Cycle. The only way to overcome is to do strong intense meditation. Remember you TRUE Father -The Point of LIGHT before going to sleep for atleast 10 minutes.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


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Post16 Mar 2007

With the utmost of respect Mitra, none of this happened until he allowed himself to open up to the BKs through the BK form of meditation.

The standard answer - "do more meditation and service" - is what you have given. Why would I encourage and do the thing that has actually allowed this? The only thing that stopped this situation happening again at 4am was a crucifix and my Christian beliefs and prayers. Sorry.

Possession of souls happens when a person knowingly or unknowingly allows it and opens themselves up to the means by which it can happen, i.e. in this instance the increasing dependance on BK-ism and to quote you "more intense meditation!". I do not want to argue with anyone but these are FACTS and what I am living is a FACT and I do not want any part of this ... but have no choice.

I do not want to create any bad feelings or discord here but this is the situation and there is no getting away from it. Thank you for responding and offering you view. I have no knowledge of your knowledge revealed, just common sense and a free mind and I do not view this particular possession as a Godly or a good thing. Hopefully we are talking about different things.

Humbly yours, Di
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Post16 Mar 2007

Sister Di wrote:this being dissolved after I gave direct eye contact (though no visible eye was there in the figure) but that is what it felt like, guess a better description would be I stared it out. Then was no longer visible but I could feel like a aura or residue left. I firmly believe it is directly associated with the BK practices and is a tool used by Seniors who are privy to the 'higher knowledge' to 'fight' obstacles and opposition to persons they fully want to control and are having difficulty in doing so. Me being the opposing force.

I have heard about a couple of BK teachers using tantric methods to settle scores in India as well as abroad. But I am sure most BKs do not have anything to do with such practices.

I remember that as a BK when I was attending the morning class at Madhuban a couple of decades ago, Dadi Prakashmani mentioned about a BK (householder) from Gujarat having been attacked by someone through tantric methods resulting in strange physical disabilities, but was controlled/treated through practice of meditation.

When I was a member of the Aussie BK discussion forum many years ago, a BK Sister from a foreign country had written to me that she was being harrassed by a sister-in-charge using tantric methods. When she came to know that I was a PBK, she stopped writing to me. But she was really disturbed.

If any BK(s) / teacher(s) are using any such un-spiritual methods to settle scores with fellow BKs or non-BKs, then the BK administration must be very well aware of such souls.

I agree with BK Mitra that meditation helps in such situations and even Avyakt BapDada has dealt with such problems in Avyakt Vanis. I will quote some lines if possible.

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Post16 Mar 2007

Di wrote:Possession of souls happens when a person knowingly or unknowingly allows it and opens themselves up to the means by which it can happen, i.e. in this instance the increasing dependance on BK-ism and to quote you "more intense meditation!". I do not want to argue with anyone but these are FACTS and what I am living is a FACT and I do not want any part of this ... but have no choice.

It is als fairly widely accepted in spiritualist churches and with psychics that alcoholism or drug taking can open an individual's psychic body or centers up, leaving the individual open and allowing spooks in.
arjun wrote:I have heard about a couple of BK teachers using tantric methods to settle scores in India as well as abroad. But I am sure most BKs do not have anything to do with such practices ... When I was a member of the Aussie BK discussion forum many years ago, a BK Sister from a foreign country had written to me that she was being harrassed by a Sister-in-charge using tantric methods ... she was really disturbed.

It makes sense because some souls will have the sanskars merged. I believe intense anger, hatred or jealousy can cause such negative effects without the need for special techniques. Do you have any details?

If one believes what the Brahmakumaris teach, that everything starts in the Confluence Age as Mitra is underlining elsewhere, where do these sanskars and practises come from?
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Post16 Mar 2007

I think this part of the thread should be moved over to the "Psychic aspects" topic at some point.
di wrote:My partner actually read some of this thread as he now has concerns as to what may be going on - another miracle - he is now going to ask the head Brother some questions but I am trying to suggest ways he asks so he is not going to get the answer he wants ... but the truth.

A tricky situation, must be smarter than them, (I hope I can do this). I am going to need all the ammunition and information I need for this, there is more than just my relationship at stake here.

I do not know how much I can add but I will pre-warn you that the Brahmakumaris are the masters of subtle arrogance and slippery answers. By that I mean, they are so full of themselves being the supremely wise wonders of the world, all aiming to become the top 8 or 108 souls, all full of themselves going to heaven whilst all the other religions go to hell; that you will be very lucky to get, either;
    a) a straight answer, or
    b) admittance that THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON
You have to understand that, firstly, they are kind of under the effects of a sort of drug-like influence the hypnotic aspect of the practise brings on (especially the young in practise ones) and, secondly, their daily teaching affirm; "they are pure, all others are impure ... they are wise, all others are ignorant" time and time again.

So, that was my lead by way of saying he is probably going to have to ask, and ask and ask before he gets either an answer or an admittance ... they don't know. But it is good that he and they know this is being publicly documented and discussed. Yes, do more Yoga and service is their "two asprins and go to bed" answer.

As I have stated, there is the belief that their senior practioners can travel about as spooks checking individuals and centers out, which BK Mitra has confirmed. I actually used to believe this was just superstition and the mental projection of guru-like powers upon them on behalf of their followers. There is lots of talk of "serving" through one's subtle body in the Avyakt Murlis but, strangely, no specific tutoring in how this is done to my knowledge. Again, I thought it was largley poetic, but may be I was wrong. I think most individuals on this forum would agree that those that would potentially have such powers, such as Janki, Jayanti and some other senior Sisters, have actually stepped away from the true teachings.

We have had reports of some fairly dark, willful or heavy characters within the leading USA Brahmakumaris and some concrete examples of personal damage, and patterns of behavior that fall very short of honesty and basic human decency. Especially where money or other people's marriages are involved. I would love an opportunity to expose them but am holding some confidences at present. Let's just say, we have a few "scud missiles" if ever the Brahmakumaris start to play rough on a worldly level.

I should think that you are safe. The important thing to do here is just keep documenting all this in one place. Personally, my attitude is "**** 'em". I do not know what the truth is but I am going to keep driving my tank through all their defenses for as long as I can until what they really are, for good and bad, is exposed. The more experiences of this nature, the more inconsistencies, the more dishonesties, the more media control, the more broken families, the more bull we expose; the clearer that picture becomes.

I do not suppose that it is as simple as black and white; one side good, one side bad. A few of us here are conceptualising a theory about what are known as "Luciferic influences" in and around the BKWSU. These need to be understood more clearly and probably Rudolf Steiner had the best point of view on them, that is to say, a) there are not all bad and b) they are inevitable and so have to be managed/dealt with. See the link above.

I am not 100% saying, "the Brahmakumaris' Holy Spook is evil" ... I am saying that they are not 100% squeaky clean and that there are weird spooky things going on around them ... and through them. And it should be recognized. It may not be the Holy Spook, it may just be other "jealous gods", "hosts" or "legions" feeding off them. The only thing I am sure is that it is not all about corporate consultancies and Self Management seminars [SML].
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Post16 Mar 2007

jannisder wrote:I have dreams about destruction by water ... and wake up at 3.45 a.m. ... most of the time.

Probably your connection with your friend. You have created open cords between you and him. When he gets up, has ideas; you will feel and be pulled by them. If there are spooks working around and through the Brahmakumaris, they will be able to use these mental and psychic pathways to influence you more easily.

This is the working theory that I accept at present.
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Post16 Mar 2007

Oh, boy!! This topic not to be read at night before sleeping!!

First of all, I agree with what Mitra said about remembering God before going to bed and sure, all day long. And by this I mean your God. If you ever felt his totally positive presence of unmistakeable white light near you, invoke that. It has nothing to do with names or entities monopolized by BKs. If someone feels Christian, why not going for a crucifix and Jesus? And if someone labels it as "Bhakti", who cares?

Traditionally, there is knowledge about spooks in any religion older than BK Rajayoga, , and official ways to deal with that, including within the Catholic Church. They are serious and well organized about such things, with trained and appointed exorcist priests. Specialized, not like the BKs that speak a lot about things they don't know about, play with "cords" as you call them, and end up channeling negative entities unawaringly. This is only one of the troubles, and not a small one.

Being simplistic, and at the same time dogmatic. Let the horse run free and then, who 's going to catch it? At least, in other groups that we BKs are taught to despise, they study thoroughly a matter, whether it is a New Age group ( doing rebirthing), or some old Eastern tradition such as tantra, they use techniques but no so casually or in an irresponsible way. In fact, we've been playing with chakras from lesson 1 but even speaking about it or reading a book on it was "Maya" because BKs are not allowed to know, just obey.

Good way to transform human thinking logical beings into puppets! Congratulations!! Then they can be used.

I don't want to be too long here but let me write a couple of things more. According to Baba's Shrimat, it's not a good idea to eat stuff cooked by impure people. This is usually applied to outsiders, so don't eat your grandma's cake, even if she's been a widow for 30 yrs and a good lady ... but eat any "Brahma Bhojan". Well, myself and other BKs, at times, had the very strong feeling that it would be safe and best to refuse eating food/toli cooked by some souls in particular, even if they were clad in white saree. So, to the Brother living with Di, I would suggest, for a while, not to touch any stuff originating from the center, just in case, trust your energy only.

I met people that were possessed, in the Yagya, the first one, chronologically in my experience, was Heidi Fittkau and she was kicked out, But I met few more. When you are in front of them, you feel uneasy and drained. So, avoid them and their drishti. I don't believe at all that all BKs are good and white. The main thing is look at their behaviour. Let's be realistic, please! How can someone that is manipulative, dishonest even in $ matters, gives sorrow to others etc be considered a positive person? It is evil, call it Dadi Janki or whatever Brother or sister-in-charge!

They will compel you in many ways to come to the center, eat the food they make, they'll stare in you eyes, talk sweetly to you and stab you in the back. I made a point not to go to some specific centers. Why should I expose my self to bad vibes?

It's great to hear the Sister talk about instincts! Don't let anybody take them away from you! Possibly most of us messed around with magic, in previous lives. I think it's an old battle and I don't mind now to tap into my old white magician's sanskaras, under strict supervision of the Great Magician, Supreme Spirit. Well, the one of native american indians fells right for me now if I still have the freedom to perceive God as I wish!!
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Post16 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:And by this I mean your God.

When I did the 7 day course it was emphasised that it is OK to be a BK and also a Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, or whatever.

As soon as I had been going to Morning Murli class for a while I was told the exact opposite - that there is only one true god, and that is the BK version of Shiva. All the other religions were regarded as ignorance, and "wouldn't they have egg on their faces when Destruction comes and they are proved wrong". So, 180 degree shift in attitude is given out as soon as you are part of the "Brahmin" population.

I used to always call on Jesus when I was a child and needed psychic protection, as it was the religion I was brought up in at school. I am not religious at all now though.
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Post16 Mar 2007

I will go back and read all of the posts in this thread later, I read a number of them. My name was mentioned. I don't know that much about spooks etc. I feel vibrations most of the time. So, ask an airport which direction the planes come from ...?

I will, however, be very open and honest with you all (sorry if that causes a nose bleed). I don't have Yoga with anyone anymore. If God is there and in good shape then fine, I can get by for the time being in a self-sustained sort of way. I thank whoever for the experiences, but I need to know exactly what is going on before I go any farther in this game. The simple things in life seem more appealing. I am tired. There seems to be a war going on which I am part of yet know little about. I trust there is good reason for the secrecy.

People feel betrayed when they find out that they have been lied to or had secrets kept from them. So sooner or later it will all be revealed, to some at least. Don't take any nonsense from anyone. Fear is the gate through which they can enter. Fear them and you are capitulating. No one messes with a powerful soul. Learn how to adopt the master almighty form, stand tall, with self respect and awareness of your eternal existence, without ego or anger.

The most powerful state is complete ego-less, sweet, innocent, pure, loving. The big angry thing is weak and riddled with all sorts of latent complexities. The only safe place is out of the drama in the "Soul World" as far as I am concerned. This negative thing can be very draining. Time to pull the plug on them. They cannot reach beyond a certain state of consciousness, so we must rise above their capacity. I am beginning to sound like I know something now, so I will stop. BKs aside, we all know what is required to be safe.

Create a bubble around yourself is another. If you are under serious attack, run and hide behind Shiva as a shield.


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Post16 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Probably your connection with your friend. You have created open cords between you and him. When he gets up, has ideas; you will feel and be pulled by them. If there are spooks working around and through the Brahmakumaris, they will be able to use these mental and psychic pathways to influence you more easily.

Yes, I know it is the connection.

Well, it works although i have my shields all set up. He does not ... I journey to him and sleep next to him ... very funny that after some time when he gets up in the morning, some other body part is also getting up. So he told me ...

Sorry about that ... :oops:.

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