Murli Privileges and Dilaram

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Murli Privileges and Dilaram

Post14 Mar 2007

Dilaram wrote:by the way my latest service was to have my six year Murli privilege revoked for doing service outside the centre, (four or five times in 6 years in accordance with BapDada's wishes according to my understanding) rightly or wrongly ... Baba says, "if you see something wrong & do nothing, you are wrong ...

What do you mean by 'Murli privilege'? I thought BKs were supposed to do service everywhere?
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Post14 Mar 2007

Hey John, very good great one. A more than accurate answer. Thanks a bunch as they say in the good old US of A. Ripper mate as we say here in the Land of Oz ... and 2nd last, but certainly not least, "tha's it nail on't ed lad", as we would say in Yorkshire, (delightfully populated by many other Gujarati souls like wot i is now and again) and needless to say, "och aye the noo for our non-sassenach kith & kin".

I have had the privilege of the Murli batch for some 5 nearly 6 years, thanks to our amazingly tolerant & incredibly tireless Dr Didi Nirmala Ashram. But it seems a little too much honesty from me, amongst other reports to the contrary, will now put that at an end for however long Baba deems it necessary.

However, as i feel i am now given certain touchings it seems, i always leave room for correction no matter how certain i am as of one thing i am certain ... I am definitely not God, but we are really close it seems. Often to my great surprise. So, yeah, it seems as i have had the temerity to do as i believe mera Baba, "my Baba" for non-Hindi speakers wants me to do ...

Let's be totally honest though, i am a little over the top in ALL fairness. So i probably should do the good old, sit down, shut up, be quiet & say nothing that some tribal elders seem to be particularly impressed with ... but you see it is not the Indian way in my very good feeling, naughty neti ! I mean to say, what does Baba have to do next, buy Virgin Airways off dear old Richard and drop the leaflets Himself? ("top of the morning to ALL you luvely Sisters & Bros from the Emerald Isle") ...

So, it matters not really if i believe my Murli has been stopped for some souls to learn how utterly attached they are to things they could perhaps do without. Or am I just a naughty quasi-grocer with a little too much cheese? To me, what counts is being authentically me. The soul. Whilst being certain i hold nothing but pure feelings and God wishes for ALL. Then if that is wrong, well frankly i would not want to be an Angel on those terms ...

But i feel i am kind of on the right track ... seeing as Baba recently said to me that, "i am the instrument to bring the end sooner" in 'The Forest' last Oct/Nov. He also mentioned, "i have mercy equal to the Father". So now perhaps the naysayers will go into paroxysms of how unutterably arrogant i am etc etc ... but if they do i will not see it! i will, however, see some fabulous souls playing a terrific part. Say, "there but for the grace of God go i" and move on.

Similarly, be simply certain i have no other intention but to spread happiness & remove censorship. Provided that is what Baba wants. Other wise, well Baba will tell me that some other time ... :lol:

Love remembrance & Dilsay Namaste. 'Meherbani' BK Dilaram - grace, gratitude and appreciation ... are all merged within this word.

Thanks for playing, let's do it all over again next ... :D
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English, language for all, almost

Post14 Mar 2007

Excuse me Brother Dilaram, because I am sure your posts are very interesting, I would like to understand fully what you say, which I sincerely cannot.

I wish to draw everyone's attention on the fact that not all participants are Anglo-Saxons or English mother toungue but try their best anyway to use English as a bridge. So, would please English mothertongue souls bear in mind that if they want to be understood better, the audience is international.

Try to keep it a bit simple! Thanks everyone. I am also tempted to use Hindi words many times but just realized that newcomers cannot make out the meaning, so either we add translation in brackets or it's more fair avoid using them.
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Post15 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:let's get this post into the Guinness Book of Records

What is the Guinness Book of Records?
    ... the Akashic Records for Irishman?
Yes, what do you mean by 'Murli privilege'? Did they take away the password and encryption key to the Murli server? Do you have any Murlis to post here?

If you, or anyone reading this, feel a desire to democratize the whole delivery of the Murlis and open them up to the world, please drop us off you passwords or a copy of them.
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reply to Alladin

Post15 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Excuse me Brother Dilaram, because I am sure your posts are very interesting, I would like to understand fully what you say, which I sincerely cannot.

Om Shanti Sweet Brother,

sorry if the writing style causes you any sorrow or confusion. If you would like to PM me over any particular clarification i would be happy to serve. Personally, i love ALL languages as I love ALL souls and if i ever find i am not understanding anything i find out one way or another ... Thanks.

LoveFull regards

In His Yaad

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I had a sleepless night!

Post15 Mar 2007

Hi, baby, no need for pm.

Never mentioned about suffering because your post was so intricate. Yes, the One usually helps me read the intentions and vibes behind words. So thanks for saving my time by revealing you are on a different wavelength, no need to read your mails more than once next time. There is a enough interesting readable material on the Forum to keep me busy, and transparent people to correspond with.

My mail was not about "love" but about improving communication which is also a form of love and regard for others, on the practical level, not in theory, I mean. Often lokiks are arrogant enough to think they can get anywhere by speaking English and having $ in their pockets. Especially those who haven't been exposed to different cultures. Too bad for them!
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Post15 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:I have had the privilege of the Murli batch for some 5 nearly 6 years Now, (thanks to our amazingly tolerant & incredibly tireless Dr Didi Nirmala Ashram) but it seems a little too much honesty from me amongst other reports to the contrary will now put that at an end for however long Baba deems it necessary.

OK. Hey ... Come on now dilaram. Settle down. Its nice to meet you. We are not hear to judge you from squeaky clean BK standards. Let's hear your story and see if we can help you ... did they boot you out or ban you from the centers?

Have you been officially cautioned or something? What's happening? You are amongst friends here.
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Post18 Mar 2007

Thanks for your empathy white rabbit, it is very kind of you.

As far as the souls involved in this little side scene i have nothing but regard for them, purest feelings & best possible wishes. It serves no positive purpose to go into specifics, my post is not to complain it is to hopefully generate some BK or ex-BK unity for service to create a family forum that i know Baba want's here in Oz because Nirwair told me that is why Baba sent him.

If the great ones in charge are not able to make it happen perhaps we can. Baba says any pure intention has already happened. I, personally, have a ball with BapDada out in Kaliyug/Sangamyug but it would be nice to do it en masse, so to speak instead of the same old same old.

Perhaps get a meeting somewhere in Oz a great big mela in an interesting & focal place that would do big service, say a couple of dozen white kurta clad BK's / Ex BK's (only one shop brothersister soul). Baba say's everyone is a BK, ALL are children of Adam etc etc ...

Then when Channel 9 wants to know what we are up too, i will be happy to tell them we are having Yoga with God to transform Hell on earth back to Heaven on earth and ALL are welcome to join us ...

What say you great one ? :?:
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Post18 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:What say you great one ? :?:

I would say that you are still so deep within the mental conditioning that you cannot and are deeply afraid to express what you are feeling.

They still own and possess your mind and have left it a mess. Particularly a mess that is not threatening to them - which is number one. They are not the one and same as God. It will take you a little while to sort yourself out and straighten up.

Start by telling us how you feel as a human being about what happened. What you will learn from this forum is that they do not own God and it is questionable if they are actually responsible enough to in the first place.
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Post18 Mar 2007

say a couple of dozen white kurta clad BK's / Ex BK's (only one shop brothersister soul) Baba say's everyone is a BK, ALL are children of Adam etc etc ...

Firstly, how do you know BK org in it's present state is that one shop?

Secondly, Baba also says everyone is a PBK, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris, go check your Murlis.
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Post19 Mar 2007

John wrote:how do you know BK organization in it's present state is that one shop?

Simple answer, as you project so you experience, anything is possible to be made manifest in the illusory worlds we create ... so whatever you choose to experience is as real for you no doubt. As when i asked God if He existed at Wilton one Wintery Amrit Vela, sat in front of the log fire with my wonderful Sister Morni, and Baba drenched me in ecstacy. Ergo, i felt it was God/Baba.

I already agree with this statement of yours, "Secondly Baba also says everyone is a PBK Prajapita Brahma Kumaris", so i don't need to check Baba's Murli. To me it is the same, basically, as what Baba said about everyone being Adam's children so BK's, But thank you for the opportunity in case i did not. Similarly, i simply remembered the 7 Day Course. Omniscience explained was a matter (illusions made experientially real by agreement) of fact, to my perception.

What i can offer you is as a result i am so happy in so many ways, so secure in my understanding without being dogmatic. As Baba say's, "everyone has a unique intellect", ergo you are just as accurate as i am. However, whether you are as fortunate and happy as i am ... ? I certainly hope so.

This is more fun than i expected ... now let me ask you a question if i may? How about a celebratory suggestion of our fortune to help the "New types of sorrow" Baba has explained are now taking place. Anyone, because ultimately that is pretty much why we are whom we are is not it :?:

Much Love to ALL in His Yaad & Pyar
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Post19 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:This is more fun than I expected ... now let me ask you a question if I may? How about a celebratory suggestion of our fortune to help the "New types of sorrow" Baba has explained are now taking place.

What is the question?

I think alladin is right, you need to be more simple in your English. Not everyone here is an English native speaker.

But, please, tell us what happened to you? You had your Murli privileges revoked? What does that mean? I am not asking you to complain, only explain. In clear English.
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Post19 Mar 2007

As i have already said if you need clarification about specifics, regarding the post, just tell me what you do not understand & i will be happy to clarify.. The Murli was stopped as i said, if you cannot guess why and so i tell you, what positive purpose will that serve :?:

As i have said already i am here to hopefully be an instrument to generate some happy service, particularly in unifying family through celebration of attainment & service. Should you explain to me how a detailed explanation of why my Murli was stopped will help those pure intentions i will happily share. Otherwise what benefit to anyone would be served?

I love the Murli i have never missed a new Avyakt or an old one or any of the Sakar Murli's since coming home to Baba's Love & Gyan. Even while working, i have always gone to work after Baba's meeting.

So what possible reason do you think that anyone would stop my Murli? What can you do with the word of God but share it, obviously if someone is genuinely interested? It is the most precious magical writing ever obviously, as anyone who has read it after lots of Tapasya can attest (confirm). So if you had a copy and someone wanted to know about it, what would you do? Sensitively, tactfully and lovefully, one would surely share this where appropriate no?

Well, apparently some souls in our family seem to feel this is not the accurate thing to do. I do, that's it and it is as always grist for Baba's mill to create tests for service. Sneh & preet is what it ALL amounts to. i believe & hope and, generally, i see the fruit to confirm this.

Is it Achcha & OK ?
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Post19 Mar 2007

dilaram wrote:Sensitively, tactfully and lovefully; one would surely share this where appropriate, no? Well, apparently some souls in our family seem to feel this is not the accurate thing to do. I do, that's it.

OK. Thank you. So, reading between the lines, you must have emailed, or posted, or copied Murlis around. Well, I think that you will find yourself amongst allies here over that issue. I think everyone on this board disagrees with the iron fisted control the SS have over the Murlis and question their authority to do so.
    What purpose has it to discuss such matters openly?
The whole issue of power, authority, control of knowledge, secrecy and the many faced fronts of the BKWSU, not just to outsiders but also between Senior and Junior BKs, is a symptom of the great illness that is afflicting not just the Brahmakumaris but also humanity as a whole. We may not be able to fix the whole world, but at least we can fix our tiny corner of it. These sanskars of power, authority control of knowledge, secrecy and facades are very deep, thousands of years old. You do not expect the SS to give them up over night? Strangely, they seem to be getting worse rather than better.

Short of walking into a Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga center and physically liberating a set of Murlis, which I would applaud anyone for doing, it is only public discuss that will bring such an issue to light for others. They may be, and I think there are, many other BKs of various hue that agree with you and disagree with the leadership of the BKWSU. I am sure that one day, one senior will think enough is enough; and open the flood gates to feed the thirst of millions.
    • You did not say if it was Nirmala or Charlie, or someone else, that revoked your privileges.
You see, they are all together, tighly centralized, having little meetings, rank BKs are individuals and spread apart without the benefit of secure channels of communication, passwords and encryption. Of course, in the bigger picture, our benefits are greater because here we are discussing such matters openly in public.

It serves the broader BK community to document "The System". To identify abuse, the abusers, to speak up for the abused.

And now here we are talking to the world, on the first page of Google, telling the world, the UN, the academics that that God has come and the Brahakumaris are hiding his channelled messages away from them behind passwords and encryption because they think non-BKs intellects are too impure. Look at my last thread, "What! No God?" wishing to document the godless BK service.

I ask you honestly, why is the BKWSU expending all of its resources promoting a course invented and LICENSED - not even donated - from human beings, some of who may not actually have been following principles? And which does not mention God? Many of us here, out in the forest of exile left the BKWSU, not God. We are also out of touch with the inner workings and so we appreciate news, good and bad from within the fortress.

It sounds like you too have been exiled from the court of Duryodhana on the throw of a loaded dice, so welcome ... join us in the Murli Liberation Front.
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Post19 Mar 2007

i have not sent the Murli via the net and i don' know how that could be done, the PDF format i have received does not allow the files to be manipulated and a new format is due soon also.

I do not believe in any form of dissention towards anyone ever. As mother teresa said when asked to join an anti war campaign, " i will not join an anti anything" but i will join a pro peace rally ... I simply wish to advocate an accurate open discussion by as many souls who want an end to ALL the ongoing dissention and lack of real motivation within this great family

Simply trying to get free fsmily forum face to face as i have already said that is why Baba sent Nirwair.

i understand how you feel but see no benefit in anything other than pro-active solutions in accordance with BapDada's guidance.

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