BK Jayanti Kirpalani

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BK Jayanti Kirpalani

Post24 Feb 2007

This one is for Mr Green really, hence it is in the ex-BK section rather than the BK section. Apparently Jayanti has less devotees than Janki when it comes to copy and pasting classes ... taken from someone myspace page, here.

I think it is pretty corrupt to keep up a public face like this when you read;
    the financial abuse thread,
    the false promises of compensation and manipulation,
    the lack of duty of care as an administrator of the charity over reported financial abuse by a center-in-charge,
    the slandering to other BKs which he heard over the telephone,
    and her accusation towards him of betrayal after this was reported to her after her after she and the trustee had made false accusations
Do I have my facts correct, Mr. Green? And then the individual gets up and says;

"Today we need to transform the tendency to have hot heads and cold hearts into a situation where we can keep the heart warm and open with love and compassion and the head cool with peace, this will help ourselves and vibrate out into the world. We must realize that when we keep an attitude of blame and complain, or competition and criticism then there cannot be peace within ... If we stay cool to whatever is taking place outside of us then we are able to have a positive influence on a situation".

I understand that a few other folks have had a pretty rough ride with this woman. Details within the limits of libel laws anyone?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Resolving Tommorow

Resolving Tomorrow ... Making the Most of Today with Sister Jayanti

Conference Hall 11th January 2007 7.30pm

Out of the dark drizzle of a London night the Conference Hall in Diamond House, was full and sparkling with living lights gathered to hear words of wisdom from Sister Jayanti. "New Year signals us to have a new vision for ourselves to bring about personal peace and happiness to initiate new positive habits yet often by about this time (11th Jan) our resolutions are wilting. So how do we empower ourselves to maintain the positive change within ourselves that we so desire?", she said.

Sister Jayanti drew on the word 'resolution' - that when we have a clear aim, a high definition resolution picture of how we would like to be then it is easy to become. Resolution indicates that there has already been a solution at some point previously and now we have the opportunity to rediscover it. We just need to take responsibility for this within ourselves.

"Today we need to transform the tendency to have hot heads and cold hearts into a situation where we can keep the heart warm and open with love and compassion and the head cool with peace, this will help ourselves and vibrate out into the world.

"We must realize that when we keep an attitude of blame and complain, or competition and criticism (all of which are prevalent in today's world) then there cannot be peace within. So instead we need to develop an attitude of appreciation - gratitude brings about feelings of joy and contentment. If we stay cool to whatever is taking place outside of us then we are able to have a positive influence on a situation. If we react too then we will aggravate the situation and make it worse and upset others further."

Sister Jayanti stressed that whenever we give a cause or reason for any type of disturbance then we will never find a solution. If we make excuses then there is no solution. "If at every moment I ask myself, what is the solution? then I will start to move effectively."

"One of the fundamental spiritual concepts that every faith tradition shares is that there is the belief in the intrinsic goodness of the human spirit. So it means that whatever re-solution we make today will bring me back towards our own state of original goodness. This helps us carry on as we see with hope and courage glimpses of our intrinsic beauty and that of others too. For truly the purpose of human life is to experience happiness. To keep light and happy and content is natural for the human spirit.

"So how to create this re-solution? By using a little silence at the start of each day we can connect with that high re-solution image of ourselves as completely peaceful, loveful, secure and happy - by just giving the self time and space to experience the sweetness of the qualities that are within.

"Two important aspects also connected with transformation are the letting go of anger and the dealing with the subject of forgiveness. We must understand that anger (and lesser forms of irritation and bossiness) erupt when our desire to control is not happening and it causes a huge amount of pain and sorrow for ourselves and those around us. Ego often works with anger in the way we treat others in the form of arrogance whether about position, possessions etc and we must understand that when we shout at people it hurts and doesn?t allow any possibility of cooperation nor allow relationships to flourish.

"Where there is a lack of forgiveness there is poison inside myself. It poisons my feelings and doesnt allow me to stay content and happy in all areas of my life. It influences every that is happening. Let me seek forgiveness so that the heart can stay open and generous and give so that others can live openly and freely. Also let me not judge others then there is no need to forgive.

"The method for transforming is to focussing on that which is good and pure within ourselves and then our vision of others will become that also. With determination we can connect with our original divine state."

Sister Jayanti then answered questions on how to go keep going on the spiritual journey, saying that it required keeping the practice of seeing the self as the pure soul on the hour every hour. Also that the only way to deal with feelings of hurt and to heal the wounds that the soul carries is by experiencing God's love, the unconditional energy that uplifts and empowers.

Sister Jayanti finished by affirming that at the point of extreme darkness in the night of humanity the dawn breaks which brings about the day and this happens quietly and silently: "We don't have to fight the darkness, we just have to shine the light. We are now at this point in time when whatever is happening is carrying things to its conclusion to bring the night to an end and now dawn has broken, the day is coming and no one can stop this."

The evening was completed with a beautiful commentary by Sister Jayanti to see the re-solution within.
Om Shanti
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Mr Green


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Post24 Feb 2007

Yes, that about sums up the dealings i had with her and her tactics.

In Lennon's song, "Working Class Hero", he says "there's room at the top they are telling you still, but first you must learn to smile as you kill".

This to me sums up the attitude of someone who is essentially a career spiritualist.
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Re: BK Jayanti Kirpalani's class

Post24 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote: Details within the limits of libel laws anyone?

Not being a lawyer, I don't know the libel laws, so I will have to think about the "details". I would guess that a personal opinion is OK though. Based on my own experience I do not trust her. I used to, but never again.
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Post24 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:This to me sums up the attitude of someone who is essentially a career spiritualist.

Until I joined this forum, I never thought about the BKs and the BKWSU as "spiritualists". However, the more I think about it the more it is true and without a doubt Jayanti's role as a medium, a psychic trance medium, secured a position for her within the organization.

Apart from going into trances during the Bhog offerings what other psychic gifts does she have and use?
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Mr Green


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Post25 Feb 2007

She does have a powerful psychic energy. If you are able to see such energies, as I can, she has quite a powerful light and she uses it to influence others.
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light got dimmer?

Post11 Mar 2007

Sad to say that to me, the light in question seemed stronger in the past. How can all that running around lecturing, lack of sleep, VIPs biz, power, meetings and the rest do any good to any soul? I don't envy her role!
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Post11 Mar 2007

I have had quite extensive 'exposure' to Sister Jayanti. Given different circumstances I am sure she would have excelled as Osama bin Ladens' first lieutenant, if not the man himself.

Jayanti is an intellectual. She is highly intelligent, very capable and has unnaturally high levels of male testosterone. She lacks completely in any natural way any degree of love and compassion. Thus she intellectualises these subjects, creates very complex and articulate lectures on these and other related subjects, and impresses lots of people.

However I, and many others, have been, unwittingly, on the wrong side of her. She is obsessed, reductionist, fundamentalist, cynical, critical and can get very angry.

I had a particular encounter with her in Madhuban. She was 25 years in Gyan at that stage. I was the unfortunate victim of an entirely unwarranted tirade of verbal abuse - an articulate, deadly, cutting, vicious, malicious and devastating spewing of words, as cold and calculated to hurt as inhumanly possible. I was gobsmacked to say the least. But the thing that got me is that she was capable of such viciousness after 25 years of Yoga!!!

I think I started to think differently after that.
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Re: light got dimmer?

Post11 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:I don't envy her role!

I used to think that. I used to feel compassionate towards her having to play that role. But I was warned off that because, it was said, she uses that too. Yes, a very sharp knife ... as intelligent individuals can be. And what to be an intelligent individual super-charge with psychic powers of mediumship and a direct connection to the Holy Ghost too. I wonder what she sees and how she uses it. Especially the United Nations folks.

It is good that folk hear of the flip-side. Its all become too much about skillful facades.

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Post11 Mar 2007


I don't suppose you got an apology ???

Or do Seniors do apologies?????
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Mr Green


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Post12 Mar 2007

They apologise in private, but nothing in writing.
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Post12 Mar 2007

Mr Green wrote:They apologise in private, but nothing in writing.

Words are cheap, being able to talk is just a sanskar, actions speak louder than words ... how "yukti-yuk", as Joel said. How "shrewd".

You see, karma means that they have no liability for anyone else's experience.
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Post13 Mar 2007

No, never got an apology. However, a 'Senior Sister' I know, who never believed my story, was later the victim of the same behaviour. She did get a note handed to her in morning class which constituted an apology - whilst avoiding the face to face apology which would have been the respectful thing to do. But, get this, the recipient of this pathetic attempt at an apology then destroyed the note IN CASE IT REFLECT BADLY ON JAYANTI. Seems the whole system is set up to protect Jayanti's public image. And to deny 'the ***** within'.
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Discrimination power

Post13 Mar 2007

What about one's own olfactory system? Damaged through brainwashing? If something stinks, you can hide it, but still ...

Not just classes, but teaching through the example. Jayanti always has set trends, by looking at, or asking her, a Sister could make sure whether something was allowed or not.
    Is it cool to replace thick glasses with contact lenses or is it bodyconsciusness?
    Is it acceptable for a lady to remove hair from her face (beard and mustache or hairy legs create disservice especially in front of VIPs!)?
    What about using some light not intrusive eau de cologne or rose water? If she can, cannot we?
So, follow the example ... hairstyle, way to wear sari. Copy somebody's way to talk and walk. The more one looked like those SS, the more elevated one was. Talking about appearance. Undoubtly, one received (is it still like that even now?) a lot of pressure to conform, to make your BK life easier, to get approval and develop a parrot or monkey consciousness!

Discrimination power and self esteem ... goodbye! Is that what Baba expects from us when he says, "put your foot in my footsteps"?
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Re: Discrimination power

Post17 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Is it cool to replace thick glasses with contact lenses or is it bodyconsciusness?
Is it acceptable for a lady to remove hair from her face (beard and mustache or hairy legs create disservice especially in front of VIPs!)?
What about using some light not intrusive eau de cologne or rose water? If she can, cannot we?

Is this true? Does Jayanti make herself pretty now? Janki was always out front about her goatee, I mean she always was old, but Jayanti had facial hair too.
    Does she manicure it now and wear perfume?
    Are the all Sisters into that?
I have to say that I never really check Sisters legs out but they all did wear thick tights ... but is not this all very body conscious?
I wrote:"Hair a mess, stage getting you down? Unwanted growths and that musty smell of fenugreek? ... Wait! Body-consciousness is the new soul-consciousness ... you too can be body-consciousness and soul-consciousness with ... New. Improved. BK Raja Yoga! Brought to you by the Daughters of Brahma [TM]". *Terms and conditions may apply. Picture on label is for illustration purposes only. Buyer assumes complete karmic responsibility for their own account.

Yes, in my time it seemed like half the Sister were in love with Jayanti and half feared her ... or may be it was 100% in love with her but fearing her for 50% of the time. ;-) What surprised me was when folks start to talk about her getting really angry and accusative at times. That seems to defeat the premise for all those year's of Yoga actually doing anything.

If Jayanti cant hold it together, then who in the West? Its all so normal.
BK Jayanti Kirpalani wrote:Time is on Our Side

In this age of globalization, the dominant culture seems to be that of materialism. Whether one is in the North or South, West or East, the influence of a materialistic paradigm or culture seems to be all-pervasive. The effect of this has been a loss of values, since values are connected with the 'being', the spiritual aspect of the human person, and not the material.

The Call of the Time is to return to the consciousness of our spiritual identity so that we may reconnect with the innate original values that lie within the self. It is not possible to point a finger outward and expect that society will be able to shift the paradigm back to one that focuses around spirituality. However it is definitely possible for me to take responsibility for myself and bring the changes in myself that I would like to see happen in society. Returning to the awareness of my spiritual identity I can awaken the original qualities of truth, love and peace that lie latent within the self.

Looking around the world at the present moment, it seems to be a time of darkness, and rather than curse the darkness, it is important to light a candle. The light of spirituality, the awareness of the eternal being illuminates my own path in the darkness, but others can also share the light and find a path of safety. One person may have the motivation to do the work involved in lighting a candle, however the benefit is not reserved for that one individual, but the light is shared by all those who are in the vicinity. As values awaken in an individual -- the power of truth, and the power of peace help everyone else around that person.

Values are the foundation of human life and civilization. Without values we are witnessing the tearing apart of the fabric of society and we are moving toward a state of chaos. This is why 'values' seems to be a 'buzzword' in our world today. We hear of the need for values in every sector of society - education, healthcare, governance, business, media, sustainable development etc. The word 'values' is truly one that encompasses all areas of civilization. Having reached a state where it seems that values are at the point of disappearing, we are now recognizing the need for them. The 'call of the time' is to commit myself to a lifestyle based on values once again.

Spirituality not only reminds me of the original goodness inherent in every human being, so that my faith in values is restored again, but it also reminds me of the relationships with the Divine. In materialistic consciousness, I move far away from the connection with the Divine, with the Supreme. My attention becomes focussed and limited to human beings without the awareness of the eternal relationship with the Supreme. The awareness of my own spiritual identity opens my mind and heart to the presence of the Supreme, the connection with the Supreme and thus the influence of the Supreme.

Attempting to follow the path of values in the environment of the present world is not always easy. The atmosphere of today doesn't seem to be conducive to this generally. There are the obstacles from outside - cynicism, negativity, peer pressure, a culture of violence and falsehood rather than a culture of peace and truth. It therefore requires great insight and deep clarity, courage and determination to make a commitment to values and to go against the tide and the current norms. Faith in the original goodness of the self, faith in God, and faith that this is what time is calling of me, gives the power to make this choice. However, there are still the demons and obstacles within to face and to conquer!

Negativity from within has held the soul captive for a very long time and negative habits and patterns of behavior have become deeply ingrained in me. In this condition, even after realization, the tendency to move away from truth and peace is a powerful one. If I were to try and deal with this on my own it would be almost impossible to change. The relationship with God provides the love, the power, the inspiration and the sustenance to make the changes needed.

Following the path of values in my own life becomes a reality as I allow the Supreme to guide me and influence me through thoughts of peace, words of peace and actions of peace. Re-creating truth within my own being with the influence of the Supreme Being, the One who is absolute Truth is a step toward helping to reconstruct a world of truth. Seeing disintegration around me, the 'call of the time' is for me to help in the task of recreation of a better world.

It is surely God's desire that the world should be not only a better world, but also perhaps even the best of all, one in which no-one needs to suffer anymore. A world in which love, truth and peace reign and there is happiness shared by all. I believe it is also the right time for this. Having experienced darkness for centuries, it is now time for the day, a world of light to come. Time is on our side, time is carrying us to the light, time is calling us to see the dawn and to allow the light to enter the self and the world. The recognition of the self, the relationship with God and recognition of time generate a powerful energy that brings about transformation and enables us to respond to 'the call of the time.'
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in the night

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Post14 Jun 2007

I have to admit that I was never too fond of Jayanti's classes or anyone's for that matter. I always preferred the "Sakar Murlis". Though it is obvious that she is very intellectual and can explain to "worldly-minded" people the spiritual side of things.

In my experience, during the few times that I dealt with her on personal issues, I always had the feeling that she was being controlled by Dadi Janki in ways not even she realised. I think this subtle control causes her to develop little fits of anger or dissatisfaction. And who controls you Dadi??

Just plain and simple: "my own points of view!!"

in the night

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