BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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BKWSU, the business and money

Post04 Mar 2007

Not directly related to Financial Abuse topic, but more evidence in the change of policy regarding donations and finances, this time from the The Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. Tata are one of is not the biggest corporations in India.

Interesting, it was Dorab Tata and his nephew Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha who dominated both the scientific and policy spheres of India's nuclear weapon affairs, first bringing the Indian nuclear program to life and then setting its priorities and direction.

Elsewhere I post some BK saying they do not accept donations from non-BKs, here;
Tata Trust wrote:Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Maharashtra

Towards training for personality development and English speaking for rural/semi urban youth. 75,000 rupees

Towards training for value based personality and self development for rural/semi urban youth. 75,000 rupees

So someone must be filling the forms in to get this money.

Given that the individual BKs work for free as seva to Shiva, where does the money go? Why do they need money from outside? And when on earth were English language lessons part of the BKIVV service plan!?!

I thought that was against Maryadas and certainly contrary to the Murli. My guess this is only the tip of the iceberg.
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Post06 Mar 2007

I see here that the "Relax Kids" resources, sold via BK literature sites, were featured on an English BBC programme called "Dragons Den" which gives money to budding entrepeneurs; did anyone see this? apparantly the Dragons (several millionaire business people) were not tempted to fund them;

it mentions this on their website; which I followed from a Googlead on an unrelated site which said something like "where the Dragons wrong?"

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Post06 Mar 2007

On further poking, I found that the website actually says what the Dragons thought of Relax Kids, and shares the experience of the owner of this business. She also gives tips for others hoping to appear on the programe.
http://www.relaxkids.com/Library/Dragon ... ragons.php

Marneta Viegas of Relax Kids was one of the most charming, if eclectic, people to present in the Den. She wasn't investable because what she was creating was a lifestyle business. But that doesn't make it a bad business, it just means that it did not present an opportunity for an investor.
As she has shown, the business was able to grow organically, on its own and she can now draw a salary and I suspect she will continue for many years doing what she loves, in business for herself.

Doug Richard
Theo Paphitis

When you walked in I thought you were barking mad and now I am pretty certain you are. I think you are lovely but I am not going to invest in you.
I am sorry. I am out.

Duncan Bannatyne

I don't know if you are lovely or cookcoo. I am not going to invest though.
I am out.

Doug Richard

Can you tell me why you would want me to invest in a company that doesn't intend to make money? I am kind of here for other reasons. With the best of luck - I am out.

Rachel Elnaugh

I am sorry to be the wicked witch but I think you have done very little to allow us to take this business seriously. The final nail in the coffin was saying you don't want to make money. I wish you the best of luck.
I am out.

Peter Jones

You know what, I am absolutely terrified to keep a conversation with you or ask you a question. I am worried that you are hypnotising us. I worried that I am going into some hypnosis and say I want Relax Kids. I am struggling to find out why I am giving you the time of day because I don't see a business and yet I am feeling that I am listening to you. And I am worried that any further, I am going to invest so I am going to make it very clear - I am not going to invest; but what a surreal feeling WOW - My hands are sweating - I feel really peaceful ...
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Post06 Mar 2007

Dragon's Den wrote:Peter Jones

You know what, I am absolutely terrified to keep a conversation with you or ask you a question. I am worried that you are hypnotising us. I worried that I am going into some hypnosis and say I want Relax Kids. I am struggling to find out why I am giving you the time of day because I don't see a business and yet I am feeling that I am listening to you. And I am worried that any further, I am going to invest so I am going to make it very clear - I am not going to invest; but what a surreal feeling WOW - My hands are sweating - I feel really peaceful ...

Ha! ...

Interesting. Spooky ... the Cthulhu was starting to gnaw away at his brain already. The BKs in the audience are jumping up and down saying, "see, I told you so", and the non-BKs are running to find their tinfoil hats.

The old school ex-BK joins the PBKs in the audience to say, I think it is against the Maryadas for Brahmakumaris to be making money and status out of Gyan and it is unethical to practise it where they are not fully disclosing what they are up to.
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Post07 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:The old school ex-BK joins the PBKs in the audience to say, I think it is against the Maryadas for Brahmakumaris to be making money and status out of Gyan and it is unethical to practise it where they are not fully disclosing what they are up to.

I have to say I am uncomfortable with this as well. On the whole site, there is only one reference to the BKs, that's a thank you to Dadi and others at the centre with a web link to the main BK website. Even though she's obviously been helped by a lot of BKs in putting the whole thing together. It feels kind of ungrateful and wrong as well as unethical to not openly state the source of the philosophy behind the business. Not that I know her or have anything against her personally, but I wonder what the internal BK policy is on people using Gyan in business ... and what the karmic consequences are of using Gyan to make money if you are not linking souls directly to God, and instead they think this knowledge is coming from an individual.
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Post07 Mar 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:I have to say I am uncomfortable with this as well. On the whole site, there is only one reference to the BKs, that's a thank you to Dadi and others at the centre with a web link to the main BK website. Even though she's obviously been helped by a lot of BKs in putting the whole thing together.

I don't know her either. Obviously there is a more than just Gyan in there, there are external sources and individual talent as well. As with most BK, a lot of personal goodness too. Its just when Gyan is wrapped up with business ... I can remember specifically when any such thing was utterly forbidden. For BKs to discuss business together was clearly stated in the Maryadas to be forbidden. Now we have BK business consultants giving BKs advice, head hunting notable individuals from within the organization to work on business, BKs refering business to each other and giving product validations to be used on books and websites etc (even if they are not stated to be kin BKs but use their lokik positions).

There don't appear to be any clear guidelines any more, and indeed, the Brahmakumaris in on it selling the product or using the validation of, e.g. "best selling" authors and coaches etc. One could also say, if one was being accurate from the BK/Murli pont of view, that all of these BKs that are doing this New Agey stuff seem to have regressed back into marketing Bhakti again (e.g. Yoga, quotes from old saints, wealth creation etc).

And why, to ask an awkwards question, is the BKWSU selling these people's products etc via through their marketing arm if they are not Gyan!?!

Where should the line be drawn? Is it purely financial interest? Why not purely Gyan? Why does it apply to some but not others? Its like there has been a great big haemorrhage or self-promotion from about a small community around the London center mainly that has broken out of the confines of Gyan. But then, why is it OK to sell a BK doing generally positive thought or relaxation but not an non-BK doing exactly the same, perhaps even better?

I am sorry but I don't believe the "God's Shrimat working through the senior Sisters is different for every soul" line. I have been stung by that. And I have seen non-BKs in families damaged by individuals that have been sucked into the Neo-BK thing without knowing what it is all about and being given the Maryadas etc to follow.

Do they teach the Maryadas any more? Are they admitting the old system that they taught for decades did not work or was wrong?
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Post07 Mar 2007

Hi everyone, thanks for inspiring further my churning.

I read about someone defining our previous state as "inertia", really, like a "Kumbakarna sleep". I feel I was narcotized and I am just now given the chance to awaken. Guess I wasn't ready for it, it would have been too painful, or may be, as you rightly call it the Neo-BK stuff is so gross, it's starting to get under everyone's eyes. Were we merely pieces, pawns they were using and moving around?

DJ loves to repeat the point on "how beautiful it is to be moved like a puppet on a string by Baba". Feels so light! One almost ceases to exist and think! Well, I don't mind really surrendering to the Great Spirit, but not to shrewd ruthless manipulative impure individuals. It's maybe a little hard for younger BKs to put themselves into the old one's shoes, but really what ex-l constantly stresses it's so true! I confirm rules WERE different.

In order to comply with some of them it took us effort, they were difficult to swallow for double foreigners. But we earnestly tried, believing in them being beneficial. Then top ranks changed the cards on the table, without warning or transparency. Must be convenient for some. I feel the BK ship is listing. They put the undesirables down in the hold and chained us, but it's time to break free, come up on the deck and see what's happening. Becoming Master Commanders of ourselves, eventually jump off. I have funny stories about not contaminating BK relationships with biz, absolute prohibition to associate in that with BKs and so on. Tell you another time.
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Post07 Mar 2007

"Well, if they can do it, so can I".

Sure, that is a positive response to the actions of a few greedy hungry types. Lets be like them to get even. Um, leave me out thanks. I would expect that a circular has been sent round all centres in the world informing everyone about any changes (as usual :roll:) which effect all with regards to principles etc. If this has not been done, why not? The Sister in question is a clown by profession (if it is who I think). Another artist sold out to the corporate capitalist brainwashing and bullying going on within the BKs and world in general?

The DRAGONS (reptile) den? Well, need I say more? I will expect a mail out any day then explaining the changes in BK principle.

You see, it could be that, if you did not behave like a squeaky clean BK when Dadi tightened everything (no doubt after hearing about sex abuse cases) then your ass is out the door, and the "yes" people who marched to her tune are now getting the benefits. You see, you are a sinner because you did not listen to the almighty DJ.

Meanwhile, Brahma Baba hangs around in the Subtle Region having an easy time of it while others are being torched. Time for change, I don't care who or where you are, change is coming, and it cant come soon enough. Are you listening up there? Your days are numbered, the lot of you? What are you all doing up there while we suffer, well, some of us.

And what of cowardly Brothers who run away in case of what may happen to them? (they know who they are, you know, the ones who stay away from certain people out of fear. Those who choose to have nothing to do with me now will be held to that later. (Some will know what I mean, if you don't, forget it.) Family? Huh! you gotta be clowning surely.
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is someone going to pay for mischief?

Post07 Mar 2007

In another topic, discussion is going on about karma. Connecting it with what Sparkal just said, I still positively like to believe that karma as a cosmic law exists. It's not the BK who invented it and can use it at their own convenience only. You also don't have to wait until the judgment day or next life to see it working: most of those career-minded greedy for $ and power BKs look dissatisfied, constantly running around like damned souls; those in charge, busy at oppressing others, are mainly dissatisfied, full of bitterness, bossiness and frustration.

All religions teach that making pacts with the devil (vices) don't pay. Of course, the establishment of BK always has ready made answers to everything, such as "Don't take law in your hands" and other statements which mean: don't act, leave it to Baba and Drama, Baba will put it right. Also we got good training into not criticizing, comparing and complaining (this is what this Mayaish Forum is all about!! Stay away from it!!).

Buddhist teach a lot about middle way and balance. Right know I think: yes it's our duty to act, for ourselves and others, but making sure also that internally we remain a bit detached observers and take it easy. As Jimmy Cliff said "The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all!"
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Re: is someone going to pay for mischief?

Post07 Mar 2007

Of course, the establishment of BK always has readymade answers to everything, such as "Don't take law in your hands" and other statements which mean : don't act, leave it to Baba and Drama, Baba will put it right. Also we got good training into not criticizing, comparing and complaining ( this is what this Mayaish Forum is all about!! Stay away from it!!).

I have read in Murli that we should complain if something is not right. It is said Baba will not believe just one it has to be more. This was given in an example of teachers at centres not behaving properly.

If trying to reveal the truth makes this a mayaish forum, then what of the people who make that accusation.

I heard one story of a Senior Sister saying a BKs 'fortune' would all be lost even if they clicked onto a splinter groups website.


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Post07 Mar 2007

John wrote:I heard one story of a Senior Sister saying a BKs 'fortune' would all be lost even if they clicked onto a splinter groups website.

I heard this too. The PCs in Madhuban have someone checking what websites you access.

Anyway, maybe you can then recover your fortune or more by clicking on several BKWSU websites thereafter :P
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Post07 Mar 2007

sparkal wrote:You see, it could be that, if you did not behave like a squeaky clean BK when Dadi tightened everything (no doubt after hearing about sex abuse cases) then your ass is out the door, and the "yes" people who marched to her tune are now getting the benefits. You see, you are a sinner because you did not listen to the almighty DJ.

Did you see this happen? How and when did the "tightening" happen?
    Who "tightened" Her Jankiness?
alladin wrote:They put the undesirables down in the hold and chained us, but it's time to break free, come up on the deck and see what's happening. Becoming Master Commanders of ourselves, eventually jump off. I have funny stories about not contaminating BK relationships with biz, absolute prohibition to associate in that with BKs and so on. Tell you another time.

Love to hear them, we can add it to the equation and see what we come up with.

Personally, I recommend BKs and ex-BKs to become 'master commandos' ... ;-)
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Post08 Mar 2007

Could you please explain what "tightening" you refer to? I might have missed that phase.
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Post08 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Could you please explain what "tightening" you refer to? I might have missed that phase.

See sparkal's comment above, I take it to be something to do with Dadi "tightening up" the BKWSU. I don't know anything and so I am asking what happened.
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Post09 Mar 2007

Just to get back "on topic" to the BKWSU gravy train ... sorry "funding" ...

I found this interesting little note on the blog of Judy Rodgers note in another topic. How BK is she? I read her doing Yoga in Mount Abu and I see her, along with Cooperrider, presenting herself as a member of the Visions of a Better World Foundation [VBWF] at an Images of Hope and Voices of Hope event for a "specially selected group of media professionals gathered in South Florida at the waterfront home of Dwina and Robin Gibb". VBWF says it was "an outgrowth of a United Nations Project entitled the Global Cooperation Project" which is a complete lie because the Global Cooperation Project was a BKWSU project not a UN project. Usual overstatement of UN relationship ...

OK, before this becomes as confusing as the character list and plot of Tolstoi's 'War and Peace', let's hop on to the sponduliks and what it is being spent on ... from; jrodgers.net
Friday, February 24, 2006

The reason that I have moved to 2/3 time at Case [Western Reserve University, USA] is so that I can focus in earnest on a very interesting research and writing project I am doing with the Brahma Kumaris that is being underwritten by a wonderful leader from Unilever Foods in SE Asia. It is called "Something Beyond Greatness" and is a search to understand that rare breed of person who at some point in their life decides to devote their life to serving the world. We conceptualized it as a tribute to Dadi Janki who is turning 90 this year. She was unwilling to have a book about her but willing to have a book about what it is she has dedicated her life to.

Its a good, well written, if short blog full of little and honest insights about BKs in Madhuban. She gets a single room and invited on stage with Janki. But, back in the real world, Unilever have been criticized in India for toxic dumping of mercury, use of child labour and promote GM crops but if we look here, WIE, we find,
Dadi Janki, Co-Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. A spiritual guide to Brian Bacon, Tex Gunning, Joseph Jaworski, Charles Handy, Peter Senge, David Cooperrider, Rita Cleary, and others.

“Her leadership is not based on any formal position that she holds,” says Tex Gunning, president of Unilever Bestfoods Asia. “Her power comes purely from her spiritual credibility. As a leader, the more I've searched for role models, the more I've come to realize that this is the most profound power. If my boss asks me to make a meeting, I look at my agenda first. But if Dadi Janki, with whom I have no formal relationship, tells me to be in London, I just get on the plane!”

Prof Cooperrider

So, is this the same Tex Gunning that is sponsoring BK related work now?

It is also interesting that Human Greatness has since become the theme for the latest US BKWSO service front and a strange strutting Yankee pride; "America's part in world history reflects the ongoing human struggle of good over evil, order over chaos.", says President Mohini. That is funny, I rather remember the picture of the two cats fighting over the butter and the references to "science proud Yadavas" that were going to detroy the world with Nuclear bombs.

So ... let us wait and see what pro-BK academic paper comes out of this funding and these connections. Now you know what goes at all that natty VIP and IP service diners and events the followers' donations are spent on, the air fares and so on, and what a cosy little circle they all are. Would it be too catty to suggest that a certain class of individual is also personally benefiting from all these associations? Rodgers writes, "The Brahma Kumaris teach that, as each individual translates ... new awareness into her life, or his life, the old world evolves" in "Call of the Time" ... but kind of misses out Destruction.

Who decides who is in and who is not of the right class and on what basis ... Yoga power, darna, Gyan or what?

Were not those Gibb's mansions the same mansions that just a few weeks ago we were reading in the Mail on Sunday of prime ministers and druids, leather clad lesbians, orgies and drug taking!?!


Judy Rodgers, above, is executive director of the Center of Business as Agent of World Benefit and has assisted prominent business writers such as Tom Peters, Peter Senge, Walter Cronkite and Ken Blanchard.

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