Mind Control Video

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Mind Control Video

Post03 Mar 2007

I am not convinced by the Mind Control Video.
[youtube=mnNSe5XYp6E]Mind Control Video[/youtube]
Firstly, it is made by Americans and there are a lot of 'mind control'/New Age groups/cults etc in America. I am sure every month there is some group in the desert or mountains waiting for the Aliens to come and take them from the planet.
    Now, where have all these mind control ideas come from?
    Do they originate from Eastern teachings or is it through research of the American government or where?
What I believe is that the Americans have taken ideas from Eastern spirituality and used it for mind control techniques. Then when an Eastern group comes along, they can be branded as a mind control group by society at large. I believe anyone of a Christian persuasion will happily go along with this and consider it the Devil's work. I see it a bit like nuclear energy, which can be used to provide energy or it can be used as a military weapon.

Having said that I believe ex-l and other members have put up strong cases of BKs using these techniques. Yet for all their wrong doings I would still not lump BKs with other alleged mind control groups. I am not excusing their family breaking up techniques and have many times made points that this is not the correct way for them to behave.
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Re: Mind Control Video

Post03 Mar 2007

John wrote:Now, where have all these mind control ideas come from?
Do they originate from Eastern teachings or is it through research of the American government or where? ... for all their wrong doings I would still not lump BKs with other alleged mind control groups.

The truth is, I don't 'know' where mind control exercises have come from. My guess is that they are as old and universal as human kind. They appear to have been studied since the 1930s which is before widespread awareness of India and Indian cults in the US. Within cult/cult watchers world there is a lot of debate about mind control mostly, it seems, inspired by fights that have arisen from court cases in America ... which has to be a really bad place to start for "truth" about anything.

"Thought Reform" is the politically correct term for mind control, just as "New Religious Movement" is the politically correct word for "cult". Psychologist Margaret Singer, Ph.D, who was one of the main proponents of the debate that mind control in cults exists stated, "cult apologists have attempted to create the impression that the concept of thought reform has been rejected by the scientific community. This is untrue." She produced an interesting table that proposes a definition and differentiation between; Education, Advertising, Propaganda, Indoctrination and Thought Reform; link here. But in either the American courts (she got hammered) or academia, all you have in one big, almighty, debate with lots of self-interest and no conclusions; especially where there is money involved.

I'd rather kick the ball into a different, and more obvious concrete park; Capitalism. Why do the corporations spend Billions on repetative advertising, buzzwords and jingles if they do not work? Likewise the Marxist stream of Capitalism; Communism or Maoism. Does mind control work? There is an interesting comment here from a brand manager of an advertizing company discussion their studying of cults and cultish behavior.

Its a painful truth to admit that by any standard of cultic or mind control, the BKs score very, very highly.

Now, this might not be a wrong or bad thing. Apples are apples. Human monkeys are human monkeys. There is a little variety but not that much. If cultic behavior works on human monkeys, why would not "God" use it? The extra-added ingredient is that in most case of cult or thought reform there are only humans messing with other humans, in the BKs you have unaccountable, highly inaccessible, disincarnate spirits messing with human beings.

I'd rather look at it like software development. We have our computer brain box. Shiv and/or the BKs write a simple program and insert it. Part of that program makes us feel relaxed and spacey, part of it opens our mind to other "realms" or "entities" and starts to download more programmes. Each morning we sit down and our computers have a few old pages of code erased and another 3 or 4 pages of BKWSU code written into them. Shiv may have produced v 3.1, the BKWSU have added to it and are off to v. 95 ...

Gradually, we are coded to code our own minds. We insert little programmes, mostly unqestioningly, that do stuff, like;

"check each thought", "ignore that emotion", "deny those attachments", "the future is horrendous and futile (Destruction)", "fear and don't question the Dadis", "erase all non-BK data" ... "refuse all access to other beneficial influences".

Now, obviously we have documented on this forum how those programmes have and are being re-jigged by the Seniors of the BKWSU to suit themselves. Many other BK programmes are just being "file-shared" around the BKWSU without the Seniors knowing or caring about them. Some of them are really bad code. Some have destructive viruses in them. There are many logical conflicts. We don't really know what they do or how they interact with other programmes running in our head but we are encouraged on because the first ones we return to still give up nipple-like comforts ("Om Shanti ... Baba ...") and when our computers overload, the Seniors encourage us to return to just them. "We have nothing more to think about" as Janki said.

What we see is that often the more high powered computers crash badly, the individuals has a nervous breakdown, and if you are a big name BK you will be sent to tech support in Global Retreat of Madhuban to have your hard drive wiped and be rebuilt. And if you are not a big name BK ... you are left on the streets to debugged yourself, welcomed to this website, or end up in the landfill like Ranajana Patel. It is the more slow and simple computers that are just happily running the most simple of the BK codes contently.

By continuation of the metaphor, Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs seem to be actually examining the code in detail, deconstructing it, referring to the readme pages (who reads the manual?) and trying to resolve it. I, personally, am not sure that one can. By a comparison that I have made elsewhere, the BKWSU is just like Microsoft pushing their products. Developmentally, it is out of control and has great, bloated, buggy operating system which no one has the overview of the code any more. They are applying security patches and software upgrades randomly that cause conflicts elsewhere in its system ... and their consumers are running a whole load of dodgy pirated spiritual applications. The PBKs are like the Linux users trying to re-write their Shiv OS from the original kernel (seed).

So, back to the question, is there mind control in the BKWSU ... ? Of course! What is smart is that they even get you, the user, to sit doing it, policing and reforming your mind yourself! And, on top of it, there is the spooky psychic stuff going on. The mind control is almost a distration for it. So, the big question depends on who or what Shiva is and what he (or whoever it is) is up to via the BKWSU. If he is God and if it is the end of The Cycle, then fairdos in my mind, use all the mind control you can because it is the only way to tame human monkeys.

If he or they are not God ... then BKWSU followers are in big trouble because they do not own their own minds any more.
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mind control

Post03 Mar 2007

Great metaphor! Much food for thought for the week-end. How many BKs and ex-s can thoroughly and open-mindedly read this post without having a heart failure?

After going through all sorts of tortures, abuse and manipulations from the BKWSU, not only you have survived, but your mind seems to be very clear, open to learn more and not paranoid. Now let's do some exorcism, shake the manipulationbad vibes off at least, let's go dancing! Much love to all the survivors. Alert and awake.
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Re: mind control

Post04 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Great metaphor! Much food for thought for the week-end. How many BKs and ex-s can thoroughly and open-mindedly read this post without having a heart failure?

There is a related thread about cults HERE

I certainly recognise most of the methods outlined in the video as being used on me when I was a BK. Congratulations, Jannisder, for finding the clip.
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Re: mind control

Post04 Mar 2007

proy wrote:I certainly recognise most of the methods outlined in the video as being used on me when I was a BK. Congratulations, Jannisder, for finding the clip.

I would add though, and perhaps this is what John is getting at, that the "mind control" is not "conscious". By which I mean, neither the BKWSU did not sit down and say to themselves, "OK, let us work out a system of brainwashing individuals and do it like this; ... a ... b ... c". I think that this is the supposition in most of the anti-cult, thought reform debate.

Now, of course, the BKWSU is engaged in total thought reform. Total and absolute thought reform to exclude any other influence, with the individuals that engage in the self-reprogramming the most being rewarded the most.

Basically, I am asking the question, are these techniques just aspects of human behavior that have been with us for a long time historically, e.g. adults and societies "thought reforming" their children's minds. It is just the DATA within the BKWSU's or Spook's application of them that has changed ... and the addition of the psychic elements, e.g. the "cording" of the individual to Shiva, the transference from him, the unconscious opening up of the psyche/chakras to BKWSU influences.

So, I am not kneejerking at the thought of "mind control" as good or bad, existent or non-existent. Of course, the BKWSU is engaged in mind control. I would expect God to have to trick, fool and cajole us into enlightenment becuase that is the language we speak and think in.

What I would want to highlight is not even the obvious data that is being inserted or erased in our computers. What I would want to highlight is the invisible or unseen part of the BKWSU, the psychic part that is going on and having an effect on individuals unconsciously, e.g. the influence or manipulation during and after the Honeymoon Period, the influence of the Seniors and any other spooks they have floating about.
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Re: mind control

Post04 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:I would add though, and perhaps this is what John is getting at, that the "mind control" is not "conscious".

I agree, but does it not make it even more dangerous that they are in effect mostly "innocents", who do not know what they are doing? They mostly believe it is, "for your own good" I would say.
What I would want to highlight is the invisible or unseen part of the BKWSU, the psychic part that is going on and having an effect on individuals unconsciously, e.g. the influence or manipulation during and after the Honeymoon Period, the influence of the Seniors and any other spooks they have floating about.

Yes, there is the part when I tried to please the living Seniors, and the part where I tried to please the dead ones. The Love-Bombing comes from both, but the latter are often more skilled at giving and withholding it as suits their control program. To quote an old saying "Being dead does not make you wise."
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Re: mind control

Post04 Mar 2007

proy wrote:I agree, but does it not make it even more dangerous that they are in effect mostly "innocents", who do not know what they are doing? They mostly believe it is, "for your own good" I would say. Yes, there is the part when I tried to please the living Seniors, and the part where I tried to please the dead ones. The Love-Bombing comes from both, but the latter are often more skilled at giving and withholding it as suits their control program. To quote an old saying "Being dead does not make you wise."

Yes, I have heard that before from a Tibetan school, "just because they are dead does not mean they are enlightened." By "latter" do you mean dead BKs working from the otherside?

Actually, I would modify my statement to the extent that some of the Seniors are very skilled and aware of what they are doing. Dadi Janki is one such that I would actually name on a social/psychological level. I have seen her like a wily old she cat playing individuals like little mice in her paws. In fact, I have experienced it. It certainly goes way beyond the standard youw ould expect for a "university" into blunt coercion. I also flag up the constant self-referential praise the Seniors give for themselves which is, basically, just like an advertising campaing to super-impose into the minds of the followers their importance, e.g. Mohini saying her relationship with the Dadis is so good, so open etc. Dadi this Dadi that. On one hand creating her status by association; on the other subtly imposing her status and an acceptable code of behavior onto junior BKs.

I have no idea of the stage of their real psychic powers/gifts. It is unspoken and unanswered with the BK community. There is a lot of Bhakti, a lot of gossiping, projection and suggestion about what they are and are able to do ... but very little to no honest, open verified discussion about it. Any BKs that are or were a little psychic either shut up quickly or were discouraged in my experience. It would be interesting to have more points of view from that perspective.

You mentioned earlier that you thought one or more of my chakras had be "opened" by a BK. I do not know that. I do know that there is no such talk onthat level but, surely, it must be going on. I am wondering how much psychic manipulation of individuals within the BKWSU is going on without their knowledge.

This is where I really want to open the discussion about mind control within the BKWSU too. For me, the mind control/thought reform aspect are quite superficial, just the codes to pop the locks. It is what is going in and coming out of the safe that I am interested in.

For example, do they unlock individuals to take power from them on a psychic level?


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Re: mind control

Post04 Mar 2007

proy wrote:Basically, I am asking the question, are these techniques just aspects of human behavior that have been with us for a long time historically, e.g. adults and societies "thought reforming" their children's minds.

History of Mind Control part1

Mind Control Video
Good luck getting some more information. How to spent my weekend ... let's go to school!!

Love Jan
[youtube=mnNSe5XYp6E]Mind Control Video[/youtube]
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mind control

Post05 Mar 2007

Agree with the above posts, especially quoting Proy and ex-l about Seniors and DJ in particular.

If I look at things through this "mind control" alert, I may recall so many words, concepts, instructions which are part of the BKWSU such as; "surrender" of intellect, giving up our minds, wealth and body, manmanabhav - the only official mantra BK are proud of (giving our mind to God), "ha Ji" ("yes, Sir") all the time to God's instructions and unfortunately, since his Seniors more and more openly claim to be his emissaries on earth, this turns into blind faith and obedience to their instructions and suggestions. If you suffer, go bankrupt, interrupt your lokik studies or cripple your career, sever your family/friends/partner connections through some foolish decision, i.e. changing country, town or job to be more helpful in service, never mind, no body is responsible, it's your karma and one day God will put it right. He'll correct Seniors' mistakes by turning your loss into benefit. I am still waiting to see that.

In the meantime, I am sure that many of us may have plenty of regrets for not having used our discrimination power better and had more courage to say " No, sorry" when appropriate. BKWSU is advertised as the school that teaches one to become "kings of kings" but this is very hypocritical. It's a mould to make independent souls into into pleasers and approval seekers. The instilled programme for accepting anything without questioning, judging, stopping and thinking too much, as well as the pain and depression we risk to feel when looking back through a different perspective, prevents us from seeing the truth. Or at least we want to procastinate the day when the house of cards will fall.

Sorry for using the plural. I should really only speak for my self. And also for letting this out. It sounds so cynical and nasty!
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Re: mind control

Post06 Mar 2007

jannisder wrote:History of Mind Control part1
Mind Control Video

You may want to download this video to keep on your own computer, rather than always streaming it from the internet, especially if you have a slow connection, or if you just want to keep your own copy of the video.

For anyone like me who had problems downloading the video, first you download the Google player by clicking the download button, then click again to the same download button and it will download the actual video file on to your computer hard disk. Then you can keep it in case it disappears from Google. It is a long video and very interesting and pertinent to points made by ex-l and others.
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Post07 Mar 2007

Until everyone is cleared from the Subtle Region, we will never know how much manipulation comes from beyond. It is time to clear the lot of them out of there, then the air may clear and be lighter. But then, the current LEADERS should be dealing with this as they are powerful souls with access to communicate with Shiva. Brahma and his whole bandwagon of hangers on have had their chance. I/we want change now, I for one am tired of waiting. GOOD BYE!

Of course, had we not been lied to about time and Destruction, perhaps we would have better time perspective. TIME TO CLEAR THE Subtle Regions, especially of parasites. People in general have been brainwashed to see the likes of myself as a parasite. We will be finding out who the real parasites are, both here and beyond.
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mind control

Post08 Mar 2007

Hi, folks! Recently, as I was watching a TV program about Chinese and how religions have come back into fashion there, I listened to an interview to a Chinese politician (Minister of Culture or similar) who bluntly and shamelessly made the statement that, "when we were making the Revolution, we used to say that religion was the opium of people. Now that we are in power we encourage people to get into religion again, for the same reason!".

Ancient Chinese wisdom, ain't it? Hope the Yagya will reach a similar stage of honesty!


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Post08 Mar 2007

BOOKS ... Books were opium to the people.

Because when you reed, learn and get smart, you will not be controled by others ...

http://my.opera.com/PRC/blog/marxism-an ... -the-peopl


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Post08 Mar 2007

I reckon the religion/spirituality market can be a great source for future revenues in China. Just a hunch.
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Post08 Mar 2007

bansy wrote:I reckon the religion/spirituality market can be a great source for future revenues in China. Just a hunch.

As long as it is State sanctioned and someone gets a commission ... But if the people turn, they will turn en masse. The Tibetans and Falung Gong did not have such an easy ride but BK-ism, with its love of power and authority structures will go down well.

I wonder how the Brahmakumaris will feel about being told who is going to be the center-in-charge or not and what a deal they will do? May be de-Godifying Gyan to re-package it to ex-Buddhists? Will this mean the rise of the Buddhist seed soul from within the BKWSU ranks and a writing in to the World Tree of the strangely absent Taoists and Confucius? I can hear the re-writes already ...

Back on topic ... how do we correlate BK practises to similar or identical practises noted by mind control/thought reform experts? Deny their expertise ... deny the theory entirely ... admit that it is the same but different because this time God is doing it?

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