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those in it those out of it

Post28 Feb 2007

Hi, I was just thinking about those who are involved in service with a clean heart and some of you define as friends who are still in it. It makes me wonder. Is it by a conscious decision that some stay, with the aim of changing things from the inside? Or some stay because it's hard to leave the gaddhi and nowhere else to go? They could give benefit by joining the Forum!

Others, like me, increased over the years the safety distance, as the smell of politics and corruption was growing stronger. Those in power would say that I was not the type to give my bones in service, but nevermind. The third eye is also supposed to be kept open to see what's going on around us (by the way, has Dharna also gone out of fashion in this stampede like phase where everybody can elbow his way through and happily step on everybody else?).

Power is a narcotic, maybe many good souls went a bit to sleep or accepted compromises because of that, it's a baksheesh consciousness; I accept your wrongdoings and you close one eye on mine. I did not feel like this 20 years ago, either things have changed and the Yagya has entered Kaliyug era, or I was a blind neophyte. What do you think?
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Post28 Feb 2007

Achcha! Welcome, Alladin. That is profound! ... I have to think about it.
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abrahma kumar

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Post28 Feb 2007

Firstly alladin, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. I observed your earler first post and for some reason I was filled with a certain joy at it's frankess and the fact that the information you shared could be taken as a sort of 'validation' of the forum's purposefullness. You have been associated with the BK's longer than I have so your observation that you notice a change is invaluable. My association with the BKWSU borders on 13 years this year and for all of that time i just got on with being a student.

The "politics" I saw was reflected only in the goings on at my local centre and my view of the Seniors was that they were "whiter-than-white" (not only in attire but also in their conduct of Godly matters and stewardship of the BKWSU Mothership).

I too wonder at how I could have been so 'absorbed'. I guess that the answer to that is a Work-in-Progress. As you familiarise yourself some more with the forum you will see discussions and revelations that are definitely nowhere on the radar of the typical BKWSU student. You realised that you
did not feel like this 20 years ago, either things have changed and the Yagya has entered Kaliyug era, or I was a blind neophyte. What do you think?

In time I hope you will begin to see some of the possible avenues into that mystery of your condition.

I ask myself the same thing and see my arrival here on the forum as part of my continued education.
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Re: those in it those out of it

Post28 Feb 2007

either things have changed and the Yagya has entered Kaliyug era, or I was a blind neophyte. What do you think?

I think things have changed, yet I have to stretch my memory back to make comparisons and wonder how duped I was.

I am an ex-BK who hasn't thrown the baby out with the bath water, I still believe in Shiva and Murli, but am very concerned about the BK organisation as it is today.

My main concerns being the rewriting of Murlis and Yagya history and that the ones who were there at the beginning and would know are dying off.
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Re: those in it those out of it

Post28 Feb 2007

John wrote:My main concerns being the rewriting of Murlis and Yagya history and that the ones who were there at the beginning and would know are dying off.

Get ye to India, John and write it all down. There is no one else to do it.

You have the outline now and know what to look and ask for. You are our Indiana John, "Raider of the Lost Murlis"
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Re: those in it those out of it

Post28 Feb 2007

Get ye to India, John and write it all down. There is no one else to do it.

You have the outline now and know what to look and ask for. You are our Indiana John, "Raider of the Lost Murlis"

Maybe, just maybe I may have to do that.

First some Hindi language classes and accidently stumbling upon a BK course being given in my local area.
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Re: those in it those out of it

Post01 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Is it by a conscious decision that some stay, with the aim of changing things from the inside?

I did try this, for a while. Gave up though, obviously.
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Post01 Mar 2007

Before adding some points about the wrongdoings of others or what's going on in the centers, let me declare that it goes without saying that we all have to be first of all engaged in keeping an eye on ourselves and try to transform - no discounting that! - and this is what keeps me busy. I never reported much to Seniors about "what's going on" or complained about what another BK is doing. I am rather pragmatic and know it's useless and just gets you in trouble.

However, it seems as if once you reached a certain position or let's say "play the game", no body will be able to threaten your chair. Millions of times people in charge did more disservice than service, especially giving sorrow to students and in innumerable ways. ( Should we make a list? Say; extorting money, airplane tickets, facilities and gifts from students ... sure not with a gun but putting pressure on them. Using people and throwing them away later, in the name of "it's done for Baba"). Anybody reporting to Seniors becomes 'one who complains' and will be shunned, avoided and given no chance in service (except maybe for some karma Yoga).

Doesn't matter if the wrongdoings are in fact inaccuracy according to God's instructions? Once someone has got hold of power, she or he won't let go, they are glued to the chair and don't try to shake it. Seniors will cover their a****.

We can, and I can, expand on this some othertime. The problem is that basically Seniors, and especially DJ hammered into our heads the idea that they are God-like - although this is not in the course! Than, they avail wrongdoings and punish those who expose them. The resulting syllogism is clear: how can I keep faith in God under such circumstances?

In fact, because I wanted to protect my faith in God and still believe that he's behind this organization, I tried to look away for a long time. But these days I somehow feel that subtly the trust and connection have been damaged and I need more truth to recover my Yoga. The Forum is helping me in that. It's the same old story: crimes are committed in the name of religion. Don't we teach that in the class about God, that people have moved away from him because priests were not practising what they preached? Same mechanism.

So, now I feel the Forum is a powerful tool God is giving me to re-appropriate myself of the relationship with him that had been snatched away by the organization itself, the lack of transparency, the corruption and all the things we all know about and often don't want to see or are trained not to see. Wah, Baba! I want to feel close again and I am just starting, saying sorry for identifying, even subconsciously, BKs, the institution and their vikarma with him. For allowing this sense of distaste for the Yagya and the way things seem to have gone off to, to grow in my guts and letting it get in between.
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Playing the Game

Post01 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:I never reported much to Seniors about "what's going on" or complained about what another BK is doing. I am rather pragmatic and know it's useless and just gets you in trouble. Seniors will cover their a****. We can, and I can, expand on this some othertime.

This was a big turning point for me. I realised that to complain is worse than useless. They close ranks on you. If I had played the game I could have got a good "job" in the BKs, but that is not what I wanted. The story of what happened after complaining is too horrible to recall now. They did not seem to want to make things better. I lost hope for them.
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Post02 Mar 2007

Well, my blog thread seems to have become the most gyany and moving thread ever :lol:.
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Post02 Mar 2007

Mr Green wrote:Well, my blog thread seems to have become the most gyany and moving thread ever :lol:

But Gyan is not interesting to you anymore ...
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Clouds and blogs

Post03 Mar 2007

Mr Green wrote:Well, my blog thread seems to have become the most gyany and moving thread ever :lol:.

Well, I am glad to see you have a smiley face. I was feeling a bit guilty about posting that stuff on your blog. Maybe you should do as Abrahmakumar sometimes does and give us the big hint to get off your Blog - Cue Rolling Stones Music - Hey, hey, You, you, get offa my blog!
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ex-l has left the building ...

Post23 May 2007


well, it had to happen at some point, so here it is ... my official resignation notice. To paraphrase that famous old Elvis Presley movie, "ex-l has left the building ...".

OK, I am off. On the basis that it is better to jump before you are pushed, or pulled; I am stepping back from this forum. Its up to you guys to keep going on your own, find new blood and thrive further. I have a couple of numbers that I would like to sing before I go but it is time for me to retire. I have done as much as I can afford here ... and some more.
    Why? Well, that is where the sting in the punch comes from.
I have come to see that this forum is a very valuable resource for many. My hard edged involvement has often offended, risking the goodwill and easy relationship between other different parties. And most importantly, I know full well that the BKWSU use my involvement here as an excuse to discredit the rest of the good work that goes on.

So, I am going it alone to do my own thing elsewhere. If the BKWSU want to come and get me, let them come. Here I am ...I have, as some of you are aware, upheld some of the moderation duties involved in maintaining this forum. I would appreciate if some others can come forward to take those on. Just basic stuff like spellchecking and formatting. No technical knowledge required. I will stick around for long enough to make a gentle hand over period.
    ... thank you and good night.
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Commercial Break

Post23 May 2007

And remember girls, if you too want to keep your stage looking as "Royal" as the leadership of the BKWSU ... use Nirma Soap! to clean away your sins* $500 Million USD per year means the god of the BKWSU cannot be wrong in whom he hangs out with, achcha and good bye!
* Nirma Group - Soap, Toiletries ( ... and 2,300 redundancies now and again). Avyakt Murli 3rd March 2007
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abrahma kumar

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Post23 May 2007

ex-l, to paraphrase another character out of the good old US of A, "You can not be serious, man!". You really are gone? To use a BK-ism, I would just like to extend the tiding: "Go soon, come soon".

I do not like uttering 'miss you' as to my mind those words can denote a lack of consideration toward the people and causes to whom the departing one is going ; and so knowing that benefit will accompany you wherever you are, I chose those words so as to avoid the accusation of saying anything that would 'pull' any soul's intellect.

So my friend, it has been a pleasure interacting with you on the forum and your posts will always be a source of sustenance. Take care in Baba's Yaad & pyar always. Oh BTW, considering a remark you made about Bob Marley selections for Bhog songs, I'd like to take this opportunity to dedicate the following in honour of your good self: She's Gone

P.S. excuse the gender slant of the song if it does not fit. It is the title and Artist that sprung to mind having read that you are leaving the forum. Om Shanti. AbeK.

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