Financial abuse and tax fraud within BKWSU

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Post26 Jan 2007

Bottomline is, though a lot of innocent BKs see it good if they donate money to BKWSU because they don't see as much waste as when they donate to other charity organizations, the REALITY is, the BKWSU has evolved to be a highly efficient business corporation. From small centers to the headquarters, the business runs like a very powerful financial institution.

It seems the level of innocence goes much less and less as we go from bottom to top. Say for instance there is a small BK sub-center in some remote place. Students (very innocent) in that subcenter happily donates money to their center-in-charge. That center-in-charge (less innocent) would remit any extra money to a SS running the main center, then the main center transmits the money to the RCO, and so on and so forth. It is indeed the SS, Senior Brothers, Trustees and main Dadis who are the least innocent in how the financial dealings of BKWSU work.

Now, to "churn on the concept of money" in any center is forbidden and is Maya. Is it because it brings so much vicious tendencies? Or is because of fear that students might acquire the true level of discriminating power and honesty to say "NO MONEY" to any center-in-charge, and be conscientious enough to use their own money to do real Godly service as they see most spritually fit?
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Mr Green


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Post26 Jan 2007

My suggestion to Jayanti was they should have a standard policy where donations are actually refused unless a student can substantiate that they can afford to spare the said monies. And there should definitely be no encouragement to give money, let alone Dadi rattling on about earning your fortune in her classes ...

As for being directed to give money, or centres with a low bhandara contribution being frowned on!!!!!!!! There are not words ...


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Post26 Jan 2007

As most BKs are not qualified to deal in financial matters, it is not surprising that money is misused.

The organisation was handed over when Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) left it to the then Seniors (who are now Dadis). Maybe they had the experience of running the finances of centres within their locality. However, the BKWSU grew fast, as well as internationally, but the general administration has not kept up with its growth. The burden of responsibility lies the Dadis, but do they know how to run the organisation, they run classes.

In the lokik world, you would find that most CEOs or Directors are from financial or sales and marketing backgrounds, since these folks gather up many years of experience of such management. In the alokik world, money does not come into being, hence the centre-in-charge do not really know exactly how to manage financially, since their Seniors and their Seniors' Seniors (Dadis) also do know so there is no advice to give. Though there may be now many middle level BK Seniors who do have financial experience (from their lokik jobs) but the burden and final decision, in the absence of Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) who no longer carries a wallet, rests with the Dadis. To be more precise Dadi P.

Maybe Sister Jayanti and Sister Mohini others of her level can try to change things, but whilst the Dadis remain, they may not assume such (fearful) karmic responsibility. Unless, of course, they take over the helm when the Dadis are of no longer.

It is a balancing issue. We can be virtous and with full values but yet money can be one of Maya's simple weapons.
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Post26 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:My suggestion to Jayanti was they should have a standard policy where donations are actually refused unless a student can substantiate that they can afford to spare the said monies. And there should definitely be no encouragement to give money, let alone Dadi rattling on about earning your fortune in her classes ...

That is a very fair, responsible and intelligent suggestion given the degree of mind control, never mind potentially hypnotic practises, within the BKWSU.
    How did Jayanti respond?
bansy wrote:As most BKs are not qualified to deal in financial matters, it is not surprising that money is misused ... The burden of responsibility lies the Dadis, but do they know how to run the organisation, they run classes.

Mostly, they have also not ever actually had to work for money ... nor paid taxes.
    It is a bit of a sanskar with them.
They have learnt to gain money for their enterprises by running a "God Show" ... milking rich Indians and prodding classes into giving more. That is the fact. Its not that actually that hard to do ... if you have no conscience.

And, especially, when a large percentage of their audience, the Hindis etc, have a couple of thousand years' worth of superstitious sanskars to give money to gain good or clear bad karma. I know, I did it too when I was in. I remember giving my whole weeks wages once when I was living hand to mouth doing the sort of menial work they encouraged BKs to do in order to leave their body and intellects free for service. I had no idea I was being used, I thought I was having a relationship with God.

They is their trick card; giving to them is giving to God.

In fact, they have not created any wealth at all. They are running at a loss and need constantly propped up, which makes a joke of Janki Kirpalani being called a "spiritual entrepreneur" and being feted by CEOs. All the BKWSU has done is pull out of the Hindu temple system millions of pounds worth of donations that otherwise would have gone to a different brand of "God Show". It is "pea under the shell" level, now you see it, now you don't.

I'd love to see, as part of their job training, the Seniors actually go and hold a job down for a while. And that goes for the Western ones like Charlie in Australia or Maureen in the UK. It might give them some more humility and respect for ordinary Shudras ... and be a good test of how real their stage actually is.

But whilst they dabble with spiritualism and individual's minds, what on going training do they receive?
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Post27 Jan 2007

Excerpts from an article titled "Religious Unity - An Illusion or Reality?" published in the January Edition of the monthly spiritual magazine 'Purity' of BKs:

"Instead of empowering spiritual values, religions perpetrated dogmas, disciplines and barriers that segregate people on many lines. Most of them fall prey to the very evil traits they preach against - lust for power, pleasures and money. Instead of winning over the hearts of humans they push hard to manipulate their minds by employing clever methods and by pandering to their weaknesses.

In the eternal cycle of the human world drama everything goes through a change - entropy. Everything degrades from a perfect state to an imperfect fragmented state. Human souls, nature, religions, civilizations, everything passes through the sato (pure), rajo (mixed) and tamo (impure) stages as the time cycle spins through Golden Age to Iron Age. Today we are witnessing the tamopradhan (most degraded) stage of all aspects of human existence. Religions are no exception to this process of change."

ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said that the base/root-like world of BKs and the seed-like world of PBKs within the alokik Brahmin family of this Confluence Age also passes through the Sato, Rajo and Tamo stages during this Confluence Age itself as part of the rehearsal of the World Drama of 5000 years.

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Follow the money

Post05 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:I did try and initiate an internal investigation but they are stuck in their ways. Everything done in secret. I met with Jayanti many times and just got lies. All they ever do is ring the wrong doer at abour 4.45 in the morning to give them what is known in BK circles as an 'earbashing'.

I have heard it called "pulling the ears", but yes, that is all they get, when they should be sacked and prosecuted.
Arjun wrote:As far as I am concerned, I would not doubt a bit. Any soul, who has been a BK for quite some time knows that your experience is repeated in most of the centers. Many BKs leave the family due to such behaviour of the in-charge Sisters/Seniors.

I have to admit that this is shocking to me, but I was not in for long, and I do believe it because I have seen for myself the "ad hoc" nature of accounting that goes on. I have some qualifications in accounting, so I know what I saw was in no way a properly kept accounting system. Where does the money go? Good question. Always follow the money trail if you want to find out the true motives of any organisation.

My advice to anyone thinking of getting involved with the BKs, or already involved, is this - they say they do everything for free, it is taught clearly in the 7 day course. Take them at their word. Don't give them any money. Unless you have £15 million plus in the bank then they are a lot richer than you are. Why do they need your money? Does God need money? I don't think so. I don't think he needs to be fed every Thursday morning either but that is another tangent so I will end here. Good luck Mr. Green.
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Post06 Feb 2007

Jayanti's response to my suggestion was the usual, "no comment" but a bland reassurance that changes had been made ... details no.

I know about the accounting system and all the no-nos that used to go on ... I used to do the accounts for the centre I was at.
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Post15 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:I did try and initiate an internal investigation but they are stuck in their ways. Everything done in secret ... Jayanti's response to my suggestion was the usual, "no comment" but a bland reassurance that changes had been made ... details, no. I know about the accounting system and all the no-nos that used to go on ... I used to do the accounts for the centre I was at.

For anyone else finding themselves in this same situation, I would like to suggest a new and simple mantra;

Show me ... SHOW ME ... SHOW ME ... ! [repeated 8 or 108 times in front of your favorite "deity-in-the-making" Senior Sister.

As simple as that. When a senior offers bland reassurances ... just say, "show me". If they cannot show you, it does not exist. Don't be fobbed off. Don't allow them to make you believe. They are very skilled at doing so.

Just out of interest, did anyone else examine the differences in the two Murlis quotes given above? As someone stated, translation is not an absolute art but requires interpretation. We are aware that the individuals doing the translation, such as Jayanti, are not entirely absolutely without personal interests in this situation, or "God's" inquiry, aren't we? It may be that more PBK versus BK translations are worthy of our inspection. The BKWSU will believe that its versions are the "official" ones ... certain English speaking only BKs will pour over them like litigation lawyers ... but who knows? I would trust the PBKs far more in this field. They have not the self interest to defend.

Omshanti. This is what Avyakt BapDada has said in the latest Avyakt Vani dated 18th January, 2007 (page no.3) :
'Madhuban may jo bhi charge ke heads hain, charges toh bahut hain na, shantivan, gyaansarovar, Pandav Bhavan sab jagah hain. Toh jo charge vaaley hain, unkay naamon kee list BapDada ko dena, unsay hisaab lengey. Aur jo bhi teachers incharge hain, center incharge hain, unho ka ek din sangathan karengey, hisaab-kitaab toh poochengey na! Kyonki BapDada ke paas bahut dukh aur ashaanti ke aawaaz aatey hain. Pareshaani ke aawaaz aatey hain. Aap logon ke paas nahee sun-ney aatey, aapke bhi toh bhakta hongey na! Toh bhakton kee pukaar aap isht devon ko nahee aati? Teachers ko bhakton kee aawaaz sunaai deti hai? Achha."

"All those who are heads of all the charges (i.e. departments/responsibilities) in Madhuban; there are a lot of charges, isn’t it? Shantivan, Gyaan sarovar, Pandav Bhavan; there are charges at all these places. So give a list of names of the incharges to BapDada. (BapDada) would seek accounts from them. And a gathering of all the teachers in charge, the centers in charge would be organized one day. Accounts would be sought, isn’t it; because BapDada receives a lot of voices (or sounds) of sorrow and disturbance. He receives the voices of distress. You people are unable to listen; you too might be having your devotees (bhakta)! So don’t you Ishta Dev (deities) listen to the cries of the devotees? Don’t the teachers listen to voices of the devotees? Achha."

This is what the offical BK version dated 18th January, 2007 (page no.4) :
“All those who are heads, those in-charges - there are many in Shantivan, Gyaan sarovar and Pandav Bhavan, everywhere. Give a list of the names of those who are in-charge to BapDada. BapDada will take an account from them. And the teachers who are in-charge - whether of a centre or zone - we will have a gathering of them one day. Baba will ask for all the accounts, will He not ? This is because the sound of a lot of sorrow and peacelessness reaches BapDada. Sounds of distress come to BapDada. Can you people not hear it? There would be your devotees too, would there not? So can you, the specially beloved deities, not hear the call of the devotees ? Can the teachers hear the sound of the devotees? Achcha.”
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Post15 Feb 2007

tinydot wrote:If you were to ask me, I would have some idea how this financial aspect should have been done "more" squarely and fairly.

Sorry Tiny,

I overlooked your question. I am asking you and very interested to know ... what would your practical suggestions be?
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Post17 Feb 2007

John wrote:...Shiva would never speak...

Shiva is only the name of the point of like soul. He comes in human form, then he can speak. In which form is he present? If you don’t tell means you don’t know.
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Post17 Feb 2007

Andrey wrote:Shiva is only the name of the point of like soul. He comes in human form, then he can speak. In which form is he present? If you don’t tell means you don’t know.

Give it a rest mate. Go and find some old ladies at the supermarket to chat your bob with.
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abrahma kumar

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Post17 Feb 2007

John wrote:Give it a rest mate. Go and find some old ladies at the supermarket to chat your bob with.

Much appreciated feedback John - made me chuckle.
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BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

Post28 Feb 2007

Some postings have been made re: BK finances in the UK. I have tried to put it altogether so as to demonstrate the deliberate deception employed by BK Seniors in order to gain an illegal financial advantage worth millions of pounds - read: tax fraud. This scam is so stunning it is surreal and just seems to met with disbelief reather than the realisation of the criminality of their actions:

In the United Kingdom The Brahma Kumaris have successfully avoided paying tax on over sixteen million pounds in earnings. Evidence supports the claim that they have effectively lied in order to fraudulantly claim charitable status and avoid the tax they should have paid - which I estimate would be in the millions!! They have done it in quite a naïve way and I can only imagine that they have been able to get away with it for so long because the fear and confusion of ex members has meant that they haven't had the courage to speak up. The Brahma Kumaris also manage their finances very secretly. There is no transparency at all and financial details are kept from members. Paradoxically, the Brahma Kumaris have always tried to maintain a public appearance of legal legitimacy. This is just to add to the deception. However, I think in this instance it has backfired.

In order to get charitable status in the UK an organization has to meet criteria laid out in the Statute of Elizabeth. The Brahma Kumaris fulfill absolutely none of these however they have falsely stated that they do. This is demonstrated as follows:


Even a cursory look at their beliefs flies in the face of this claim. They are not Hindus, they teach a conflicting philosophy to Hinduism (notably in their interpretation of God) and they believe all religions are impure and theirs is the only true religion. The only religion they promote is their own. They use Hindu festivals as a front in order to fish for new members. But that is the limit of their involvement with traditional religion.

Secondly they claim "TO PROMOTE STUDIES OF AND RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF Hindu RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY, Y OGA (VARIOUS TECHNIQUES OF CONCENTRATION AS DEFINED AND DISCUSSED IN Hindu SCRIPTURES) AND TO MAKE KNOWN THE RESULTS OF SUCH STUDIES AND RESEARCH. This claim is just plain incomprehensible. Ask any innocent member of the Brahma Kumaris about this and I am sure all you will get is a blank stare. No research or study has ever been done. So naturally no results have been made known. The Brahma Kumaris often exploit the title "Raja Yoga" or "Ancient Raja Yoga", appearing to make reference to Hinduism. But this is more of their deceit.

Thirdly they claim "TO RELIEVE POVERTY, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL SICKNESS AND DISTRESS." Well if you have heard anything I have said this far I don't need to comment on this claim other than to say it is ludicrous. Clearly they cause poverty, mental and physical distress and sickness.

Further to this is the Charity Commissions report:

From ... orgid=5965

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Also Known As : World Renewal Spiritual Trust (UK) - (another front)
Address : Global Co-operation House
65 Pound Lane
NW10 2HH
Tel : 020 8727 3350

Charity Registration Number : 269971
Founded : 1975
Constitution : Trust

Key Statistics

Total Annual Income : £ 1.49m
Admin Costs as % of Total expenditure : 7.25%
Admin Costs as % of Total income : 6.09%
Fundraising costs as % of Voluntary Income : 0.30%
Fundraising costs as % of Total Expenditure : 0.23%
Total Funds : £ 15.75m

Chief Administrator : Janki Kripalani (Dadi Janki)
Secretary : Jayanti Kirpalani (Sister Jayanti)

Here is the list of the BKWSU [UK] Trustees ;


All trustees and management are Indian except for a couple of token westerners.

I would have to add that the Brahma Kumaris tax evasion does not end there. They have a network of private bank accounts, move cash and jewelry internationally undeclared, and hold money in individual trusts etc etc. They have millions in freehold property.

They act with a sense of impunity - they are doing it for God and are answerable only to His laws, not worldly laws. They also expected the world to end by now and so escape the consequences of getting caught! Alas we are all still here!
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Re: BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

Post28 Feb 2007

primal.logic wrote:Some postings have been made re: BK finances in the UK. I have tried to put it altogether so as to demonstrate the deliberate deception employed by BK Seniors in order to gain an illegal financial advantage worth millions of pounds - read: tax fraud. This scam is so stunning it is surreal and just seems to met with disbelief reather than the realisation of the criminality of their actions.

And by whistling blowing here in public rather than make a case to the respective authorities, all you have done is do them a favour, give them time to get their house in order, may be reduce any repercussion by making a disclosure themselves, and give them a chance to escape whatever noose is headed their way ... and you can bet that if Dadi Janki is in the firing line, all you have done it make sure that the BKWSU will keep her hidden away in India or somewhere beyond juristiction!

I cannot imagine a sick 90 year women being tucked away in Holloway Prison ... but if either she, Jayanti or the trustees ended up there, I can imagine that they would just start using it as a service opportunity and come out heroines! Jayanti is intelligent enough to see the point you are making ... will she pick up the phone or pass the buck to the trustees?

To be honest, I am not so sure. You state "criminal", which is a pretty heavy allegation to make, but for something to be "criminal fraud" the police and the Crown Prosecution Service would have to be able to put a case together. What specific allegations can you make on the basis of your own experience that you could be a witness for? I can just imagine PC Plod sitting there scratching his head thinking ... !?!WTF!?! ... over the obscure theological debate of whether BK-ism is Hinduism or not and whether the BKs are falsely representing the channelled entity called BapDada as God in order to gain financial benefits and services. Would the authorities be interested?

Likewise, without someone coming forward there are no complaintants, no victims and so therefore no crimes. I suppose if the Inland Revenue thought there was enough in it for them they might become involved. But again, someone would have to go and speak to them.

Actually, I also think you missed a key elements, the charity papers also say;
It will be a lot harder for them to show that they have ever done that. That is a fairly outright and disgusting lie ... Oh, "we alleviating poverty by teaching students of the spiritual university virtues and making them give up smoking Biddis and drinking alcohol", I can hear them say as I type! I apologize, it is not a lie after all then.

So, at best, what you may just achieve is for the BKWSU to suddenly start giving money away to cover themselves ... which will not only be good, but quite funny and in a sense prove their guilt. At least there will be some benefit for someone else. Perhaps someone with more specific and detailed information than me, and a legal brain, can look through the act, here, (Fraud Act 2006) and tell me if it all adds up to "Fraud by false representation". "Obtaining services dishonestly" or "Fraud by abuse of position" might be an easier one to prove and allow an individual to come forward and make a complaint. In Section 4 of the act there is definitely an angle for an individual in a relationship with the organization through their involvement as a charity/voluntary worker where a duty of care in tort could arise.

I would say one thing though, there are a whole load of very intelligent and articulate BKs, such as ex-trustee Neville Hodgkinson, who know about this "abiguity" just fine and have been going along with it as part of the fun. Personally, if I were them I would be feel a little insecure right now. Additionally, at the rank and file level, there are a whole load of well meaning, reasonable people who have been compromised by their devotion, or addiction, to the Seniors and their practises. No wonder they keep the Murlis locked up and hidden from public view.

Another issue we have to consider is cultural. In India, corruption of this sort is not just rife, it is a national past-time!!! In fact, culturally, any potentially criminal aspect of the BKWSU activities would be considered to be so modest as to be laughable. They would probably be chided for not doing it better! £ 15 Million over 30 years ... hell, that is only £ 1,300 Pounds a day since its conception. Oh, plus the £ 1 Million + a year donations ... OK, it starts to add up then ...

Personally, I do not know enough about all this and the aspect I am interested in is the "psychic or spiritual" misrepresentation. Law of Lands unfortunately don't really come into that equation but I would encourage someone who did know more about all this to go and sort it all out for once and for all. It is easy to talk big to look good but not act.

Looking at the Serious Fraud Office websiteunder Section 2 notices can be issued to accountants and other professionals who may, "in the ordinary course of their business, hold information or documents relevant to a suspected fraud". A Section 2 notice obliges them lawfully to provide information and documents. This would then apply to accountant and trustee that stitched up Mr Green.
English Law is wrote:Fraud by false representation

(1) A person is in breach of this section if he-
    (a) dishonestly makes a false representation, and
    (b) intends, by making the representation-
      (i) to make a gain for himself or another, or
      (ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
(2) A representation is false if-
    (a) it is untrue or misleading, and
    (b) the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.
(3) "Representation" means any representation as to fact or law, including a representation as to the state of mind of-
    (a) the person making the representation, or
    (b) any other person.
(4) A representation may be express or implied.

(5) For the purposes of this section a representation may be regarded as made if it (or anything implying it) is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications (with or without human intervention).
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abrahma kumar

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Post28 Feb 2007

Hi ex-l and primal.logic, great launch of a discussion into an area that needs to be aired. Feeling is that all aspects of both posts serve only to move things forward. Whether it be on the basis that we begin to understand the ramifications of the posts we make; become more appreciative of the information we find and learn how to best use that information (leaving it alone included) or our efforts may simply provide impetus for suitably qualified individuals/groups to take a wider interest in the BKWSU.

Thanks to you both.

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