Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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reforming BK

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Post13 Feb 2007

Welcome back Sakshi
Sakshi wrote:Note: Brother john I will surely give the answer of our question tomorrow without fail.

Did you find an answer to my questions? To recap my questions were;
    So you are saying the BKs at the time lost all the PIU Vanis. Do you know from what periods in time PIU was giving Vani to the BKs?

    Also do you think the BK senior Sisters are aware of PIU and the Vani, if so why are they not telling all about it?

sakshi delhi

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Post14 Feb 2007

Dear Brother

yes, senior Sisters and Dadis are aware but they do not want to tell any thing , so its better you ask this question to the BKs.
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Post15 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:yes, senior Sisters and Dadis are aware but they do not want to tell any thing , so its better you ask this question to the BKs.

Oh, come on Sakshi ... you can say. You know that the BKs are not going to say anything. So what are you hiding from us? Please just state your claims/knowledge and help us build a complete picture of the Yagya.

OK. We accept your group has a part of the jigsaw puzzle. Every one here is experienced. Let us talk openly amongst equals. It does not make a good impression to hold back in this manner.
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abrahma kumar

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Post15 Feb 2007

Please sakshi Delhi,
Sakshi Delhi wrote:Let us talk openly amongst equals

Thanking you in advance.
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Post15 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Yes, senior Sisters and Dadis are aware but they do not want to tell any thing , so its better you ask this question to the BKs.

Dear Sakshi,

If you say BK Seniors will not tell, then what is the point in me asking? Yes at some point in the future I hope to be in a position to ask, but until now that is not possible.

If Mr Patel was Piu in a past life (am I correct?) and he is God Father Supreme Soul, then it is fair to assume that you have access to this information.



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Post18 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:I must tell you that the history of any institution whether be b.k, p.b.k or Vishnu Party it won't pay you the way towards God Shiva. It is only the Godly knowledge which is given directly by the god which is not said in any of the Vanis and Murlis ... which can help us.

Sakshi Behan,

I have couple of questions, what is the take of Vishnu Party on Destruction, you got a time frame or date mentioned by PIU?

What is the current strength of members of Vishnu Party? Would people like me, who haven't yet taken the course from you be allowed to meet the heads of your institution - Father and mother?

Thanks in advance, Worldpeace
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abrahma kumar

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Post19 Feb 2007

I must tell you that the history of any institution whether be b.k, p.b.k or Vishnu Party it won't pay you the way towards God Shiva. It is only the Godly knowledge which is given directly by the god which is not said in any of the Vanis and Murlis ... which can help us.

Thank you sakshi Delhi, I was going to ask why, given the above analysis of yours, do you think it the case that the BKWSU treats the public dissemination of Murli as a definite 'no-no'? However looking more closely at your response the question becomes irrelevant because one reason must be that the BKWSU does not agree with your analysis and another must be that they see their role in the revelation of God to human souls as being UNIQUE. However we may never know for sure.

Sakshi Delhi, are we to understand from your response that your opinion is that God's children are ALWAYS and ONLY directly mouth-born? If that is the case how do we human soul's stand a chance distinguishing the ONE TRUE GOD from all other soul's that make their presence felt on earth?

Does it mean that since the Confluence Age started there is always a Godly Chariot on earth? Does it mean that such Godly's Chariot's will be amongst humankind till the end of the Confluence Age or God Shiva's task of establishment is completed?

The relevance of Sparkal's recent post elsewhere in the forum shines even more brightly when our discussion takes these turns (imho).

Thanks in advance saksi Delhi for sharing your received wisdom with us.

Om Shanti.

sakshi delhi

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Post19 Feb 2007

To ex-bks

Look Bhai. we are not here for destruction. Rather we are here to change this world. I mean to say that God never comes for destruction. Our aim is to change this world. We teach the transformation of elements of these five elements into the supreme elemtents (light body).

Our point here is to discuss divine knowledge and not the members present in each others institution. i think you should be more concerned with The Knowledge and i m always there for it. Now I put a question to our question, how you would identify that this is my divine Father and mother?

Only Supreme Father can impart the worldly knowledge. How we came into this body? Who we were? If he is Supreme Ffather he would provide you with the creation and merger of the soul.

So unless you do not believe in his knowledge how could you know him? So the question that can you meet Father or mother stands in queue. First you have to take knowledge that only you can meet him because it is of no use that you don't believe in their saying and you want to meet them.

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abrahma kumar

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Post19 Feb 2007

Ah well worldpeace seems like discoveryofnewworld organisation requires questions of a different nature altogether. In good time we will learn what sort of things to ask, perhaps. Or maybe we just wont care.

Om Shanti.

P.S I wonder where Sparkal is?
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Re: reply

Post20 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Our point here is to discuss divine knowledge and not the members present in each others institution. I think you should be more concerned with The Knowledge and I m always there for it.


I was being polite in the hope that you would join us as equals. Although I do not speak on behalf of anyone else, I make the observation that we are all reasonable, realistic and fairly intelligent people here. Excuse my honesty but I am left feeling that you are wasting our time and showing us disrespect now. You walk into someone else's house and then start to tell them what they want to know, what they should do, how they should behave while ignoring their reasonable questions of who are you, where have you come from, what is this we have heard about you? What are we to think!?!

We are asking for you and your group's introduction first, to understand the relevance of your participation here, not to be taken through a logical dance irrelevant to the nature of this forum. What I have heard is that there is some sort of connection between the BK, PBKs, and the Vishnu Party. I would like to know what it is and what the history is first. You are acting like your group has something to hide.
    a) Is it true that the Vishnu Party was involved in attacking Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs, how and on what grounds?
    b) Who does your Mr Patel actually think he is? God, A or The Supreme Soul, a medium for God Shiva ... or do you have a different concept of God?
This I think is a constructive, not destructive, foundation for discussion.

One of the observations that has been made here is that the BKWSU has evolved into a religious business with a number of marketing fronts, and that a number of leading followers have realised this and quite ambitiously taken the model given to them by the channelled entity Shiva and made parts of it their own. Either on the scale of the Kirpalani Klan or on the Cotswold cottage industry of the Mike Georges etc. Whether Virendra Dev Dixit is the new medium for A Supreme Soul God Shiva or not, for most of us it is still only a theoretical question. The jury is still out on it.

What seems clear is that the BKWSU have tapped into the existing politico-religious marketplace and created their own powerbase and franchise. New members, or "senior faculty members" such as Nikki de Carteret and Brian Bacon have expanded the BK model into other areas such as New Age or executive coaching. Academic specialists generally see the PBKs as a back to roots reaction to the BKWSU corruption and excesses. A Gandhian response in my own words.

What it looks like to me is that your Mr Patel saw what the leading BKs and PBKs have ... and wanted a bit of the action for himself, attracting dissident BK and PBK members who felt the same. Your dominating actions here suggest to me that you expect us as BKs or PBKs to be easy meat for your sect. Your sect appears to be marketed closely to the BKWSU model, yet uses PBK claims and experiences to give it special validity, e.g. the disappearing Murlis, the advance nature of your knowledge, the BKWSU corruption etc. You appear to want to tap into an existing market of disenfranchised BKs and PBKs, offering them something "more special".

What are you and Mr Patel getting out of it? Is it financial? He seems to be most upset at having given money to both the BKs and PBKs and not got out of them what he wanted? Or is it about status and importance? Some neither the BKs nor PBKs would have afforded him. Well, OK ... I am buying, what has he got to offer?
    Is he God, a guru or a medium?
    Where did your knowledge come from and how?
    Apart from the BK connection, what tradition and lineage does he belong to?
Thank you.
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Post20 Feb 2007


I don't think it will be possible for you to request for others to stop asking certain questions. I think the posters have considered their questions and not been unreasonable. I must admit it does make one wonder if something is being hidden and why ...
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abrahma kumar

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Post20 Feb 2007

... You walk into someone else's house and then start to tell them what they want to know, what they should do, how they should behave while ignoring their reasonable questions of who are you, where have you come from, what is this we have heard about you? What are we to think!?!

Observations as per the above symbolise why this forum is a very necessary place indeed, in part because even here we see certain tendencies being played-out. Tendencies that many of us have been on the receiving of for far too long (sometimes even without our being conscious of it i suspect). In cyberspace we can demonstrate in a respectful but forthright manner that we have broken free of the mind control shackles that some would rather we stayed bound up in.

My observation is that: You walk into someone else's house and then start to tell them what YOU want them to know, what they should do according to YOU and how they should behave according to YOU. While ignoring their reasonable questions of who are you, where have you come from, and what it is we have heard about you?

We know what we are to think and we are free to think it while at all times honoring the spirit of the forum which also provides you a space to post - I will always respect that and your being here.

I wonder if it is a language thing? Are we missing something/reading too much into Sakshi's feedback? Is this the sort of treatment that Bharatwasis are accustomed to or indeed need in order to wed themselves to a the guru-type? Is lording it over others and/or being lorded over by others a necessary part of the 'Eastern' mind-set? Does the East take it for granted that the West will remain forever enthralled to the 'lore' of the ancient stories/wisdom that the East professes itself to be seeped in?

And because my questions do not come from a racist standpoint I will state the underlying soul conscious energy that prompts my questions: Are we souls at such a stage in The Cycle that only by such methods can we hope to 'regain' our elevated status? Do we have to surrender our intellects to such an extent that 'blind acceptance' becomes THE means by which THE Almighty first breaks the back of our ego so that we can be set as jewels in rosary of victorious souls, thence to take birth in paradise? Is that how we earn our place amongs the Deities?

Is the Lord truly a Lord who has no time for reason but desires instead that we dash ouselves over the cliff-edge like lemmings?

So please sakshi Delhi, if you are mindful to try again.

Thank you



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Post21 Feb 2007

Sakshi Delhi wrote:Look Bhai. we are not here for destruction. Rather we are here to change this world. I mean to say that God never comes for destruction. Our aim is to change this world. We teach the transformation of elements of these five elements into the supreme elemtents (light body). Our point here is to discuss divine knowledge and not the members present in each others institution. I think you should be more concerned with The Knowledge and I m always there for it.

Dear Sister,

Let me explain you the nature of this forum, as I know.

--> Most of us here have been BKs, so your introduction classes are of not much use to us.

--> And we are very, very reasoning, so your plain words like "transformation of elements", "only God can give such knowledge" and so on doesn't convince us. For your info, PBKs have been answering the questions most logically on this forum. I can send the links of those discussions if you want, so that you get an idea of the experience, intelligence and maturity level of the souls here.

--> The evolution of BK, or BK history is as important as knowledge itself. Well, people are worried over Iran's nuclear programs because they don't have a good history(sorry for the political statement). Well, the point is, if the history of an organisation says it was involved in amassing wealth, least cared about poverty alleviation, involved in violence and so on ... Do you think it is credible when they say "We are the service of mankind?"

--> We expect people take ownership. If you say "Go ask BKs" or "I cannot or won't answer" or "you cannot ask such questions", then I would say, you are not serving us. (I presume you actually came here to do service)

--> PBKs get the questions answered from Mr. Dixit, that lends lots of credibility to them. Can you get our questions answered from Mr. Patel?

--> If you still think, here are a bunch of confused souls under the spell of Maya whom you can change through the power of Yoga and bombarding knowledge - well, personally I won't ... because I script my part in Drama :).

But, honestly I would like you to spend more time on this forum, so that you a feel of it and stay here. We value your time. All that we are expecting is, you too value our time and give straight answers. Thanks.

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abrahma kumar

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Post21 Feb 2007

Talk about laugh - I nearly paid my licence fee! Deadly serious laughter of course! Well said Worldpeace. Posters like that ought to take a little look at the new topic: "Hi, I am new and would greatly appreciate some guidance please" on the Newcomers page just in case they think we are sleepwalking. Or perhaps they think GOD exempted them from adhering to principles of duty-of-care when dealing with human beings.

sakshi delhi

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Post21 Feb 2007

param shanti,

my dear Brother and Sister, as i know you are very intelligent there but why you cant think that in Murli, why ShivBaba ask every time question? Why he not explaining in simple language? Why he not say simply that the PBK and Vishnu Party are wrong, what is the ShivBaba's problem? I think he should say in simple world ...

As you BK and PBK read Murli, why has Destruction not happened? There were lot of time limits given? There has been 70 years passed, there are 9,00,000 BKs? So why until now has ShivBaba not found 108 seed souls? i think you are waste your time there because you are not in that soul, you should found these souls. Simple logic, Shiv Baba had not given the new world knowledge so that how can he destroy the world. And also Baba has not given knowledge about the creation of world.

In the Murli, Baba always says, you are not ready, you are not ready ... so you intelligent people, what is your problem? Why have you not became ready? 70 years have passed and you not found 108 seed soul, as you very much intelligent people there, what you will do? ... Please wait and watch ...

Shiv Baba always in human form (corporeal) so that people can see that god.

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