BK meditation - New Age Style

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abrahma kumar

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BK meditation - New Age Style

Post07 Feb 2007

This originated from the BKWSU Headquarters site in India. You do not have to listen to all 57 minutes 24 seconds of it but please do listen to it. By the time I got to 24 minutes I was amazed at what I was hearing. Is this the future of BKWSU Raja Yoga meditation? Link here

Now that you have listened, tell us what do you think?
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Post07 Feb 2007

I did not recognise much of BKness in it at all.
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Re: BK meditation - New Age Stylee

Post08 Feb 2007

Actually, some of it is quite good. It qualified some experiences I used to have when I start BK Raja Yoga in the section about the astral/etheric body. But it is not BKWSU Gyan. I cant see the connection.
Abrahma Kumar wrote:This originated from the BKWSU Headquarters site in India ... Now that you have listened, tell us what do you think?

Are you sure!?! Really ... 100% ...? Or you you just confusing that whoever stuck it up on Google also plugged the BKWSU?

More details and it is for sale, see; http://www.spiritual-reality.com/ or http://www.meditationguru.com/aboutus.php?acode=na. Nothing on the BK's site.

Of course, it looks like it is made by the same folks that did other stuff up there for or in the BKWSU's name ... but I would want have it confirmed officially before I believed you!?!We need to be careful
    Who are "Space, a group of Spiritual masters"?
It says, "Meditation Guru is the brainchild of Spiritual Master P.N. Chandrashekar who has studied, experienced and researched the higher frequency realities."
Jupiter animation releases 'Spiritual Reality' : Esotoric knowledge conveyed with CG

Chennai based boutique studio Jupiter Animation, has released a CG based VCD*/DVD product, Spiritual Reality in association with Space, a group of Spiritual masters.

As the name suggests, the product is about meditation and meditational experiences and is essentially targeted at the growing number of Indian and International people developing spiritual leanings.

Speaking to Animation 'xpress, Jupiter Animation directors Subheesh Raamanathan and V.S Elangovan said that,"For the first time, spiritual truths have been given a visual form, We worked on the product for a year and a half. A lot of talented CG professionals have worked with us on a contractual basis to complete the product"

Released in August 2004 and priced at Rs 345, the product has sold 8,000 copies in India till date. The UK release is scheduled for March and talks are on with content distributors from across the globe.

The DVD contains 57 minutes of rendered CG which is mostly surreal visuals. Apart from the CG which has been created by Jupiter other credits include music composed by Kadri KEYS, and voice by Ashish Vidyarthi.

From; http://us.animationxpress.com/anex/y2k5 ... nex168.htm

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