Who is allowed to teach the 7 day course?

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Who is allowed to teach the 7 day course?

Post06 Feb 2007

In the newcomers subforum, a member was being taught about dinosaurs in the 7 day course.

Can any BK or PBK or anyone else give the correct requirements for who is allowed to teach the 7 day course? Murli points if necessary.
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Re: Who is allowed to teach the 7 day course

Post06 Feb 2007

Can any BK or PBK or anyone else give the correct requirements for who is allowed to teach the 7 day course, Murli points if necessary.

I think it is only Sisters and Matas who can give the 7-Day course.
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Re: Who is allowed to teach the 7 day course

Post06 Feb 2007

John wrote:I think it is only Sisters and Matas who can give the 7-Day course.

You have become a PBK John and ought to change your group!

In my day ... anyone that the center-in-charged liked. It was entirely random. I was not formally checked out, trained up or anything. I went from teaching at my local center to the region HQ without any formal review. There were no special classes/courses for teachers either.

In fact, they were pretty desperate to have any teachers, anybody teaching the classes at all because it was so hard to find BKs that were will to do it.

It might have changed these days, I do not know. But probably not in smaller centers. Yes, I'd tell them about Jesus, the Dinosaurs, the End of the World, the whole works. If they were keen, I might string it out to 8 or 9 classes and do the Murlis as well. I had some great students and they had some great/weird/wonderful freaky psychic experiences too. We taught the course straight back then.

Aye, I remember the old days ... when a BK were a BK and yo' all got to meet God on top of a hill in India personally. None of this "executive leadership" nonsense and blessing by the busload.
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Post06 Feb 2007

Can any BK or PBK or anyone else give the correct requirements for who is allowed to teach the 7 day course, Murli points if necessary.

Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. I have some points related to the 7 days bhatti, but at present I don't have any specific point which particularly mentions about who can teach the 7 days course. I have this Murli point which clearly states that it is the Sisters or mothers who can give the Godly knowledge although Brothers can explain in the exhibitions.

"Tum deviyaan hee nimitt banti ho gyaan deney khaas. Bhal pradarshani aadi may gop bhi samjhaatey hain parantu aksar karke tum mataen hee brahmani ban raasta bataati ho. Isliye deviyon ka naam jaasti hai."

“You devis only become particularly instrumental in giving The Knowledge. Although Brothers also explain in the exhibitions etc., but mostly you mothers only show the way by becoming Brahmani (teacher). That is why Devis (female deities) are more famous.” – (Sakar Murli dated 14.10.68, page3 published by BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

There are many Murlis which state that Baba has placed the pot/urn of knowledge on the heads of mothers/virgins only.

Although it may be common in the BK centers for the male BKs to give the seven-days course to the newcomers, but at the mini-Madhubans and gitapathshalas of AIVV the seven days basic/Advance Course is given only by the Sisters/mothers. The male PBKs can give message to any male BK/non-BK, but they cannot give the seven days course. But there might be exceptions at places where there are no PBK mothers/Sisters. This information has been given as part of the Q&A thread in the PBK section.



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Post06 Feb 2007

at the mini-Madhubans and gitapathshalas of AIVV the seven days basic/Advance Course is given only by the Sisters/mothers. The male PBKs can give message to any male BK/non-BK, but they cannot give the seven days course.

I agree, the mixing of sexes, especially in a small class, more so in a one to one session and happening at the wrong time of the month for some, can often lead to lots of unwelcome drishti. Especially at the start of Raja Yoga (7 day course) when a newcomer does not yet have the understanding of body consciousness and soul consciousness.

"Men are from Mars" and "Women are from Venus" at the start of the course. Somehow Jupiter intervenes later down the course.


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Post06 Feb 2007

To throw in another wobbly, how many of you had an Indian teacher on your 7 day course ?

This may or may not have real significance, but I think it does.
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Post06 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:To throw in another wobbly, how many of you had an Indian teacher on your 7 day course? This may or may not have real significance, but I think it does.

My teacher was Indian. In fact, I was the only regular at the centre. Definately the only 'non' Indian that went.

I had the whole centre to myself :D . They treated me very well.

Ahhh those were the days ...
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abrahma kumar

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Post06 Feb 2007


The words ‘Yoga’ and ‘Raj Yoga’ in the context of other yogas
and what exactly ‘meditation’ is.
Explain the form of the soul and its relationship to its instrument, the body
Explain how the soul falls and regains its true identity of eternal peace etc ...[
The meaning of Om Shanti
Where the soul is located in the body
The three functions of the soul
The difference between soul consciousness and body consciousness

LESSON TWO – Supreme Soul

Describe the form abode and the characteristics of the Supreme Soul
Explain the similarities and differences between the soul and the Supreme
Describe how the Supreme Soul is the Father, Mother, Teacher, Beloved
and Satguru of the soul.

Explain the meaning of the names ‘Shiv’ and ‘Baba’. Emphasise that Raj Yoga is the Yoga of the relationships with God and so it is necessary to understand and experience each of these relationships.

The Supreme Soul is not omnipresent. He is the Director with the specific role of purifying and redirecting the souls at the end of every world play. He creates in the sense that he purifies.

Briefly introduce Brahma Baba as the instrument for the incorporeal and explain how Brahma was a true example of what it means to be a Raj Yogi.


The word ‘karma’ – each thought, word and action is karma.
The law of ‘cause and effect’
How we store and carry with us our imprints and how they determine our
circumstances in our life, our personality etc ...

Explain why we commit wrong karma, the consequences on the mind, body, relationships, circumstances and how to settle them.

Give examples of positive settlement compared to before where we would increase our negative karma.

Explain the importance of meditation on settling and changing our ‘karmic account’


Explain how time moves ‘cyclically’ using examples e.g. clock, year, life of a person, seasons etc ...

Compare it to a lokik drama with actors.

Explain the Drama Cycle


The story of human civilisation as presented in The Tree.
The connection between the seed, the trunk and the branches.

Describe the role of the religious founders with the characteristics of their individual religions

Describe the role of Bhakti, its characteristics, when it begins and why it begins

Emphasise how The Tree comes from the seed and that the aim of Raja Yoga is to re-link with this seed.

Throughout the course the student is encouraged to have meditation.


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Post07 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote: LESSON ONE – THE SOUL The words ‘Yoga’ and ‘Raj Yoga’ in the context of other yogas
and what exactly ‘meditation’ is.
Explain the form of the soul ...

From the PBK thread, Know THYSELF to Know GOD
Anamik wrote:First we have to know ourself. We have to feel ourself as Soul.

I am in some sort of agreement with Brother Anamik ... as I am still on Lesson One? :oops:
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Post07 Feb 2007

I am in some sort?of agreement with Brother Anamik... as I am still on Lesson One

ShivBaba (through Lekhraj Kirpalani and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) and Avyakt BapDada (through Gulzar Dadi) has said several times that the first lesson is the last lesson. :D :lol: :D
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Post08 Feb 2007

Ex L is right in this, basically anyone can give the course, and it is usually the one the centre-in-charge takes a shine to. The normal thing is you will sit in first with an experienced teacher and learn the ropes, until eventually you are let loose on your own!!!!

I gave the course to hundreds of unfortunate people :lol:, on a 1-to-1 basis and also in public halls with crowds of up to a hundred ... and I am no Sister or mata, at least ... :lol:
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Moved over

Post08 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:Ex L is right in this, basically anyone can give the course, and it is usually the one the centre in charge takes a shine to, the normal thing is you will sit in first with an experienced teacher and learn the ropes, until eventually you are let loose on your own!!!!

My own experience reflects that of ex-l and Mr. Green. They are quite happy at the centres to be relieved of the work of teaching the 7 day course.

I am working on something about the course itself, and I will put that in the "Psychic Dimensions" Thread.
ex-l wrote:
proy wrote:Of course all that is supposed to be kept secret - at first they say you can have your own god, be a Jew a Catholic, whatever. A Catholic woman in the class went nuts about it. Something like, "I thought you were talking about the concept of the one loving God, now you are telling me you met god in India and he is a little old lady."

I can confirm that they are still saying stuff like that.

In fact, I saw it only a few months ago where one of them was pretending, or claiming, to be Christian for the sake of service and to make the BKs, or BKWSU, look like something they are not. But, don't worry, they will just say that that woman will become one of the powerful early Christian souls in the next Cycle because she managed to take so much of the 7 Day Course.

I am interested in this distinction between the courses in the West and "The Hindi Course".

Can we take this conversation over to the thread on the 7 Day Course?

OK here it is on the 7 day course thread. And yes, they did say exactly that to the woman, that she would be one of the first to "come down" with Jesus.

I have posted my ideas on the psychic side of this on the "Psychic Dimension" Thread as I thought this thread was more to do with who is allowed to teach the course.

The Hindi course is the one I learned from the old correspondence course, and was the same as what I was taught in Madhuban. The Western course is very softly, softly, catchee monkey.
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Reading Murli before ever being to Madhuban?

Post26 Feb 2007

During private conversation with one of our members, he/she suggested that I raise as a thread to this commonroom forum a question I presented under our discussion.

Considering that the issue emanating from this question may reveal more of the wrongdoings of the BKWSU centers, as well as to stop others from accepting as true the many misconceptions of these teachings taught as an authority on spiritual matters, I consent to submit it to you now:

Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course? To me it is preposterous. It is a sign of how progressively and subtly the teachings of Raja Yoga are being corrupted.
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Post26 Feb 2007

Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course? To me it is preposterous. It is a sign of how progressively and subtly the teachings of Raja Yoga are being corrupted.

OK.. well, that would have been me in my first year in Gyan!! I did not read Murli, but I think by the time I'd been coming regularly to class for about 5-6 months, I started taking individual students and then small groups. I wouldn't have said the centre where I took Gyan where I took the course was particularly forward looking in its thinking; the teacher would tend to check with the Seniors before blowing their nose, but (and this is going back about 10-12 yrs now) there did seem to be a whole batch of younger bodied souls who came along at that time who jumped in at the deep end with service.

I never got any instruction on how to teach; it was a case of sitting in on a few courses with older teachers and then doing it on your own. But I did not learn how to really be a clear instrument until about several years later, and not in my centre either.
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Re: Reading Murli before ever being to Madhuban?

Post26 Feb 2007

driedexbk wrote:Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course? To me it is preposterous. It is a sign of how progressively and subtly the teachings of Raja Yoga are being corrupted.

Me too ... and a few became BKs.

My wonder is who is doing all the teaching since so many of the old "quality" souls left Gyan!?! I think in both cases center teachers were and still are grateful or desperate for anyone to come forward and teach the course. I think I got more opportunity than most because I will willing to come forward and take over courses which other BKs could not, for one reason or another, continue teaching. Its funny to look back at the facade we kept up and all the goings on behind the curtains.

I agree. Its wrong. It was just me and my wonderful charisma or BS as usual ... ;-).

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