The New President of America

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The New President of America

Post02 Feb 2007


did not Bush snub the BKs invite to Madhuban?

A new BKWS Organization talking-shop, I mean service campaign, to "reveal the integrity and rich tapestry of human greatness in the American character" has started. Naturally it is "greatness" rather than humility, soul or god consciousness.
BKWSU wrote:In the United States, in this first decade of the 21st century, there is a compelling need for greater leadership at all levels. This is not just a call for greater leadership in business and politics, but a call for human greatness itself.

Are the qualities that underlie greatness intrinsic to everyone or are they a gift of the rare few? If, in fact, everyone has the potential to be great, how do we emerge such greatness and what would that look like in society today?

It can be said that greatness is not a single act, but a way of being that nourishes the self, others, and the community. It is intrinsic to every human being, arising from the unique expression of innate qualities such as love, peace, and wisdom. These qualities are the seeds to human greatness, and the true expression of these qualities is human greatness itself. When we awaken and express the simple essence of our being, we are able to create an extraordinary life, a life of greatness that leaves a positive mark on the lives of others, society, and the world.

Incidentally, unlike other elite BKs like Brian Bacon, being a "senior faculty member" is not enough for this Sister, Mohini is now the "President" of the BKWSO. Is that world or just Zone America? A bit early if Dadi Janki has not died yet ... and I am not so sure that "America's part in world history reflects the ongoing human struggle of good over evil, order over chaos". Do these people actually believe these things?

What about the bit about the "science proud Yadavas" and the Nuclear Holocaust? Oh, it has been written out again ... OK. I get it ... making up stories and then talking your way out of it, aka "conversation"! I'd rather say New America was the cause ongoing human struggle and chaos.
BK Mohini Panjabi wrote:Dear Friends,

I came to the United States of America in 1978. The gifts I brought to this country were the deep spiritual insights that I had accumulated since the age of 16. The gift I received in return was an environment in which these insights were greatly enriched. This has contributed to my own growth in an extraordinary manner.

America's part in world history reflects the ongoing human struggle of good over evil, order over chaos. Although America's role in world history is very recent, the story of the world is now very old. This ancient story has grown so complex that it has become difficult to discern truth from fiction. It is a story that to some is now wholly out of control and whose basic values have come into question. It is a story that perhaps has had its day.

I believe that the people of America have a powerful, positive role to play in creating a new story of humankind. This belief is based on a culture of authenticity, building a community where everyone has permission to be himself or herself, and no one has to melt down into one common mold. It is based on a culture of promptness to act - leading to newness and innovation. It is also based on a culture of natural dedication and unity, which is easily stirred by a significant cause or a higher purpose.

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization supports the development of the American story: a story that reflects the empowerment of every individual to manifest his or her purest being through the fundamental principles of peace, love, happiness and contentment for all.

The project Celebrating Human Greatness is a contribution the Brahma Kumaris are making to this story following our 30 years of service in the US. We embrace the people of America and the commitment we each have to realizing and sharing our inner greatness and beauty.

I invite you to join one of the conversations we will be hosting this year, and to experience the deep roots of greatness that are within all of us.

With my warmest regards,

BK Mohini Panjabi
President, Brahma Kumaris, USA
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abrahma kumar

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Post02 Feb 2007

Thank you ex-I very revealing indeed. If only the BKWSU could see some of the allegations hurled in their direction in an article I have come across entitled: "New York Brahma Kumaris Terrorists Connection and Behavior" they might slow down a little on all this "compelling need for greater leadership at all levels" mularkey. As for the "President, Brahma Kumaris, USA" signoff what can one say!

About an hour ago I was entertaining myself with thoughts of a spoof "BKWSU PMQ's" (I learnt that there is a political tradition in the UK by which the Prime Minister apppears in the House of Parliament to answer questions from fellow members of parliament - opposition party members included - on various political issues of the day. PMQ's stands for Prime Minister's Questions. If you get a chance to catch a BBC podcast or radio broadcast of this event then please do as it can be quite a laugh).

The scenario I was playing around with envisaged that the Prime Minister would actually be a BK - a senior one of course - and the questions would pertain to all-sorts of everything and anything. The cabinet would comprise of BK's - senior ones of course. The back-benches could be occupied by an assortment of realists, malcontents, those waiting for a leadership handover (preferrably before the next election just in case the electorate decides to throw the presiding party out) and not to forget the ordinary students as must have a few of them. Our malcontents (senior and mid-level BK's) would be in a constant state of rebellion, upset because the elevated government positions they were promised whilst campaigning for the Party at the previous election failed to materialise. Add to the parliament a liberal sprinkling of government defectors (cross-bench MP's I think they are called). And not to forget the opposition members of parliament as one could always dangle a few carrots in their direction in case of a hung parliamant at the next general election in which case a coalition government might need to be formed.

Alas, I see that my musings have been overtaken by reality because the BKWSU now has a President, Brahma Kumaris USA amongst it's upper echleons. Boy oh Boy what a coup. Unification at last! Unification at last! Thank God Almighty Unification at last!

Please do not believe everything you read.

Om Shanti everybody. Have a nice day now
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Post03 Feb 2007

Mohini I have met a few times. She has the habit like Janki of telling everyone how fantastic she is, how everything was harder in her day and how tireless she worked for the likes of us type of thing. A bit like Janki's banana story :oops:
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Post03 Feb 2007

Sister Mohini wrote:With my warmest regards,

BK Mohini Panjabi
President, Brahma Kumaris, USA

• “BapDada dono hee bachhon kay servant hain. Tumhaarey doh servant hain. Oonch tay oonch ShivBaba, fir Prajapita Brahma.” (BKs dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli taareekh 2.6.05, pg.4)

• “Both Bap and Dada are the servants of children. You have two servants. Highest among all, i.e. ShivBaba and then Prajapita Brahma.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 2.6.05, pg.4 published by BKs)

When Baba is telling that both ShivBaba and Prajapita Brahma are the servants of children, then how can we children assume the title mentioned above (President, Brahmakumaris)? The BKs may say that it may be mandatory under the US rules to mention the post of the functionary. But, even if that is true, the post could have been mentioned in the registration document and not in the invitation letter. Baba has specifically said in the Sakar Murlis that even Presidents and Prime Ministers write 'Your obedient servant' while signing on letters.

And haven't we been directed by ShivBaba in the Sakar Murlis to write 'On Godly Service' while signing off?

On Godly service,
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Post03 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:And haven't we been directed by ShivBaba in the Sakar Murlis to write 'On Godly Service' while signing off?

The BKWSU edited that bit out too, I bet. Soon the Murli is going to be a blank sheet on which you can write your own opinions. And it is a bad sanskar doing what the American authorities tell you, look what hapened to Sadam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Papa Doc Duvalier, the Contras, the Mujahideen, Somali warlords, Idi Amin, Pol Pot and a few of America's other agents in the fight of good against evil. (* link)

On Godly Service, ex-l
US State Department wrote:"Our real task ... is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity [U.S. military-economic supremacy] ... To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming ... We should cease to talk about vague and ... unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization ... we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better."

George Kennan, Director of Policy Planning. U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23.
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Post04 Feb 2007

Sister Mohini wrote:With my warmest regards,

BK Mohini Panjabi
President, Brahma Kumaris, USA

And ShivBaba spoke:

"Mai toh tum bachhon ka most beloved obedient Father bhi hoon, teacher bhi hoon, servant bhi hoon. Badey-badey royal aadmi jab neechey sahee daaltey hain toh likhtey hain Minto, Curzon, aadi.....Apney ko Lord kabhi nahee likhengey. Yahaan toh Shri Lakshmi Narayan, Shri falaana. Ekdam Shri akshar daal detey hain." (BKs dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli taareekh 28.06.06, pg 2&3)

"I am your most beloved obedient Father also, teacher also, and servant also. When big royal personalities sign below, they write Minto, Curzon, etc ... They never write their name as Lord. Here they write Shri Lakshmi-Narayan, Shri. so and so. They immediately add Shri before their names." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 28.06.06, pg 2&3 published by BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

With regards,
On Godly Service,
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Post04 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:On Godly Service, ex-l

:D :lol: :D Trying to please ShivBaba :?: :?:

Please don't mind. It is just a joke. Even though you are an ex-BK, you have an equal right to do Godly service just like the BKs/PBKs.

On Godly Service,
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Post04 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:you are an ex-BK, you have an equal right to do Godly service just like the BKs/PBKs.

That is what I figured ... plus the great thing about being an ex-BK is that you cannot do disservice like the rampant BKs do.

We have another BK "president", so it is spreading. It must make them more important sounding to be "a president". Or may be is one becomes a president, and gets away with it, they all have to become one. This one is "Rajayogini Ratan Mohini Dadi, President of the Youth Wing of the Brahma Kumaris of Mount Abu Rajasthan, who came for a darshan with (the Guru/Saint) Amma. She offered Amma a religious symbom of their group." ... tapuri.htm
Rajayogini Ratan Mohini Dadi, la présidente de l'aile des jeunes des institutions de Brahma Kumari, de Mont Abu au Rajasthan, est venue pour le darshan d'Amma. Elle offre a Amma une photo du symbole religieux de leur groupe.

31 Août 2006, Amritapuri
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Post06 Feb 2007

Oh ... Janki is a President too !!!! It must be their latest wheeze ... a bad case of "too many Chiefs and not enough Indians"? ... /index.php wrote:Dadi Janki, President, The Janki Foundation for Global Health Care

Just out of interest, do you not need qualifications to be a nurse? Even during the years 1937-1951. Anyone know what she actually did?
jankifoundation wrote:Serving for 14 years as the appointed nurse to a 300-strong spiritual community, from 1937-1951, she observed the impact of mental, emotional and spiritual factors on recovering from illness.
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Post13 Feb 2007

Not the old 'Thatcher was a grocer's daughter' routine surely. The people have already fallen for that one. Once bitten ... The whole awareness/ concept of PRESIDing over others is rather vulgar really when you think about it. Like dogs trying to mount each other or something.

Perhaps it is a bit like the corporate companys of this world being pronounced psychopathic by observant psychologists. "Everybody wants to rule the world". Well, America, if it is big you want? ...
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Post14 Feb 2007

Where's my post gone?
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Post14 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Thank you ex-I very revealing indeed. If only the BKWSU could see some of the allegations hurled in their direction in an article I have come across entitled: "New York Brahma Kumaris Terrorists Connection and Behavior" they might slow down a little on all this "compelling need for greater leadership at all levels" mularkey. As for the "President, Brahma Kumaris, USA" signoff what can one say!

"The requested content is no longer available. It has been removed by a Google editor." :lol: :lol: :lol:
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abrahma kumar

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Post15 Feb 2007

Wow Zhuk, someone BK is really very, very busy. Do you think that they are monitoring this site on a full-time basis? And as for the President of The Janki Foundation title (placed in bold because my remarks are not addressed at the individual but rather the emerging trend in the BKWSU). What is going on? No wonder sitting at the ghaddi seems to bestow ;) upon one the airs and graces of rulers. Does it take a particular profile of individual to seek/earn such a status within the BKWSU? Have the Seniors become adept at spotting the particular human-type that is most useful in perpetuating this nonsense. Surely no full-facultied individual could observe all of this without a question being raised in the mind about the true intent of the BKWSU. For all the BKWSU talk about selfless service to humanity these 'titulations' smack of self-aggrandizement. Dear God, where are you?
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Post15 Feb 2007

"New York Brahma Kumaris Terrorists Connection and Behavior"

I presume the terrorists in question are the likes of Bush and other Al Quaida members. (?) Not to mention the global criminals within the UN
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Post26 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:Mohini I have met a few times. She has the habit like Janki of telling everyone ...

How long has she been in Gyan? What is her history?

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