How many Ravans or Mayas are there ?

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How many Ravans or Mayas are there ?

Post02 Feb 2007

It is said that Maya get defeated.

So is there only one Maya /Ravan in as much as there is one Supreme Soul ?



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Post02 Feb 2007

Dear bansy Bhai.

That is the billion dollar question; Who is this maya-ravan????????

If Supreme Soul Shiva is in person then the question is who is this Maya-Ravan whom the children have to fight and defeat??? Is it the 5 vices or is there someone in real life (chaitanya) whom we have to identify and defeat.

Can any BK or PBK please answer this very important query? (Important because if we are fighting the enemy then how do we fight or beat an enemy whom we do not know?).

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Post02 Feb 2007

I have read many times in Murli that Ravan/Maya is not a person but a symbolism of the 5 vices.

Has anybody read different things in Murli?
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abrahma kumar

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Post03 Feb 2007

Om Shanti John, Shivsena. To the best of my recollection the Murli references to Maya/Ravan seem to "flip-flop" in-between symbol and personality depending on - well i do not quite know. Everytime I think I get the picture up would come an opposing Murli point so that I would be back in the work-in-progress mode - sorry that doesn't help much.

Shall we monitor the Murli's over a given timeframe to see what will turn up?


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Post03 Feb 2007

We are told there are devils but what is a devil. Our understanding of the negative is equally important as our understanding of the positive. Some of us are never told explicitly that we have vices or explained in detail where they are from, except that our original nature is pure, in which case where does Maya-Ravan come into it all.
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Post03 Feb 2007

Come on bansy, we all know Ravan is a big clever man with a huge moustache, black not grey, and that Maya is a golden deer one minute then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post03 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:Come on bansy, we all know Ravan is a big clever man with a huge moustache

Definitely any man with facial hair ...
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abrahma kumar

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Post03 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:Definitely any man with facial hair ...

Who, although the possessor of 10 hands still remains unwilling to shave?! :evil:
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Post04 Feb 2007

It is said Ravan comes from Dwapur yuga. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit explains that Dwapur means dualistic. Two religions get established, two countries, two kingdoms, two families, two directions and downfall starts firstly in the mind. In Golden and Silver Ages there is still downfall but there is the world of purity and unadultery, so it is slow. From Dwapur Yuga some souls fall very fast and get converted to the second religion. It is also said that there is semi-destruction in the beginning of Dwapur Yuga. There are earthquakes. The land divides into (symbolically). But also physically a new continent a new land comes up from the waters and gets populated. When there is dualism there is clash. Fighting starts. So the new formed religion has to move to the new place.

Ravan also is satopradhan at first. Maybe he has only two heads initially, then heads become more and more. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says heads means directions. Each mouth speaks his own direction so facing Ravan one can become sick. That's why it is said that we cannot kill Ravan, but Ram kills him. We burn Ravan each year and each year he grows bigger and bigger. We burn him because he burns us for half The Cycle. 5 vices and 5 elements of nature are the 10 heads of Ravan. Nature is under the control of Ravan. Nature comes into the control of Ram and the world becomes pure.

Ravan cannot be the soul of Abraham, because whichever soul comes from up above is at first pure. It is said Maya – Ravan are those bodily gurus. There are many now who call themselves God – God works through them. We cannot kill this Ravan. We cut one head and ten new emerge in its place.

It can also be a symbol of the humanly created order of rule of people over the people where people with different directions gather together. Whereas God creates a kingdom. In a kingdom there is only one direction of the one king. Even in Christianity in prayers they say, "Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven". So, they too accept God creates a Kindgom. Democracy is manmade. But ask them how and when did he create the kingdom, who was the king, who is Christ's Father – God the Father - they don’t know. They also say, "Hallowed be thy Name" – but ask them what is his name – they say – God. Is "God" a name? It is rather a title. He must have a name. Even in the Bible it says, "in the beginning there was the word and the word was with God". So how does He speak? He should need a mouth. Which is this mouth? When is this mouth used? When is the beginning of time? Ask them and they don't know. In the Koran also. and in the Bible too, it is said that God gives orders or commandments. How does he do that? Does a voice sounds from the sky? That iss why this knowledge is for all the religions.

So it is said that now we leave these bodily religions created by bodily gurus, because each religion has its own separate community with its own customs and systems. Christ says, "only those who believe in me will reach eternal life" but to whom does he speak to? He speak to his own religious people. Anyone who belongs to another religion will not accept. So these gurus pose as Gods. And the biggest bodily Guru who poses as God is the soul of Krishna. He is the Moon of knowledge so Chandravanshis, or warriors, are established through him.
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Post28 Feb 2007

Maya-Ravan can be known as the five vices (Ravan) and elements of nature (Maya) but also it can also be known by watching those who play the part.

As with all parts in the drama their must be actors. This role is no differnt.

But whom would be the one who can rise to the highest and yet stoop so low as to reform the most degraded Ravan like souls?

Whom would have the controlling power over those souls who pull the world into a pit.


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Post30 Mar 2007

Where do all our vices go when we purify our souls by Yoga ? Into thin air?

Given the laws of thermodyamics, the energies stay within the world. Are we therefore giving our vices to others whilst we become pure, and then destruction by nuclear and natural means the way to get rid of all the accumulated vices, thereby renewing the world? (Although we still haven't fully worked out how vice comes into The Cycle when it is pure at the beginning).

Yes, the Supreme Soul is the Purifier, so he purifies us. However, where do the vices and negatives go?
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Post30 Mar 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:However where do the vices and negatives go ?

As per the Advanced Knowledge being given by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) the vices do not vanish in the Golden and Silver Ages, but remain merged/dormant and when body-consciousness begins from the Copper Age and when souls of other religions start descending from the Soul World the vices that were dormant in the deity souls until then, become active and starts influencing the surroundings.



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Post30 Mar 2007

Thanks for your reply Arjunbhai.

I haven't got so far as to into the Golden or Silver Ages yet in my query, but within this Confluence Age does this mean by the fire of Yoga during this Auspicious age will simply suppress our negativities and vices deep into our souls whilst the purities and virtues emerge and "dominate" our personality, and thus eventually the dawn of the Golden Age when the numbers make up the rosaries? That's the first part.

For the second part, we now going into the Copper Age, the first drop of vice was triggered by a body conscious "thought", and thereafter more thoughts (which lead to words and actions). But what triggered this negative thought if all was pure and clean ? Would that negative thought be triggered by a soul having gone through the Golden and Silver Age, or from a soul that has descended (i.e. started its birth) from the Copper Age onwards. Eventually this soul's thought triggers the negativities to all other souls (whether of 84 or 63 or less births) and thus the whole of humanity.
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Re: How many Ravans or Mayas are there ?

Post07 Apr 2008

In the Advanced knowledge the explanation given to Maya is "Ma" - means no and "aya" means to come. It was better if she did not come. It comes in a form of remembrance of some person or object with which we have had connection in the past.

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